HomeMy WebLinkAbout865329Wyoming 865329 BOOK' PR PAGE 1 3 1 83116 [Zip C«k[ "Property Address +R RECEIVED ._1NCl?LR.1 i, 1 f if..{ •f n WYOMING Single Family Fannie Mae /Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT BANKERS SYSTEMS, INC., ST. CLOUD, MN 68302 (1- 800 397 -2341) FORM MD -1 -WY 2/8/91 OO AP i 2 PH 2: 1 JE N E V.7,GNER KEMMERE WYOMING [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] MORTGAGE THIS MORTGAGE "Security Instrument is given on Sept ember 27 19 9 5 MITCHELL J. BERGER and WANDA N. NEWMAN, single persons, Reco ed. s �.i`l. SS�.� ..at '6'. c� M In Book MP.KPa a 85...Kemrnerer, WY. No 8. Q9.0b Marsha Moe, Clerk "Borrower This Security Instrument is given to GREEN TREE FINANCIAL SERVICING CORPORATION which is organized and existing under the laws of Del aware and whose address is P.O. BOX 4326 r MISSOULA MT 59806 "Lender Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of SIXTY ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIVE AND 24/100 Dollars (U.S. 61105.24 This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security Instrument "Note which provides for monthly payments, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on Approx. 360 mo. from disbursement This Security Instrument secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, with interest, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; (b) the payment of all other sums, with interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to protect the security of this Security Instrument; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, with power of sale, the following described property located in LINCOLN County, Wyoming. All of the property located at HILLCREST MOBILE MANOR LOTS 3 4 City /Town /Village of DIAMONDVILLE County of LINCOLN The mortgagor is in the State of WY in which the Borrower has an ownership, leasehold or other legal interest. This property is more particularly described on the schedule titled "Additional Property Description" which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, TOGETHER WITH a security interest in that certain 1995 70 X 28 GLEN OAKS home, serial number 09L29210XU The Borrower does hereby authorize the Lender or its assigns to obtain a more detailed property description after the Borrower has signed the Mortgage, and to attach Exhibit A after the Borrower has signed the Mortgage. NOTE: This serves to correct the legal description of that certain mortgage recorded September 28, 1995 in Book 374PR on page 85 of the records of Lincoln County Clerk. which has the address of HILLCREST MOBILE MANOR LOTS 3 4 DIAMONDVILLE [Street] [City] Form 3051 9/90 d) 06/6 MC wioi L£I L6 /8 /Z AM L OW WHOA (L4EZ ZOE89 NW 'OlolO'1S "3N1'SIN iSAS SH3)INY9 •0311oU JO $mni2 alp JO sA(p pi mamm anoqu garot ;as suoiaoB 3q; 3o arour JO auo 031131 Jo WIT ag; Atspes iris J MOJJOg •1 aka Bu!Ati ;uapt aopou g