HomeMy WebLinkAbout865311865311 RECEIVED OQ AiRI! PH 1: 2 JEANN E NE KEMMERER, WYOMING ASSIGNMENT WITH RESERVATION OF PRODUCTION PAYMENT AND NOTICE OF OPTIONS TO REPURCHASE THIS ASSIGNMENT WITH RESERVATION OF PRODUCTION PAYMENT AND NOTICE OF OPTIONS TO REPURCHASE (this "Assignment dated as of December 15, 1999, but effective as of the Effective Time (as defined below), is from EOG Resources Acquisitions L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, whose address for notices is c/o EOG Resources, Inc., 1200 Smith Street, Suite 300, Houston, Texas 77002 "Assignor to Tight Sands 1999, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, whose address for notices is c/o FC Energy Finance I, Inc., 1 Bank One Plaza, 17th Floor, Mail Code IL1 -0502, Chicago, Illinois 60670 "A ssignee Recitals A. Assignor owns record and /or beneficial title to certain natural gas producing properties located in the States of Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas and Wyoming. B. Assignor has agreed to sell and convey such title in such properties to Assignee. Article 1 Definitions BOOK 44 -'4R PAGE 0 4 8 Lincoln County, Wyoming 1.1 Certain Definitions. Capitalized terms used herein, but not otherwise defined herein, shall have the meanings assigned in the Purchase and Sale Agreement (as may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, the "Purchase Agreement dated as of the date hereof, but effective as of the Effective Time, between Assignor and Assignee, or, if not defined in the Purchase Agreement, as defined in the Management Services Agreement dated as of the date hereof, but effective as of the Effective Time, between EOG Resources, Inc. and Assignee. As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below, except as otherwise expressly provided herein: "Contingent Reversion Date" means the first day of the month immediately following the date on which the total volume of Gas produced and sold from the Properties equals 63,500,251 MMBtus. "Equipment" means all machinery, equipment, improvements and other personal property and fixtures that are (a) either (1) owned by Assignor or (2) jointly owned by the Assignor and another Person(s) under the Operating Agreements included in the Subject Interests and (b) are attached or connected to the surface or the subsurface of the Wells. "Gas" means all natural gas and other gaseous hydrocarbons in, on, under, produced from or attributable to the Properties. uoi;eeaasag mpM ;uawu8►ssV put `.tuogaza44 sionpozd Jo uopotzixa a44 zoj uotionpozd aiusuapuoo stS put st2 3o Sutssaoozd Jo ssautsnq a44 ut Jo `ssautsnq uotiotzixa JO 4uauzdojanap `uotitzoidxa st2 put? uo 044 ut kituto4sno put Xztutplo alt gotgnn s:u0tuaaz2t za44o ljt put? Auu put `sivatu001St JO sii ulad jtotsA4d002 JO otutstas `s4uautaazSu jtsodstp zagio JO za4um flits `s4uotuaa1St put Suunssazdaz `uot4o0fut `s4uatuaajSt uog iodsuul4 put SuuatpuS `augadtd `.s4uautaalSt iutid `.s4uauzaazSt Sutssaoozd `s4uatuaaz2t put slam `suoptztioap `suotltu2tsap Sutjood put uoptziitun `.suogztoozpAq 3o Sutssaoozd JO $utugal `aSuttjoxa 'amp/rid `alts 1oJ s4otziuoo `.szapzo uotstntp `.siotl4uoo sa[us uotionpold (ttt) put `sagiadozd 044 woz3 uoponpozd Jo spaaoozd atp tuoru suotionpap zo uo suapzng zawio put sisazaiut kztuOTS1an01 `sivaut(ud uogonpoid `sisala4ur pourto Sutpniout `spazaiut sigozd iau `satiitXoz Sutpuzano `sat4Tu/C0z ,s1ossaj iiu (tt) msazamul pa fps a44 ut papniout s1uauzaaJSy Sutiuzadp 044 put sasta-I alp Sutpniout `sat41ado1d a41 Jo /Cut u1 s2saz04ut sit (isazaiut ut zossaoapaid Aug _to)1ouStssy 04 anzasaz JO 01t013 4ot4m sivauinoop put s3uaum14sut `s1uatua0lSu agi ut pautu4uoo szawn 10440 put suotptitutij `suotitnzasaz `suotidaoxa `suot4ou4saz `suotitpuoo `stuzai 044 (t) :4uauzaa i2y ast4oznd 044 Jo g 4tgigxg ut j4zoj 4as st 4sa1a4UT Suwon& 044 astalout JO 4s0z0411i anuanaz pit a44 aonpal 4ou saop joaz044 papa 4au alp 4ua4xa ago 04 Sutmojjoj ago Jo jju (u) :A119do1d JO Ham `asta' 4060 of 4oadsaz 44im `sutotu saauvIgzunauq pajitzu.iad„ 8'818809 (4uatuaoiSu lions /cut `04 pa4otfu JO `JO Ind an 4ottlm s4uatuaa1St Su1ouui1 q stS put aznpaoozd Sut4un000u Jo uuo3 Xuu Sutpniout) sat4zadold suS put jto `10j Supttnoo0t put Jo uopt1ado put Sump!) a44 SutuzanoS JO `04 Sutiujal s4u0w001St 10440 put szaplo ant4tz4stutuzpt put jttotpnC `X104tinSa1 `suot4urtioap `s4uatuaa1St uo14tz14junuzuzo0 put Sugood `uot4tZ14tun `sivautaa1S1 Sutouuitq stS `S4uatua01St Sut4un000u stun `s4uautaa1St Sutiuzado stun `s3uatuaa1Su nun 'wigwag/ St Su14t1ado amain sivautaa i2V .Supu radp„ '4uauxSpnL =nap `zapio iinoo ajgtotjddt Aus kiq JO X4uog4nt lt4uatutuanoS Auu Jo asuaop zo itutzad `zapzo `uot4tjnSaz 'aim `ainit4s `mtj Auu 04 itrenslnd pasodun 4uauzalinbaz mom 10 utouatuv ant4tN 'awls 'pool Cut susam „luaus unbad I3.897 'sastaj 4uauzaotidaz lions 3o suotsua4xa put sjuM0U01 llt put `y itgtgxg ut paquosap st asu0j zossaoapaid a44 ut paquosap spurt jjt of st `(asuai lossaoapazd 044 3o uot4tzidx0 taut 1taX auo ut44im JO JO tam 044 Stump pazan4ap put pa4noaxa .It) asuai lions 3o uot4tuiuua4 JO 1109t4X0 JO 1109udtot4uu III JO uodn umti am! ivatuaotidaz Cut put `(J001044 uot)zod JO izud Xut JO lit 04 st) asuai lions Jo uotsuaixa JO iumauaz Xut g4im 1a44aSo4 `d 4tgtgxg ut Nuptial)! 10 04 p01.10J01 `paquosap ivaturulsut 19440 10 asuai SUS put uo uu susatu sasba7„ 'satitadozd all in papniout azt sasuag lions 4ua4x0 ago 04 y itgitjxg ut paquosap sasta-I alp 4q palaqumoua spuui 044 sutatu spun7„ o 6 :1)3 .1 050 (b) all of the following to the extent covered by Assignor's indemnity under Section 8.1 or 8.5 of the Purchase Agreement: (i) any undetermined or inchoate liens or charges constituting or securing the payment of expenses which were incurred incidental to maintenance, development, production or operation of the Properties or for the purpose of developing, producing or processing oil, gas or other hydrocarbons therefrom; (ii) materialmen's, mechanics', repairmen's, employees', contractors', operators' or other similar liens or charges for liquidated amounts arising in the ordinary course of business; and (c) any liens for taxes and assessments not yet delinquent or, if delinquent, that are being contested in good faith in the ordinary course of business and not in the aggregate in excess of $1,000,000; (d) any liens or security interests created by law or reserved in oil and gas leases for royalty, bonus or rental or to secure compliance with the terms of the Leases; (e) easements, rights -of -way, servitudes, permits, surface or use leases, and other rights in respect of surface operations, pipelines, water disposal facilities, canals, ditches, reservoirs, telephone lines, power lines, railways and other similar rights -of -way, on, over, or in respect of the Lands; (f) preferential purchase rights as to which (x) valid waivers have been obtained or (y) the time periods for the exercise thereof have lapsed (without exercise) after proper notice has been delivered to the holders thereof; (h) all rights to consent by, required notices to, filings with, or other actions by governmental authorities in connection with the sale or conveyance of the Properties if the same are customarily obtained subsequent to such sale or conveyance and Seller knows of no reason why they will not be granted; (i) all Legal Requirements and any regulatory rights and powers reserved to or vested in any governmental authority; and (j) the Mortgage. "Production Payment" means the production payment in and to the Properties that is reserved unto Assignor and more particularly described in Attachment I hereto. "Subject Hydrocarbons" means all Gas and other hydrocarbons in, on, under, and which may be produced from, and/or which are attributable to the Properties. 