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THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, Executed this /47 day of Thal
rm .t....J k '1 WLC.Ci.SG✓'
by first party, Grantor,
whose post office address is 74, T C S
to second party, Grantee, j,,y. `A ns'07.1
whose post office address is j 4 7 '�G,. 3 T
1Nrill M r :01 r`.1 r
00 JUN -6 i1 9: 0 1
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your state requires 8'/2" x 11" forms, cut off the bottom of this page at the dotted line.
ZOO() (year),
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WITNESSETH, That the said first party, for good consideration and for the sum of
Dollars paid by the said second
party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim
unto the said second party forever, all the right, title, interest and claim which the said first party
has in and to the following described parcel of land, and improvements and appurtenances there-
to in the County of A,,1 ii0 J y) State of bel y a ml y1 to wit:
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AFHH (1) Rev. 4/99
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