ramouog aAIS Ault rapua i ;uauuu3suI *moos sap rano A;uoiud ui s 013 Agtr goign� uari g o; ;oafgns st A;Jado .1d aga jo ;.red Ate ;eq; souiuua ;ap .rapual tI 7uaumisui Animas sap o; uaii am 2ugeuipiogns rapua o; A10 ;ostspus ;UatuOai$s ti13 uag aq; to .raping ag; uto .1t samoos (0) JO :MIT aq; to juauraoJoJua at( ma/kart' o; almado uoando s,iapuu- aka m goaim sSmp0000rd p 2ai `ui uaii oq jo ;maur9OroJUa ;small spUatap so `Aq uati aka mpg pool Ut swap= (q) :Japua 0; aiq>pd933e Jauusui g TIT uaq aq; ,(q painoas uoi qqo ag; jo ;uauaed am o; Sumba in saaa313 (s) :Jamouog ssaiun ;uaun srri A;un098 situ; .xano A(puoud sal gpaim uaii Aus a8.rugosua Ai ;durord hugs Jamouog •s;uatuX8d alp 2upuappte s;diaoar i pu o gsaunt Al;dtuo.1d Hap 1amouog `Apoaiip quota/Cud asaq; =tau Jamouog 31 •gdrr2rJed sap rapun pied aq 01 spinouts jo saai;ou Hu iapual o; gsiuunt A1;durord iirgs 1amouog luau/cud pamo uosaad am o; Aipoanp aup uo team And iir Jamouog `Jautrsar WU m pied ;ou ti Jo `Z gdrasiud m papinoJd rauuuur am ui suopu8iigo asap Aced 11ugs samouog •Afue ti 'swat punor8 .io s ;uauACsd Pj°trastraI Puu luaturmstu Atunoas sap JOAO A ;uoud ui13a;13 Sere g3aim A;1ado1d ag; o; aigBnqutts suogisodun pus saug `sa21ggo `s ;uaussasse `soxel As Agd INS Jamouog •sua f :saanno •b •a ;obi am sapun anp sagrsg0 a ;si /Cue o; `;sgi pee :anp iediouud o; `q;.moj :anp ;sasa;ui o; `prim :Z tidadanrd .1apmr aig8ACsd s ;unoure o; `puooas :a ;oN arp sapnn anp sassrio ;uaruA(edazd A(ue o; yssiJ :paiidde aq rims Z pus I aidusSurud J apan rapuu-1 Aq panio0ar s;uam/Cud Hg `asrnuaq;o sapino.1d mui aigeoiidde ssaiun •s;uauiCgd 3o uopi iddV ;uarun r ;sui A ;unoas sap ACq pampas sums tip ;suruall Ram a se as Jo uogrsinbos jo amp ari; w Japuaj Aq plat spun,d /Cus A(idds iisgs `AC;JadoJd a n jo airs JO uogisrnboe att o; Joud `Japua-i `,(piadosd 9141 11as .10 armb013 iris Japu9• `IZ gdiu88Jed Japan `tI ..tapuai Aq Piaq spunk Aug .1amouog o; pmttar /Ci ;dmord iisgs iopuai ;uauau ;sui ACaunoos sap Aq parn3as stuns dig jo iinj ui matu/Ced uodn •uopaJOsip aios s,1apua ;8 `s;uatuAed Airi;U0ut anianq uuq; arour ou ui A(ouaiogap alp dn alum urge Jamouog •Aouaiogap atp dn miser o; Arussao9u moms am ropuo i o; ACud ip qs ramoi1o13 ono lions uu `pus Upum ut JamOJJOg A(3i;ou os ACeur rapu9 `anp Uagm small mama aq; Aed o; ;uaiogtns ;ou si aura; Aug iu ropua Aq Nag sped ail jo limo= ail 31 mgi aiggogdds jo sluatmartnbai atp mph aouspr000g m spend ssaoxa am rot ramorrog °a moms Haw rapttai `mui aigeoiidde Acq piaq oq o3 paur us9d s;unoure am paooxa sapua'I Aq Platt sped am tI luauTWsuI Apm°aS siq; Aq pamOOS sums us lot A lanes ieuogippe se paSpaid 0.113 spend OIL •apeur seen spend aq; 01 Rap gala goigm Jot asodmd ail pus spend alp O; s ;igap pug s;iparo Suimogs `spmrd am to 2upun00013 iunrmB us `aSngri° anog ;im `1am0JJ0g o; 0Ai2 hags rapua-i -spend aq; uo pred aq pegs ;saralui pap `Janamoq `Sur ;um m oath Arm