608818.8 (g) the Operating Agreements included in the Subject Interests; "Properties" is defined in Section 2.1. -3- Assignment with Reservation uofen I asag (DIA 3uamuS!ssy 8 "818809 put `.slsalalul loafgnsjo uoTllugap snj uT paquosap slsalalui put slgSu laglo aql JO `MOIRJo ,Cue JO STIOM OM of Iuluapuou! OM io uitylad `algiai cures 043 lualxa aql of /quo put lualxa otp of `0otj1ns aqi jo Xouedn000 10 osn `ssai20 `ssai2ui jo iotpo Aug put `sasuaotl `saoueualinddr `Sluatuaual `sastoi onjinS `Sapn3TAIOS `SIu0Tllasto `Atm Jo SlgSTI'Cut TIT lsaialU1 mou2Tssy iie (T) :osn of lgSTZ put asuaoq algeoonant `anlsnioxa -uou t (I) put `SIIaM 043 Jo gota alalduloOoI .Io 31lomal of suiS11 Tuipnloui `u1o1ja1agl suogi ooipAq 10410 put Std `Ho jo uoulonpoid 103jigul put oonpoid 03 pug mom alp aleiado put umo Ol pailnbai oq Attu sr sl4Su Suiltiado Jo piotiostoi S,IOU2Tssy Jo gons iiluo Sutpnioui lnq `sIIaM am Jo saiogTlam 043 ignoigl poonpoid Su!aq Jo aigtdto put slum gons utg11m papniout spur! alp wog aorld uT SuoglgoolpI4 laglo put sa `i10 Jo uoglonpoid paleooI!g aIt `030104 y 1tgTgxg ui paquosap Sluaula01 R lion am of luenSlnd (n) Io STIaM am Jo salogllam 043 gSno1Tll poonpoid Su!oq jo algrdro put spurt agl uzoz3 poonpoid act ifuW mg JO iapun `uT `acrid uT suogltoolpXq 10410 put StS `ITo 3o uoilonpoid paluoollt on 10 IOAOO (T) sasta-I am St VdOSNI KT■O (INV 2WdOSNI Sasra' 043 uT (a) `sIIaM alp jo goua jo a1ogllam alp 03 Iuluapiou1 an JO u!tllad `alglal S14ST1 /ilo3EIfSal Io Alolnlrls `Itnloulluoo gons st NydOSNI 2IVdOSNI mom aql JO gota luau Sg9 JO uoTlonpold aniaoai Ol 11141 S 10 JO 109r10d° aql SUTU10AOS JO SUTlo0JJ kuntlnS0J JO `Xlolnlrls lunloriluoo 10430 pug topuoRt itloltlnEoi aleudoiddt JO sIapIO 1109g101d JO SuTwrds 1uiiood Ilam St Iiam Se `SluauzaaBe uogr31odsutll `sluatua01St &uussaoold `sluau oo1 y Sugtiad0 `S3uaulaa.ISr 1nouutj Cut Iapun pug uT (p) sain3XTJ pug luauldmbg qons 5uisn sigh agl uT papnjoui suolleuuoj am put (mom am uT papnloui lot 01 golgm) Suollttumj 043 JO Iaquznu alp Ol ST sainlxtj pug luatudinbg gins uoi3 1odo ITagl uT osn legl (sIIaM agl uT papnlou1 1011 alt 43Tgm) SuoIItuuo3 043 Jo ioquznu an!lglai aql Se out.' cures aql ui s! legl Sainlxg put luatudmbg gons u! 350103u! papTnipun ug `mom 043 Jo loadsai uT posn iClanusnloxa pug /clops lot alt lggl lnq `(t) asntlo uT paquosap as!Miaglo Salnlxg put luauTdhnbg Jo lualxa alp o} (T1) pure mom aql Sulsulduzoo Xliodoid Ir1uuis Iaglo put slo3tlpXgop `sialatu `sanlen `slossaiduzoo `Sioltredas `sialgail `s}Iutl `shun Suiduund `sptagilam `Suignl `Suusto `saugmoti `03 paltutiq loU lnq Suipnloui `sIIaM 043 Jo gota 2u1onpoid Jo/put Sutlgiado `RuDIiomai uT pasn iilan!snjoxa pure iCTaios air legl SOIn1X!J put luatud!nbg IIt (T) u! (o) `•IIoM alggoijddg aql of alqulngLille sasuadxa Suiltiado put uoilalduuoo TulIIT1p 3o aitgs altuoiliodoid mou2Issy Aud of UOTItS4gO alp u1pnlou1 `0301043 algelnqullr suapinq 10430 put soup/cal SutpWZTano `Salquico1 2utlslxa XUE of loafgns 'mom 043 Jo goes uzozu uoilonpold Ol Slft u! (q) `•IIOM gons of ajgt3ollt JO 111013 suogieooipiCq Iaglo put set 'Ho Jo uoilonpold 03 put TIaM gora of Saleiai 3salalU1 put 0!111 11.011 gons Sr VdOS•I /V7NO QNV ?IVdOSNI `sIIaM am Jo 43E0 Jo aiogJTam agl 111 (E) :1s0l01u1 put 01111 `1gS11 mou2TSSy Tit Suraul mJsadam- pafgng T5O TT )SO (ii) all Assignor's interest in other personal property (other than the equipment described in subsection (c) of this definition of Subject Interests) upstream of the point at which Assignor's share of production from each of the Wells is delivered for sale or exchange to a person who takes title to such production at such point, which personal property is necessary or convenient for the production, gathering, storage, transportation and/or disposal of Subject Hydrocarbons, produced water, and other substances from each of the Wells, including but not limited to, common facilities such as tanks, treaters, separators, compressors, gathering systems and water disposal systems. "Wells" means the wells described in Exhibit B INSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR as the formations in such wells are described in Exhibit B, and which wells are located on the Lands, and at a location on said Lands, as is more particularly described in the location plat, or similar record, for each of such wells in the records maintained in the offices of the appropriate oil and gas regulatory or conservation agency for the state in which each of such wells is situated and identified by the API Number shown on Exhibit B. 1.2 Other Definitions. Other terms defined elsewhere in this Assignment shall have the meanings so given them herein. Article 2 Assignment 052 2.1 Properties. Subject to the exceptions and reservations of Section 2.2, Assignor, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, sells, transfers, conveys, and assigns unto Assignee, its permitted successors and assigns, (a) the Subject Interests and (b) all rights and obligations of Assignor existing at the Effective Time to take or give disproportionate shares of make -up gas from or to third parties to correct production imbalances under gas balancing agreements, or other statutory, contractual or common -law rights and obligations, or under the non consent provisions of the Operating Agreements included in the Subject Interests (collectively, the "Properties TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Properties unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever, subject, however, to the matters in (i) this Assignment and (ii) the Purchase Agreement. 2.2 Reservations. Assignor excepts and reserves from this Assignment: (a) the Production Payment described on Attachment I hereto, the terms of which are a part hereof as if recited in full in the body of this Assignment; (b) all other rights, title and interests in the wells described in Exhibit B as to all formations and intervals in such wells not described in Exhibit B and all other rights, title and interests in the Leases and the lands encumbered thereby to the extent not expressly granted hereunder; (c) the irrevocable license and right to use from time to time such Equipment and fixtures as set forth in the definition of Subject Interests as is reasonably necessary for the 608818.8 -5- Assignment with Reservation uo9len.fasag 1fl!M luamu8lissV S'IVN LLVW dO Sd'IdIWIWS 210 siaQOW OI X,LIW21OdNOJ dO 210 `dSOd2lfld IIVT1DIIHYd V 2IOd SSdN.LId dO `AII'IIav1NvHJ21aW dO AINy2RIVA1 AMY JNIQf1 DNI `salll LXId 21O X,L2IddO2id 'IyNOSHad HDf1S dO NOI.LIQNOD IH1, 01, Sy X.Lr[yHHVA 2I0 NOLLVINMS Hda2I Qdssa i xa 210 QaI'IdWI XNV Sd,LYJdN [NV SWIY'IDSIQ X'ISSd2idxa 21ONOISSV `Sd2If1IXId 210 X1'HadOHId 'IVNOS21dd Sd1f1,LIISNO3 INaIAIaIflba dH.L II•laIXd aH,L 0.1, `1.NaNIdd'H0d aSVIHD'Hfld RH1 NI 21O max ax A2IVIIINOD HILL OZ H.L'IOd !HS XISSd21dXd Sy 1dd3Xd waurz'Pos7Q 9'Z •saouriqulnoua isutr2t JCiueuum JO 0 1111 JO AougrruM Aug `oo palling oou inq `�utpnlout `astn+.iatuo JO Aroinigis `paildusi `passardxa `pup' Aur 10 AiuwwM inogpM aptut st ivautuatssy sigi `ouautaaay astgornd agi u1 apron s uruanoo pug `suoprivasardar `satiuguBM paiimil Aug rol odaoxa •sanumuv fo uomniztuz7 S'Z luauraar2y asggomd amp (q)Z•6 JO S•g uotioa5 ro L apply ut papino1d suot tpuoo pug suuao ago uo `00u5tssy uzo4 saiiradord atli asggamd of suotido sanrasar Agai q rouStssy •sap.cadoAd alp asvtpindad uf2RI s ,rou'tssV Z 'MOlaa 1' Z NOIIDaS NI QdHI2IDSaU Sy SaI121ddO21d HILL dSVH32lfld OZ IHJRI S,2IONOISSV ONIGIYIDNI `INHWda21Jy dSVH32ifld HH1, dO SNOIIIQNOD QNy siAnlaL au, QNV SaDNHHIaif1DNd QdL,LIW2idd aH.L OZ IDafgflS Qd.Ldd3Oy (INV acVW SI 1NaWNJISSV SIH1. 'saaubdqurnou,7 paijiurrad £'Z pug `.lapunarag paAanuoo arogllaM Aug wort uotionpord uo ioalla asranpr um ant" mom Ilup of o1 U dons ssalun rouSIssy Ag pasta' .10 paumo Airadord ratio uo ro utarag pau2Issr iou suopruuol pug sauoz `sgidap Aur of ooadsar gi!M rapunarag paAanuoo sarogllaM alp ui suotitrado Aug 5uionpuoo u1 aau5Issy of pau2isst utarag suoituuo3 put sauoz `sgidap agi gSnozgo HIuP o0 1115u ago (I) `.rou5Issy Aq pasta' JO paumo Airadord ratio uo pug uiarag aauSIssy of pau2issr iou sgodap pug suoprulrol `sauoz asogo ut suotitrado to oonpuoo agi ui Artssaoau aq Arm sr rapunarag pica/woo sa.zogi'aM ago sr 'lam sr purl ago to aotlrns ago to tonal sr asn 0111.1811 ago (a) `.airQ uotsranag ivaSutiuo3 agi Jo aouarrn000 agi SuiA3ioads uuol a'gtptooa.z ut ivaurturut ur to siredlaiunoo aSpalmounlor put ainoaxa of aaar gaga aauatssy pug rougtssy •airj uoisranag ivaSuiiuoD ago uo `saioradord agilo uoiirool ago it auuo Itooi "urg i0:L st antioallo (owci uotsrana' ivaSutiuo3 ago of rod ssautsnq Jo asmoo Artutpro agi ut pasralap JO paiguiurzai uaaq `paridxa anrg orgo soassr alq!Suroui asogi pug aigQ uoIsranag ivaSutouo3 ago of _loud ssautsnq to asmoo Argutpro ago ui to pasodsip siassr algi &uri ratio put ouaurdtnba urgi ratio) satiradord ago ut isaraiui Arguotsranal papintpun (%L) ivaorad anti- Aivanas r (p) `.asn oo RBI.' put as alggoonarrt tons rol `srgai r ut `rgaA gad 000`01$ Jo aau2issy of ouotuArd A'aurti mou2Issy uodn pauoiitpuoo st uoirivasar s1gi iggi `ranamoq `papinord `.sisaraiui ioafgnS alp ui papnlout iou suogiroorpAq ratio pug sr2 `uo Jo uotionpord 9 •j itgigxg uo paquosap sivautaaag pug siorriuoo ago 0 8118809 O S 6;:. 