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X09 Od }calls uo16uI4SeM 4L£ H3NV1:19 NO14V NNV91VNOIIVN 1SUId :01 1IVW 030H033H N3HM 01. tea AM'U 0Z9 L X08 Od laailS uo06u1,00M 4LE H3NVt18 NOldV 1S3M )INV9IVNOIIVN 1S1:11d :AS 031S3f103H NOI1VOH033H ME 04-07 -2000 Loan No 64002350 USG.I.,.k U MORTGAGE (Continued) 044 Page 3 this Mortgage to Lender. Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Grantor warrants and will forever defend the title to the Property against the lawful claims of all persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that questions Grantor's title or the interest of Lender under this Mortgage, Grantor shall defend the action at Grantor's expense. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate In the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and Grantor will deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such participation. Compliance With Laws. Grantor warrants that the Property and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations of governmental authorities. CONDEMNATION. The following provisions relating to condemnation of the Property are a part of this Mortgage. Application of Net Proceeds. If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its election require that all or any portion of the net proceeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness or the repair or restoration of the Property. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award after payment of all reasonable costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred by Lender in connection with the condemnation. Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Grantor shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of its own choice, and Grantor will deliver or cause to be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by it from time to time to permit such participation. IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following provisions relating to governmental taxes, fees and charges are a part of this Mortgage: Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such documents in addition to this Mortgage and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, as described below, together with all expenses incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Mortgage, Including without limitation all taxes, fees, documentary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Mortgage. Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (a) a specific tax upon this type of Mortgage or upon all or any part of the Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage; (b) a specific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct from payments on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Mortgage; (c) a tax on this type of Mortgage chargeable against the Lender or the holder of the Note; and (d) a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest made by Grantor. Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this Mortgage, this event shall have the same effect as an Event of Default (as defined below), and Lender may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event of Default as provided below unless Grantor either (a) pays the tax before it becomes delinquent, or (b) contests the tax as provided above in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relating to this Mortgage as a security agreement are a part of this Mortgage. Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a security agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures or other personal property, and Lender shall have all of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as amended from time to time. Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute financing statements and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal Property. In addition to recording this Mortgage in the real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further authorization from Grantor, file executed counterparts, copies or reproductions of this Mortgage as a financing statement. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this security interest. Upon default, Grantor shall assemble the Personal Property in a manner and at a place reasonably convenient to Grantor and Lender and make it available to Lender within three (3) days after receipt of written demand from Lender. Addresses. