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-Aqaod 1SSH oEE glaoN aouagJ oauTT Aa punoq APM
Jo -Tubta piss buols suTpgo (T6'E) stppaapunH aUO
AgauTN pus aaagI ssH i Zi�OT upaoN aouagq 'psoa
-Izs21 otJzosd uozun pTss go auzT Aaspunoq ii ;o
-gg6Ta uaagsaM agq uo quTod s oq sutsuo (LO'Di6)
sggpaapunH uanas pus anog- AgauTN 1ssH aouagq '99
loeiy pzas go kaspunoq ATaaqsaM uo quTod
P buzaq 'T goa.zy go Z •oN aauaoo buTuuTBag
:sMOTTog SP pagTaosap
ATaslnoTgasd aaouz '(GT) 71994119A9S not '409s JO
v pus equi pus (8) 4 7 4.TH uotpoas go 08 pus
6Z sgoZ pus 'T9 pua 'GS '99 sgoa1y 1C
go suoTgaod buzaq pus (psoaTTSrd of ;told uoTun
Mou) Ausdwoo ppoaTTPE auiZ wogs uobaao auk
go Apm ;o -quota alp go auzT Aaspunoq ATaagsaM
alp go pasMgsaM ATaaT4ua buTAT pull go gosaq K
•9G ptX 'SG 'r79 '£9 'Z9 'SS 'VS s4oa.zy Aanansag
88 Pus tiT ZT 'TT squa :(81) uaaTt;STH uotpoas
'OZ Pus 6T s40 :(L) uaneg uot4o9s
-off 'SMOTIog SP pagzaosap buTuioIM go agsgs pus uToouz7 go Aqunoo
agq uT buzaq pus buTAT pusT go Taoasd ao gosaq :sq: TIP 'aanaaod
'subtsss S T pus aaqusap agq oqun Januoo pus 'qusao 'aTsuoQ
saop 'squasaad asagq Aq op pabpaTMom{os Agateq sT goa.zaTM
gdzaoaa agg 'aaqusao alp Aq pzsd pusq uT IT oq (00•000'0T7G$)
SHICIUOa 00T/ON arm Q WSROHI LL Od aallaN11H NHAHS ;o tuns auk
go uoTTsaapTSuoo uT pus aoj 'aojusao alp Tsus 'HySSSHNILIM
pus 'papuauzs SP '(Tsi7 'gsgS 8v) DE6T '91 uoaxW 3o qay
dW q S buTqunH pang Aaogsa6TW agq jo Agtao ns agq aapun '5ZZO8
opsaoToo 'aaAuaQ '98f7SZ Xog 'o'd 'aoTAaeS aTTIPTTM pup uST 'S'fl
op as ;usa0 'subtsss S T pus voIERWv 3o SHZviS QHZINn aqq pus
'aoqusao 'burtuoIM go aqsqs pus uToouTZ go Aqunoo alp uT 'aajsniy
9Tos 'uoslapuy •M saT1vti0 Act 'G661 'SZ t.Ioavw pep 'lsnay
BuIATZ uos19puV Z Ain/ 9t11 'pua e snit' 'iscrem Viler Aq 'G661
ozays palap '4sn1y buTAT'I butpooO uopppays 91;1 ;o pasodutoo
ZvaeueD bututoRM a 'ANWATOD dHHHS AHIMAHHOIH ueaMgaq
d 0 aunt go Asp PuZ s T .0 q a P sW H2InJ,NHQNI SIHJ.
$1 E; 4LJ 6 t nr 00
aDVd )1(1
nine and Thirty -seven Hundredths (49.37) chains
along said right -of -way boundary line; thence
North 6 °5' East Fifty -one and Seventy -four Hun-
dredths (51.74) chains along said right -of -way
boundary line; thence North 89 °58' West Seven and
Thirty -five Hundredths (7.35) chains along the
North boundary line of said Lot 29 of Section
Eight (8); thence South 1 °30' West Twenty -three
and Twenty -eight Hundredths (23.28) chains to
Corner No. 4 of said Tract 61; thence South 1 °30'
West Forty and Forty Hundredths (40.40) chains
to Corner No. 3 of said Tract No. 61 identical
with Corner No. 2 of Tract 62; thence West
Twenty and Three Hundredths (20.03) chains to
Corner No. 6 of said Tract 57, identical with
Corner No. 1 of said Tract 56; thence West
Eighty and Twelve Hundredths (80.12) chains to
Corner No. 4 of said Tract 56; thence South
0 °15' West Forty and Seventeen Hundredths (40.17)
chains to Corner No. 2 of said Tract 54, to the
Place of Beginning.
