HomeMy WebLinkAbout974796WYOMING AFFIDAVIT OF COLLECTION OF ESTATE ASSETS RELEASE OF ACCOUNT OR PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHOUT COURT ADMINISTRATION To Comply with WYOMING STATE STATUTES SECTION 2 -1 -201 ET SEQ I /We Jeff Braegger and Donna Poulos (Affiants and distributees) individually and jointly the undersigned first being duly sworn upon oath state: 1. Max Braegger (the decedent) died while resident of the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming on January 6, 2013. 2. At least thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death of the decedent. RECEIVED 1/2/2014 at 8:58 AM RECEIVING 974796 BOOK: 826 PAGE: 278 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 0278 3. No application for appointment of a personal representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 4. The current value of the decedent's entire estate, wherever located, less liens and encumbrances, does not exceed two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). 5. The claiming distributees are entitled to payment or delivery of the property by virtue of the fact the distributees are Children of the decedent: 6. At the time of the death of the decedent, the decedent was the owner of certain personal property described as follows: (a) Vehicles: 1977 Ford Truck, VIN# F14HRY88348, Title# 12 125060, Issued 7/22/1986 1999 Ford Truck, VIN# 1FTRX18LXXKC19926, Title# 12- 0194006, Issued 12/20/1999 (b) The decedent's guns and personal property in possession of Lincoln County Sheriff. (c) The decedent's interest in any other personal property in possession of others. 7. The affiant(s) are entitled to payment or delivery of the described property, are sole distributees and children of the decedent and requests that the described property be paid, delivered or transferred to affiant(s) directed as follows: (1) The decedent's property in possession of Lincoln County Sheriff Department to be delivered to Jeff Braegger. (2) The Titles of the following vehicles to be transferred to Jeff Braegger. 1977 Ford Truck, VIN# F14HRY88348, Title# 12 125060, Issued 7/22/1986 1999 Ford Truck, VIN# 1FTRX18LXXKC19926, Title# 12- 0194006, Issued 12/20/1999 8. Affiants are the successor to the decedent's interest in the described property and no other person has a superior right to the interest of the decedent in the described property under probate proceedings. 9. If there is more than one affiant, all statements in this Affidavit are made individually and jointly. 10. In consideration of any person or entity honoring this Affidavit, Affiant(s) agree(s) that said person or entity cannot be held liable for giving Affiant(s) the personal property described in paragraph 6 and agree(s) to indemnify person or entity and hold person or entity harmless against all liability, loss, costs, damages or expenses, including attorney fees, which person or entity may incur by reason of its honoring this Affidavit. 11. Each Affiant affirms or declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Wyoming that the foregoing is true and correct. This Affidavit is executed on this :__SL day of c�� .c'!'f T 20 in the City of SIGNATURES OF AFFIANTS State of io 00 Jeff Braeg 331 I St. Apt. B Rock Springs, WY 82901 Donna Poulos 1041 Ponderosa way Apt. D Rock Springs, WY 82901 0279 STATE OF WYOMING )ss COUNTY OF On this SO day of 1::)�cN,1 i,3 Jeff Braegger and Donna Poulos. Known to me to be the individual(s) who executed the foregoing affidavit and, being duly sworn, did depose and say that the statements contained therein are true. Notary Public My commission expires: 0 03)) (e before me personally appeared DEBRA HAWKINS Notary Public Sweetwater County, o ing My Commission Expires 0 0280 Wv•W•1•An MIWPiffr'aiVOlv vv vvel',WMA'ANV'Orl.W. WiVravA-AVvW Vi•AV•PrcavWfvVANWN,WAWAVAYMNYV CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD 4 DECEDENT Date of Death: January 6, 2013 City of Death: Salt Lake City 75 1 Birth: Ogden, UTan Arrne No Musty/Bus Residence: Kemm r H n° we CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2013000195 Max Braegger Time of Death: County of Death: Date_ of Birth MaritalfStbtus:_ UsualtacUpatidn: Lincoln County-Sheriff Office Educatioit erer, VVyoming Father's Name: Carl Arthur Braegger I Hanskey Facility Type: Hospital Inpatient Date of Dripaiti Motner s Name. F cr,Addr_e_ss:_ Universittlp_fUtah 1 t e. aridersdale Rd. CambY Indiana 4611 ,e.(s-ri:- Kemmerer Wyoming N UPerall Plineral Horne =MEDIAL John MD, N. Medical Dr., Salt Citle(Salt Lak Robert Braegger Rela116 Brother 367 E DiaposiTION INFORMATION Method Of DisLo„si Remoyal JIace ispt So Address' bx„6, 105 East Center Street Kama's Utah Funeral Director: W Bali 02:00 Salt Lake December 26- 1937 "Male- Widowed Sheriff Cardiopulmonary arrest Cardiopulmonary ,E)ue (oras a consetftlence of): ';ivietastatic, cancer, Tobacco'llse Unknown' ie E taCted: N Y.Performed: No Manner of t I Dat6' Registered: Janu 10 Date Issued:,JanuarY 10, 2013:A -PPIFIF` Some College but No Degree -_---.7his is arrexaclieproduction of the:document registered the State Office c•tVitiE-Statisticc- images in top cyCloida z€_ titurity features of this officiai docunrient inciude: Itctaglio.Barder,Atlt R %I cer. n ultra:Violet fibers and hologram imageiof the _Utah State Sealrover the words "State offitahn. This====.- ;.•000...... 'N document displays the date, seal and signatureTof State Registrar and the County/District Health Offi --7 .t-`"" o r ii 1111 11111 111 11 111111 1 II c' IsOiffAff I rN f N