rapuari pus ramouog spend ail uo s2uausa JO ;Sara ;ui Sue ramauog ,Cgd o; parmbar 94 lou Hags 1apu3-i `pied oq o; ;corm ;ui sannbar mei aigeogdds .ro apvtu si ;uamaazSs ue semen •asiMSaq ;o sapinord AAei aigsoridde ssaiun `two' sap ti;im uogoauuoO ui Japuoi Aq peen ao uas Suprodat xel alum pat ;uapuadapui ee .ot 08111143 aui;fauo u A(ud o; JamouOg armbaJ ,Cray sapua-i `1anamoH •aSssgo a Bons a)irtU o; 1apwri s;iuuad m81 alquoiidde pus spend atp uo Isa.1a;u! romo.1iog sAed ropuo i ssaiun `sur0;i m0 .13sg ail BUbbJ 9A JO `;un000r MWJOSO 0 q 2tIIZA[eus Aiiienuue `Sptmd am SU!Aiddr p u s Suipiog J o t JamOJJOH 0 1 P lou Amu ropua-i •sure ;i M01353 ail A8d o; spend atp ApIde Haw ropuoi 'fig marl SOH prrapad Aug ui so (uopn;i ;ear UV lions si .raP' 1 ti 'ropuoi Suipni3ui) A;pua .10 'A;ipuuaum1 ;sui `Amp& irrapat s Aq parnsai are s;isodap asognn uopn;iasui us ui Plati 94 Iris spend ag.L •mui aig8ogdde tpinn a3Uep1000U m 9S1AU01110 so small morOSg arn1nJ jo saumpuadxa jo sa;suupsa aigr:uos13ai pus swp ;uauno ;o siseq atp uo anp spired to moms am a;utipsa A13er 1apUa1 ;unotu8 1assai atp paa3xa 01 1ou ;unotns ITV ur sPtmd PT °g pus 1091100 `amp A(ue 18 `Agar JapUU-i °S tI •lunoure 1ass9i 8 s ;as sptmd ail 01 sagdde Isq; mej .ioglouu ssaiun Ads j -bas p 109Z D'S T1 Z1 `tug 01 3Ur9 wag papUaure sg tL6I t° saloPwwd luamap ;OS 918 1Sg PuaPoJ aga Japan ;uno008 mai°sa S,ram0rrog sot aJmbas Amu mot 0282 ;sour poplar AHBrapa3 a 10j sapuai a ;unoure urnunxrar aq; p993x9 0; pit ;trnom8 us m spend Pi °q Pus 1091100 'amp Aug ;g `Agar 1apual ;matt morasg„ paipt0 an sera ;i asati,L •sumituard a3U8.rnsut a28S;1oW Jo ;uauI(8d am t° nail ui '8 gdlu2er8d jo suoisinosd am glim a0uuiuoo08 m `rapua 0; amouog Aq aiquAeci stuns Aus (I) pug :Aus ti `sumiutasd aougrnsui 0882; .1our AtreaA (a) :Aug ti `sumaua.1d a0UUJnsm pooh AproA (p) :sumnuard aouemsm A;.radord Jo pnrzsq Ait8aI (o) :Aug ti `uado1d am eo SWOT puno18 so s;uauihrd pioganai ApsaA (q) :Auadorg am uo mu 13 Sg ;UamnTISUT Ajrm00S Sap JOAO A;uoud UMW Asti 1Ol1Tnn S;ua[USSOSSe pug som AttuaA (e) :Jot spend„) urns a 'um UT pied 54 a ;oN am (pun `aloN am rapmt anp 318 s;uau11(8d Aigauom Asp aria uo Japan o; A8d (8gs 1amouog `1apea-i Aq 1aniem uallum 1301 Jo mei aigroiidde o; ;oafgns •a0usansuf pus saxsi aoj spun,4 •z •91°N aril Japan anp sa22rg0 a;si Hue ;uauAsdard Au8 pus a ;oN am Aq pa0uapina )qap aria uo ;swam pus jo iediouud aga anp maim Aud Apdword Eats ramouog •sa2ast(O a ;WT pus auatu1Bdaad f ;saaa ;uI pug iudpuud 3o ;muds,' •I :smojot S8 39.128 pus ;U8Uan00 1apua7 pus ramorrog S.I.AIdrldttOO W IOdINf1 •A;Jadaid agar 8UU3A00 ;UatutlJI9et Animas uuoJam 8 a;nlpsuo0 0; uoi ;°ipstmf Aq suopeuun pa ;auii mytt slum /too tuJO3iun -uou pus asn 18a09811 JOJ S1USU3AOO to ojiun sauigmoo iN 1 Jf1N,LSisu A,u inDas SIH.L •p1OOar to saOm Aug 01 ;0afgns `spustuap pub sump Hs 1sui888 A11adord am 0; anp am A11813Ua2 pm: pp Tulin Pus