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debtor) and Lender (secured party), from which information concerning the security interest granted by this Mortgage may be obtained (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Code), are as stated on the first page of this Mortgage. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY -IN -FACT. The following provisions relating to further assurances and attorney -in -fact are a part of this Mortgage. Further Assurances. At any time, and from time to time, upon request of Lender, Grantor will make, execute and deliver, or will cause to be made, executed or delivered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when requested by Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, refiled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such offices and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, security agreements, financing statements, continuation statements, instruments of further assurance, certificates, and other documents as may, in the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable in order to effectuate, complete, perfect, continue, or preserve (a) the obligations of Grantor under the Note, this Mortgage, and the Related Documents, and (b) the liens and security interests created by this Mortgage as first and prior liens on the Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Grantor. Unless prohibited by law or agreed to the contrary by Lender in writing, Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the matters referred to in this paragraph. Attorney -In -Fact. If Grantor fails to do any of the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so for and in the name of Grantor and at Grantor's expense. For such purposes, Grantor hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as Grantor's attorney -in -fact for the purpose of making, executing, delivering, filing, recording, and doing all other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sole opinion, to accomplish the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph. FULL PERFORMANCE. If Grantor pays all the Indebtedness when due, and otherwise performs all the obligations imposed upon Grantor under this Mortgage, Lender shall execute and deliver to Grantor a suitable satisfaction of this Mortgage and suitable statements of termination of any financing statement on file evidencing Lender's security interest In the Rents and the Personal Property. Grantor will pay, if permitted by applicable law, any reasonable termination fee as determined by Lender from time to time. DEFAULT. Each of the following, at the option of Lender, shall constitute an event of default ("Event of Default under this Mortgage: Default on Indebtedness. Failure of Grantor to make any payment when due on the Indebtedness. Default on Other Payments. Failure of Grantor within the time required by this Mortgage to make any payment for taxes or Insurance, or any other payment necessary to prevent filing of or to effect discharge of any lien. Compliance Default. Failure of Grtintor to comply with any other term, obligation, covenant or condition contained in this Mortgage, the Note or in any of the Related Documents. False Statements. Any warranty, representation or statement made or furnished to Lender by or on behalf of Grantor under this Mortgage, the Note or the Related Documents is false or misleading In any material respect, either now or at the time made or furnished. Defective Collateralization. This Mortgage or any of the Related Documents ceases to be in full force and effect (including failure of any collateral documents to create a valid and perfected security interest or lien) at any time and for any reason. Death or Insolvency. The death of Grantor, the insolvency of Grantor, the appointment of a receiver for any part of Grantor's property, any assignment for the benefit of creditors, any type of creditor workout, or the commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Grantor. Foreclosure, Forfeiture, etc. Commencement of foreclosure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by Judicial proceeding, self -help, repossession or any other method, by any creditor of Grantor or by any governmental agency