HomeMy WebLinkAbout974813M. Kevin Voyles, 6 -2603 LUTHI VOYLES, LLC P.O. Box 820 Thayne, Wyoming 83127 -0820 Tel: (307) 883 -7887 Fax: (307) 883 -7889 Attorney for the Estate RECEIVED 1/3/2014 at 10:01 AM RECEIVING 974813 BOOK: 826 PAGE: 310 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF REX KAY RADFORD, Deceased. Probate No. PR- 2013 -26 -DC DECREE DISTRIBUTING REAL PROPERTY TO KRISTA LYNN CARN IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LINDA CHERRY RADFORD DECREE DISTRIBUTING REAL PROPERTY TO KRISTA LYNN CARN PAGE 1 OF 2 �h E DEC 2 0 P013 KENNETH D. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT LINCOL OUN Y,I STDISTRICT YOMING THE COURT, in accordance with the Order Approving Interim Report and Interim Distribution for the Estate of Rex Kay Radford entered herein, hereby decrees: 1. That real property in the Estate of Rex Kay Radford is identified as follows: PARCEL A 740 County Road 159 IN TOWNSHIP 35 NORTH, RANGE 119 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING: A tract of land located in the NW1 /4NE1 /4 and described as follows: 0310 SIGNED Beginning at the Northeast corner of NW1 /4NE114 of said Section 1; thence West ten (10) rods, thence South sixteen (16) rods, thence East ten (10) rods, thence North sixteen (16) rods to the point of beginning. Together with all improvements, and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise pertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all easements, reservations, restrictions, and rights -of -way of record, of sight, or in use. Reserving unto the benefit of the Thompson Bateman irrigation pipeline, part of the Birch Creek, Woltley;Couch Ditch enlargement, an "easeinerit 20 feet wide running along the east boundary line of the property described above, for the construction, operation and maintenance of an irrigation pipeline. PARCEL B 754 County Road 159, Etna, Wyoming That real property described in the "DESCRIPTION FOR ESTATE OF REX KAY RADFORD HOUSE TRACT" dated 10 December 2013, that is attached hereto. Together with all improvements, and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise pertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all easements, reservations, restrictions, and rights- of-way of record, of sight, or in use. 2. That the title to the real property described above is hereby distributed and/or conveyed from F. Michael Kibbie, Personal Representative of the Estate of Rex K. Radford, deceased, to Krista Lynn Cam, and her heirs and assigns. C�- DATED day of December, 2013. STATE OF WYOMING AUNTY OF LINCOLN SS. I, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third Judicial District Court within and foresaid county and in the State of foresaid, do hereby certify the foregoing 'to be a full, true, and c. n e copy. 0311 DE 1 r'E' ON DISTRICT COURT JUDGE IN THE MATTER F THE ESTATE OF LINDA CHERRY RADFORD DECREE DISTRIBUTING REAL PROPERTY TO ICRISTA LYNN CARN PAGE 2 'OF 2 aonal Land Surveyors 1. SCHERBEL :egislralion No. 164 egislralion No. 1670 leglslratIon No. 3990 Registration No. 6805 A. SCHERBEL egislralion No. 3889 eglsoalion No. 372111 tegislralion No. 8026 )WE A. SCHERBEL :egislra8on No. 5368 F. SCHERBEL legssralion No. 11810 tegIstration No. 13493 B No. 1223 or Scherbel, LTD. Nyoming ey, Wyoming n, Wyoming of Springs, Idaho dier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR ESTATE OF REX KAY RADFORD HOUSE TRACT To -wit: That part of GLO Lot 1 of Section 1,T35N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tracto of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 107 of Photostatic Records on page 545, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said GLO Lot 1; thence S89 59' -31 "E, 570.00 feet, along th north line of said GLO Lot 1, to a point at a fence corner; thence S00 11' -37 "W, 471.00 feet, along an existing north -south fence line, to a point at a fence corner; thence N89 53' -51 "W, 347.00 feet, along an existing east -west fence line, to a point; thence NO3 26' -53 "E, 126.00 feet, to a point; thence N53 41' -33 "W, 211.00 feet, to a point; thence N89 43' -37 "W, 60.00 feet, to a point on the west line of said GLO Lot 1; thence N00 16' -23 "E, 219.47feet, along said west line, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 5.09 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the north line of the NE' /4 of Section 1, T35N R119W, being S89 59' -31 "E; it is the intent of this description that the called -for monuments, and not the existing fence lines, control the location of the property lines; TOGETHER WITH that right of easement of record in said Office in Book 107 of Photostatic Records on page 344; SUBJECT to that easement of record in said Office in Book 541 of Photostatic Records on page 571 for the Thompson- Bateman Pipeline; RERSERVING unto the grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across the west sixty (60) feet of the above described House Tract; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 11810 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF TRACTS AND EASEMENTS FOR ESTATE OF REX KAY RADFORD WITHIN GLO LOT 1 ECTIOI'1 35 T35N R119W S1 /2SE1 /4 SECTION 36 T36N R119W LINCOLN ^•r ^i'�.y�� G dated 10 December 2013, as revised. 10 December 201 "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"