11 Article 3 Other Provisions 054 3.1 Successors and Assigns. Except to the extent permitted by Section 13.8 of the Purchase Agreement, this Assignment shall not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. This Assignment shall extend to, be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns. 3.2 Headings. The headings of the sections of this Assignment have been inserted for the convenience of the parties, but shall not be considered in construing or enforcing this Assignment. 3.3 Additional Information. Either party requiring additional information regarding the Properties, the Permitted Encumbrance, or any other matter in this Assignment may contact the other party at the address set forth above. 3.4 Separate Assignments. Separate assignments of the Properties from Assignor to Assignee may be executed on forms approved by Assignor and Assignee, in sufficient counterparts, to satisfy applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Those assignments shall be deemed to contain all of the exceptions, reservations, warranties, rights, titles, powers and privileges set forth herein as fully as though they were set forth in each such assignment. The interests conveyed by such separate assignments are the same, and not in addition to, the Properties conveyed herein. 3.5 Further Assurances. The parties agree to execute and deliver such other instruments or documents and to take such other actions as may be necessary or desirable to effect the intent of this Assignment or further evidence the transfer of the Properties to Assignee. 3.6 Counterparts. This Assignment may be executed by the parties in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original instrument, but all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 3.7 Rules of Construction. For purposes of this Assignment, including the Attachments and Exhibits hereto, the rules of construction set forth in Section 13.13 of the Purchase Agreement shall apply. 608818.8 [signature page follows] Assignment with Reservation uOI3BAJ sag yfIM luamu8!ssy 10909 '1I `oSeoi13 anUQ 1axoEm Isom S NMHVI.LS NOISNIM uastalad all9111W :Aq patgdaid ioloaitG SutSguUI^j iagg '1A1 Of aqula t Ojos ski `uotlgtodzoo aagnngjaQ g "ow `I aouuuid Matta 3d :AR caul red jgiauaS sli `XuEdutoo iggil paliurtj arenngjaQ B "3 "I' I `6661 'an sPugs WTI :gig dnjs1aul red paliuttj =Atria(' e "c1"I `6661 SQMVS IHOI.I aousut3 `luapisaid ao!A :ajlis /Cauoo7 •g pinea :autgN iauii d jgiaua slt `uoilgtodzoo 0 /0 nAkuIgU g "arsa `1NainiaDVAIVL1I 1L.md02Id SaDunOSau pin :,cg duffs oultgd palituij =imp(' pQ g "a stsiousinbav sa »21nosa i Ooa S O :?IOAIOISSy {-e 3' 'N :autgN paluud 55 al :aumN paluud SalifILVMOIS TIV 01 Sassatsa M •auti.L anpoa3Jg atjl Jo se aA9.00B0 lnq `nnojaq tpioj is salgp alp uo palnoaxa si luautu2issy sttjl `dOa2IaHM ssamuM NI TIP.! ;9S0 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK The instrument was acknowledged before me on the 15 day of December, 1999, by John M. Eber, a Managing Director of FC Energy Finance I, Inc., a Delaware corporation, as sole member of Tight Sands G.P. 1999, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, as general partner of Tight Sands 1999, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, on behalf of said partnership. Notay9 Public, State of My Commission Expires: '1 //a /o OFFI C IAL SEAL" KATHLEEN A. JAMES o Notary Public, State of Illinois My Commission Expires 9/12/02 9.0•••••••00000040040•OA4 nAM00 056 SO ,e_ Q e :saitdxg uotssiuzucoD ,CyAj 440.40.i 0.000404 047•••i40::r ZO /Z l/6 saiidx3 uo!ss!wwo0 Aye spun to ems 'o!Ig el nd AJoN S3Wvf •bv N321H1VN AV3S IVI3Idd01 ••••••••••e•••••••••••• j Jo girls loN •dujsiau iid Ares Jo jjrgaq uo paiturtj a.reAnrjaQ n `•d•Z suotjismboy saoinosag oog Jo .taulzsd jr.tauaS si `uoiriodroo anAngia j s `•ouj `luautaReunyq Xpado1d s0o1nosag oog 3o aourtm Iuapisa.zd aotn `./Cauoo' g pIAEQ iCq `6661 `JaquzaoaQ Jo At') (o g j uo gut =Jag papajnnomjor srm luauttulsut sitjZ 'MOOD ao xir ino3 sioNI'I H 3o g,LY1S 608818.8 OS653 l Exhibit A Leases [EOG to provide] 058 Assignment with Reservation uopcuasag upM auamu8lssy 6 9 0 [apinoid o; Doa] Sfl AY1 g 1pipptg 8'818809 0861i3 060 1. Any and all contracts for the gathering, transportation, processing, and sale of any subject hydrocarbons produced from the Properties. 2. Letter agreement dated September 28, 1967, between American Petrofina Company of Texas and Walter W. Krug (Contract No. K0012010). 3. Letter agreement dated August 30, 1965, between American Petrofina Company of Texas and Frio -Tex Oil and Gas Company (Contract No. K0012006). 4. Agreement dated September 30, 1992, between Enron Oil Gas Company and Will -Drill Production Co. (Contract No. K0020886). EXHIBIT C UOMIA.iasag IM At ivawu8!sSV -I- ivauzaissy aqll uI uual Trip pauatssE 2uiuuatu alp sEq „luaurdpibg„ °S•z uo13aag 111 tu.Ia3 Imp o3 pauS!sSE 2ulu1am aq3 sEq suoyonpay pgaa„ '£•Z uogoas ut 1111031Eg3 o3 pau2ISSE Fuiu1aur 043 nett spgaQ„ 11110,E 3uaUZi(Ed uoi3onpozd aq3 Suunp `Joaaag3 uolpod JO `xeoA npuajEo 3uanbasgns ti n° puE `6661 `I£ ioquigoga g2no.Ig3 2uipuo xa puu auil j anijoaJ3g am Tr 2uiuu!2aq .IEai( .repuoiro all Jo aouEjEq 043 suuauz 4 cvaa dvpualv3„ '3uauruilissy ag3 ui paugap sr Sjjam„ age arrow sllaAi s 4atfng„ •3uauraaiRy Sao!MaS 3uauza2EUEJA alp ut „sanuanag S Uua3.ag1 o3 pau2!sSE 5uturatu alp srq sanuana?f s .tarfng„ °3uauIaissy aql Jo I uol3oaS gmtM aouEijdtuoo 111 salpado1d age jo uoiuod g JO HE sagnboE i(j3uanbasgns oqM Suos.Iad JO uos.Iad .1044o Rui pug `sapiado.Id alp Jo .red Jo jjE SUMO 3i 0 4M `4UQUIU2isSy alp uI paulBU oota!sSy age stream „daring„ j ajquoijddi ,(q pazinbai Io pazumptir sE pasojo air SExas `uolsnoH .10 siouijjl `OSEJtgJ 111 SuOI3n4I4SUi S'unj11Eq IEUOi4Eu goiqM uo Art) 1ag3o 30 `iEpuns `1Ep.In4ES E Sou Si goiqM iEp Atm Steam dv( ssaulsng •(04PIIII y 541 io) .rou2issv gig aoua3sTxa 3o uo13ESSao aq4 (u) Jo (aWijgjy SCI .TO) .IOURISSv Aq ;uauzaa.ay sootuos 4uauza2EuEy\ age 3o uoi3EUiuua3 all UEg4 .10440 U0SEa.i J U11 I0j `JaEUEyAj Sou Si sa4Eijgjy 53! JO QUO JO JOU ISSlit' uagM UOt4EA.ras011 Sigt JO trial alp 2uunp au Aug suEaw pozJad algvazlddb :papinoid i(jssaidxa as1M.1ag4o SE 4daoxa `Mojaq ga.IOj las S U1U atu aqt anE4 j(Egs stuiam 2u1MOjjoJ ag3 `uia1.ag pasn sy •suoljtutfaa utvUa,J 1 'pagoE44E Si uogEi.Iasag SI44 goi4M 04 („ivawu$lssy„ age) 3Uaut<(Ed uoponpo.Id JO uoi4En.rasa' ql!M 4uatuU$ISSy 0t jo ved E sT („uoyvn.casag„ sIMM) .LNgJAIAW NOI13flUO Jd dO NOLLvAllaSg2I SIH,L T90 SUO!31UgaU i alati.iv 1NIIIAIAYd AIOI.LDIIQOIId AO NOLLVATIISDDI 4uauIXEd uoponpo.Id jo uoi3En.1asa21431M 4uaunaISSy 04 I 1,AIMAIHDV11V T 8'818809 "Gas" has the meaning assigned to that term in the Assignment. "Gross Revenues" has the meaning assigned to that term in Section 2.2(b). "Management Period" means any time during the term of this Reservation other than any Applicable Period. "Management Services Agreement" means (i) that certain Management Services Agreement, dated as of the date of the Assignment, but effective as of the Effective Time, between EOG Resources, Inc. and Buyer, as the same may be from time to time amended, modified, supplemented or restated, and (ii) any other agreement (other than the Operating Agreements included in the Subject Interests) between Buyer and an Affiliate of Seller, including any substitute for, or successor agreement to, the referred to Management Services Agreement, concerning the matters covered by the referred to Management Services Agreement. "Manager" means the Manager or its Affiliate designated in the Management Services Agreement. 