against any of the Property. However, this subsection shall not apply in the event of a good faith dispute by Grantor as to the validity or reasonableness of the claim which is the basis of the foreclosure or forefeiture proceeding, provided that Grantor gives Lender written notice of such claim and furnishes reserves or a surety bond for the claim satisfactory to Lender. Breach of Other Agreement. Any breach by Grantor under the terms of any other agreement between Grantor and Lender that is not remedied within any grace period provided therein, including without limitation any agreement concerning any indebtedness or other obligation of Grantor to Lender, whether existing now or later. Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the preceding events occurs with respect to any Guarantor of any of the Indebtedness or any Guarantor dies or becomes Incompetent, or revokes or disputes the validity of, or liability under, any Guaranty of the Indebtedness. Lender, at its option, may, but shall not be required to, permit the Guarantor's estate to assume unconditionally the obligations arising under the guaranty in a manner satisfactory to Lender, and, in doing so, cure the Event of Default. Insecurity. Lender In good faith deems itself insecure. Jen!lep pus e}noexe o; A;uoy;ng pus 'J9mod ';1.16!J Iin; eyl soy .1olut.10 (q) pus 'eBaBpow sly} yip% uo! ;oeuuoo u1 Japual 'Aq pendeoog pue '}o Jont} u! penss! uo!u!do epp mug Jo 'podej egp 'Aoiiod eoug)nsui e! ;p Aue u! Jo uopduosep ApedoJd IBeH eql u! ypo} }es esoyl magi Jey ;o seouBJgwnoue pue sue!! He }o Jeep pue eel} 'eldwis ee} u! 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Jo} pepinond s;y6!J eyl •s;unowe esey; jo ;uewAed woes !!!m osiv e6e6pow s!yi •ApJn ;ew s,e;oN et'; le elgeAsd pue enp eq HIm go!ym ;uewAed uoopyq s se mean eq (o) Jo 'OIoN et'; }o wna; Bulu!ewew et'; (n) Jo Ao!pd eout.1nsui elgeo!Idde Aug jo we; et'; (1) Jay ;!e Buunp enp ewooeq o; s ;uewAsd ;uewi!g;sui Aue y ;IM e!gwAed eq pus 6uowv peuo!podde eq pus e;oN et'; jo (puslug et'; o; peppy eq (q) 'puewap uo elg8Aed eq (v) IIIM'uol ;do s,Jepuel ;v'sesuedxe yons 1114 •Jo;uBJO Aq ;uewAedeJ ;o e;ep et'; o; Jepuel Aq pled Jo peimou! ep))p et'; won} e;oN e4; u! )o} pep!noJd elm et'; ;e ;seie ;u! meq H!m 6u!op os u! spuedxe Jepuel ;By; ;unowe Auy •e ;eudo.1ddv sweep Jepuel ;et'; uo!;0e Aue env; '0; pei!nbei eq 4011 Heys ;nq 'Amu }!eyeq s,.1o;ue.10 uo Jepuel 'Apedo.1d et'; ul s;se.1e;u! s,Jepuel ;oe}}e AHg!Jelew pinom ;By; peouewwoo s! 6u1p8eooAd Jo uoHOe Aug Jo 'e6e6poyy sly; }o uo!slnond Aug tom Aidwoo o; sp8} Jo;usJ 911 '1:130N31 A9 S3af111ON3dX3 'ApedoJd yons }0 ales e)nsoloa)o; Aug ;g Jo 'e8s6pow sly) jo suolsino.1d et' ;.1apun play eggs Jey ;o Jo ells s,00;sn.1; AuB ;v e6e6pow sly; Aq peJenoo Apedoid et'; ;o JesvyoJnd et'; 'o; ssed pug '}o }eueq et'; o; emu! Heys BouBJnsu! pai!dxeun Auy ales ;e eotVJnsul paiidxeun 'mime o; pled eq Heys speeooid yons `sseupe ;gepu) et'; }o Hn; u!;uewAvd Je> }e speeooid Aug sploy Jepuei 'sseupe ;gepu) et'; }o eouelgq IBdiouud e44 0; pe!Idde eq pays 'Aug 'JepulewOJ eU1 pus ;same ;u! pen.1ooe Avd o; uey; 'e6e6pow sly; Jepun Jepuel o; Bulmo ;unowe Aug Aed o; ;siI} pesn eq Heys Apedoid ay; 1 uo fsJOISei Jo Jiodei et'; o; pef wwoo 40U ssy Jepuel yo!ym pus ;diem! Jiey; mug sABP o9t my ;Im pesmgslp ueeq ;ou envy yO14m speeooid Auy 'e6e6pow sly; Jepun ;Ine}ep u! 4ou si Jo ;ueJ91! U01 113.101S13.1 JO J!edeJ }o ;sop algguoseei et'; Jo; speeooid et'; WOJ1 J0I11eJ9 esingw!ai JO Aed 'em;Ipuedxe yons jo }ooid AJO ;Oe }s! ;es uodn 'Heys Jepuel •Jepuel o; AJO ;Oe }spas Jeuuaw a u! s ;uewenojdwl peAoi ;sep Jo pe6Bwvp et'; eo8!deJ Jo Jlsdei Heys J01118J9 JledeJ pus uopvJO;seJ o; speeooid et'; A!dde 0; s ;oeie JepUa111 ApedoJd et'; }o JledeJ pug uopeJo;se.1 et'; Jo 'ApedoJd et'; Bu! ;oa}}e ue!1 Aug ;0 4uewAed `sseupe ;gepu! et'; jo uo! ;onpei eU4 01 speeoo.1d et'; Alddv 'uoppele s11 ;e 'A))w Jepuel 'peiledw! sI A;unoes s,.1epuel ;ou Jo Jey181.1 •Alionseo et'; }o sip (g 4) ueeup 1119 ;!M os op o; spa} Jo ;uvi9 ssol }o }oo.1d eilew ABw Jepuel 'ApedoJd ay; o; eBewep Jo ssol Aug }o Jepuei A}!;ou AI ;dwo.1d Heys Jo;u8J0 'speeooid 10 uol ;ep ;Iddy •uvol et'; 10 me; et'; Jo} eouBmsul yons u!e;u!ew o; pug 'Jepuel Aq pei!nbei es!m.1eq ;o st Jo 'wBJ6o.1d eouemsui pooid Isuo!1WN et'; Jepun ;es SWAN A0110d wnw!xew et'; o; do 'uvol et'; }o Goue!gq Iedlouud p!Bdun iin; 844 Jo} BOUSnnsul pooid !sieped u!e1u(Bw pus uie490 o; seeJ68 Jo;ueJO 'ven8 piney poop I8Ioeds a se Aoue6y ;ueweBeuew AoueBJew3 ie.1epad et'; 10 Jo;Oena et'; Aq pe;eu6!sep eels ue u! pe ;vpoi ewooeq ewp Aus le Apedoid 1894] et'; p!noyS •uosned Jey ;o Aue JO Jo;u8J9 }o ;Inv }ep Jo uolssiwo ;os Aug Aq ABM Aus u! pe)Iedw! eq Iou !pm Jepuel }o JOAN in e6sienoO ;e4; Buip!no)d ;uewes)opue ue epnlou! 