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00 NAY
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Rigoberto ChEl lr' :;aracl,
Kaye Chaparro, husband and wife, herein referred to as "mortgagor o l qq k V W,'IG
Afton, WY 83110, to secure the payment of the principal sum of Fifty -nine Thousand and
No /100 Dollars ($59,000.00), with interest as evidenced by a Promissory Note dated of
even date herewith to the order of Richard Val Dee Kennington and Cecilia Dale
Kennington, Trustees of the Val and Dale Kennington Family Trust dated March 15,
2000, "mortgagee of 64 Kennington -Burton Lane, Afton, WY 83110, principal and
interest to be payable as follows:
With interest on the unpaid principal balance from April 1, 2000, until paid,
at the rate of 7.75% per annum. Principal and interest shall be payable in
consecutive equal amortized annual installments of $5,897.92 on first day
of April each year beginning April 1, 2001, and continuing on the first day of
April of each year thereafter until the entire debt has been paid in full.
Prepayments of principal may be made at any time in any amount without
hereby mortgages to mortgagee, the following described real estate, situated in the County
of Lincoln, State of Wyoming:
That part of the NE1 /4NE1/4 of Section 24, T32N, R119W, Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
County in Book 207 P.R., on page 357, as more particularly described on the
attached "Description for Richard Val Dee Kennington and Cecilia Dale
Kennington Tract C
SUBJECT TO all covenants, conditions, easements, exceptions, restrictions,
reservations and rights of way of sight or record.
including all buildings and improvements thereon or that may hereafter be erected thereon;
together with hereditaments and appurtenances and all other rights thereunto belonging, or
in anywise now or hereafter appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and
remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and all plumbing, heating, and lighting
fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with the
Ile pue pied os swns Lions Aedea legs ao6e6poW 'ao6e6pow 4o asuadxa ay} }e `Apadoid
ay} }oa}oad o} Aaesseoeu weep Aneuoseea Aew 1! se saiedei Lions pe}}a Aew ee6e6pow
`}oaaaq g gdea6eaed }o s }ueuenoo eq} q inn Aidwoo o} ao6e6pow }o ped eq} uo eanlie}. Aue
jo eseo u! pue awes ail} Aed puewep JO aoi}ou }noq }inn Aew ee6e6pow 'pepinoad uiaaaq se
se6aego !n}nne! Jew ao `se6aego Sedioiunw JO le}uawwano6 aeq }o JO 'aalenn 's }uewssesse
`sexe} 'Aue 4! 's}uaa punoa6 jo }uawAed eq} u! s}inejep Jobe6pow aseo u!
•asuadxa siq
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eq legs Apadoad aq} pue }ooieq} ped Aue aou A iedoad eq} jo uoi }eaoiaejep JO }uewaiedwi
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an JO 9}oN pies aapun suoi }do JO s}g6u Aue }o Jen!enn a a }n }ilsuoo pia !legs pep!naad
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•Jewe JO 96e6 OIN siq} pue a1oN pies u! gpoj }es 's }ueuenoo pue `suoilipuoo `suoi }eIndi }s
`s }ueweei6e eq; Aaana pue (pee Aq epige pue `q }inn Aidwoo 'moped of
'Apedoad pies
uo aan}eu Aaane jo seoueagwnou9 pue `suoi }e6i!go 'same!! 'seine! `sluawssesse 'sexe}
eq} aeln6uis pue die Aed o} `.aag }i9 JO `e6e6poW siq} pue 9}oN pies ui ao} pap!noad A9uow
4o swns aag }o pue }saga }u! pue Ied!ouiad eq} 'enp uegnn 'ARdwoad Aed of •Z
•Apadoad eq} woa} s }oad pue `senssi 'sluaa Ike ee6e6pow o} sAenuoo pue
`aeno s }as `su6!sse Agaaaq 'Agaaaq} paanoes a}ou eq; pue e6e6}aow s!q} ao} *noes aa4lanl
se `ao6e6}aow '9 }ou eq} u! pa}eindi }s s }uewAed eq; }o Aue Li! }one }ap 4o aseo of L
:snnoIIo} se ea6e6pow q }inn s }ueuenoo ao6e6pow puy
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pue }ueaaenn 01 s}ueuenoo Agaaaq pue seoueagwnoue lie wall 094 ale A9q} leg; `ses!waad
911140 pesias Ann}nnei s! eq 1e11} s1ueuenoo pue 6uiwoAM }o a }e }s eq; }o snneI pea}sewoq
9q} ,}o en}ain Aq pue aapun s }g6ia sanienn pue segsinbuyaa Agaaaq ao6e61ao j
expenses so incurred by mortgagee, with interest thereon from the date of payment, at
eighteen percent (18 per annum, and the same shall be a lien on the premises and be
secured by the note and by these presents; in default of making such repayments the
whole amount hereby secured if not then due shall, if mortgagee so elects, become due
and payable forthwith, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
7. In the event the property is sold under foreclosure and the proceeds are
insufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured hereby, mortgagor binds himself
personally to pay the unpaid balance, and mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency
8. In case default is made in the payment, when due, of the indebtedness
hereby secured, or of any installment thereof or any part thereof, or in case of breach of
any covenant or agreement herein contained, the whole of the then indebtedness secured
hereby, inclusive of principal, interest, arrearages, ground rents, if any, taxes,
assessments, water charges, expenditures for repairs or maintenance, together with all
other sums payable pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall become immediately due and
payable, at the option of mortgagee, although the period above limited for the payment
thereof may not have expired, anything herein before or in the note contained to the
contrary notwithstanding; any failure to exercise such option shall not constitute a waiver of
the right to exercise the same at any other time; and it shall be lawful for mortgagee to
proceed to enforce the provisions of this mortgage either by suit at law or in equity, as it
may elect, or to foreclose this mortgage by advertisement and sale of the premises, at
public auction for cash, according to Wyoming statutes governing mortgage foreclosures,
and cause to be executed and delivered to the purchaser or purchasers at any such sale a
good and sufficient deed or deeds of conveyance of the property so sold, and to apply the
net proceeds arising from such sale first to the payment of the costs and expenses of such
foreclosure and sale, including a reasonable attorney fee, and in payment of all moneys
expended or advanced by mortgagee pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 7 hereof,
and then to the payment of the balance due on account of the principal indebtedness
secured hereby, together with interest thereon and the surplus if any, shall be paid by
mortgagee on demand to mortgagor. In case mortgagee fails promptly to foreclose on the
happening of any default, it shall not thereby be prejudiced in its right to foreclosure at any
time thereafter during which such default continues, and shall not be prejudiced in its
foreclosure rights in case of further default.