608818.8 "Month" means a calendar month. "Non- Recourse Promissory Note" has the meaning assigned to it in the Purchase Agreement. "Operating Agreements" is defined in the Assignment. "Payment Reserves" has the meaning assigned to that term in the Management Services Agreement. "PP Owner" means Seller, while it owns an interest in the Production Payment, and any other Person or Persons who subsequently acquires all or a portion of such Production Payment. "Production Payment" means the production payment reserved unto PP Owner as provided in Section 2.8. "Production Payment Term" means the period of time from the Effective Time until 7:00 a.m., local time at the location of the Properties, on the first day of the Month immediately following the date on which the total volume of Gas produced and sold from the Properties from and after the Effective Time equals 50,950,363 MMBtus. "Production Proceeds Account" has the meaning assigned to that term in Section 2.1. "Properties" has the meaning assigned to that term in the Assignment. 062 Assignment with Reservation uo9enaasall qij ;uamua!ssy -M- tuo4 .1aAng /Cq paniaoai spinotuu Xug guipnloul `suogagooipXH loafgns jo saps ioj `Apoaiipul Jo Alloazip `ia/Cng (L•Z uoiloas gltnn lualsisuoo paniaoaa paulaap Jo) panIaoaz uogR1apisuoo pr apnloul Ilggs sanuanag ssozo (I) :Sulnnolloj am of loafgns aq pugs suogxgooapAH loafgns jo uogisodsip JO alga AIM of loadsai Lili^n lun000y spaaoo1d uoilonpoid aLil of palip= aq of `(„sanuaitad ssoA0„ alp paTTEO Alanipoalloo uta1ag `(luauzkEd uoilonpo1d atp UELiI iaglo) uogonpoid lions of loadsai ui alquAgd suapznq iuliuiis mtpo put saillg/Coi 2u!pulano `sailgXoi itE Suilonpap 1j `slunouzg lions) spaaooid ssoi2 3o lunoum aqj (q) ioilisodslp Jo alas Lions wog JoAng /Cq (L•Z uolloas Blinn lualsisuoo paniaoai patuaap Jo) paniaoa1 spaaooid sso.i2 aLil `Jo pasodsip 10 Nos suog vocup/CH loafgns IF iod (g) 8'818809 pa -0,, agl AClantloalloo) Suinno11o3 gip Blinn (uoilioildnp lnoglinn) palipaio aq IIEgs lun000y spaaoo.id uotlonpo.zd agl `uoug u sag situ Jo uual agl Suunp /Cluo pug uia.iag papino1d asinuatpo sE ldaoxg Z'Z •uoi3Eniasa' slip Jo suoIsinoId am pug saogouid Suqun000E pailddd /Cllualstsuoa put alginoog Blinn aougpi000g u! („iunoaav spaaaodd uomonpo.rd„ aLil palpg° utaiag) lun000E uE pauiglureui pug pagsggqlsa aq of asnuo .io uiElu1gtu pug gsilqulsa hugs xa/Cng 7unoaaj spaaao rd uoyanpo.4d I'Z punoaay spaaaom uopanpoid Z alail •luatuu Issy 0ql ui pauaissE s2ulusatu 0Lil anug pugs `paupap aspwaglo lou lnq `uialag pasn suual paz1lulidu3 utaiaq uuagl uan13 os sguuzgaui am anEg Ilugs uollu/uasag sigl ui a1agnnasla pauyap suual zaLilp •suop ulfaa .0110 Z •luaumaat8y saopuas luatuaSrusyAI alp U1 uual 3Etll of pauF1ssE Sulugaul am soli sa/Liasa y IvJ1dv0 2upido C90 •luatuaaay asEgo and 041 u1 uual pip 03 pauSIss1 BuIugaui agl sgg uos cad p rna„ •luatuuSissy all u! uual lgLil of pauSissr Sulugaux aql sug suovvao cpeCH pa fgng„ •dLgsJaullEd palitull a.remgIaG g `•d•I suop!smboy saomosag 9pg stream „da11ag„ •luatuaaay saopuas luatua5Eugy\I 0Lil ul uual IELiI of pauSissg 2U!U10Uz all sgLi slso3 uosrad pJiuld„ •luatuaa1Sy sooivas luatuaffgugy4I age ui uual lggl of pau2issE 2uiugaum alp sgq „a:va juauldnoaaj„ 608818.8 064 production of Subject Hydrocarbons at levels greater than Buyer's ownership percentage in the production attributable to the Properties. (2) If any proceeds are withheld from Buyer, such proceeds shall not be considered to be Gross Revenues until such proceeds are actually received by Buyer. (3) If a controversy or probable controversy exists (whether by reason of any statute, order, decree, rule, regulation, contract, or otherwise) as to the correct or lawful sales price of any Subject Hydrocarbons, then such amounts received by Buyer and promptly deposited by Buyer with an escrow agent under usual and customary terms, shall not be considered to have been received by Buyer and shall not be included in Gross Revenues until disbursed to or on behalf of Buyer by such escrow agent. (4) Gross Revenues shall include all proceeds relating to any "non consent" operations as to which Buyer is a consenting party, including all proceeds relating to such "non- consent" operations which are in excess of the proceeds that would have accrued to Buyer had all working interest owners consented to such operations. (5) Gross Revenues shall not include any amounts for Subject Hydrocarbons lost in production or used by or on behalf of Buyer for development, drilling and production operations (including gas injection, fuel, secondary, or tertiary recovery, pressure maintenance, repressuring, or recycling operations) conducted for the purpose of producing Subject Hydrocarbons, but only so long as such Subject Hydrocarbons is so used, and during any Applicable Period, only if the same are so used in conformity with good oil field practices. (6) Any amounts deposited by the Manager in accounts for Working Capital Reserves or Payment Reserves shall not be included in Gross Revenues until, and then only to the extent, such deposited amounts are withdrawn by the Manager from such accounts and not either (i) applied against costs and expenses which would constitute Debits (but for the exclusion under Section 2.4(c)), or (ii) in the case of Payment Reserves, refunded to the Person entitled thereto. (7) Payments for Subject Hydrocarbons made in contemplation of future delivery thereof shall not be included in Gross Revenues until the time of actual delivery thereof. 2.3 Debits. Except as otherwise provided herein and only during the term of this Reservation, the Production Proceeds Account shall be debited with the following (without Assignment with Reservation uopsensag yiu+ 3uamuS3ssV -A- aaUMO dd JO aaiCng icq poiinoui saxes, uv as O dd pug ioXng uaampg aapunaaaq Sutsuu uonESntj Aug u1tm uotioauuoo ut aaumO dd of 10 ng Aq pied slunoute .to aoAng Cq pannout sasuadxa Aug pangap aq you jjetjs =Ill Imp pap1AoJd `.suogagooapXH 4oafgns so sp0000id Aug jo uoijnp sat JO luautt(Ed Suutnbaa ao `(uoa1ag1 paw!! Suipnjout) sioq o JO awing Act pau1 u1EUZ aouu tnsut .tapun paslnquttal ao ptgd you satitjtggtj aa43o pug sapieuad `s3uatu2pnf SutAgd (ti) pqq `(spun] pamonoq Suunoas suaui ugg31oipo stump uatj Sutpniout) suzrejo pug sSuipaaooad angensiututpE `uofES14ti 21Itj13as JO Supansanut `Sutjpuuq (t) aoj (saotnaas Suuaauusua pure Suqun000E `jESal ammo Suupnjouu) moo jp (Z) •suopgaado !Tons papuasuoa saaumo lsaaanut Suppom jje pgq ao Rq pannout wag ang4 pjnom moo oq jo ssooxo u! on t i o n i m i 1 d Sutjuasuoo E su aaAng gotljm 01 se suogEaado „luasuoo -uou„ Aug of Sump.' moo jjy (j) :guru, annoaJJg am gage auttuso spouad of pug `1042ta [TTim uogoatzuoo ut posn A4.10doad ao 4uatudtnba Aug ao suogagooapAH 4oafgns atT3 `soWodoad aq3 o3 NEja! !Tons 4ua3xa ally of Suumojjos jo jig (tt) pug `(sata.zadoad alp so uoquaado .10 uonga4stuttUpE `3ualuaSguulu atT� u3!m pop 1oossu saSaggo pug sasuadxa `saaj juuot }uppg Aug Suupnjoxa nng) salsa Sutpnjout `suot3tpuoo pug sUUa3 ajgquosuaa AHEIoaauruzoo uo `4uatuaa1Sy Sut,gaadO ug so aouasgg 041 ut 10 111=00a2y Sut4gaadO !Ions aapun p0 140 age woo !Ions se stsgq cures atl4 uo pa4Ejnojgo wino= ut an pug sat3zadoad !Ions ajggotjddE 3uautaaasy Sut3gaadO lugnaja! 