118ys osls AO1lod eoue.1nsul yov3 •e01;ou yons enl6 o; amp; Jo} A;!!!ge!I s,.1a.1nsul 843 }o Jewi8IOS!p Aug Buiule ;uoo ;ou pus Jepuel o; eo!;ou ueuum Joud ,sAvp (oI) ue; }o wnw!u!w a ;noy ;!m peysluiwip Jo peIeougO eq ;ou HIM e68nenoo ;84; uo! ;Oindps s Bulu!e ;uoo Jamul ypse won} eBeJenoo 10 se;sop!peo Jepuel o; Jen11ep Heys )(;um •.1epuel o; eige;deooe Algeuoseai eq Aow se two} yons u! pus seluedwoo eouoinsul yons Aq ueuum eq Delis seppod •Jepuel 1 Jone; u! esnep ee6sBpow prtpue ;s a y;IM puB 'esnep eousmsu!oo Au8 10 uo!1eo1Idd8 pone o; ;uepp }ns ;unowe ue u! Apedoid lea! ay; uo sluewenoJdwl 118 Buuenoo amen e!g8.1nsul Hn; et'; Jo} sise4 ;ueweo8ldei 8 uo s;uewes)opue e68Jenoo pepue;xe prtpue ;s 441m eoue.1nsui 9.1!} 10 selo!lod uio ;ulew pus emoo.1d Heys Jo;usJ9 •a0UVmsui 10 sousua;uI8yli 'e6e6pow sly; }o pad a ere ApedoJd e4; Buunsu! o; 6u! ;8I8J suo!slnoJd Bulmono} 891 '3ONVHnSN1 AIH3dOHd •slueweno)dwl yons }o ;soo et'; Aod Dim pus. u13 Jo ;uoJo ;sy; Jepuel o; AJolo))}spos seouemssv eousnpe Jepuel o; ys!uJn} Jepual }o ;senbei uodn Dim Jo ;u8J9 •sIOUeIew Jo 'seO!nJes 5pom ay; 10 ;un000v uo pepesse eq pinoo ue!1 Jey ;o Jo 'ue!1 s,uewle!Je;Bw 'ue!! s,olusyoew Au8 'ApadoJd an o; pe!Iddns 9.18 slvuel8w AU8 Jo 'peys!wn} 9J8 seo!mes Aue 'peOUawwo3 sI >IJOm Aug e)o }eq sAep (9 4) uee ;ssel IB Jepuel A}pou pegs Jo4u8i9 •uol ;oni ;suo3 10 eopoN •ApedoJd e4; isu1868 s ;uawssesss pus semi 844 }0 ;uewe ;e ;s ueUPm B awn Au)) ;8 Jepuel o; Jenllep o; 18101110 1t ;uewuJeno6 e1sudoiddo ay; ezuoy;ns pegs pub s ;uawssesso Jo sex)); ay; }o ;uewAed }o *moping AJo ;oe }s! ;8s Japuel o; ysiwn} puewap uodn 11 eys Jo1U8J9 ;uawAed 10 OOUOPIn3 •s6u!peeoo)d ;se ;uoo et'; u! peysluin} puoq A4e)ns Aug Jepun ee6!igo lvuo!;!ppe ue SB Japuel emu 11899 J01u8)o 'Apedoid e9; ;su1v68 IueweOJO }ue eJo }aq ;uewBpn( esJenpe Aus A}spes Heys pus Jepuel pus ;psi! pua}ap Heys Jo ;u8J9 '4seluoO Aus ul •U9g e4; Jepun ales Jo e.1nsope.1o} 8 }o }1nse! 8 se enJOOe pinoo Ivy; s86J840 Jey ;o Jo see) ,sAewolls e!geuoseei pub s;soo Aug snld ue11 et'; e6.1syoslp o; ;ue!o!pns ;unowe U8 u! Jepuel o; AJO ;0e }s!l8s Al1Jnmas Jey ;o Jo puoq AIOJns e;e.1od.1oo;ueloiuns a JO ysoo Jepual y ;1m ;!sodep'Jepuel Aq pe ;senbei 1! Jo 'us!' eyl }o eBJey05!p eU1 woes 'Bu!ip et'; }0 90!1011 994 JO1U819 .19118 sAep (91) ueel}p u!yl!m 'Del!} s! ue!I 8 'JO SOSjJO ue!1 9141 Je118 sAep (g I) ueeup u!yl!m Heys JoIUOJo ';uewA8duou 10 llnsei 8 se pelt' s! Jo s9s11B ue!I 8 }I •pezIp)edoe( ;ou s! Apedond eyl u! ;seJelu! S,J8puel se Buoi os 'A8d of uop8B!!go ay; JOAO e;ndslp 41181 pooh 8 41Im not ;oeuuoo u! wiei0 Jo ;uawssesss 'x8; Aim }0 1uewAed ployyl!m Amu Jo1u8.19 •;s84u03 of 1y61H •gdo.16oJsd Bu!mo11o1 841 u! pepIno.1d esptmay ;o s8 ;deoxe pup 'enp jou sluOwssess8 pus seem Jo 1181! 841 .101 ;deoxe `e6e6po01 sly; Jepun Jepuel }0 4sene;u! et'; 01 IOnbe Jo Jeno AIuoIJd Bulney sue!' 110 }o 98J; Apedoid 841 u!elulew Hogs Jo1u8J9 'Apedoid ay; 0; peyslwn} 1gu918w Jo pOJapueJ 580!AJes Jo} Jo uo euop AJOm Jo} sw18IO 118 enp uaym Aed 11895 pug 'ApedoJd 841 }0 1uno00e uo .10 ;su!e68 pelnel se6Joyo eo!AJes James pug se6Jeyo J948m 's ;uawssesse 'saxes l9peds 'sex81 HoJA8d 'semi He (Aouenbu1Iep o; Joud s;uene 118 111 pug) enp uaym Aod Heys JO4uOJ0 •;uewA9d •e686pow sly; }o p8d 8 ate ApedoJd 841 uo sue!I pue sex8; e9; o; Bu! ;sleJ suo!slnoJd 6ulmollo; eyl 'SN311 ONV S3XV1 mel 6ulwoAM Aq Jo met IOJapa} Aq pa;lq!yoJd si espJexe yons J9puel Aq pesIOJexe 0q Iou He45 uol}do 9141 'JenemoH •JolusJO 10 '0q Avw esso 841 so 'S4s9.191U! Ausdwoo A1!I!gen P81lw!I JO SIS0.18;U! d14sJeuped But ;on 84110 (%ga) ;ueoJed 8nI 1- A4uem1 0841 OJOW 10 dlysJaumo ul e6uoyo Aue sepnloul oslO Jelsu8JI 'Ausdwoo A ;!I!gs!! Pe;lw!! .10 dlysJeuped 'uolIsJodJoo 8 s! Jo1UOJ9 Auo 11 •;seJe;u! Apedoid i8GH }o e0u8Aenuo0 }o po44ew .1e410 Aug Aq .10 'ApedoJd 188E1 841 04 ep!1 hippy ism; pug! Aug 04 J0 u! 1S8.1811.11 lel3peueq Aug 10 Je }suOJI Jo ;uewu6lsss 'ems Aq Jo 'ps);uo0 uopdo -essei 'sJeeA (I;) 08)41 us41 Je48e)6 WJe4 a OM 158J841/1 ployeses' 'peep Jo; IOSJIuoO 'p8Jluoo pull 'IowJlua° Gigs Iuew11O ;sui 'peep '9185 ;y6u ;no Aq JO44eym :Ale ;unlonul Jo Antiunion Je4laym :elgellnbe .10 1sp!