HomeMy WebLinkAbout865339RECEIVED BOOK PR PAGE 14 y JNCO,"r, I yf t SUBLEASE AND PARTI8]6 5S 3 MENT OF OPER A}QR r$: 14 JEANN v A(JNER KEMMERER. WYOMING KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: For and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Union Pacific Resources Company "UPRC with an office in Fort Worth, Texas, sometimes hereinafter referred to as "Assignor," does hereby grant, sell, assign, transfer, convey and sublease unto Questar Exploration and Production Company "Questar with an office in Denver, Colorado, sometimes hereinafter referred to as "Assignee," its successors and assigns, an undivided sixty percent (60 of Assignor's operating rights (herein defined as the right to drill for, produce, save and sell Assignor's share of the oil and gas from the lease acreage, as hereinafter defined) in and to: Federal Oil and Gas Lease No. W- 113131 "said Lease dated October 1, 1988, from the United States of America, as Lessor, to Tricontinental Resources, as Lessee, insofar and only insofar as said Lease covers the following described lands situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to- wit: Township 19 lJnrth, Range 111 West Section 26: SE Limited to those depths and formations from the surface of the earth to the stratigraphic equivalent of 11,604 feet as found in the Exit Channel 26 -4 Well, located in the NESE of Section 26, T19N, R113W, which lands and depths are sometimes referred to herein as "lease acreage," reserving unto Assignor, its successors and assigns, all other rights, horizons, strata, and formations, including, but not limited to, the right to the concurrent use of the surface and the right to drill through the assigned intervals; subject to the following terms, covenants, and conditions: 1. Assignor hereby reserves unto itself, and its succes- sors and assigns, an exclusive, proportionate overriding royalty equal to the difference between existing lease burdens existing as of the effective date of this Sublease and Partial Assignment and twenty percent (20 of 8 /8ths of all oil, gas, and related hydrocarbons produced, saved, and marketed from or attributable to the lease acreage, which overriding royalty shall be free of operating costs and expenses, but shall be subject to its proportionate part of production, windfall profits, severance, and similar taxes. 2. The operating rights assigned hereby are subject to the lease royalties, overriding royalties, production payments, net profits obligations, carried working interests, and other payments out of or with respect to production which are of record and with which the said Lease is encumbered on the effective date of this Sublease and Partial Assignment, and are subject to all of the terms and provisions of any gas purchase, 1 gfTM quagsisuoo at SP auiTq Jo spoiaad aTgpuospaa qons ao; 1Tuo eq TTugs pup 'uo go aapgs sqT go asodsTp ATalpaudas ao puT3{ uT axsi. oq qgbTa SqT esToaaxa oq aoubTssy go g45Ta agq. oq sAMMTp goeCgns aq TTugs aaubissv Aq eTps lions Auy •uoTlonpoad 9 T .OJ buTATaaea ST aaubissv uoTLM qunowp alp upqq sseT aoj quana ou uT qnq 'uoTponpoad qons ao; xepuT gaNapw ageTadoaddp age Aq paanspau paap age. uT eTquuTMggo aDTad qaNaEw buTTTpAead ago 'aoubTssy go qun000M alp aog 'saaggo oq uoTgonpoad lions TTas )m 'aoubissy eoTgou ueggTaM aoupnpp skpp OE uodn 'aaubissv ueqq. 'uoTlonpoad go G./PITS egpuoTgaodoad sqT go asodsTp iTaquaudas ao puTN uT aNpq oq sTiu3 aoubTssTe• ;I •14gTMaaag4 pezTTTun sesPeT pup spuIT ao 'abpeaoM asuaT agq. woe; paanpoad suogauooapAq pagpTaa pup 'sub 'TTo Tip go aaPgs alpuoTgaodoad S T go asodsTp ATaquapdas ao puT3{ uT axpq oq 'auUT4 oq au1Tq woag pup auip Auu Jp gg6Ta age sanaasea kjsseadxa aoubTssy L •s4g6Ta buTgpaado ao abuaaou GSuaT 'puuT pTMS go quawubissu ao aagsupa4 gape gfTM pup peu6TssM uTeaeq sqgbia buTlpaado age pup pagTaosap uTeaeq pupT age 4TTM 6UTuuna SgUPUGnoo aq TTugs suoTlTpuoo pup squpuanoa 'swam qons pup 'subTssp puu saossaoons eATgoadsaa aTagq pup 'eeu5TssV agq. puu aou5TssV egg. 