043 aapun satjzadoad all IsutgSE ajq o r qo age sasuadxa lions 3 43 3ua3xa a! 03 aunt, ant3o0JJg 043 IOgg 'mom S jo luauzuopuggE pug Su!SSnid alp Sutpnjout `saujaadoad atT1 Sututg4ureuz pug Sutonpoad `Sut1gaado `Sutdoianap aoj saultadoad am 03 ajq oojjE JO ajq 3nquug on 401gm sasuadxa jjE (i) `pa33a pug aoaoj tln3 ut 1ou s! 3uatuaa1Sy saounaas 3uauzaSEUBJAI aq1 Uosuaa Aug cos 3I (q) •3uauuaa1Sy Saounaas 3uauu0Sguew atT4 so (p)vg uot3oas ut paptnoad Xjssaadxa astmaamo sg uutp aatpo 4daoxa `as1a Aug ui `1uauraaasy saoinaas 3uauzasEUeJAj 013 aapun aaSEUBJA 013 03 gams (q paaanouu wino= aatpo pug `sugoj Aug uo 3Saaa4ut tog; Hy (u) pug `saniadoad gip 04 ajggoojjE JO aiqunnqumE on uott(m (Iuatuaa1Sy saotnaas 4uauzaSgU14AI 044 u! paugap Su tuua3 !Tons 4oga sg) mop ywd pug s3so3 uosaad patu.L Sutpnjout `sat3.zadoad 0144 of ajquoojjE Jo ajqulnqu44u ajE 140It4M 3Uauzaaasy SOOIAIas 4U0tU0suugj^j aq1 aapun j qaq s uo aageueN alp paaanout s3Unouue 10!430 pug sasuadxa 'moo jig (t) `looJjo pug aaaoj Huts ut s! luauuaaJSy saotnaas 4uauuaSuuuj^i am se Suoj os and (E) oq) sataladoad am o1 padsoi u;tm aaAng pannout on Aa44 4ua3xa alp 03 pug se (uot3eogdnp g9 8'818809 066 (4) All actual costs for processing, storing, transporting or marketing Subject Hydrocarbons and the removal of contaminants (including carbon dioxide and other impurities) or produced water and the disposal thereof. (5) Any refunds required to be made by Buyer, including compensatory interest, of all or any part of the sales price for any Subject Hydrocarbons, whether by reason of any statute, order, decree, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, but in the case of refunds of amounts placed in the escrow account in Section 2.2(b)(3), only to the extent the amount refunded exceeds the amount placed in such escrow account. (6) All royalties, shut -in royalties, minimum royalties, advance royalties, delay rentals, surface damages and similar payments under Leases. All cash payments to Third Persons to settle gas imbalances. (8) All interest and penalties for prior period adjustments paid to royalty owners and taxing authorities. (c) For so long as the Non Recourse Promissory Note is outstanding, all amounts paid or then payable by Buyer to the holder thereof with respect thereto. 2.4 Excluded Debits. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.3, Debits shall not include any of the following: (a) Any amount which has also been used to reduce the amount of the Subject Hydrocarbons or Gross Revenues or has otherwise not been included therein (including royalties, overriding royalties, production payments and other charges burdening the Properties as of the Effective Time, or production, severance, excise and other taxes deducted, withheld or paid by any other Person). 2.5 Debit Reductions. The debits to the Production Proceeds Account shall be reduced by the following (without duplication) "Debit Reductions 608818.8 (b) Any overriding royalty, production payment or other charge burdening the Properties which was created by Buyer after the Effective Time. (c) Any costs paid by the Manager out of the Working Capital Reserves or Payment Reserves established under the Management Services Agreement. Reserves. (a) Any interest accruing on the Working Capital Reserves or Payment -vi- Assignment with Reservation uoneniasag im,N ivatua!ssd '4uau.I ssv aq� ui los se sogiadoid aqi ajqu4nqume uotaonpozd ut aeluaolad dtgslaumo s ueg4 ssaj sjanaj se9 Jo uoijonpo.Td Jo ana.zlA Aq paniaoai slunotue ut sltogap aAt4ejnumo Cu u .zoj luauzamas se slaumo 3salaVui 2utof tuolu s3diaoai )(try (g) Ia�Cng oI pied Ajgiseajoput aIe imp sup Cue Jo aotld sales jnTmej JO loa.uoo 01.11 04 su iCslano.uuoo ajgissod so ASJQA041103 E jo padsal ut spunjoi 3o 4uatuiCed I0j (£)(q)Z'Z uogoas 4uenslnd.lun000u M J3Sa ue ut IaiCng Aq paaisodap sanuanag SSOID uo owoout Jaw JO 4salMul (S) •UOS OI Cu e Io3 HOSIOd p.mj j e /ig IaAng wag piatjtram sanuana21 ssol9 o4 poadsai ui ajgeAed s4unoure i01410 JO sai4jeuad Isola1u4 (1 go0l3g4 uotpod Cue JO saT4Iadold aq� ut papnjout sasea7 ago ui ma'am 4oafgns aq4 jo ayes alp uzoij spaaooid ago Sutpnjoxa �nq `sat4Iadoid alp gum uogoauuoo uI pasn Io uo pawooj sa.znlxg pue Apadoid jeuosiod Ia pue `4uatudtnba `satjddns `sjeualeuz alp pug satuadold ago jo omi j ant1o9JJg 044 Joge dtgstaumo aq4 Jo an.Itn Aq 1o/ng Xq (L'Z uotloas Irann 3ua;stsuoo pantaoal patuaap Io) pantaoai 9IU goIgm s3uajentnba gseo pug gsuo Iag4O jib' 'sa>?turp 10J suoslad pttgZ 4sureae sumo pug s3uauz2pnf lie Jo spaaooid ago puu `i(iioalipul JO nj4oa.np `4un000y spaaoozd uoionpold aq1 04 poSiego Si gotgm Jo 4500 ago `aouelnsut jje Jo spaaooid (z) •(aum o4 0W4 wog pazptun gig joalag4 spud JO IJEd Aug JO sagiadoid aq4 jt 4uauzdinba puu Xiiadold jeuoslad ut 4uatuIsanuT Jo aouutulojuoo JO Cum icg IaAng ,Cq pantaoal ajge1nquie s4unoure jje Sutpnjout) ma'am 4SalaIut Io joala I.ted Aug JO `SOInIxg Io iC4tadold juuosiad Ia pue `4uauzdtnba `satjddns `Sjuua1utu Aug (Jo min. mina' Iua uno uag4 am `ales Act ueg4 Iag4o jo pasodstp ji 'Jo) Jo airs agl wag spaaooid 1aN (t) :slgauaq xe4 Iag4o JO suotlonpap xe1 `541palo xe1 Aug Jo 4un000e uo (A) JO `Sanuana)j 55019 ui papnjout si gotgm (x) suotjonpa21 woof ut papnjout aq Hulls mot= ou Iegj paranoid `salliodold pa4oajje 044 JO3 I1.10u100l3V 5uileladp IueAajal 041 ut paranoid si se stseq gums aq4 uo (a4uudolddu aim/A) pa1ejnojuo aq o4 s4unouze Lions tram `(4uacuaa1Ry saotntas 4uauzaSeuUJAj aq1 ui I0j paranoid se palisodap 0Ie s4unotue Lions uagm In000 o4 pauzaap aq 'papa puu aoloj iin3 ui Si 1uautaalgy saoInlas 1uatuaeUSIAI age se Suoj os 10j `jjegs 4dtaoal gotgm) uuaZ 4uaulAed uotTonpold ago Suunp pue aunts ant4oajjg ag1 .raga JoAng Aq paniaoai 0Ie (it) pup `sligau ui papnjout 910A goigm Jo moo uoi4isinboe alp Xpadoid o1 Io suogluooipAlq 4oafgns 041 `saptadold a 03 amp.' (i) gans mom ag1 o4 s4unotur 4uajuntnba tjsuo pue gseo Sutmojjoj 041 (q) 190 8'818809 608818.8 Assignment. O S G 068 (c) Any amounts payable pursuant to Section 2.2(c) of the 2.6 Carry Forward. The amount of any Debit Reductions not applied against Debits as a dollar- for dollar reduction in any Month, as provided in Section 2.7, may be deposited in Working Capital Reserves, and when so deposited shall cease to constitute Debit Reductions. If the Debit Reductions are not deposited in Working Capital Reserves as provided in the preceding sentence, then the amount of such Debit Reductions not deposited shall be carried forward to the next succeeding Month until applied against Debits and eliminated. 2.7 Accounting. All Debits which are attributable to costs and expenses incurred during a Month up to and including the last day of such calendar month shall be debited against the Production Proceeds Account on an accrual basis as of the last day of the applicable Month; provided that such Debits shall be reduced (and not debited to the Production Proceeds Account) by the aggregate amount of all Debit Reductions which have been received by Buyer as of the last day of such Month and which have not previously been either (i) applied to reduce Debits charged to the Production Proceeds Account or (ii) deposited in Working Capital Reserves by the Manager. All Credits which are attributable to Gross Revenues received during a Month up to and including the last day of such Month shall be credited to the Production Proceeds Account; provided, that for purposes of determining Gross Revenues received during a Month, 70% of the Gross Revenues accrued with respect to such month shall be deemed received in the following month and the balance of such revenues shall be deemed received in the second following month. The Production Proceeds Account balance shall be determined after the applications provided for above have been made. If after the term of this Reservation there shall be an addition, elimination or adjustment of amounts which constituted, or would have constituted, Credits, Debits or Debit Reductions during the term of this Reservation, the Production Proceeds Account balances shall be recalculated by Buyer giving effect to such additions, eliminations or adjustments, and any resulting adjustment to the amount payable to PP Owner as the Production Payment shall be settled by payment to PP Owner or to Buyer by the other, as appropriate, promptly thereafter; provided, that, the aggregate payments by PP Owner to Buyer shall not exceed the aggregate amount received by PP Owner hereunder. 2.8 Reservation. PP Owner hereby excepts from the Properties, retains and reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns, a production payment (the "Production Payment in and to all of the Subject Hydrocarbons in place, in, under and that may be produced from the Lands and capable of being produced from the wellbores of the Wells, payable solely out of Gross Revenues, equal to one hundred percent (100 of the credit balances existing in the Production Proceeds Account from time to time as calculated under this Reservation (in accordance with the terms of Article 2 hereof). 