HomeMy WebLinkAbout866316Jo TTe Pue goes 4e144 spur ATTeoT ;toads lano0 eta '41odag TeuT3 pies uT g4aog 4as se sgasse e4e4se go uot4ngta4stp pue uoTsTATp eql o4 paTeTndT4s pue paaabe seq ege4sa stgl go ee ngta4stp buTwTeio Bros aqf 4eg4 pue 'uoTingTalsTu pue squawAed pasodoad aq4 of pue 'uoTgngTa4sTa ao; uoT4T4ed pue TeuT3 Pees 91 44 0 4 'ATTe.zo ,10 btT4TpM uT 'PeTI; ueeq anew suoTgoaCgo ou 4e114 sa4ou ganoo aq 'uoT4eutwaegap pue butaeaq o4 uo butpaeooad aellew stgy os4Taew aq4 uo uoT4eutwaagap pue butaeaq 04 uo paaooad o4 qgbno aa44ew sT144 eaogaaag4 pue 'saT4aed pa4seaaquT TTe pue aa44ew 4oaCgns alp aano uoT4oTpsTanC eJaTdwoo pue TTn3 seq Tanoo eqq Jegq. pue 'uoT4ngTa4s aog uoT4T4ad pue 4aodej TeuT3 PTes uT 144a0; 4as se s4esse e4egsa go uoT4ngta4stp pue uotstntp eq oq pageindT4s pue peaabe seq 'e egsa sTgq. go aegngtaqstp eTos alp 'uTeaaq saTgaed pagsaaequT TTe geq sputa 'sestwead eq4 uT pasTnpe ATnp butaq pue 'utaaaq paooaa go eTTJ eq4 Jo 4sa1 a44 se TTa' se '6661 'p1 Aaenuef uo PeTT3 4aode TeuT3 go Tenoaddy os quesuo0 pue aoTloN 3o aaATeM eq4 pameTAaa buTneq pue utaaeg4 pautequoo uoTgngTaqsta pue squewAed pasodoad aq4 paMetnaa butneq '4aodag ptes pemeTAaa buTneq '4anoo 8144 pue 'a4e4se pauoT4deo anoge eq4 go eAT4equasaadau Teuosaad 9 Aq 6661 'b1 Aaenuer uo utaaaq Peru se uoT4ngtagsta Jog uoTJt4ad pue 4aodag TeuTa aqq. uodn Tattoo aq4 aao;aq sewoo aa44ew peuoTldeo anoge eql '6661 r Fir N 3 5N 3 I NA on VW 6661 T adb 311:1 17 92 OO pp,,II O3A13O38 0851 'ON e4egald EDdd lid )OOH 04, ONIIAIOAM 1330111A )I 3T4 Vf', N v1p9NINOAM 30 EIIIS '3SZ3'IHfS 20 AINnOo 0 :c 0 d 64mplwpia 'WiDianr (I, 1 I9 p'82inoo Z3I21ZSIQ an NI go Aep NOISn8Ij1LSia 30 332I03a (NV JAIOd32T 0NIA02Idd' UMW t st uo MON peseeDeQ 'NVNK3A 3 3021030 30 2J,YLsa MU 30 2I3SSVN 3111 NI 7 65 Report and Petition for Distribution are true and correct, that the accounting has been properly waived, that the conduct of the Personal Representative in the administration of this estate as reflected in said Report is in accordance with the law and the prior Orders of this Court, that good cause exists for a final distribution of the assets of the estate at this time, and that therefore an order and decree ought to be entered providing for the full and final distribution estate, and the closing thereof. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Final Report and Petition for Distribution, as filed herein by the Personal Representative, be and the same hereby is fully and the statements made 1. in the said Final of this finally approved, Representative in finally approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Personal Representative shall proceed forthwith as follows: and all of the doings of the Personal the premises be and they hereby are fully and Distribute the assets which are setforth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto in the manner as setforth in Exhibit "A Furthermore, any property hereinafter discovered belonging to the decedent shall be distributed as setforth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. In making such distributions the Personal Representative shall execute and deliver such assignments, deeds and negotiations and like instruments that shall be necessary or appropriate to effectuate said distribution. 2. The sole distributee, Jeanette Marie Hacklin, either as sole distributee or as Personal Representative, shall pay the accountant for preparing the final Fiduciary Income Tax Return and shall pay any income tax which may be due thereon, if any. 3. Jeanette Marie Hacklin, either as the Personal Representative or as the sole distributee shall pay any additional costs incurred by the attorney for the estate, William H. Twichell, r Q SGT •ebaegos -Q ao3 uoT T e aeq 3ano0 910. 