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possession or in action, for such price, upon such terms and conditions, as my
agent shall determine;
d. Contract Powers. To make, do, and transact every kind of business of whatever
nature, and also for me and in my name, and as my act and deed, to sign, seal, ex-
ecute, deliver, and acknowledge such stock certificates, stock powers, assignments
separate from certificates, deeds, conveyances, leases and assignments of leases,
covenants, indentures, options, letters of intent, contracts, agreements, closing
agreements, certificates, mortgages, hypothecations, bills of lading, bills, bonds,
debentures, notes, receipts, evidences of debts, releases and satisfaction of mort-
gage, judgments and other debts, waivers of statutes of limitation, and such other
documents and instruments in writing of whatever kind and nature as may be nec-
essary or proper in the premises, as fully as I might do if done in my own capacity;
e. Banking Powers. To make, receive and endorse checks and drafts, deposit and
withdraw funds, acquire and redeem certificates of deposit, retirement accounts
(IRA, etc.), in banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, and other finan-
cial institutions, execute or release such deeds of trust or other security agree-
ments as may be necessary or proper in the exercise of the rights and powers
herein granted, open and close accounts in any bank or financial institution, and to
carry on all of my ordinary banking and financial business;
f. Motor Vehicles. To apply for a Certificate of title upon, and endorse and transfer
title thereto, for any automobile, truck, pickup, van, motorcycle or other motor ve-
hicle, recreational vehicle or boats, and to represent in such transfer assignment
that the title to said motor vehicle is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances
except those specifically set forth in such transfer assignment;
Business Interests. To conduct or participate in any lawful business of whatever
nature for me and in my name; execute partnership agreements and amendments
thereto; incorporate, reorganize, merge, consolidate, recapitalize, sell, liquidate or
dissolve any business; elect or employ officers, directors and agents; carry out the
provisions of any agreement for the sale of any business interest or the stock
therein; and exercise voting rights with respect to stock, either in person or by
proxy, and exercise stock options;
h. Tax Powers. To prepare, sign, and file joint or separate income tax returns or dec-
larations of estimated tax for any year or years; to prepare, sign and file gift tax re-
turns with respect to gifts made by me for any year or years; to consent to any gift
and to utilize any gift splitting provision or other tax election; and to prepare, sign,
and file any claims for refund of any tax; to receive, receipt for, and deposit any
refunds of any tax; to prosecute any defenses against any claims for additional tax
assessments or penalties, and to prosecute any claims for refund of any tax, before
any administrative body or any court having jurisdiction; this grant of powers to
be deemed coextensive with all powers I might grant to my agent under I.R.S.
Form 2848 as to any and all years during which this power of attorney is in force
Power as to Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. My agent shall
have the power to act on my behalf in all matters pertaining to my insurance, in-
cluding health insurance, life insurance, property insurance, profit sharing, and
employer's benefit plans; and all matters with respect to my social security, Medi-
care, Medicaid and any other governmental program or entity.
and effect, this power of attorney to be deemed to be continuing power of attorney
under I.R.S. Form 2848, and a grant of power to my attorney -in -fact to execute
and deliver on my behalf an I.R.S. Form 2848 for any and all years in which this
power of attorney is in force or effect.
j. Safe Deposit Boxes. To have access at any time or times to any safe deposit box
rented by me, wheresoever located, and to remove all or any part of the contents
thereof, and to surrender, relinquish or renew said safe deposit box, and any in-
stitution in which any such safe deposit box may be located shall not incur any li-
ability to me or my estate as a result of permitting my agent to exercise this power.
k. Mineral Interests and Leases. This power of attorney, and all powers conferred
hereby, shall include, but not be limited to, all of my mineral interests, wherever
located, including herewith all bonuses, delay rentals, and payments for produc-
tion to which I am or may become entitled with respect to said mineral interests,
and specifically including, but not being limited to, the powers of my agent to col-
lect, receive, and receipt for all payments to which I am or may become entitled
with respect to said mineral interests, and the powers to cancel existing leases for
legal cause, and the powers to enter into renewals, extensions or new or additional
leases with respect to any mineral interests I may have at any time, including the
power on my behalf to execute division orders and join in any plan of unitization,
orders and agreements.
1. Power to Make Gifts. My agent shall have the power, from time to time, to make
such gifts of my assets, whether principal or income, as my agent in his or her sole
discretion shall determine.
Power to Disclaim. My agent shall have the power at any time to disclaim on my
behalf any gift, devise, bequest or inheritance to be received by me.
n. Power to Transfer Assets to an Existing Trust. My agent shall have the power to
transfer any assets in which I have an ownership interest to any trust I have hereto-
fore created by written agreement or Declaration.
2. Employ Agents. To employ and compensate agents, accountants, attorneys, real
estate brokers and other professional assistants and to retain and compensate such persons for
services rendered; to waive any attorney /client privilege;
3. Interpretation and Governing Law. This instrument is to be construed and inter-
preted as a general durable power of attorney. The enumeration of specific powers herein is not
intended to, nor does it, limit or restrict the general powers herein granted to my agent. This in-
strument is executed and delivered in the State of Wyoming, and the laws of the State of Wyom-
ing shall govern all questions as to the validity of this power and the construction of its
4. Third -Party Reliance. Third parties may rely upon the representations of my agent
as to all matters relating to any power granted to my agent, and no person who may act in re-
liance upon the representations of my agent or the authority granted to my agent shall incur any
liability to me or my estate as a result of permitting my agent to exercise any power.
5. Disability of Principal. This General Power of Attorney shall not become ineffec-
tive by my disability or incapacity. Any act done by my agent during any period of disability or
incompetency or during any period of uncertainty as to whether I am alive shall have the same ef-
fect as though I were alive, competent, and not disabled.
6. Successor Agent. In the event my agent, hereinbefore designated, becomes de-
ceased, or becomes unable to perform the functions of my agent as certified to by a statement by
my agent's attending physician, or my agent submits his resignation in writing to me, I then des-
ignate Michael C. Reed whose address is Casper, Wyoming, as my successor agent, said succes-
sor agent to have all of the powers and duties hereinbefore set forth as being granted to and
imposed upon my agent as originally designated.
7. Revocation of Prior Powers of Attorney. The undersigned hereby revokes any and
all general, special, or durable powers of attorney heretofore executed by the undersigned, but
this revocation shall not be deemed to revoke any Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or
Health Care Directive heretofore or hereafter executed by me, which shall not in any way be re-
voked or affected by the execution of this General Durable Power of Attorney.
8. Termination. This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately and
shall remain in full force and effect until my death unless revoked by me by written revocation
delivered to my agent or revoked in accordance with the provisions of W.S. 3 -5 -103, or in ac-
cordance with the provisions of W.S. 3- 5- 101(c). I hereby grant my agent and attorney -in -fact
the power to furnish, file, and record, for any purpose, a photocopy of this General Durable Pow-
er of Attorney 'with any agency, person, or party, public or private, and all parties dealing with
my agent are entitled to rely completely thereon, unless and until this Power of Attorney has been
revoked as provided in the preceding sentence.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this General Durable Power of Attorney in
3 counterparts, and I have directed that photographic copies of this power be made, which
shall have the same force and effect as an original.
DATED at Cheyenne, Wyoming, on the j day of 2007.
e fliot6 f a gal
Bernadine A. Reed, Principal
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Bernadine A. Reed this f
day of'1 2007.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires: 7- I 0
Notary Public