2.9 Title Warranty. Buyer hereby binds itself to warrant and forever defend all and singular title to the Production Payment unto PP Owner and its successors and assigns against -vill- Assignment with Reservation uo!as,113S3g IIMA1 IU WU !SSV dd gltm ai iad000 pug `uiozpazam uomonpoid .io `sagIOdoxd OM padsaz gptm uosiad pztgs g Tsui (JoSruew Act POliozwoo aou) 11 Act uiigjo Cue jo .zaump dd Ajijou Hugs zaAng `Sutogazoj Sutpug1stfl!AV oM 'L'Z uoijoas jo aouapas Isgi zapun suogggtigo SIT pm zaAng �Cg Oouggdtuoo uggll zamo `pouad ions Suunp luaUIJCgd uot3onpozd aq1 Jo uot1gz3stutuipg aqi o� padsaz pm asug Arm goigm sutreio Aug zoj aigtsuodsai ion pioi lou limp pu `(Z'£ uopoas zapun sluauard onp 3sgd uo isa.io ui zoj zaumO dd o3 Altitggq 2uipniout) aougnzasgo pug aouguuojiod `uoggzisiutuzpe lions zoj Jamul of Atoms Nooi Kris 1! `pouad luautaStugw am Suunp saaz &g zaumO dd atotiv stgl Puu L'Z ggnOZgi i Z suopoas ui g1.coJ has WIguanoo pug suompuoo anzasgo pug uuojzad pug 3uautAgd uoponpozd zalstututpg `zaiCng JO JINN uo `iiggs zoWutre Ai soSpaimouvg pug saw& pump dd '1uarua8vunyy •pu dazd a2i sod Tutu sawis paltun ut paptsodap st )ioago ions owp age uo alma! Inmaap act limp zaumO dd g Apoaztp vow Act apguz Iuauard /Cut pug 'pa/spool si luauagd ions a3gp uo Opguz pautaap act iiggs zaum0 dd 3o ono ui iojsui ij atim Ali op= luauiAgd goga `uopoas sigh jo sasodznd zo,j mgt aiquotiddg Xq pamuuad aum aum uioij awz uinuiixeuz am (tt) JO `Xigiuoui popunodwoo %Z said aagg aiggotiddy age (t) jo zassai am (34 ignba tunuug zad awz g 1s 'mud uaaq angq slummy ions mun awp onp age uiouu 3sazalut `Ouauuaazgy saoinzas 3uautaSruBJ, aqa zapun suot3l tjgo 83! uuojiod of pouad 3uauia rugj^i at( Suunp JoSuur i 3o azniTj aq3 03 onp st /Cud ainjr j zo )(giop ions ssaiun) zaum0 dd o3 /cud saaz& Xgaiog zaiCng pug `Iraq imp onp uagm 4uauiAgd uoijonpozd a I3 o� padsat zaumO dd o3 zaiCng Aq pled Sou munoutg iCud mouldy," aria 690 ITT'!;9S0 lsnd Z' W818809 lsanbaz Xigguosgaz aum auit3 uioJJ Artu zaumO dd sg 3un000g mown() dd o3 `zaumO dd q pawatsap Aigguosgaz sugaui Act `pagstuznj oq of pazinbaz si wauzams aq3 gotgm ui muoui i puaigo jo Ara ssauisng i i auk azojaq JO uo zaumO dd apgui oq imp 1uauIICgd uoponpozd amp 3uauard `4uaulowls lions Rue icq po oaijaz st aougigq }ipazo g jJ .pa3gutuiga pug sltpazj Aq losjjo wag Ongg s3tgou Tau ions mun plow Suip0000ns 3XOU zoj pzgmzoj pall= oq 'tuts 3uauza313s qons Aug Aq popol az sngoct tau Xuy lsanbaz Aigguosgaz auiij auitj luau [Eggs zaumO dd sg saaugjgq 3un000y spaaoozd uoijonpozd Jo uoi }ginoigo aim 03 pa3giaz sire3ap 2uijun000g zag1tni ions pug tops gons o� padsaz g3tm pred saxBZ 'Nos azam sautnion tons gOtgm 3g saoud aq3 'Nos suogJEOOZpAH 3oafgns Jo sauinion ag3 `aun000y spaaoozd uot3onpozd aim 03 s3tgaQ pug sppaij 3o sum! am Suiire3ap pug `g3uow !Tons JO Xgp 3sgi ag1 uo ssautsnq 3o asoio Oq3 Jo sr 3un000d spaaoozd uogonpozd jo saoueigq age 2utmogs 3uauz03g3s pojn op B zaum0 dd o3 `pagsiuittJ aq o� asneo JO `gstuznj limp zaXng `tuns, 3uauitCgd uot}onpozd aim Suunp g3uow goga Jo ArQ ssautsnq 1sgi Og3 Suimoitoj Arp (4309) glat3xis 0143 aiojaq JO u0 •s)uaurifbd R 11 i s3uatuSud aiai31V •a3BQ 2utsoi3 aim Jour sOSug uzigio tons 3ua3xa am 01 ICiuo pug 3ua3xa age 03 `zaICng zapun zo `11Snozg3 `Xq joazag1 prd Aug JO OWWBS age uireio 03 JO Suiu wto XIinJmei uoszad Anna O &t_i: i31.i Owner in the prosecution of such claim, or the PP Owner's prosecution of a similar claim as to its interest in the Subject Hydrocarbons. Article 4 Operation of the Properties 4.1 Non Applicability. During the Management Period, (i) Manager shall be Buyer's designated agent (which appointment is irrevocable) for the purpose of exercising any consents or non consents to operations under Section 2.5 of the Management Services Agreement, or making any proposals under Section 2.3(h) of the Management Services Agreement, and (ii) the following provisions of this Article 4 shall not apply, and Buyer shall have no obligation or liability to PP Owner in respect thereof. 4.2 Duties of Buyer. Buyer shall take such actions and exercise such rights and remedies as would a reasonable prudent non operator (who may currently benefit from Section 29 Tax Credits), acting in accordance with the Prudent Operator Standard, to take or exercise to cause the actual "operator" to perform its obligations and duties under the Operating Agreements included in the Subject Interests, or, with respect to those properties where Buyer is the "operator," Buyer shall act as would a reasonable prudent operator (who may currently benefit from Section 29 Tax Credits) owning such Properties, acting in accordance with the Prudent Operator Standard, in performing its obligations and duties under such Operating Agreements. 4.3 Right to Pool. Buyer shall have the right and power, exercisable only during the period provided in Section 4.4, to pool or unitize any of the Properties and to alter, change, amend, or terminate any pooling or unitization agreements heretofore or hereafter entered into, as to all or any part of the Leases included in the Subject Interests, as to any one or more of the formations or horizons thereunder which is included in the Properties, upon such terms and provisions as Buyer shall, acting in accordance with the Prudent Operator Standard, reasonably determine. If and whenever through the exercise of such right and power, or pursuant to any Legal Requirement, any of the Properties are pooled or unitized in any manner, the Production Payment, insofar as it affects such Properties, shall also be pooled and unitized. 4.4 Duratian, Buyer's power and right to pool and unitize the Properties and the Production Payment shall be exercisable and enjoyed only during the period of the life of the last survivor of the descendants of Joseph Kennedy, father of the late President of the United States, living on the date of execution of this Reservation, plus 21 years after the death of such last survivor. Article 5 Other Provisions 5.1 Government Regulations. All obligations of Buyer hereunder shall be subject to all applicable Legal Requirements. 608818.8 -x- 0 ;'o Assignment with Reservation uopLuasati yijM ;uawuS!ssy TLO -IX- suopv'zlgo s .raefng fo a.mvw as4noaag -uoN S'S 8'SISS09 'SaOVIJIVa 'IVIIN1I1bdsN0D 2iO "IVINaUIDNI "IYIDads ANY JNIQIYIDNI `SINf1O1W 2idHI0 AMY 11Od W'IHVI7 ag ION TIYHS GNAT 2IgNMO dd CHI 0.1 UWYd ION SI'IVHI 2IdaNfld2ldH 11HNMO dd dHI oI adA2IdSd2I INdNAVd NOI L3IIIO2Id CHI dO INd1Xd dHI oI ATNO Hawn dg TIVHS 2idAflg `INdInIdd2IJV Sd3IA2IdS INdlnmovm Ini dHI dO NOIIVNIY�i2idl 2I I1dY •NOIIYAIIHSaI SIHI ?IdUNl1 SINROYAVY ANY dO INdJnTAVd 2IOd 2IHAflg dO 2IaNII1Vd ANY 110 2HdAf1g ISNIVJV INIIAIOaflf 'IVNOS2Idd 210 A3NdIDIdda V ?IdaS ION TIVHS 2I[NM0 dd aNV `sarmonax SSO2I0 JNIQIl IDNI `SIdSSV SII dO INd1Xa mil, oI 2IdAflg NVHI H}JIO 2HdAflg INIO'Id WIG INf1OLAIV ANV 2I0d AUIOIHI ANY 2ldaNfl d'IHVTI dg TIVHS 2IdAflg dO 2IaN.L2IYd ANY ZION 2IdAflg 2IdHIIdN IVHI SdJV GNY SdOUH'IMONNIOV 2IaNM0 dd 2IdQNfld2IdH SNOIIVDI'IHO S,2IHAflg dO d3NVYA11IOd2Idd 2I0d 2IdaNfla iaHI 2IaoVNVNI dHI 0,1 A'U'TOS ?IOO'I TIVHS II `2ldaNfld2IaHI IIflWdda 'IVRIHIVInt NI IOM SI 2ldAflg SY ONO'I OS GNY INdInldd2iJV SDDIA21dS INdlnldOVNVIN dHI dO NOIIVNIYAfId1 dHI 'IIINfl IYHI Sad2IJV (INV SIDad'IMONNDV 2IdNM0 dd •saiaiado1d asegatndai ou iapunaiatn maumo dd Sutpniaui `patuaa1 y asuga1nd alp Jo suoilipuoo pue suual aqI of pa fgns paldaaoe pue apgtu si uoile uosag stgl 'juawaa i .8y asvrga and of pa!gnS b' S lTSutp000e palea.zl pup patulsuoo aq Help uotlgn.zasaj siqu Jo suoisinold He pug 'Osamu! Jaiilo iCuu Jo 1SgJalui $utppiano Isamu! guppom a se uUtp iagp.z) ouazagl �uileiai i(luotpne ipiaipnf pue suotuein20.i aril pug apoj alp 3o 2uiueam aril uupu suognooipXJ loo fgns aril ui luatuXed uollanpoid se paleail ag satuil He lg TTegs iouatssy pa uosai uiaiaq luau /cud uoponpo1d alp Imp pualut ola Tag sallied ail `uoiuippp uI 'uoilaaia Lions glim lualsisuoaui uotlisod Xup a}igI oI uou aaz2e pue `apo3 alp so y ajltugng `T ioldeqo `N iaudggogns so uotlgaiidde ail wog papniaxa ag oI pia Titm sapied aqI 'Am Ag pauutuuad Iualxa aqI oi uaqu `sasodtnd xml atuoaut ieiapal .iol digsiatund e. alnliusuoa oI pauiaap a.ie man!" sawed ail `lonamog `3I 'Xped iaglo alp `qutm dtgsxauu.i d u! JO 10 luaSu aqI (sasodznd xmu atuoau! .IOU Jo AVM alplS iapun) olai q i .Igd 1atpI0 alnlilsuoo of patulsuoo ag Timis pautmuuoo uiaiaq 2unpoN 1ua ;uj £•S 'sasodmd Tie zoj satuadoid aqI II! Isazalut Suilpiadouou a Outluazo se sasodhnd HE .ios pate suoa ag iCTantsniauoa Hugs uotlennsag sigl pue) aunutusuoa IIegs luauDCed uotlanpo1d aqI •Jsara!ul eCrossassod -uox z. OS6`3311. 