}aueq '18601 )et' ;eym :u!eJey; ;seJelu! Jo app ;y6u Aug Jo Apedoid IteH 10 eOUSAanuoO 841 SUOOW „Je}susJ4 .10 8189„ y Apedoid mob! 8 14# 11! ISOJelu! AU8 Jo 'ApedoJd 1e91d 941 10 1.18d Au8 .10 118 }o '1UOS000 ueuum Joud s,J9puei 841 }noy }Im 'Je}suOJ; .10 GIBS 944 uodn e6e6pow 5141 Aq peinoes scans 11 e eigoAsd pug enp Aial0lpewwl ei pap 'uo! ;do s4! 18 'Amu Jepuel 'H30N31 A9 1N3SNOO 31VS NO 3na Apedoid e9; en)ese.1d pub pe;oid o; AJBSS00911 A1geuos13e.1 9.1B Apedoid et'; }o esn pin Je ;O13J840 et'; W0J1 y3!ym 'uol ;Oes sly) u! enoge 111.101 las 5 138 9S0144 01 uo11!ppe U! 'S1313 .18410 118 op 1181/S J0}UBJ9 •Apedoid 1341 pepue; ;sun en881 JOU uopuege 0; Ja411au S88.6B Jo4u8J9 •;38 ;0ld o; Ana •;se)e m s,Jepuel ;oe ;old o; 'Jepuel 04 AJopo8 }spas Aig8uos8eJ 'puoq Awns 8 Jo *noes e;enbepe }sod o; JoluOJ9 eJ!nbeJ Asw Jepual •pezlpiodoef Iou 8.10 ApedoJd 9144 u! s;seJ9 ;u! s,Jepual 'uoluldo 81os s,Jepuel u! 'Ss Buol os Due os Bu!op o; Joud Bu! ;um u! Jepuel pe4pou s8y Jo ;uOJ9 se 6uo! os 'SiOedds a ;eudo)dde 6ulpn!oul 'Bu!peeoa.1d Aus Buunp eoue!!dwoo P1o4411m pug uoilBln6eJ Jo 'eOUSU!pJo `mot yons Au0 44184 pooh u! memo Asw J01113J0 •ApodoJd 84; 10 A0U13d11000 .10 esn 8144 01 eigaoiidde se;!JOy ;ng 113111ewuJ9AO6 119 10 'pep u! 181189)914 .10 mou 'suonvin6eJ pin 'seOUau!pJO 'snag 110 4;!M Aidwoo Al ;dwoid 111345 J011.18J9 •s;uawaJlnbaH IO ;UGWUJBAOD 411m aoua11dwo3 •e6e6pow s!4 ;10 suop!puoo put) scam} 9414 #1m eoueildwoo s,JOIuBJ9 }o sesodind Jo} ApedoJd et'; ;oedsu! 0; pug s;SaJe1U! s,Jepuel 01 puens 0; sew!} e!g8uoseeJ 118 I8 ApedoJd IeeH 841 uodn Je4ue Aew senp8lueseJdeJ pue slue6s 941 put Jepuel •J81u3 0; WIN s,Japuel •8111en !pipe peel ;8 }o s;uewenoJdwl y}!m sIuawenoJdwl yons eo81d8.1 04 Jepu81 0} AJOIos }sees s;uew06u8JJB 948w 04 mime eilnba.1 Amu J9pu91 'sluewenoJdwl Aug 40 18AOWOJ 841 0; uop!puoo 8 sy •Jepuel 40;uesuoo uenum .1oud et'; ;noy ;!M ApedoJd pled 841 W0.11 s ;uewenOJdwl AU8 8A0w8J.10 ysilowep sou Heys J011.18J9 •s;uawaAOJdWI ;0 IVAOwaH •Jepue1 }o luesuoo u9llum Joud eq; ;noy ;!m spnpoid >100J Jo len8J6 'nos '(se6 putt I!o Bu!pniou!) 51eiaulw 'Jegwi; AUB 'enoweJ o; ;y6u et'; Aped .1eylo Aug 0; ;u8.16 Jo 'enoweJ sou IHm JoluOJ9 '6111068.101 814140 A}HB.1aue6 844 6uplw!1 lnoyl!M 'Apedoid an 10 uolpod AUO .10 ApedOJd ey4 01 Jo uo e;sem JO 40 6u!dduls Aug fauns Jo 'limed 11W W00 JOU eou8s!nu Aue }IWJed Jo lonpuoo 'esneo 4011 n8ys Jo;ueJ9 •a1SOM `e3UVSlnN •es!MJey ;o Jo eJnso!OeJO} Aq Je44etm 'ApedoJd et'; u! ;menu! Aug }o uopls!nboe s,.1epuel Aq p94oeug eq Iou 118149 pug e6e6pow 914; }o u91I 843 10 83118Aen11038.1 DUB uog38}s!48s 914) pue sseupe ;gepu) 8141 }o ;uewAed 891 O MNns Ilsys 'A4uwepu! 0; uo!40611g0 844 6u!pnloul 'e6e6pow 044 40 uogoes sly; }o suoislno.1d eyL •selpedoJd 844 uo 90118 ;sgns Jo 84sem snopJezey a 40 es8eleJ peue;aeJy; Jo 998819.1 'Itsods!p '86sJo ;s 'eJn ;o84nuow 'uo!;eJeueB 'esn Auv jo eouanbesuoo 8 se Jo e6e6pow 844 }o uol ;o9s 9444 }o yooe.1q 8 woJ} Bu! ;Inset Jepns Jo u!e;sns AIIoaJ!pu! .10 A!4oaJ!p Asa! Jepuel yolym sesuedxe pue 'se;i8ued 'se6ewsp 'sal ;!I!ge!I 'Sasso! 'stomp 118 Pub Aim lsu!e68 Jepuel sse!wJey ploy pug A}!uwepu! 04 seeiBe (q) pug 'sme! yons Aue Jepun s4so0 Jey ;o Jo dnuoep .104 emu sewooeq Jolu8J0 }uena an in uopnqu;uoO Jo A11uwepu! Jo} Jepuel 1su!868 sumo env; Aus senlem pus sesooiei (8) Aga.1e1.1 J01UOJ9 •sa0u8 ;sgns snopJez8y put) e4sem snopJOz8y J04 Apedoid 9141 6u!BB! ;senu! uI eoue6!11P enp s,JO1u0J9 uo pessq 8JO u!e.1ey paul8luoo 58puOJJBM pug suo!;8;uese.1de.1 eyj •uos.ed Je440 Aug o; Jo Jo4u8J0 0; Jepual 40 pod 844 uo A }H!gen .10 A41pgisuodseJ AuO 8188.10 0l pen) ;suoo eq Iou Heys pub Apo sesod)nd s,Japuel Jo} eq 118ys Jepuel Aq ep8w spiel .10 suopOedsu! Auy •e6e6pow e9; 10 uo11pe5 9444 441m ApedoJd e9; }o eouoidwoo eu!wJe;ep o; a ;opdo)ddo weep A8w Jepual 58 'esuedxo s,JO;u8J0 ;8 's;se4 pint suopoedsu! yons wpm o; ApedoJd 844 uodn Jesue o; sweet) 941 Puy Jepuel sezuoyins JO1118J9 •enoge pagposap seoueu!pno pug 'suo14e0n6e.1 SM8I esoy; uops;!wn ;noy;Im 6ulpnlou! 