Section Ten (10): Northwest Quarter of the North-
west Quarter (NWl/,NW'
Section Twenty -two (22): Southeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter (SE TE
Section Twenty -three (23): Southwest Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter (SW'/NW%)
Section Thirty -five (35): Northwest Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter (NW'/,NW' South Half of the North
Half (S%N
Section Thirty -six (36): Lot 6.
Part of Section Twenty -six (26), Township Twenty
four (24) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120)
West, 6th Principal Meridian, lying South of the
Thompson Etcheverry allotment fence being more
uT asn go quiod 'sga 59'Z1 3o SJD 00°TT 10g sa1DV
99L 'AgTaoTad 0881 't1O TQ AaTxid 'ZZ98 '0N Jooad
'gTwaad TpTa0gTaaa,L i8T pup LT suotgoas uT asn
go qutod 'sgo S8°Z Jog saaav S91 'AgTaoTad 0881
'uo�TQ AaTxTd 'TZ98 °0N jooad 'lTwaad TWTaoTTaaas,
:ATM -o 6uTMOTTO; auq 'ol pagtwTT qou qnq '6uTpfTauT 'spupT
pips uo sasodand aaggo .zo xoogs 'oTisawop 'uoTgp6TaaT aog aaTpM
o4 'subissp pup saossaDOns 'satau 1Tauq 'saoqupao pTps aTgiqua
aauupw Aup UT 110TUM spupT pipsaao ;p auk uo pasn aq Apw 194 ;paaau
ao Mou pap uoTUM 6uTuTaq.zadds asTMAup uT ao buT6uoTaq oqunaiagq
sgTgoad pup squawaspa °sbuTids 'saionaasaa 'Api- go- squ6Ta gogtp
pup 'sagogip 'aa3pM aagPM Tip pup Aup u�iM '2I�Hy�0Oy
•ss@i 10 aaow
'saazp 95'89ZZ utpquoo pupT go sgopaq pagTaosap -anogp au
•6uTuuTbag go qutod auk o qaa; (00'5511) aATJ -AlJT3
paapunH aup pupsnous aup ugnos anp aauauq °qaa;
(00'Z6L) oMq- AgautN paapunH uaAas gsaM anp aouauf
'aaua; J,uawgoTTp pips 6uoTp qaa; (00'SSTT) aAT3
Aq ;T3 paapunH aup pupsnous aup 11 anp aauauf.
!aoua; quawgoTTp pips oq gaaj (00'Z6L) oMq- AgauTN
paapunH uanaS qtspg anp aouagf °(t£) auo- A4atuy
uot409g pips go aauaoa gsaMInnos agq. Jp buTuuT6ag
:SMOT1oJ sp pagTaosap ATax1noTgapd
aaow buTaq aoua; quawgoTTp Aaaanauagg- uosdwouy
agq. go Innos 6uTAT 'uatptaays IQdTouTad m9 'gs9M
-(6tt) uaagauIH paapunH auo a5uag 't(,1ON (n) anog
Aqueiy dtusuMOy '(t£) auo- Agattu uoTloag go Japd
uutbag go qutod aq4 oq qaa; (00'89£) aaagf -AgxTs
paapunH aaauy gnnoS anp aauauq. :aouaJ quawgoTTP
pTps 6uoTp qaa; (00 °088) AqaTLII paapunH aaaus
1saM 00010E08S ulaoN aouagq :aouag quawroTTf pTps
6uoTP gaaj (00'9111) uaaaxTs paapunH aup pupsnous
aup gsaM 0 18 ugnos aouatiq !aoua; quawroTTP pips
6uoTp *4aag (00'LZOZ) uaAas- AquaMI pupsnous, oMs
qsaM n0010E gTaoN aauauq !aouag 4uawg0TTp
pTps 6uoTp iaa; (00 °86T) g1-16Ta- AgautN paapunH
aup gsaM 091 ufION aouauq !aoua; quawloTTf pips 0
gaag (00'86178) 4116Ta- AgauTN paapunH anog pupsnous
aaaus gspa anp aauaun '(9Z) xis- Aquaby uotjoes
pTps 40 (YtMS'tMN) aagapna gsaMggnos agq go aagapna
gsaMupaoN pips go aauaoa gsaMuqnos atiq 6uTuuTbag
:sMOTTo; SP pagTaosap ATapinoTgapd
F 4S O
Sections 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19; Territorial Permit,
Proof No. 8634, Pixley Ditch, 1881 Priority, 41
Acres for 0.58 cfs of 11.4 cfs, Point of Use in
Sections 17 and 20; Permit No. 295E, Mau Canal 1897
Priority, 26 Acres for 0.37 cfs of 7.34 cfs, Point
of Use in Section 8; Permit No. 9120, Proof
No. 23297, Covey Canal, 1909 Priority, 27.55 Acres
for 0.4 cfs of 1.99 cfs original supply supplemental
supply for 80 acres with original supply under 1$80
and 1881 Territorial appropriations from Pixley Ditch,
Point of Use in Section 17; Permit UW 308, Well, 1959
Priority, 154.25 Acres for 1440 gpm, Point of Use in
Sections 7 and 18.