072 Subject to the restrictions on Buyer's transfer contained in the Purchase Agreement, all of the terms and provisions of this Reservation shall extend to, be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective permitted successors and assigns. 608818.8 Article 6 Successors and Assigns Article 7 Term This Reservation shall remain in force during the Production Payment Term. From and after the end of the Production Payment Term all rights, titles, interests, powers and privileges of PP Owner under this Reservation not already accrued to PP Owner shall be vested in Buyer, its permitted successors and assigns. Upon request of Buyer, PP Owner shall promptly deliver a duly executed and acknowledged instrument in recordable form acknowledging the termination of the Production Payment. [END OF ATTACHMENT I] Assignment with Reservation 1,0 3L1318ns SOT Dd 4E x8 17561/10/50 311318fS IZI Od 4£ X8 17561 /10/50 3.LL318fS £Z1 Dd 4E X8 17561/10/50 Tj T918f1S SZ1 Dd 4E X8 £561/10/170 3,LL318I1S 6ZI Od 4£ X8 17561/10/50 3.L.L318fS al Dd 4£ X8 8561/10/170 N100NI1 ZOI Od OE X8 8561/ZZ/80 N1O3NI1 9Ll Dd ZZ X8 LS61/80/50 N1ODNI1 ZZ Od OE X8 1961/10/LO N1ODNI1 OE Dd OE X8 17561/10/90 N100NI1 9Z Od SOE XS 0561 /10/11 N1ODNI1 ZS Dd 68 X8 9561/10/11 N1ODNI1 LIZDd 81 XS 8561/91/10 ■100NI1 LIZ Dd81 X8 9561/61/!I N1ODNI1 6E Dd ZZ X8 9561/41/11 ■100N11 6E Od ZZ X8 9561/6Z/11 N100NI1 049 Dd 98Z XS 1561/91/50 N1ODNI1 049 Dd 98Z X8 9561/(1/11 N1ODNI1 S££Od I'Z X8 9561/5i2I N1ODNI1 ZISOd EZ X8 L561/80/10 N100NI1 117£ Dd SOE X8 1561/91/50 N100N11 89Z Od 98 X8 1561 /91/50 N1ODNI1 89Z Dd 98 )IS 1561/91/50 N100N11 Z6ZDd 1Z X8 17561/10/60 N1ODNI1 LSZ Dd 96Z X8 8561/10/01 N1ODNI1 ZE Dd ZE X8 8561/10/L0 N1ODNI1 ZE Od ZZ X8 8461/1020 N100NI1 ZZ Dd ZZ X8 8461/1020 N100NI1 ZZ Od ZZ X8 2961/10/60 N1ODN11 17EEDd SI X8 L561/10/90 ■100NI1 8E1 Dd OE 318 9561/10/60 ■100N11 049 Dd 98Z X8 9561/10/60 1 049 Dd 98Z X8 5561/10/LO N1ODNI1 605 Dd IZ X8 4561 /1020 NfODNl1 IEEDd S1 X8 81761 /1020 N1ODNI1 60S Dd IZ X8 8461/1020 A.LN1103 ONIQ2I0031I 3.LVQ 3SV31 17 Jo 1 aged V M VSn 01175Z0 VSn L0$5Z0 M VSn £Z I OZ0 VSn V M VSn V M VSn NOISSIWWOO AMH 3IVIS AM ONIWOAM 'A.LNfOO N100NI1 9LZ880 VSfl 59LSZ0 M VSn 0172920 A3 VSn Xn 13 )(WIN 3 NHOf 9t9ZZ-0 AM .LS XIIVW 8NUMMV Xn 13 A3ISIIOH 1II1A3 Xn 1.3 NVWV3A 3 3021030 9E111 AM IS xn .L3 SINNIDOW f 81IVI111 SIMS .LM3N° NOS21V1 O 'I3W13S 4EI11 AM IS LE111 AM IS 5E111-0 AM IS 3 VSn OLE990-M VSn 69E990 VSn 590ZS0 VSn t'90ZS0 VSn 19600-M VSn 6566170-M VSn V M VSn Z898(0 VSn 156E0 VSn E6LPZO VSn D VSn EIEEZO VSn I1OSS31 ONINIOAM `SaIINfIO0 3.1.13'I0f1S QNV NIOONI'I a8 V32IV ONLLVdIDIDIVd 113I 1M011.1 Q3.LVQI'IOS■O3 d0 NOISIA3II H.LN3A3S 'V 111.111 (Nag H3AIH N33I19 :S.LN3I1I331I9V 3A0aV MI 011031gf1S SQNV'I QNV SaSV3'I SVO QNV 'HO 3H1 31IV MO1313 Wd 8G1 '66/41/ZI acireammtivbieltioppnuAdwanuomptivivi 'I'I3M 3SV31 'g V331V ONIJVdI0IL2IVd 2I311NO2I.3'IVI.LINI 'V 'ITIM 3SV31 '0 ecg V n V3UV ONI1Vd131111Vd 113.LXVg a31VQI'IOSNO3 d0 NOISIA31I HIN3I 'El V311V 9NLLVdI31113Vd 11311N0111 Q31VQI'IOSNOO dO NOISIA3II H.LN3A3S 'V ONII IOAM `SaIINf1OD N'IODMI'I QAIV ma rn11S «V ff mama a 000 Z8Z0500000 000 000-0820500000 000- 9LZ0500000 000-SLZ0SO0000 000-4LZ0500000 000 000 000 000 018L900000 000 808L500000 000 4ZE0500000 000 Z00 100 0ZE0500000 000 000 E0500000 £00-60E0500000 200 60E000000 100 000 000 50E0500000 000170E0500000 000 000-10E0;00000 000 000 000 E6Z0500000 000-Z6Z0S0000O 000-1 620500000 0001820500000 000 000 5820500000 000 000 000 'ON 3SV3'I 'I IL£ 30Vd 1Z?IOOEI IV 8S6I'SZ LSflEf1V 433a1I00311 'LS61 `61 2I3fNi303Q Q3,LVa IINfl d33a 301IVIIV'I H.LUON 'II 'L£I 30Vd It 71008 IV ONINIOAM `AINf1O0 31L31*1fIS NI 8S61 `L A Ifll' Q3Q1103311 QNV 8£17 30Vd 8Z )I00g IV ONINIOAM 'AINflOD NIODNI'I NI 8S6I AIM Q3QUI0032I `LS61 `1 3Nflf a3.LVa IIN11 QN30 113AIDI N332I0 0 EXHIBIT "A" SUBLETTE AND LINCOLN COUNTIES, WYOMING 0000050283 -000 0000050284 -000 0000050286 -000 0000050290 -000 0000050295 -000 0000050296 -000 0000050297 -000 0000050298 -000 0000050299 -000 0000050303 -000 0000050306 -000 0000050307 -000 0000050311 -000 0000057809 -000 Section 5: Section 8: Section 9: Section 17: Section 18: Section 19: ill Section 20: II Section 30: A Section 31: All Sublette County, Wyoming Resurvey Lot 37: Resurvey Lot 38: Resurvey Lot 39: Section 2: Section 3: Section 10: Section 11: Section 14: Section 15: Section 22: 0000050277 -000 0000050278 -000 0000050292 -000 1: W nd\denvm1tgslnnal dentpleipla rwu, dac 12/14/99. 2:39 PM USA EV- 025440 USA EV- 025440 -A USA W- 036054 USA W- 047412 USA W -05751 USA W- 05751 -A USA W- 059584 USA W- 059584 -A USA W- 059585 USA EV- 08051 -B ST WY 0 -11141 ANDERSON L MCGINNIS, ET UX USA W- 048781 USA W- 059091 NSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR AS THE ABOVE DESCRIBED OIL AND GAS LEASES COVER AND AFFECT THE LANDS IN THE L 'tEEN RIVER BEND UNIT SEVENTH REVISION OF CONSOLIDATED FRONTIER PARTICIPATING AREA "A -B" MORE .RTICULARLY DESCRIBED BELOW: w ;hip 26 North, Range 112 West, 6 P.M. 6: All All Sect i 3: All Sectioi '9: Lot 1, NENW, N2NE Lincoln ')u ty, Wyoming Township P rth, Range 112 West, 6 P.M. Section 4: S2S2 SESE E2E2 All \11 Lots 3, 4, S2NE, E2SW, SE Township 26 North, Range 11 t \Vest, 6'" P.M. All (All c `Original Sections 1, 12, and 13) All (N2N2 of Original Section 24) All (S2N2 u.`Original Section 24) All Lots 1, 8, 9, E.:SE, SWSE NE, S2 All All All N2N2 Section 23: Uot 1, NWNE, N2NW Lincoln County, Wyoming Township 27 North, Range 113 West. 6' P.M. Section 27: NE, NENW, N2SE, SESE Section 34: E2E2 Section 35: All Section 36: All Sublette County, Wyoming B. TENTH REVISION OF CONSOLIDATED BAXTER PARTICIPATING AREA "A -B" LINCOLN AND SUBLETTE COUNTIES, WYOMING LEASE NO. LESSOR USA EV- 023313 USA EV -023313 -C USA W- 050961 Page 2 of 4 03/01/1955 BK 34 PG 119 SUBLETTE 03/01/1955 BK 34 PG 117 SUBLETTE 04/01/1956 BK 34 PG 115 SUBLETTE 09/01/1958 BK 34 PG 113 SUBLETTE 06/01/1956 BK 34 PG 97 SUBLETTE 06/01 /1951 BK 34 PG 111 SUBLETTE 03/01/1956 BK 33 PG419 SUBLETTE 03/01/1956 BK 34 PG 109 SUBLETTE 07/01/1947 BK 34 PG 107 SUBLETTE 04/01/1958 BK 34 PG 103 SUBLETTE 05/16/1951 BK 34 PG 99 SUBLETTE 12/26/1956 BK 34 PG 101 SUBLETTE 06/01/1956 BK 41 PG 98 SUBLETTE 08/01/1949 BK 41 PG 100 SUBLETTE LEASE DATE RECORDING 02/01/1948 02/01/1948 09/01/1962 BK 286 PG 640 BK 286 PG 640 BK 24 PG 335 COUNTY LINCOLN LINCOLN LINCOLN 074 31L31E11S 31L31SfS 3LL31Sf1S 3.LL31Hf1S 31L31Hf1S 31L31Hf1S 31L31HnS 3l318nS A.NnoJ ZEI Dd 68 CIS 0561/10/10 68L Dd 88 XS Z0I /10/90 68 Dd 68 CIS L46I /I0 /L0 Z£1 Dd 68 X8 0561/10/£0 Z£I Dd 68 CIS 0561/10/10 68L Dd 88 CIS L461 /10/90 Z11 Dd 68 )I8 6£61/91/01 9L Dd 68 N EI 0461/10/10 DNIU2IOJ3H 3.LVU 3SV3'1 ;o E alud £596 VSn 60ZZZ0 VSn 08L840 VSn 1619Z0 VSn 46495Z0-M VSn E6495Z0 Vsn S VSn 40684 VSn ZIOSS31 9NIWOAM `A1NnoD 3113'IHnS V311V 9NI1VdIDLUIVd N3I1NO2i3 NM SET '66/0181 aoVgiges►stlssp►nMAWAuaPWuvna 000 000-8E10500000 000 I 0500000 000-9E10500000 000 000 000 000 'ON 3SV31 .LING d33Q 392IVRV 1 H.L2ION 'II 8ulwoI(M `,tluno3 uiosun MN$ :p1 uolpas W'd ,9 '1saM Ell 3 1/ j `4uoN 9Z alysuMOL IPM 4I S2ID :MOTU Q38nIJs3Q AT2IV111JIflVd 32101v SQNVI 311.L S.L7311V UNV S213AO13SV31 SYO UNV 110 Q3aIH3S3Q 3A08V 3H.L SY 2IV10SNI VINO QNV 2IVlOSN1 N1O0NI1 Z6Z Dd IZ 7IE 4S6I /10/60 3 VSn 000 A.LNf1OJ 9NIQ2IOJ32I 31VQ 3SV3'1 UIOSS31 'ON 3SV31 713M 3SVTI °a 8ulwo,CM `14unoJ aualgns 3SMN `3SZS'ZMZ3 4 `E `Z 5201 :61 u01132S Z I 1 I '8 'L'9'5 'z '1 5101 o' usuudu s! 1591 aan►g uaairr a41 ;o paq 3y1 ;o uo!uod lull pus '3NMN 'HNMS `3SZM `ZMZ3'ZI `11 '01 '6 '8 'L `9'S '4 `E `Z '1 5101 :l uonaas 1 P' L'1'E 5 1 0 1 01 ususdu s! 1591 JoAril uaaio all ;o paq ay1 ;o uo!uod 1591 pus 3N31 'ZMZ3'Z3ZM'8 '4 `E 'Z '1 x101 :0E uollaaS 'YV'd W 9 `Isom Z i 1 a2►ue21 `quo. LZ dlysuMOL 8ulwo tM 'dluno3 aua►4nS ZMZ3 'Z3 :9E uonaas 'W'd 40 '1saM El I aNuell `4voN LZ alysuMOL 8ulwodM 'd11unoo ulo3un 9101 01 ueusdu s! 1591 JMAIN 1123JD 24130 paq 241 10 uolllod 1541 pus