'seouBuIPJO pus suop8lnBeJ 'smsi moo! pus '84849 'Is.1epe} elgeolidde 118 411m eOu8HdwoO u! pe;OnpuoO eq pays A ;!nl ;oe yons Aug (II) pug Apedond 841 WW11 .10 ;nog() Jepun 'uo eoue ;sgns Jo elssm snopJezey AU8 aseala.1 Jo }o esods!p }89)4 'awls 'em }O8 }nu8w '918.1eu96 'esn Ilsys Apedoid 844 40 Jesn pezuo44n8 Jeylo Jo 411868 `.10408.14uo0 'lusue4 Aug JOU .104118)9 Je4118U (I) 'Bu!1!JM 11! Jepuel Aq pa6palmour8 pug o; pesolosip Alsno!noJd so ;deox3 (o) pug:s.1e}}8w yons o4 61111810.1 uos.1ed Aug Aq pup Aug 40 SWI8I0 Jo uo14e peu8;eaiy; Jo !mpg Aug (n) Jo Apedoid 843 40 s ;uedn000 .10 SJ8UMO .1o1.1d Aug Aq ApedoJd 841 woJ} Jo }nogg '.19pun 'uo eouslsgns Jo e;SSM snopJgzey Z eBed SP0 (panulluo3) 3Jb1111111W OSEZOOb9 oN ueo1 _OZ- LO -iv0 04-07 -2000 Loan No 64002350 0&.06 -i MORTGAGE (Continued) 046 Page 4 Right to Cure. If such a failure is curable and if Grantor has not been given a notice of a breach of the same provision of this Mortgage within the preceding twelve (12) months, it may be cured (and no Event of Default will have occurred) If Grantor, after Lender sends written notice demanding cure of such failure: (a) cures the failure within fifteen (15) days; or (b) if the cure requires more than fifteen (15) days, Immediately initiates steps sufficient to cure the failure and thereafter continues and completes all reasonable and necessary steps sufficient to produce compliance as soon as reasonably practical. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and at any time thereafter but subject to any limitation in the Note or any limitation in this Mortgage, Lender, at its option, may exercise any one or more of the following rights and remedies, In addition to any other rights or remedies provided by law: Accelerate Indebtedness. Lender shall have the right at its option without notice to Grantor to declare the entire Indebtedness immediately due and payable, including any prepayment penalty which Grantor would be required to pay. UCC Remedies. With respect to all or any part of the Personal Property, Lender shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code. Collect Rents. Lender shall have the right, without notice to Grantor, to take possession of the Property, including during the pendency of foreclosure, whether judicial or non judicial, and collect the Rents, including amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net proceeds, over and above Lender's costs, against the Indebtedness. In furtherance of this right, Lender may require any tenant or other user of the Property to make payments of rent or use fees directly to Lender. If the Rents are collected by Lender, then Grantor irrevocably designates Lender as Grantor's attorney -In -fact to endorse instruments received in payment thereof in the name of Grantor and to negotiate the same and collect the proceeds. Payments by tenants or other users to Lender in response to Lender's demand shall satisfy the obligations for which the payments are made, whether or not any proper grounds for the demand existed. Lender may exercise its rights under this subparagraph either in person, by agent, or through a receiver. Appoint Receiver. Lender shall have the right to have a receiver appointed to take possession of all or any part of the Property, with the power to protect and preserve the Property, to operate the Property preceding foreclosure or sale, and to collect the Rents from the Property and apply the proceeds, over and above the cost of the receivership, against the Indebtedness. The receiver may serve without bond if permitted by law. Lender's right to the appointment of a receiver shall exist whether or not the apparent value of the Property exceeds the Indebtedness by a substantial amount. Employment by Lender shall not disqualify a person from serving as a receiver. Judicial Foreclosure. Lender may obtain a judicial decree foreclosing Grantor's interest in all or any part of the Property. Nonjudicial Sale. Lender may foreclose Grantor's interest in all or in any part of the Property by nonjudicial sale, and specifically by "power of sale" or "advertisement and sale" foreclosure as provided by statute. Deficiency Judgment. If permitted by applicable law, Lender may obtain a judgment for any deficiency remaining in the Indebtedness due to Lender after application of all amounts received from the exercise of the rights provided in this section. Tenancy at Sufferance. If Grantor remains in possession of the Property after the Property is sold as provided above or Lender otherwise becomes entitled to possession of the Property upon default of Grantor, Grantor shall become a tenant at sufferance of Lender or the purchaser of the Property and shall, at Lender's option, either (a) pay a reasonable rental for the use of the Property, or (b) vacate the Property immediately upon the demand of Lender. Other Remedies. Lender shall have all other rights and remedies provided in this Mortgage or the Note or available at law or in equity. Sale of the Property. