HomeMy WebLinkAbout865695Teeny Mae Julian and Joyce Kay Jacobs, being first duly sworn upon their oaths according to law, certify and state as follows: 1. That on the 19th day of July, 1991, Harry F. Julian, acting as Settlor, and Harry F. Julian and Teeny Mae Julian, acting as Trustees, entered into an agreement creating the Harry F. Julian Trust, which trust, for formal purposes has heretofore been referred to as: 1997. 3. That upon the death of Harry F. Julian, Teeny Mae Julian and Joyce Kay Jacobs, succeeded to the trusteeship of Harry F. Julian under said trust, all in accordance with the terms and provisions of said trust. 4. That said trust, by and through Harry F. Julian and Teeny Mae Julian, Trustees, is the record owner of an interest in real property situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 5. That for purposes of holding title to trust assets, beneficiary designations, transfers directly to the trust, and formal correspondence, said trust shall hereafter be referred to as: Teeny M Julian, Trustee of the Harry F. Julian Trust dated July 19, 1991 VERIFICATION OF SUCCESSOR CO- TRUSTEES HARRY F. JULIAN and TEENY MAE JULIAN, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the HARRY F. JULIAN TRUST, dated July 19, 1991, and any amendments thereto (said Trust has sometimes been referred to as being dated July 18, 1991, and has also been referred to as being amended March 22, 1994). 2. That Harry F. Julian died at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 24th day of July, TEENY MAE JULIAN and JOYCE KAY JACOBS, Trustees, or their successor(s) in trust, under the HARRY F. JULIAN TRUST, dated July 19, 1991, and any amendments thereto. Joyce Kay Jacobs, Trusto2. D f ,he Harry F. Julian Ttiffitr! 6 9 Fated July 19, 1991 co 45d [AY 3 1 10: P'"E AN of11 tt� �4twr17 t1IV$711i:.iCl v'� M G BOOK 445 PR PAGE 2 4 4 &q `000Z `tud :Po "P tignd /th 1oM MOiVIAWSIU$i 3NOMOIINOO 0MS 0 A1100 x1N1e AWLON i aHUVW Y V1NW W •sgoo1 f XIx 001co f SIT au atopaq papaimouxog put `off u.loms `paquosgng co o e`e- 1, :saitdxa uotsstutuuoo .pas Imi0TJJo pug puiq iuz ssaultM •ss Ja11m oomS Jo icluno3 UTLUOi Jo owIS a'TI :saudxo uotssuututoo XyAT is igtotgJo pug puiq i(uz ssaup •u1iinr OJAJ Atm' Xq `000Z `Judy Jo /cup site auz atojaq pa2pajmouxo1 pug `off atoms `pagposgng c17 7 •ss Ja21miaamS Jo Juno3 2utuzoiM Jo awls au S9R0 1991. STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE My Commission Expire /••7- 0168L/41 ss. 1200 Key Bank Tower 0 1200 C f salt Lake City UT 84144 TF IAN Notary Public esiding in O.UU RG22 ::i July L7, 1771 .11:i4,4 IN eocK 29.9RR....� •��13'7, ��!i Wyo. Recorded at Request of Nn 735907 c. AD€ CLERK at .m. Fee paid by Dep. Book Page Ref.: Mail Tax Notice to c/o Harry and Mae Julian, 1310 Central, Kemmerer, Wyoming, 83101 QUIT -CLAIM DEED I 1 HARRY F. JULIAN and MAE JULIAN, aka TEENY MAE JULIAN, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, Grantors, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby Quit -Claim all of their interest in the following described property, an undivided one -half (1/2) to Teeny Mae Julian and Harry F. Julian, as Trustees of the HARRY F. JULIAN TRUST u/a dated July 18, 1991, and an undivided one -half (1/2) to Harry F. Julian and Teeny Mae Julian, as Trustees of the TEENY MAE JULIAN TRUST, u/a dated July 18, 1991, such property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: The South Ten feet (10') of Lot Numbered Thirteen (13), in Block Numbered One (1) of the Fairview Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as surveyed, platted and recorded. Being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of said Lot Thirteen (13) in said Block One and running thence North Ten feet (10') to a point on the East boundary of said lot; thence West One Hundred Twenty feet (120') to a point on the West boundary of said lot; thence South Ten feet (10') to the Southwest Corner of said lot; thence East One Hundred Twenty feet (120') to the place of beginning. Together with and subject to all existing uses and appurtenances. HEREBY releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. WITNESS the hand of the Grantors this 1X'- day of July, r Gc,e f MAE JUI I N, aka TEENY MAE JULIAN On the day of July, 1991, personally appeared before me HARRY F. JULIAN and MAE JULIAN, aka TEENY MAE JULIAN, the signers of the foregoing QUIT -CLAIM DEED, who ,tly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. 13; Recorded at Request of at .m. Fee paid by Dep. Book Page Ref.: 1' Mail Tax Notice to c/o Harry and Mae Julian, 1310 Central, Kemmerer, Wyoming, 83101 1991. My Commission Expires: 0168L/40 QUIT -CLAIM DEED $6.00 July Ly, RE�:= IN 50vK 299PR ?35.91() 2.4t; HARRY F. JULIAN and MAE JULIAN, aka TEENY MAE JULIAN, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, Grantors, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby Quit -Claim all of their interest in the following described property, an undivided one -half (1/2) to Teeny Mae Julian and Harry F. Julian, as Trustees of the HARRY F. JULIAN TRUST u/a dated July 18, 1991, and an undivided one -half (1/2) to Harry F. Julian and Teeny Mae Julian, as Trustees of the TEENY MAE JULIAN TRUST, u/a dated July 18, 1991, such property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: The Lot Numbered Fourteen (14) in Block Numbered One (1) in the Fairview Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as surveyed, platted and recorded. Together with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto and subject to all existing uses and appurtenances. HEREBY releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. WITNESS the hand of the Grantors this day of July, HARRY AN MAE JULIAUI aka TEENMAE JULIAN STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE On the I� day of July, 1991, personally appeared before me HARRY F. JULIAN and MAE JULIAN, aka TEENY MAE JULIAN, the signers of the foregoing QUIT -CLAIM DEED, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. w Notary Public gY PO siding in 0 Comrntswan a97 -92 120 Lc -•i