su6lsse pue 'saosseoons `sJoleils!ulwpe 'saoinoaxa `salag angoadsaJ au) `o; am! !legs
sa6eTuenpe pue s wauaq ate pue 'pup !legs pauleluoo ulaaaq s}ueuanoo aql IA,
.Iin} ti! pled
•aa6e6pow aoueleq 6u!u!ewaJ awl}ua age Aed gotynn uI sAep (oc) A.!ql anet !legs
ao6e6}aow `ao!lou ue UM lions jo ldlaoaJ Jaw joaaagl Jo6e6pow ao!Tou uap!JM 9n46 pue
algeAed pue anp Ala }elpaww! aq o; 4uawaaJ6e aapun anp aoueleq 6ululewaa aJ!4ue ay}
aJeioap 'uol }do s4l 4e 'Aew aa6e6pow 'asegoand o4 uolldo ue 6ulule4uoo 4ou ssa! JO saeai(
(c) gent} 4saaa4u! ployasea! Aue jo 4ueJ6 ay} Jo Tueual poi e }o t.eap 6u!pnpxe `Tuasuoo
ua4jiJM aoud s,aa6e6pow }nogpM Jo6e6pow Aq paaagwnoue ao paaaalsueJ4 'plos sI utaaagT
Imam ue ao saslwaad paglaosap }aed Aue JO He 41 'aoueJgwnoue Jo aoueAanuoo
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palldde aq !legs Apadoad aqu uo anuanaJ pue `awoou! 'S4!jOJd 'sanssl `s4uaJ Ile pue 'thegaq
uMO s,ao6e6pow uo Jo6e6pow Aq pawasuoo AgaJaq 6ulaq aol4ou 4not4!M uol}eoydde
Lions Aue uo JanlaoaJ Lions Aue 4o luaw }ulodde aq; pue `pen!eM AissaJdxa AgaJay
6ulaq aogou) aol4ou 4nog4lM pue uogeolldde aped xa uo uotplpsunf }ua4adwoo Jo }anoo Aue
Aq pa1ulodde aq Aew JanlaoaJ tons pue :sesuadxa pue seal '94500 ainsopaJoi pue !gap
a6e6pow ay} a6Jegoslp joaJagi Aouapliins aql Jo ApadoJd age 4o anien ay} 04 pae6aJ
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�o po!Jad ago pue s6ulpaeooJd aJnsopaJO4 Aq paJanoo awt1 at; 6ulpnpul `iineJap Lions
Aue Ja}}e 'joeieq} sRlioad pue 'sense! 'swat Ile pue Apedoad aq4 a04 JanlaoaJ e o4 pal4!TUe aq
Ilets aa6e6pow pue :Jaule}ap lnjnnelun Jo 'AJ}ua algeeoao} Jo `4uew4oafe ul suolpe Jo uogoe
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pue 'sanssl `s4ueJ `uolssassod Lions 4o AJanllap ago lesn4aJ uo pue `4sanbaJ uo aa6e6pow
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s! amyl 4! `uol4dwapeJ 4o pouad age pue s6ulpaeooad aansoIoaao4 }o Aouapued ago 6u!Jnp
pue 4146p Lions 40 6ulnJOOe aq4 WOJJ `4oaJag4 s4!4OJd pue `sanssl `s4UaJ lie of pue 'Apadoad lie
�o 4uawAofue pue `asn 'uolssassod anlsnloxe o} paI4l1ua awooaq aouo 4e !legs ea6e6}aow
'JapunaJay moo() aansopaao4 40 1.y6p 9q4 AgaaagM }Ine4ap Aue 4o aseo u! '6
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the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural
the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders.
12. Whenever used herein, the terms "mortgagor" and "mortgagee" include all
the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of
individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations; and the term "Note" includes
all the notes herein described if more than one.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, mortgagor has executed this Mortgage as of the 1st day
of April, 2000.
The foregoing Mortgage was acknowledged before me by Rigoberto Chaparro and
Lisa Kaye Chaparro, husband and wife, this 25 day of 2000.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires: February 26, 2004.
berto Chaparro
Isa Kay haparro
county d N• State of
Umiak' =y Wyoming
My Commisslon Expires 2/26/2004
lsiTe :ap ageTadoadde
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all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the
Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "RICHARD VAL DEE
dat August 1998
8 August 199
f o r: 4I N G
"Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"
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