MS341 '3NMS `MN3S '6 '9 `S '4'E `Z '1101 :9 uo!13as 1N'd n 9 lost E11 a2tu521 `4 9Z alysuMo j 8ulwo,(M '1uno3 u!o3ur1 It 1 uonaas ,(arms lsu18u0 ,tuauuo; sum Ind if 4 L£ 101 AaAinsall E/I a1PP!IN alswlxorddy x4130 MNZ3 `3SMN `3N pus (1 uoll1as datuns !eu!SPO dpauuo; sem Ind E/1 4 LE 101 XaMnsall ;o £/1 4u011 alsunxolddV alp Jo MNMN'ZMZ3'Z3 '11 d 4 ,9 `U M E11 auueli `4uoN 9Z d!ysuMOL :M0138 U381213S3U Al21V1fDI1IIVd 3210111 „8 V„ V311V 9NI1V41011NVd 113LLXV8 U31V11I10SNOJ 10 NOISIA32I HLN31 .LINf1 QN38 H3AI2I N33/ID all NI SUNY1 3H.L 1V UNV 113A03 S3SV31 SV9 UNV 110 U381213SM 3A08V 3H.L SV 2IVIOSNI VINO QNV 21VAOSN► 3.LL3'7HfS lLL31Hns 31L31HnS 3.LL31Hf1S 3.LL31EMS 31131EMS 31L31Hns 3LL31HnS 3.LL3"IHf S N1OJN11 N1OJN11 1%110D/sill N1ODNI1 ZLZ Dd 1Z 71S LIZDd81 X18 LIZDd NEI 6E Dd ZZ X18 ZE Od ZE NH ZZ Od ZZ x8 ZZ 9d ZZ X18 b££ Od 51 NB IEE Dd 51 NET ESE Oct 61NiB E4SDdSE )l 6E4 Dd ZZ )1H 049 Dd 98Z NIH 1561/91/50 9561/10/EO 9561/10/£0 1561/10/90 SS61 /l0 /E0 4561/10/50 4561/10/50 4561/10/50 4S6I /10/50 9561/10/11 8561/91/10 1561/91/50 8461/10/Z0 14111-0 AM LS V-48S650-M VSn 48560 VSn V-15L50-M VSn V 0445Z0 A3 Vsn V VSn 0145Z0 VSn L045Z0 M VSn V M VSn Xn 13 XlIV■ 3 NHOr 949ZZ AM IS 4E111 AM IS 590Z50 VSn DNII4IOAM `saumnoa N IODNII'I aNV aJuarmas 4 0 .LIUIIIXa 000 000 000-L6Z0500000 000-96Z000000 000 000 Z8Z0500000 000 1 8Z0S00000 000-08Z0500000 000 000-4ZE000000 000 000 000 T 9 5 0 0000050140 -000 0000050141 -000 0000050142 -000 0000050143 -000 00.00050144 -000 0000050145 -000 0000050147 -000 EXHIBIT "A" SUBLETTE AND LINCOLN COUNTIES, WYOMING ST WY 0 -847 USA EV- 09561 -A USA EV- 021978 USA EV -07555 USA EV- 07671 -A USA EV- 07671 -B USA W -48907 INSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR AS THE ABOVE DESCRIBED OIL AND GAS LEASES COVER AND AFFECT THE LANDS IN THE NORTH LABARGE DEEP UNIT INITIAL FRONTIER PARTICIPATING AREA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BELOW: Township 27 North, Range 113 West, 6 P.M. Section 4: Lots 2, 3, 4, SWNE, S2NW, SW, W2SE Section 5: Section 8: Section 9: Section 16: Section 17: Section 20: Section 21: Lot 1, S2NE, S2 All W2E2, W2 All NE, E2NW, NESW, SE NE N2N2 Sublette County, Wyoming Township 28 North, Range 113 West, 6'" P.M. Section 32: Lot 6, NESE Section 33: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, NE, S2NW, N2S2 Section 34: Lot 1, W2NW, NWSW Sublette County, Wyoming B. LEASE WELL LEASE NO. LESSOR 0000050134 -000 USA W -0256493 INSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR AS THE ABOVE DESCRIBED OIL AND GAS LEASE COVERS AND AFFECTS THE LANDS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BELOW: NLB 36 -33 Well Township 28 North, Range 113 West, 6 P.M. Section 33: NWSE Sublette County, Wyoming 1: u. nawenw «1tg,\rna1aenrptee.ts&Ieuu.mc 12/14/99, 138 PM Page 4 of 4 06/16/1936 BK 89 PG 370 06/20/1932 BK 89 PG 65 01/01/1940 BK 89 PG 119 01/01/1940 BK 89 PG 70 12/29/1939 BK 89 PG 125 12/29/1939 BK 89 PG 125 01/01/1940 BK 89 PG 76 LEASE DATE RECORDING 06/01/1947 BK 88 PG 789 SUBLETTE SUBLETTE SUBLETTE SUBLETTE SUBLETTE SUBLETTE SUBLETTE COUNTY SUBLETTE 076 MZII N9Z 9 E 101 aaixeg 00Z080Z£Z0617 100000££61Z0 90 S# flff2I0 MEII N9Z ZI LE I01 nix% 0087LOZ£Z0617 10000085L610 Z1 E1# 11E1110 MEI 1 N9Z I LE .1,O1 aaixeg OOL17LOZEZ067 100000L5L610 10 ff# f1ff21D ME I I N9Z I LE .LO1 aai ff 00LEL0ZEZ0617 10000095L6I0 I0 ff# f1ff2I0 MEII N9Z 1 LE 1,01 aaixeg 008ELOZEZ0617 I0000055L610 10-9 11#f1ff2I0 MEII N9Z ZZ 3•3N latiuoid OOLISOZ£Z0617 I00000£O171Z0 ZZ 881 #l1ff2I0 MEII N9Z 01 3SaS aapuoad OOE6LOZ£ZO6b I000005900Z0 O1 #111DID M£I I N9Z SI 3NaS aapuoad 008180ZEZ0617 100000Z017IZO 51 flff2i0 MZII N9Z 81 17101 aatiuoad 000890Z£Z0617 I000009Z5600 81 #flE1130 MEII ■9Z bl 3NMS aapuoad 0008LOZ£Z0617 100000958610 171 f1ff2iD ME II N9Z El MNMS lailuoJa OOLLLOZEZ0617 100000558610 E1 114111D M£I I N9Z 01 3S3N aapuoad 0086LOZEZ0617 I0000017900Z0 01 1111110 MEI I N9Z 01 3N3S aaliuoad 0099LOZ£Z067 1000001758610 01 flEPID MZII N9Z 81 3NMS aapuoad 00b180Z£Z0617 I0000010171Z0 81 #!18210 MZII N9Z 81 Z1O'I aapuoad 008Z8OZ£Z0617 I0000000171Z0 8I #flff21D MZII N9Z 8I MN3N Jammu O0SI80ZEZ0617 10000066E1Z0 81 1 #flff19 MZII N9Z 81 MN3N aa?iuoad OOLL170Z£Z067 100000109600 81 fl8210 MZII N9Z 9 MN3S aaixeg 00ZL170Z£Z0617 Z00000665600 90 flff210 MEI I N9Z ZI 3NNN Jams 00I0170ZEZ067 £00000565600 Z1 #111111D MEI I N9Z El MSMN aapuoad 0066E0Z£Z067 1000001765600 £I f EIIID MEI I N9Z EI aNMN aapuoad 0000170ZEZ0617 100000E65600 E LL flff21D MEI I N9Z bt 3N3N aatiuoad 00L6EOZEZ0617 100000Z65600 b1 flffii0 MEI I N9Z 1 LE 101 aaixeg 00NEZS0£Z06b 200000655600 10 flff2i0 MEI I N9Z 171 MN3N aaixeg OZ9150EZ0617 Z00000L55600 17I f1ff21D Ow'i dMi DaS NI NI ivnaaluI Sutanpoad aagwnu my aagwnu ?IOOg IhiVN11aM E 3o 1 aSE UIWOA luno3 u!OOu!l ,8 SJl WELLNAME EOGR Number API Number Producing Interval 1/4 1/4 SEC TWP RGF GRB 49 -19 009561000002 490350530100 Baxter SESE 19 27N 112W GRB 50 -30 009563000002 490352005400 Baxter LOT 3 30 27N 112W GRB 66 -17 009580000001 490352062100 Frontier SWNE 17 27N 112W GRB B 19 -19 021932000001 490352115700 Baxter LOT 2 19 27N 112W GRBU 3 -31 009543000002 490350502400 Baxter NWSE 31 27N 112W GRBU 6 -30 009573000002 490350518400 Baxter SWSE 30 27N 112W GRBU 29 -30 009541000002 490350527900 Baxter NENW 30 27N 112W GRBU 38 -36 009550000002 490350516200 Baxter SENE 36 27N 113W GRBU 39A -31 009551000002 490350508100 Baxter SENW 31 27N 112W GRBU 68 -30 009583000002 490352053400 Baxter NESW 30 27N 112W GRBU 69 -19 009584000002 490352053500 Baxter NENW 19 27N 112W GRBU 70 -19 009586000002 490352054100 Baxter NESW 19 27N 112W GRBU 74 -31 009590000003 490352057300 Baxter E2SW 31 27N 112W GRBU 75 -31 009591000002 490352057700 Baxter LOT 2 31 27N 112W GRBU 98 -27 001521000003 490352107600 Frontier 1 NWNE 27 27N 113W GRBU 99 -27 009616000003 490352097100 Frontier NENE 27 27N 113W GRBU #100 -35 009520000002 490352097400 Frontier 1 NWNW 35 27N 113W GRBU #B 4 -36 019753000001 490352111200 Baxter NESW 36 27N 113W GRBU #B 5 -36 019754000001 490352111100 Baxter NESE 36 27N 113W GRBU #13 11 -30 021396000001 490352114300 Baxter LOT 2 30 27N 112W GRBU #B 13 -30 021397000001 490352114900 Baxter SESW 30 27N 112W GRBU #B 14 -31 021398000001 490352114200 Baxter LOT 3 31 27N 112W GRBU #8 18 -19 021730000001 490352115100 Baxter LOT 4 19 27N 112W NLB 36 -33 004655000003 490352082000 Baxter NWSE 33 28N 113W NLBU #27 -17 004646000002 490352048400 Frontier 1 NENW 17 27N 113 W NLBU #30 -16 004649000002 490352076700 Frontier 1 NESE 16 27N 113W NLBU #33 -17 004652000002 490352082200 Frontier 1 NESW 17 27N 113W NLBU #34 -21 004653000002 490352080100 Frontier 1 NWNW 21 27N 113W NLBU #35 -34 004654000002 490352083400 Frontier 1 SWNW 34 28N 113W NLBU #36 -33 004655000002 490352082000 Frontier 1 SWNE 33 28N 113W NLBU #38 -08 0046570 0Q002 490352083200 Frontier 1 NWNW 8 27N 113W NLBU #39 -17 004658000002 490352083100 Frontier 1 NENE 17 27N 113W NLBU #40 -33 001578000002 490352103200 Frontier 1 NENE 33 28N 113W NLBU #44 -34 004663000002 490352096500 Frontier 1 SWSW 34 28N 113W. NLBU #45 -33 004664000002 490352096700 Frontier 1 LOT 3 33 28N 113W NLBU #46 -33 004665000002 490352098300 Frontier 1 NWNE 33 28N 113W NLBU #48 -04 004666000002 490352097200 Frontier 1 NWSE 4 27N 113W NLBU #49 -09 004667000002 490352097300 Frontier 1 NWNE 9 27N 113W NLBU #51 -16 019808000002 490352111800 Frontier 1 NENE 16 27N 113W NLBU #52-16 001541000002 490352104000 Frontierl NWSE 16 27N 113W NLBU #53 -21 001542000002 490352105900 Frontier 1 NENW 21 27N 113W NLBU #54 -20 001543000002 490352108400 Frontier 1 SWNE 20 27N 113W NLBU #56 -17 004670000002 490352098700 Frontier 1 SENW 17 27N 113W TGS Exhibit 'B' Sublette County, Wyoming Page 2 of 3 0'78 WELLNAMF EOGR Number API Number Producing Interval 1/4 1/4 SEC TWP RGE NLBU #57 -33 001544000001 490352108300 Frontier 1 LOT 1 33 28N 113W NLBU #58 -04 022094000001 490352116200 Frontier 1 NWNW 4 27N 113 W NLBU #59 -09 001079000002 490352099700 Frontier 1 NWNW 9 27N 113W NLBU #61 -16 022077000002 490352116000 Frontier 1 NENW 16 27N 113W NLBU #65 -33 022079000001 490352116600 Frontier 1 SWSE 33 27N 113W NLBU #66 -04 022096000001 490352116100 Frontier 1 NESW 4 27N 113W TGS Exhibit 'B' Sublette County, Wyoming Page 3 of 3 079