1 43TM eTt3 TTegs eA- equeseadag Teuosaed eq3 'oqaaegq. goedsaa 1 43xM 'Caessaoau uoTgequewnoop TTe gVTM 'uTeieq paaapao se 's3esse a e4se TTe 3o uoT4ncITJ4sTID eqq pee dwoo seq aAT3equeseadal Teuosaad el-14 uauM 3e Q23210SQ QNK aaxanray 'Q3113Q2i0 2isna ru SI ZI •eao ;aaagq. gdtaoaa e 3o buTTT3 aq3 seATeM eao ;aaegq. gano0 alp pue e e3sa eqq. 3sutebe eIgeabaego sT xe3 e ease JO xe3 aoue3taequt ou Teg3 sputa 4ano0 eql QMUO3Q QNK aaoanray 'ua2120210 2isHS2ina SI ZI e e3sa stgl. buTzITeuT; uT laodag TeuTa a44 30 butaedead eq3 gouts 9 9L y_- r dO Ad 1SY1 a 3Hl `mr Nodn vVVI WOWS AVM M ON 1003H01 34aOir� si sip. c "rral 0 71d0 Idi�0 W. V 36r t0031103 3H1 A 'd30 h H 00 3�6V 31VIS 3H1 NI WV MNn00 01 I. i s NIHUM 1Hf12 3IW.SIG 7VI M HININ' 11 dO )4U313 `N3SN31 J $A1IkiYYa 311319nS dO A1Nn0O ONWIOAMA0FFau AO US 4.);4 4.q PROPERTY IN T8 ES ATtr The Estate above mentioned consists of real property including mineral interests and personal property as hereinafter set forth. REAL, PROPERTY, AS Di RrnEn The real property described in Exhibit "1" attached hereto consisting of 98.91 acres more or less. Value 238,083.18. .E HIBIT "A" The minerals located on, appurtenant to and underlying the real property described as: The west half of the northeast quarter (W4NE'1), the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NENE and Lot Three (3) of Section Seven (7); and Lot Three (3) of Section Eight (8) all in Township 26 North, Range 112 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian (6th P.M.), Lincoln County, Wyoming, except for and excluding therefrom the property described in Exhibit "2" attached hereto. Said property to include any and all Oil and Gas leases appurtenant thereto. Value:$ 85,889.00. PERSONAL PROPERTY: The household items are listed in Exhibit "3" attached hereto. Value:$ 680.00. The vehicles are listed in Exhibit "4" attached hereto. (The 1982 Tamarack VIN 16212134021DA (Mobile Home) was sold prior to decedent's death, but the title had not been transferred to Ross Howard, the purchaser, prior to decedent's death and therefore, said mobile home and its value do not belong in said estate but, should be transferred to Ross Howard.) Value 10,500.00, of vehicles not including 1982 mobile home. Decedent's interest in the Oil and Gas Lease between George E. Yeaman and Marie C. Yeaman, husband and wife, and Helfer Natural Gas Company, dated November. 29th, 1956, and Decedent's interest in that Pooling Agreement Yeaman #1 Area, between Belco Petroleum Corporation and George E. Yeaman and Marie C. Yeaman, husband and wife, dated October 25, 1959. Value: (included in the mineral interest above described) PISTRIBUTION: The property as hereinbefore described as being in the subject estate should be distributed as follows: 767 Treys qua aoa a .UTTxoeH ataeN el4eueer 01 pe ngrilsTp eq P P ya oq buoTaq oq paaanoosr a a e P q l3eaaay Aew yoTyM 'ueweax '3 abaoa quapeoap aye 3o 'laadoad Tie pue Cult 'urTxoeH aTaew aggauear oq pagngTaqsTp eq TTeys 'ueweeA 3 abaoap 3o agegs3 anoge 9144 uT 'jaadoad buTurewea awl. 3o mt 'q eep s,1uepeoap oq Iorad awoq aTrgow pue 191.1M0 Tn;ay5Ta 9141 'paeiw1 ssoH oq apewea 3 aaseyoand eTTgoW) VOTZ06£TZTZ9T NIA xoeaewe a Treys (81110H Z Z861 aye 3o aa3sueay aye ur sqsaaaqur Teaaurw 'alegsa 00'099$ 3o wns ayq ur o 3o TesTeadde euq §UTxew aoa pue se H '3 eor oq apew act TTeys quawICed p ao s�Cauaoauao��e aoa pue se °slsoo JO; pue se Z9'LZZS 3 50'£L8 9$ 3o awos alp ur aqels3 aye TTayorMy °H weTTTtM 04 apew aq TTeys quawAed R9/. 769 A parcel of land in Section 6, 226N R112W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point situated at the Southwest corner of the 5E44 of said Section 6, thence North. 148 feet: thence East, 610 lizeg thence South, 148 feet; thence West,. 