s ;tt8u8M ramouog •pro0a1 to saousiqurnoua rot ada0xa `paragumouaun sa AlJadold atp ;8q; pug 1ll9doJd am Aanuoo pun ;8818 '9282ltour 01 1g2u aril 5814 pub p9Aanu03 AgaJaq appsa 9141 JO pasias Aiintnngi St J3MOJJOH ;8t(; S.LNVN3n03 xannoxttog „•A; .1adowd„ aga se luaturtr ;sui A ;unoaS sap tu o; pauatar st 2tito2arot am 3o lid •luaanu ;sui A(;un0a8 sap Aq paranoo aq osie imp suotlippe pug s ;uamaoeida1 4tH •A21ado1d aga t° ;reds .ra;J8araq JO mom sam1X!J pug `sa3usuaundd8 `S;UaU9S8a 118 pU8 4 4(1rado .1d gip uo pa;09ra 19418a1aq 10 mom S;Uauanordttrt am Ii H.LIM ugHiaDat, 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, including floods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property damaged, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due., The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower s Loan Application; Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate, as provided in paragraph 18, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any material information) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. 7. Protection of Lender s Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph 7, Lender does not have to do so. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, at the option of Lender, if mortgage BANKERS SYSTEMS, INC., ST. CLOUD, MN 68302 (1-800-397-2341) FORM MD -1 -WY 2/8/91 Form 3Q51 9/90 VET L6 /8 a MA -L -OW INdOd L 4SZ- L6E -OO9-) ZOS99 N 'anolo'1S "ONI'SIN3ISAS S!!3)INVa •ajgatanas aq o3 palmjaap 911 a ;ON am pus ;uauma;suj ,Human sip 3o sums am put sup oZ •uoisinoad 2un ;oijjuo3 am ;noipim ;oa33a uand aq UO3 goigM a ;oN OR) .10 ;uaunAsuj d;unoas sup Jo suoisinoad aag3o pans ion ITT ;agjuoa tjans °Maj aigaatjdda q;pm s3atT3uoa a ;oN at9 10 ;uatuna;saj A3um39s siq; jo amp 10 uois►noad ,Cut pm lug/kg am ill •palsooj si iC ;aadoad atp gaigM um uogatpsunf aq3 jo muj alp pus Maj jelapa3 ,(q paulano8 aq Hugs ;uatuniisuj Animas suu, •If;gtgsaaeas :i 'ii Suluxaeop Si gd111811111d 5193 ui papinoad Se 1104 uatim lapua7 10 JO/110110H 03 Uan[S uaaq Snag O3 pawaap aq jjags ;11aun13SUI ,(3ugaaS sup ui 103 papinold aopou iCud •1aMouog o; aoiou ,(q sa3muStsep lapua-I ssalpps 1ag3o Atts io utalaq palms ssalpps s,aapua-j o3 jisw ssajo 3s113 ,Cg U9nig aq jags lapua-j o; aapou ,(ud °lapuo o; aoiou i(q sa;auSisap iamoaaog ssaapps 1ag3o ,Cue 10 ssaappd ,(3aadold am o3 pa3oatip aq Hugs aogou atjj •poq w Jagaouu jo asn sannbai Maj ajgaogdds ssajun pan sop 3s.g At 31 Suipet11 ,(g 10 3i Suuanijap ,Cq uanuS aq bugs 3uauma3suj iC3unaas stg3 to io3 papinoad aaMO.uog o3 aafou ,Cud •saal3oN •bi •a3oN aq3 lapun a8113143 3uau,(sda1d ,Cue 3notpiM 3uaut,fsda1d ja9lsd 11 su peinat3 aq !pm uo!0npal aq3 'jBdipuud saanpaa punjat B 3j •1aMouog o3 3uatu,(sd panp 8 Supjsu ,fq 10 a30N alp aapun panto Isdiouud aq3 SuIOnpaI ,(q punJal sup aalsw 0) asoo113 Amu aapua-j •11MO11og o3 papunjat aq IIiM swap paputuad pap000xa