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Grantor hereby waives any and all right to have the property marshalled. In exercising its rights and remedies, Lender shall be free to sell all or any part of the Property together or separately, in one sale or by separate sales. Lender shall be entitled to bid at any public sale on all or any portion of the Property. Notice of Sale. Lender shall give Grantor reasonable notice of the time and place of any public sale of the Personal Property or of the time after which any private sale or other intended disposition of the Personal Property is to be made. Reasonable notice shall mean notice given at least ten (10) days before the time of the sale or disposition. Waiver; Election of Remedies. A waiver by any party of a breach of a provision of this Mortgage shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice the party's rights otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision. Election by Lender to pursue any remedy shall not exclude pursuit of any other remedy, and an election to make expenditures or take action to perform an obligation of Grantor under this Mortgage after failure of Grantor to perform shall not affect Lender's right to declare a default and exercise its remedies under this Mortgage. Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or action to enforce any of the terms of this Mortgage, Lender shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as reasonable attorneys' fees at trial and on any appeal. Whether or not any court action is involved, all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time for the protection of its interest or the enforcement of its rights shall become a part of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear interest from the date of expenditure until repaid at the rate provided for in the Note. Expenses covered by this paragraph include, without limitation, however subject to any limits under applicable law, Lender's reasonable attorneys' fees and Lender's legal expenses whether or not there is a lawsuit, including reasonable attorneys' fees for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify or vacate any automatic stay or injunction), appeals and any anticipated post judgment collection services, the cost of searching records, obtaining title reports (Including foreclosure reports), surveyors' reports, and appraisal fees, and title insurance, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Grantor also will pay any court costs, in addition to all other sums provided by law. NOTICES TO GRANTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notice under this Mortgage, including without limitation any notice of default and any notice of sale to Grantor, shall be in writing, may be sent by telefacsimile (unless otherwise required by law), and shall be effective when actually delivered, or when deposited with a nationally recognized overnight courier, or, if mailed, shall be deemed effective when deposited in the United States mail first class, certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, directed to the addresses shown near the beginning of this Mortgage. Any party may change its address for notices under this Mortgage by giving formal written notice to the other parties, specifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the party's address. All copies of notices of foreclosure from the holder of any lien which has priority over this Mortgage shall be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of this Mortgage. For notice purposes, Grantor agrees to keep Lender informed at all times of Grantor's current address. