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NELSON CONNIE NELSON SW1 /4SW1/4 I V CW 1/16 EXHIBIT A N 89'43'09" w 564.78' N 00'06'48" E 240.88' S 87'02'19" E 81.05' DELTA 25' 19' 16" Do 21'13'14" T 60.65' R 270.00° L 119.32' NE1 /4SW1/4 SE1 /4SW1/4 SW 1/4 SECTION 12 RESURVEY OF T21N, R117W OF THE 6TH P.M. 1 1 1 1 731 LEGEND a FOUND BRASS CAP c FOUND 2' AL CAP SCALE' I' 500' DESCRIPTION (NW 1 /4SW 1 /4 EXCEPTING 3.1 ACRES) The NW1 /4SW1 /4 of Section 12 of the resurvey of Township 21 North, Ronge 117 West of the Sixth Principol Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, EXCEPTING the following described parcel: EXCEPTING Commencing at the west 1/4 corner of Section 12 of the resurvey of T21N, R117W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; thence S 89'43'09 "E along the northerly boundary of the NW1 /4SW1/4 of said Section 12, 754.73 feet to the point of beginning of this description, said point being o point on the south and westerly boundary of o rood easement; thence S 2'48'24 "E along the sold boundary of a rood easement 1.62 feet to the PC of o curve to the left, the rodius of sold curve being 317.03 feet; thence continuing along soid rood boundary, along the arc of said curve to the left. 186.82 feet, through o central angle of 33'45'49 thence S36'34'13 "E, continuing olong the said boundary of o rood eosement, 59.97 feet to o point, said point being the PC of a curve to the left, the rodius of soid curve to the left being 180.00 feet; thence continuing along the soid boundary of o road eosement, along the arc of sold curve to the Ieft.238.10 feet, through o central angle of 75'47'22" thence N67'38'25 1, continuing along the sold boundary of o rood easement, 60.35 feet to a point, sold point being the PC of a curve to the right. the radius of sold curve to the right being 270.00 feet; thence olong the said boundary of o rood easement, along the are of said curve to the right 119.32 feet, through o central angle of 25'19'16 thence S87'02'19 "E, continuing olong the soid boundary of o rood eosement 81.05 feet to a point, said NW1/4SW1/4 of said Section 12, thence N0'06'48 "E along the easterly boundary of sold Section easterly 12, 240.88 feet to the CW 1 /16 corner of sold Section 12; thence N 89'43'09 "W along the northerly boundary of the NW1 /4SW1/4 of said Section 12, 564.76 feet to the point of beginning of this description. The oreo of the parcel described herein contains 3.1 ocres more or less. The parcel described herein contains 36.9 ocres more or Tess. A PORTION OF NW 1 /4SW 1 /4 SECTION 12 RESURVEY OF T21N, R117W 6TH P.M. LINCOLN COUNTY, WY 0111 724 DELTA 33'45'49" Do 19'57'41" T 87.11' R 287.03' L 169.14' 68711'36 "W 287.03' BASE BEARING S 89 E 131951' ACT S 89'43'09" E 1319.84'REC EXHIBIT B DELTA 25• 1 9' 16' Da 19 T 67.39' R 300.00' L 13258' SW1 /4SW1/4 a 59.97' 60.35' DELTA 75 22" Do 38'11'50" ..1 T 116.75' R 150.00' L 198.42' NW1 /4SW1 /4 DAVID M. NELSON CONNIE NELSON NE1 /4SW1 /4 SE1 /4SW1/4 SW 1/4 SECTION 12 RESURVEY OF T21N, R117W OF THE 6TH P.M. DESCRIPTION 1 732 X. LEGEND o FOUND BRASS CAP C FOUND 2' AL CAP CENTER LINE THIS EASEMENT SCALEI I' 500' A easement for a rood though the NW1 /4SW1/4 of Section 12 of the resurvey of Township 21 North, Range 117 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. The rood easement described herein being 60 feet wide, 30 feet each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the west 1/4 corner of Section 12 of the resurvey of T21N, R117W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; thence S 89'43'09 "E along the northerly boundary of the NW1 /4SW1 /4 of said Section 12, 784.77 feet to the point of beginning, said point of beginning being the PC of a curve to the left, the radius point of said curve bears S8711 287.03 feet from said point of beginning; thence along the arc of said curve to the left 169.14 feet, through o central angle of 33'45'49 thence S36'34'13 "E, 59.97 feet to a point, said point being the PC of a curve to the left, the radius of said curve to the left being 150.00 feet; thence along the orc of said curve to the left 198.42 feet. through o central angle of 75'47'22" thence N67'38'25 "E, 60.35 feet to a point, sold point being the PC of o curve to the right, the radius of sold curve to the right being 300.00 feet; thence along the arc of sold curve to the right 132.58 feet. through a central angle of 25'19'16 thence S87 "E, 79.56 feet to the point of terminus. Said point of terminus being on the westereboundory of the NW1 /4SW1/4 of said section 12 and from which the CW 1/16 corner of sold Section 12 bears N0 "E 210.85 feet. The total length of the easement described herein being 700.02 feet more of less. *easterly State of Wyoming County of Lincoln SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 Thomas D. Crank, of Kemmerer, Wyoming, being o licensed surveyor in the state of Wyoming hereby, certify that this map was made from notes taken during an actual survey performed under my direction by Bill Abriani for whose work I stand personal responsible, during April 1998 and that said survey is accurately represented heron. Z# ,a.„rI Thomas D. Crank. P.E. L.S. 5465 MAP TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR RIGHT OF WAY ACROSS PRIVA NDS