gain 1 M0f0g wog pa ;aajjoo iCpsalj8 sums /Cue (q) pus :pulp pa33iuuad aq3 03 aalmgp aq3 9anpal o3 £mssaa9u moms am £q paonpal ag !pm a8lsgo ugoj lions ,(us (s) :uatji 'slim! paa3iuuad alp pa93X9 ueol am g3IM uoi3aauuoa tit pa33ajjo0 aq o; 10 pamoajjo° saZlmljp U11oj 101j3o 10 3sa1a3U! aq3 3sq; os pa3a1dLaa111 iCjj8ug si Am! 3ag3 pus 's98ng0 two! mnmixmu s3as ipnnm Maj s o3 3oafgns si 3ua Itujstq A3um0as sup ,iq pampas usoj ag3 3I •saSasgj usoli •£1 •3uasuo3 s,1aM0U0g Imp 3nog31M aIoN aq3 10 3uaIn13suj *non sup 3O stun; am 0; p1s8a1 mutt suopapounno3os Aus mjsw 10 may(); 'A3tpo=t `pua3xa O3 waifs hut 19Mouog Jag3o /Cuu pus aapua-j nap saatas (o) pus tmatut l3sul A3unaas sup ,Cq palnaas stuns am /Cud o3 pa;uSijgo ,Cjjsuoslad 3011 st (q) :3uaun13suj Animas sup JO 5U1.103 am Joplin £31adoid ago ui 3S0103111 s,1aMO110g Imp i(anuoa put mad `9SBS310Ut 03 Apo 3uaunt3suj Aunoas sup SuuBis -oo si (a) :a;oN ag3 a3naaxa 3011 stop 3nq 3uauna3suj £3un3as sup 511815 -op mph I9MOaa0g ,Cud jslanas pus 3uiof aq limp 5311auaa1813 pus s3USU9n00 S,J0AA011011 LI gdsaSaasd jo suotsinold aq3 03 3aafgns `IaMOUOf pus Japua-j 30 su8issa pus SIOSS00311s am ;gauaq pus puiq Ibis maum.psm £3jnOes sup 3O 5311a119938a pus suustanoo atu, •saau$ls -op :S;ijlqun Isaaeas pus 3ulOf fpunog suBissd pus saossaaanS •Zi •Apamal 10 3g2u 1(110 JO 9SI319x0 ag3 apnpald JO JO JOAI11M s aq 3011 hags £paual so 3118u ,Cum SUtstolaxa lit lapua-j 1q aauaasagao3 Cud ;salt ;11i ui 51055900115 S,1oM0110g .10 a9MOlIOH Iaut2ta0 aq3 Act apaw puswap iCus 3o uossal Act 3UamUIsuj 13unaas sup ,(q pampas suns am jo uopez91otus 13ipaut OSIAiatpo 10 311 U1(ud 10; amp pua3xa o3 astgaa 10 359193111 ui 1osS303ns 1ue 3511111$11 s2uipaaaoad 0311011111103 o3 paatnbal aq 3011 hugs aapua-j •3salaaui 111 51055900115 S,1aM000g 10 19MQ11og jguiSUo aq3 30 ,(31j[gs!! am amnia! o3 a3111ad0 wit ((111(5 JOMOaaog 30 35OIa3m m lossa0pns Atte o3 19p11a-j £q p93111112 3uau1113sUj ,ClUfOas sup ,(q paints suns am 3o uopszt310uts 3o uoi3uagtpow 10 luau /CBd 103 aU13 aq3 30 uoista3xg •aae!BM g 3oN aapua-I Sg aausasagaoJ fpassajag ;oN aaAOaaog -TT •s3uam iad limns jo 3unaum am amigo to z pus j sgdm18m1ad ui o3 pauaJa1 s3uau1ad ,(jg3uoul alp jo amp anp aq3 auod3sod 1O pUa1xa 3011 limp jmdiauud 03 spaaoold jo uoisogddm £uo 'dut3UM 111 oath asIMlag3o IaMOUOg pus lapua-j SsaNn •anp uag3 301110 1ag3a4M '311amtu3suj ,(limas sN31(q pampas suns am 0; 10 431ad01d am 30 Modal 10 1101311103593 o; 1ag3ta 'uotdo sat 38 'spa: paid alp Aidde pus 3aajioa O3 pazuoglna sI lapua-j 'uani8 st x013011 atj3 9313(1 am 1a33a st(8p OE uig3iM 1apua 03 puodsaa 01 sing laMO11og 'sawn? 103 tuimj0 m aj33as i0 p1BMa lie alum 03 s1a33o louwapuoa alp 3gg3 1aMOlJog o3 1apUa 1(q a013o11 1933s '3t 10 '19M0110& ,(q pauopusgs st 131adold ate 3I •anp uag3 9151 sums ag3 3ou 10 1ag3a1M mammon £iUnoas sup £q pampas suns am 03 pagdds aq pugs spaaaold aq3 'sapinOid 9sinuag10 