HomeMy WebLinkAbout974856I, Weldon Vern Perry, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date of July 10, 1995, for valuable consideration, Ralph Davis Leavitt, Trustee of the Ralph Davis Leavitt Family Trust dated June 18, 1993, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on July 31, 1995, in Book 371PR, Page 508, conveyed to Weldon Vern Perry and Wanda Joyce Perry, husband and wife as tenants by the entireties, the following described land, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to -wit: The SW1 /4 of the SE1 /4 of Section 16, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. ALSO, part of Section 16, T32N R119W of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the NW1 /4SE1 /4 of said Section 16 and running thence West 506 feet; thence North 528 feet, more or less, to the South edge of an existing lane as described in Right of Way Easement recorded October 9, 1981 in Book 181PR on page 487 of Official Records of Lincoln County Clerk; thence East 506 feet, more or less to the West boundary of the right of way of the Afton- Auburn Road and existing fence line; thence South 528 feet, more or less to the place of beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT the following described land: Commencing at a point which is 2 rods South from the center of Section 16, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence South 5o rods; thence East 8o rods; thence North 5o rods; thence West 8o rods to the point of beginning LESS AND EXCEPT lands subsequently conveyed by deed recorded April 3o, 2002, at Book 488PR, Page 427 and deed recorded April 19, 2006, at Book 617, Page 357 in the Official Records of Lincoln County Clerk That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Weldon Vern Perry and Wanda Joyce Perry became the owners of said real property, and the title thereto vested in them continuously from the date of said conveyance, to the date of death of Wanda Joyce Perry, on the 18th day of June, 2013. That by reason of and upon the death of Wanda Joyce Perry, title in the above described real property vested in Weldon Vern Perry. Affiant avers and certifies Wanda Joyce Perry, is the identical party named with Weldon Vern Perry, in the aforementioned deed, whose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto, and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. State of Lo ti DM u 1 f ss. County of r1 c,DL .:t: .,g> and sworn to before me, a notary public in nd for said County and State, by Weldon i °g 1"1ts. ;a�, day of Ci1 I ::l, 1l 20 P t coumz )NITNE S;r hand and official seal. Dated this day of 20/ sec, t %t e M i Expires: L P )5 �ILk This Document is being recorded by Rocky Mountain Title Insurance Agency of Lincoln County as a COURTESY only Affidavit of Survivorship We don Vern Perry Notary Public 0450 1 fr CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD DECEDENT INFORMATION Date of Death: June 18, 2013 City of Death: Woodruff Age: 60 Place of Birth: Huron, South Dakota Armed Services: No Spouse's Name: Weldon Vern Perry Industry/Business: Own Homes Residence: Woodruff, Utah Mother's Name: Audrey Elsie Keller Facility or Address: 260 South Main 'Street INFORMANT INFORMATION Name: Weldon Vern Perry Relationship Husband Mailing Address: 260 South Main Street, Woodruff, Utah 84086 DISPOSITION INFORMATION Method of Disposition:Burial Place of Disposition: Woodruff Cemetery, Woodruff, Utah Date of Disposition: June 26, 2013 FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION Funeral Home: Crandall Funeral Home Address: PO Box 6, 105 East Center Street Kamas, Utah 84036 Funeral Director: Gregory J Crandall MEDICAL CERTIFICATION Medical Professional: Todd C Grey MD, Office of the Medical Examiner, 48 N. Mario Capecchi Dr., Salt Lake City, Utah 84113 CAUSE OF DEATH Pending Tobacco Use: Unknown if User Medical Examiner Contacted: Yes Autopsy Performed: Yes Autopsy Available:; Yes Manner of Death: Pending Date Registered: June 24, 2013 Date Issued: June 24, 2013 Waal i' i AI vi lJl 1alt wa 1 my X 33. ;°'cira CERTIFICATE OF DEATH. State File Number: 2013007985 Wanda Joyce Perry O45! Time of Death: 10:20 (Found) County of Death: Rich Date of Birth: January 7, 1953 Sex: Female Marital Status: Married Usual Occupation: Homemaker Education: 9th Through 12th Grade Father's Name: William Fred Palmer Facility Type: Home This is an exact reproduction o the document registered in the State Office of Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border, V R images in top cycloids, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal, over the words "State of Utah This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar and the County/District Health Officer. i NNN, \`‘"1.! uuugq4 r fl OF T$E AI, 1,14, :a s',' 0111 Il�lI 11 lil `■low y r� Janice L. Houston, State Registrar i l!! Director/Health Officer epartmeii Office of Vital Statistics County/District Health Department !i,) r C:. t■ II I I ;sue CY