'go gTjeuaq eqq of aanuT TTugs puu 'uodn buTpuTq eq TTugs goaaag suoTlTpuoo puu S UPU noo 'swaaq. ags •9 •paTTdwT ao pessaadxe aagma 'pulp Juu go aTgT� go AgUPJauM ao uoTTMquesaadaa Rup gnoggTM pagdaooe pup appui sT quauiubTssv TMTgapd pup aspaTgns STgs •5 •TTPAaad TTsgs gopaquoo 4nowapJ pips agq go suoTsTnoad pup swaaq agq. uagp '3oEaquo0 gnowapd pips age go suoTSTnoad pup swam agq. go AUP gf.TM gDTTJUOD UT ao quagsTsuoouT eau quawubTssf TpTJapd pup aspaTgns sTlp go suoTsTnoad pup sw1Gq agq. ;o iup Jpgq quana age uT 'puu 'aoJpaado se 'aau.Tssv pup 'aowaed su 'aou6Tssv uaaMJaq '6661 '1 aego400 paTup 'gouaquoo uoTgdo gnowap3 pup gnowaPg uTp1aeo JptT go suoTsTnoad pup swaaq agp TTp oq goaCgns eau6Tssy alp /q pagdaoop osTe eau Agaaag paubTssp sggbTa buTTpaado agy •Agaaag paaanoo sgseaaquT aqq oq goadsea q M waojaad oq saaabp pup sawnssM Agaaag aaubTssv age swaaq goTgM 'paubTssp Agaaag sigbia agq go quagxa alp oq aou.Tssy pue Iupdwoo aauTwoN saeugaud Abaaug 'Aupdwoo ibaaua snTsTao uaaMgaq 't861 '8Z aagwagdag pep queweaa6V buTJpaado uTpgaao Tugp go swaag alp go Tip oq goaCgns appal sT quauubissy TpTgaud pup aspaTgns sTgs SUSS u pup SJOSSGoons sqT pup uTaaag aoubTssV agq. go aonu3 uT osTM qnq 'subTssp pue saosseoons anTa oedsea aTagT pup saou.TssV aoiad pup pup aossaZ eqq. go aonu; UT RTuo qou 'aeubissy agq. uo buTpuTq aq TTugs 'peuaaouoo sT abpaaop asuaT alp Sp apgosuT 'suoTgTpuoo pup S UPUanoa 'swae1 pTMs •rCgaaag paaanoo sgsaaaquT Gyp 0 goedsea gfIM wao3aad oq saaa6M pup sawnssM Agaaag GGUbissy alp suoTgTpuoo pup squuu 'swaaq goTgM 'paubTssu igaaag sgg5Ta agq go quagxe agq oq 'GUMS BUT'093gu (s)quawu.Tssp buTuanaaquT roue pup aspaq pips aqq go suoi4Tpuoo pup SqUPuanoo paTTdUT pup ssaadxa agq pup swaeq. alp go TTp oq goeCgns appw sT wawu5Tssj TPTgaud pup aspaTgns sTgz °8 •3oaaag aTPp aATgoagga agq. uo goaCgns sT abuaaop asuaT agq goT4M oq sgopaquoo uoT.ugaodsueaq pup'buTaaggP6 'saTps 0S6 14 8 the minimum needs of the industry, but in no event for a period in excess of one year. In addition to the rights reserved by Assignor in the immediately preceding paragraph, Assignor and Assignee agree that Assignor shall have the right, at any time and from time to time, upon not less than 30 days' advance written notice to Assignee, to purchase all or any part of the oil (which term as herein used shall include crude oil, distillate, condensate, and other liquid hydrocarbons) produced and saved from or attributable to the interest owned by Assignor in the lease acreage following this Assignment, on Assignor's standard division order terms. The price payable for the oil contained in a delivery pursuant hereto shall not be less than the posted price in the field at the time of delivery for oil of like grade and gravity produced in the same field in which the well is located. In the event oil is found on the lease acreage or on lands pooled therewith, Assignee shall immediately notify UPRC in writing at Union Pacific Resources Company, Attn: Crude Oil Marketing, P. O. Box 7, Fort Worth, Texas 76101 -0007. Assignor hereby reserves the right to nominate an affiliate, or other third party, to act on its behalf relative to Assignor's right to take production in kind and /or Assignor's right to purchase production hereunder. 8. Except as herein otherwise provided, any notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given only when received by the party to whom the same is directed as follows: Union Pacific Resources Company P. O. Box 7, MS 30 -01 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 -0007 Attn: Chuck Traxler Phone: (817) 321 -6761 Questar Exploration and Production Company 1331 Seventeenth Street, Suite 800 Denver, Colorado 80202 Attn: Division Landman Phone: (303) 672 -6900 Each party hereto shall have the right to change its address or telephone number for any or all purposes by notifying the other party of such change in writing. The return receipt of the United States Post Office or of any telegraph company delivering a telegram shall be proof of the date and time of receipt of notice. 