HomeMy WebLinkAbout865865LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: OVERLAND TRAIL TRANSMISSION, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, (the "Company with its principal offices in Denver, Colorado, by these presents does hereby make, constitute and appoint LEW D. HAGENLOCK, a resident of the City of Greeley, Weld County, State of Colorado, as its true, sufficient and lawful Attorney -In -Fact to act for and in its name, place and stead, for the special purposes and upon the conditions set forth below: 1. POWER AND AUTHORITY (a) To negotiate, obtain, execute, issue payment for and record and/or file in an appropriate manner easements, rights -of -way, permits, licenses and surface leases and similar instruments, including, without limitation, those necessary for county, state or federal road or highway crossings, ditch, canal or river crossings or railroad crossings, as well as any permits or licenses required from utility companies, together with any documents related thereto required for the construction and installation of natural gas pipelines or facilities in Wyoming. (b) To negotiate, issue and execute drafts and otherwise settle land and/or crop damages related to obtaining the easements, rights -of -way, permits, licenses, surface leases and similar instruments above referenced. 2. TERM The Limited Power of Attorney herein granted shall become effective this Vt day of o..ce1n 2000 and shall remain effective until revoked by written instrument filed in the public records of the County in which this Limited Power of Attorney has been recorded. Any attempted exercise of the Limited Power of Attorney herein granted after such revocation shall be null and void. 3. FORM OF EXERCISE AND SPECIMAN SIGNATURE Documents executed pursuant to the Limited Power of Attorney herein granted shall be valid as the act of OVERLAND TRAIL TRANSMISSION, LLC only if such documents are executed in the following manner: OVERLAND TRAIL TRANS SSION, LLC BY: Lew D. Hagenlock, Attorney -in- Fact 865865 BOOK" PR PAGE 3 0 RECEIVED Out FI l 5 dLAN ;EMMERER, !y 6'O.1ING 195 olignd £-t oN T tAk „fi z ,Cuedtuoj iCltjtq 'i paltuI I aJ MejaQ y 0Z7 `uotssp.usuEZ j jte1Z puej tanO £00Z `1 aunt. r. JOO'( Q [.'s16SN\uumo?T\1g.LbOdbN •glzoj las uta tags sasodind aql ioj ,Catuolly jo xaMOd paltupg spy palnoaxa ,Cagl IEgI atu oI pa2pappoure pue Xuedutoo ,Cltjtgetj palttutj ptes jo 31egaq uo `Xueduioo ,Clgtgetj paltuttj a.IeMERU E 71'I `uotsstWSU JJ, LIE11, puEj1aAO JO `rCjantloadsa.t `X.telaioaS IuElstssy puE luaptsa.ta aotA iotuag aql aq o; atu of UMOU?j `.taIBag Q autEig puE ,Cajpeig •t. 'TN pareaddE 1ij1EUOSiad `000Z `goiETNT JO ,Cep spy uo `alelS puE Xlunoj ptes .toj put ut `otjgnd ,C1EloN E `.ta2utjjng yq eut.L `aui aiojag 2IdANIQ d0 kLIdf100 QNb 1L.LI3 OQ dO g.LV.LS kIElataaS lUE SISSV iaj2ag •Q auteig f 1.,, lmasi...*1 &oar °'j ,„0..,A, j o A„, }s r r spy opE.zojop `.tanuaQ IE palnoaxa uaaq seq luauunalsut still `dOg2IaIM •sMEj JO SlOIJJUO3 jo sajdtoutid of piE$a-t InogltM panty sMej ajgeogddE aql ,Cq patuanoS pug gltM aouep1000e ut pate suoo st pug opE.tojoj jo alels aql ut paiantiap puE palnoaxa st iCatuollyJO .tamod palttut7 atjl /CIalEtpatutut aleuIUUal Ol ,Catt Lolly 3o iaMOd paltturi spy asneo ergs puE Peon aq jjegs palels utaiaq asogl uegl iaglo sasodind so asodznd Aim ioj asn slt .to `paluetS utaiaq ,Catuolly Jo 1a tOd paltu aql jo uotle2ajap .to IuautuS tsse palduiallE ,Cuy 'DTI `NOISSINISNVILL QNV'RUTAO JO JINN uo loed- uj- ,Catuolly se )I001.NHOVH •Q A,g-I ,Cq /quo palnoaxa aq ,Cetu paluE.t2 Tang ,Catuolly jo iaMOd paltutt7 ata Akin JNIN IAOD A LI'IIffV9 IgQ '17