610 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO The W r NE t4, NE r.4 NE 3 b and Lot 3 of Section 7 and Lot 3 of Section 8, 126N R112W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyouring. LESS AND EXCEPT the following parcels: Excepted Parcel #1 All Land described in Warranty Deed to The State of Wyoming; recorded October 7, 1959 in Book 39PR on page 545 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #2 All land described in Warranty Deed to Alvin D. Chapman and Agnes Chapman recorded August 19, 1977 in Book 138PR on page 532 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #3 All land described in Warranty Decd to the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- -Day Saints recorded June 10. 1963 in Book 61PR on page 205 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #4 All land described in Warranty Decd to Bruce E. Jones and Margaret Jones recorded May 7. 1965 in Book 70PR on page 39. of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #5 All land described in Warranty Deed to LaFont Improvement Corporation recorded January 25, 1983 in Book 196PR on page 521 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #6 All land described in Warranty Deed to Gary R. Bowers and Cynthia A. Bowers recorded September 12, 1977 in Book 139PR on page 293 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #7 All land described in Warranty Decd to .Ronald E. Hacidin and Jeanette Marie Hacklin recorded Pebruary 25, 1971 in Book 93PR on page 157 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #8 All land described in Warranty Deed to Ronald E. Hacklin recorded April 17, 1978 in Book 14SPR on page 142 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #9 All land described in Warranty Decd to Ronald E. Hacklin and Jeannerte M. Hacklin recorded October 1, 1980 in Book 168PR on page 631 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel #10 AU land described in Warranty Deed to Silver Eagle 011, Inc. recorded January 5, 1980 in Book 171PR on page 557. of records of Lincoln County Clerk. EXHIBu ..2 ,t, 1181HX3 30 J1 !Vd An T spzooaz 3o ELL ebpd uc3 spaea LZ X4 1 uT 6£6 1 6UTwOAM..'A ;uno3 uToouTZ 04 Pe913 A ;ueziEM uT PegTzoBep pUrl TTY Teozga pe ;deoxa •XzeT0 A ;unop uToouTZ ;o spume/ ;o 05L abed uo speeCi ;o LZ xoog uT 6£6L 'PI, warp/ pepzooaz buTWoAM 'Aqunop uToouTZ 04 Paw' A ;uezzpj uT PegTzosep purl' TTY TeozEa pendeoxa Excepted Parcel All land described in Warranty Deed to Bruce E. Jonas and Margaret Ioaes recorded May 7, 1965 in Book 7OPR on page 39' of taw,ds of Lincoln County Clerk. Excepted Parcel All land described in Warranty Deed to Ronald E. Bacldin and Jeanette Marie Hacklin recorded February 25, 1971 in Book 93PR on page 157 of records of Lincoln. County Clerk- Excepted Parcel All land described in Warranty Deed to Ronald E. Hack in. recorded April 17, 1978 in Book 145PR on page 142 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. Ex cprcd Parcel All laud descrted in Wasrainy Deed to Ronald E. facklln sad' Ieaanetre M. Raeklln recorded October 1, 1980 in Book 168PR on page 681 of records of Lincoln 'County Clerk. Excepted Parcel All land described in Warranty Deed to Lincoln County, Wyoming., recorded July 7, 1939 in Book 21 Deeds on page 173 of records of Lincoln County Clerk EXHIBIT 'z 77_ 00 089 00'00T 00'05 00'SZ 00'05 00'0E o0'0E 00'09 00'0T 00'5 00'0T 00'Sb 00'01 o0'0S 00'0T 00'0T 00'0T 00'05 00'Sb 00'05 9 JJ9IHX3 sme ;T eyeavo 3 ptogesnoq 'DSTW 9 00'019 saeas1Q jo suseg0 E 00'0T* 112e01ei11 E oo'oZ# spec E SNOOHa= E 0 00'S 9 9 00'ST* a?IOJANZANI azoxgsnou :MYNA zVsos ezees,a deem t ,eLza t segsim :mom JurnIn sdmin E GNU ee3;03 t seTcrn Pu3 ssTIM3 PTO 'A'I segono0 :140011 ZN0U I Ksea.PTO t =TIM PTO t gano3 PTO t :N3a 0 00'SZ$ s3e8 e44euTa Z anon T efPT=3 :NSxosix O aWG:.:;L A) VEHICLES 1993 Ford Truck 1FTEX14H6PKB67081 frees .c-o 1981 Ford Bronco Wagon 1FMDU15G9BLA 41 354 1977 Ford Thunderbird 73875- 153,284 1963 Ford Truck F35CK 345 888 /or ..0•0 1982 Tamarack 16212134021DA (Mobile Home) (This mobile home was sold prior to the death of the decedent and therefore no amount is indicated for the appraisal because said vehicle needs to be transferred by the Personal Representative to the purchaser whose name is Ross Howard.) EXHIBIT 773