Any part of Territorial Permit 1761E, Proof No. 8782,
Pixley Ditch, 1907 Priority, 6 Acres for .08 cfs that
may attach to the lands described herein.
Assignment of 284 shares of capital stock of
Woodruff Narrows Reservoir Company; and, assignment
of 284 units of partnership interest in Woodruff
Narrows Limited Partnership.
The above described lands are for the present use and
benefit of the Fish and Wildlife Service, United States
Department of the Interior.
1. Existing rights -of -way for highways, railroads,
roads, pipelines, canals, ditches, laterals,
electrical transmission lines and telegraph,
telephone, and cable lines.
2. Any oil, gas or mineral rights of record
reserved to or outstanding in third parties.
3. Rights of the United States and third persons,
if any, as provided for by the patent(s).
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with all the
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, to the Grantee and its assigns, FOREVER. And the
said Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, executors and
administrators, do covenant With the Grantee and its assigns,
that they are well seised in fee of the lands and premises
aforesaid and have good right to sell and convey the same in
manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free from all
encumbrances whatsoever, subject to:
aaugapd /gsnay 6uTAT'I uosaapuy
•Z Aapi alp go aagsnay
uosaapuy M saTapgo
aaugapd /gsnay 6uTATZ
6uTpoop uoTJpPN auq. go aagsnay
aagaM PU f
--wgarn vwon :AEI
drgsaaulapd Tpaauao 6UTWOAM p
•uaggTaM anogp gsgT; tpaA pup App
agq pupti sJT qas oqunaaaq aoqupao auy '3OS2LHHM SSHNSIM NI
QNddda QNV S,N`flI I IM TTTM aoqupao GIP Joaaau4 4.Ipd Aup
to siogM atgc wTpTo oq t 6uTUiTaI° ITTnJM2T suosaad Tip gsuTp6p
su6Tssp syT pup aaqupao auk go uoTssassod aTgpaopad pus gaTnb auk
uT sasTwaad pup spupT paqupa6 pup pauTp6apq -aAogp aq4 puy
'8ZZ a6pd '2id59Z [OOS '8861 '9
aaquiaqdas papaooaa 'eDTaawy go saTpgs paTTun
agq oq sasuadxa TuquapTouT pup t.16noaq aaTem
pup 'auTTedTd 'xoq 6uTa(Is p aoJ of uoTwas go
'(%MN%MN) aagapn0 gsaMgJaoN agq go aagapn0 qsaM
tflaoN auf SSOaop 'q pTM UT gaag 01 'quawaspa °5
ii8 E a5pd
'2IdTL No '5961 '8 aagogoo papaooaa /updwoo
gt16Tri pup aaMOd LIPqn oq sasodand TPTuapTouT
pup gdpabaTal pup auotgdaTaq 'uoTgngTaqsTp
'uoTssTwsupaq oTawa1a aog 0T uozwas go
%MN) aagapna qsaMugaoN auk ssoaop quawaspd •T
State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
On the 2nd day of June 2000, personally
appeared Jana Weber, who being duly sworn, did say that she is
the Sole Trustee if the Madylon Gooding Living Trust, and Charles
W. Anderson, who being duly sworn did say that he is the Sole
Trustee of the Mary L. Anderson Living Trust, and both duly swear
that they are Partners named in the trusts comprising Etcheverry
Sheep Company,and that said instrument was signed on behalf of
said general partnership by authority therein provided and they
acknowledged said instrument to be the volun ary act and deed of
said general partnership.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: February 2, 2002