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are a part of this Mortgage: Amendments. This Mortgage, together with any Related Documents, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties as to the matters set forth in this Mortgage. No alteration of or amendment to this Mortgage shall be effective unless given in writing and signed by the party or parties sought to be charged or bound by the alteration or amendment. Applicable Law. This Mortgagelfas been delivered to Lender and accepted by Lender in the State of Wyoming. This Mortgage shall be governed by and construed In accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming. Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Mortgage are for convenience purposes only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions of this Mortgage. Merger. There shall be no merger of the interest or estate created by this Mortgage with any other interest or estate in the Property at any time held by or for the benefit of Lender in any capacity, without the written consent of Lender. Multiple Parties. All obligations of Grantor under this Mortgage shall be joint and several, and all references to Grantor shall mean each and every Grantor. This means that each of the persons signing below is responsible for all obligations in this Mortgage. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Mortgage to be invalid or unenforceable as to any person or circumstance, such finding shall not render that provision invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons or circumstances. If feasible, any such offending provision shall be deemed to be modified to be within the limits of enforceability or validity; however, if the offending provision cannot be so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of this Mortgage in all other respects shall remain valid and enforceable. Successors and Assigns. Subject to the limitations stated in this Mortgage on transfer of Grantor's interest, this Mortgage shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. If ownership of the Property becomes vested in a person other than Grantor, Lender, without notice to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successors with reference to this Mortgage and the Indebtedness by way of forbearance or extension without releasing Grantor from the obligations of this Mortgage or liability under the Indebtedness. Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Mortgage. Waiver of Homestead Exemption. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming as to all Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. Waivers and Consents. Lender shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this Mortgage (or under the Related Documents) unless such waiver is in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any right shall operate as a waiver of such right or any other right. A waiver by any party of a provision of this Mortgage shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice the party's right 9 abed /4U (N1 orVWW Edg9Z' EdCOO AM)' PenJeseJ s14 6 Iiiw' DuI sao1AJagoJdIdo000Z( 0) LZ' Q' aen '1)O'W'1'81Ed'S'n Upld saiIdxa UOISSIWWO3 AW 1 T 1 la 6uIPIsQH cA z' I 1N3WJa31MONNOV ivnainiaNi (panu(juo3) 3JH'w pug pug se( J 1 VsSORc7 1 ;o awls am ao; pue ul olignd tia;ON Auw iepun u AID 'peuol u!aleqj sesodind pus sesn ey; ao; 'peep pus los Aas ;union pus eeJj nay; ss e6s6poW ey; peu6ls Amu pe6peIMouNos pus 'e6e6pon eqj pelnoexe oqM pus ul pequosep SIsnpinipul eq; eq o; umou)l ew o; 'HOrvw 'N 3113NVr pug Horvw AVIi 13VHOIW peasedde Aiisuosied 'olignd Aae;oN pau6lsaepun eql 'ew eao ;eq Asp sly; up v_a d0 ALNn00 1i '71 d031V1S HorVW AVH 13VH3 ,lll r X b1NVHJ 'SWH31 Sit 01 S33H0V HOINVHJ H3V3 QNV `30V0IHOW SIHJ d0 SNOISIAOHd 3H1 T1Y UV3H ONIAVH S30031MONNOV H01NVHD HOV3 •pealnbei si }uesuoo Lions eJeym seoue;sul ;uenbesgns o; ;uesuoo Bulnul;uoo e;n ;l;suoo ;ou }lays eous;sul Aue ul Jepuei Aq ;uesuoo Lions ;o Bul;uea6 eq; 'e6sOpoyy sly; ui pei nbei sl Jepue Aq ;uesuoo JeneueyM •suol;oesusa; min; Aue o; se suol;e6ligo s,Jo ;u8Jp ;o Aus JO s ;qBu s,.iepuei ;o Aus ;o J8AITIM a e ;n ;i ;suoo }lays ',o ;usnp pus aepue ueem ;eq Bullaep ;o esmnoo Aua .IOU 'aepue1 Aq Jenlsm loud oN •uolslnoad jeq;o AIM ao uolslnoad ply) Li ;lm eousildwoo ;op ;s puswep o; esiNueq ;o X 1; n1?fi 09EZOOt 9 ON ueo1 11111110Z -t O