Msj ajgaatldds ssajtm 10 Sui11M 11 jaal213 OSIM1ag30 1apu0 pus 1aM000g SsaIUn 'Bunts; am a1039q 1Cja313 paumi pampas sums aj3 3o 3unoutm ag3 imp ssaj si SuDja3 ag3 =jag £ja3ulpamatl 13IadoId am jo anjan 3aaj18tu 1153 at9 gown ui )(vadoad aq3 30 Supje3 jmiilsd s 3o puma alp uI •1amouog o3 mud aq IIBgs 9ou1jeq 1ud •8111)183 am aiojaq 1Cja38ipauui d(3ladold am 30 9njgn mirsut 1513 am (q) 1 (q peptnip 'Suter ag3 aloJaq AIa;11ipamwi pampas suns am jo moms Iir3o; 9g3 (u) :UOi;081 SuiMoilo3 am ,(q paijditnw spaaoold am 3O moms am Ifq pony aq Hugs 3Uount3SUI 13unoas siq; £q paun0as suns ag3 `8u(uM m matt asutuag3o lapua-j pus 1aMauog ssajtm '8unja3 am aloJaq £la1mipautwi 3uaunr1s111 ,C3unoas sup Xq pamaas scans am JO 3111101110 OR) UHT 19311918 10 0; jonba si 8111)1113 am alojaq 1jalsipauwi 419do3d aq3 jo att(Un wpm 11513 am g0rqM 111 ,(aladood OR) 3O 8unjui 18ipl13d 3 3O 3119119 OR) uj •1aA011og o3 mud ssaoxa Lus t{31M 'anp 1191(3 3011 10 1ag3agM `3ta113m35Uj *moos sup £q pampas suns am 03 pondda aq jlmljs spa: pout aq3 `Apadold am jo 8ui>Im; (11303 a jo mono aq3 Uj •1apu9-j 013 ppx! aq (jags pus pau2isss Xgalaq 9111 'uoiJmuwapuoa jo nap ui aous1(anuoo 103 10 '131ado1d am 3O 318d Aum jo 8upjij 1ag3o 10 u098Utuapu0a Aug g31M 110130auu03 to 'jai3uanbasuoo 10 30a1ip 'saaswsp 103 tuimj0 10 plums £ua jo spaa3old aqj, •uol ;uuuiapuo) 01 •uoi30adsul OR) JOJ as11110 ajg8uossa18ui1ijioads uoi3o9ds11t UV 03 loud 10 JO 95113 OR) 38 039011 19M01u043 OATS III 1apuai •d31adoId am jo suoi3 stn pus uodn sau;ua ajg811osea1 o jsul Amu was 531 1O IapuO7 •uotpadSUJ •6 °Muj aiigs01ddm 1O Iapua-j pus aaMOUog uaaMaaq 3U9Ur09a213 ua33UM 1(uo gum 901111(310005 111 spun 9OUOInsui 988831051 1o; 3uatualmbe1 ag3 1pun '9n19sat ssoj 8 apIAOld 03 .10 '331339 ui 00111111SII1 988831051 ui53unna 03 paambal aunIUatd ag3 181 jjmtjs IaMOUOg •pausggo si pus ajg3(IOns saUO3aq !TS8u 19pu97 .(g panoxdds 19msui us £(q papinold (sa nubal 19(11191 pup pound aq3 103 pus suss= a ui) a2saanoO anus nsui BANKERS SYSTEMS, INC., ST. CLOUD, MN 66302 I1- 800. 397 -23411 FORM MD -1 -WY 2/8/91 13 J 16. Borrower s Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. 17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument. If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. 18. Borrower s Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security Instrument; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in. the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest m the Note (together with this Security Instrument) may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other information required by applicable law. 