9. If Assignee elects to surrender, abandon, release or allow to expire any of its interest in and to any lease assigned hereunder, in whole or in part, or to abandon any well located on the lease acreage, Assignee shall notify Assignor in writing not less than forty -five (45) days (or as soon as practicable) before the date of the proposed surrender, release, cancellation, abandonment or expiration, and, within fifteen (15) days after written request from Assignor, shall reassign such lease or the part thereof affected or any such well (upon 3 MD 23 quap?saad/goT dil aq oq qnq 0002 61T 9 TiT,L) :sqI :rCg XN`1dWOO NOIZOnQO2Id QNV NOIZFRIO'TdXS uvIsSn0 gopd uT Jauaoggy :sqI WOO SS0dfOSS2i W DVd NOINn AaeJaaoas LrojelAA go Aep 4 1, 91 sTgp aaInDaxa '6661 'aagogoo go kelp LPL' eql woag anzgaaJga 11 qas anogpuTaaaq SUOflTpuoo pup SgUPUSAOD 'suzaaq agq. oq goaCgns 'subzsse pue saossaaons sTz 'eaubzssV aqq own sgsaaaquT pup 'saTgTq 'sggbTa paps QrIOH 01, QNV SAVH 0,1 aouBTSSV oq panaasaa iTssaadxa sT aseaZ aqq. aTiTq paooaa ags 'TT 'aauBTssv iq oquT paaaqua sT goTgM quawaaabp ao uoTsuagxa 'TpMauea gons iup go sgsoo etil go MOT) queoaad paapunq auo apaq TTpgs aaufiTssV 'aaubzssy pup aou6Tssy uaaMJaq eV •uoTstnoad STtil T TM aouppa000e UT sQgbza buTgeaado pup aTgTq paooaa lsan oq pup aapunaaag saTgapd agq. go quaquz agq AgTaiTo oq aapao uT aou6TSSV iq paaznbaa ATgpuospaa aq TTpgs goTgt quawnoop aaggo ao quawubTSse iue agnaaxa saaabe aaubTSsy •aapunaaaq abeaaoe aseaT Sp paaapTsuoo aq TTpgs aspaT o4 quauiaaabp ao aseaT uoTsuagxa ao TpMauaa gons Jue pup 'paTeuzwaaq asTMaagfo aneg pInoM JO spq Tegq. '3oaaagf gapd riue ao 'abpaaop aseaT age go aseaTaa ao 'uoTJpuTwaaq 'uoTTeaTdxa atiq buTMOTTo3 sgfuow (9) xTs UItTM oquT paaaqua sT aseaT oq quawaaabe ao aspaT UOTSU xa ao TeMauaa gons 3T 'subzssp pup SJOSS900118 S T 'eaubTssf iq oquT paaaqua aseaT oq quawaaabp ao aseaT uoTsuagxa ao TeMauaa Bans Aue oq goadsaa IflTM pup oquT sgsaaaquT pup Sggbta GUMS agq go TTp aAeg TTpgs aoubTssy uagf 'sgsaaaquT gons pup aSeaT 0 4 quawaaabp up ao '3oaaatiq gapd Aup ao 'paubzsse uTaaag aseaT iue 30 UOTSU qxa ao TpMauaa e aaTnbop uospaa AUP aog pTnogs aauBTssV 3I 'OT •quawuBTssi TPTgaed pup aspaTgns sTin go qupuanoo iup go gopaaq iup go uospaa iCq aoubzssy oq ATTITgpzT Jup woa3 ao eaubTssV qsutpbp panaaop ao aaubTssV Rq paaanouT aao3ogaaagf 'TTTTgeTT JO SUOTTP6TICIO iup go aauBTssk aaaTTaa T1egs quawubTsse ao quawuopupgp 'uoTquTTaoupo 'aapuaaans 'aspaTaa ou poogsaapun aagf.ang sT •paubzssp uTaaag espaT roue 30 'S U Uenoo paTTdwT buTpnTouT 'suoTgTpuoo pup swaaq aql go aoupwaogaad ao3 aossaq atiq Aq pupwap Rup go aoubzssy JjTgou ITagpTpawwz oq saaabe aagpan3 aaubzssy •aaubTssV oq paubzssp uaIM pauapanq 9 M aSpaT alp goTgM InTM asogn gdaoxa saoupagwnoua Tip go aeaTo pup aaaJ aoubTssV oq (anTpn abpATes qau aqq aaubTssV oq buTA d aoufTSSy STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT The forego ng instrument was ackl wled•ed before me this day ofQ.,"V'1 2000, by r G q j as Attorney -in -Fact of UNION PACIFIC RESOURCES COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. STATE OF Utah COUNTY OF Salt Lake Witness my hand and official seal. LDA #92859 -99 NOTARY PUBLIC SUSAN K. STONE 1 GO East 100 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 My Commission Expires March 1, 2003 STATE OF UTAH ss. 150 a Nota.� Public, State of My Commission Expires: I c OOC) Notary: Typed or Printed Name o The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Nc---, 2000, by G. L. Nordloh as Presi r1Pnt /CF:O of QUESTAR EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION COMPANY, a Texas corporation, on behalf of the corporation. �4l JULIE A. OWEN -A''v COMMISSION EXPIRES August 24, 2000 d Notary Public, State of U\ My Commission Expires: 3 S -03 Typed ox Printed Name of Notary: .>SLC\ Sktcw 5