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As used in this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or environmental protection. NON UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower s breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 21, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees and costs of title evidence. If Lender invokes the power of sale, Lender shall give notice of intent to foreclose to Borrower and to the person in possession of the Property, if different, in accordance with applicable law. Lender shall give notice of the sale to Borrower in the manner provided in paragraph 14. Lender shall publish the notice of sale, and the Property shall be sold in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any /g )0 g eBed) 06/6 MC waoa taMOttog- (l0s) (awp) 5661 10 Xup 43LZ JET °tlgnd ,Cnfl°N 1.8 /8 /Z AM WHOA 1 t4EZ-L8E Z 0E99 NW 'Onolo 'IS "3NI 'SWSISAS Stl3)INV9 (SutBpaiMotnIon uos.ad) rt gf■t 'rt VcIMMM'1i INv lanai" r 'r aHDszi� :ss ,Ciuno •rr 'iur7 [iuew8peiM0wpy zod nun situ M0109 eaeds] ZZ66 8TS J UI N S InPOS NVMMHN •N KQNKM xHOxHs TIaHoszw sup out atoJaq papalMOUpe sum ivauzntisut SutoSato3 atu, "w r,% F0 9661 'Z Lt ntgaa :sandxa uotssumuoo (s)taip0 Ali 'DNB/VOA/1A dO gLd1S untumaN N "push to &.iag •f,TTa4Z TN •it ti mm pap.00at pun ta/ouog /Cq painoaxa (s).apu Aug m pttn tuaumtisUi ,(u. Woos sup t11 paureiuoo d"e"an°° pun mum nip Oi man pun s ;da°oe taMO]1og `MO"Iag MONOIS Ag JOPRI aut °H P"oO taP!U iuetuanoxkul aura taPRi "°°Ting t2Pt2I luoluAnd I np9i iva"IdoianaQ atufi PauId taPRI auatand paisnpeuO taPRI iI'unl3 b i tam ttmuzuuopuoD tapRi 9W I oiqu snfpd [(so)xoq aignorldde tioogD] luourtuoul Apron sup jo itnd n ataM (s)-tapu a ii 3i se "auto" eilunaas sup jo suamaat2n pun satteuanoo alp uta ""Iddns pun Pin Hugs pun our! painiodsoout oq Hugs zap" lions gone 3o si"etu9at28 pun siunuenoo mg `;uattttt.tisuI M sup twilit watpa2oi paptooat pun taiouog Aq painoaxa ate &input 9.100" to 9110 3i ;uauma ;sni ACRanaas stq; o; s aped 'bZ •,iizadota all in .OMOp pun ,(wino jo sup HE sogs►nbutiat pun ,Citadotd agi tzt uoiidtuaxa pgaisautog jo sips" Ha santeM i9MOttog •SdaeigM •s so° uoi;npJOOat /Cun And Hugs J9MO.uog •t9MOUog o; 9218110 inogPM ivaurtuisui Aiunoas sup asnaiat Tptgs tapua• `iu9uintisui £iunoos sun (q Pang stuns um 30 i"aatAnd uodfl a a2I ZZ o; pappua £IIlgaI suosaa ao uosaad aq; o; ssaaxa ,Cuts (a) pug ;uaumx;sui ilcmaas snit ,Cg pa maas sums Ho o; (q) fsaaj siauao; ;s aigBuosnaa '0; ;imii ;ou ;nq '2uipnpuT 'Nos aq; jo sasuadxa Ho o; (t :aapao &g aq; uT pai1dds aq Hogs Nos aq;10 spaaaoad alit •aloe LET V 4TgTUx3 gpid TsoT33o a'f uT pagTaosap SP buTwo'M 'kquno0 uToouTZ 'aTTT npUOMPTQ go uMOJ auk oq uoTsTATpgnI qs .es sa.zoTTTH go T 3{ooTg go t put E sgor ir V( State of Louisiana County of Ar i A /L Ili The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Mitchell J. Berger this S� day of March, 2000. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: p' d State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Wanda N. Newman this 12th day of April 2000 Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: February 2, 2002 138 /.0 21 f.,