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1048132 Bk: SD120
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1048132 Book SD120 Page 1510
Filed at 11:08 AM on 1/13/2014 Fees: 24.00
Lori Smallwood, Big Horn County By RCraft Deputy
748946 Book 349 Page 0873
WESTON COUNTY Filed 01/16/2014 At 01:13 PM
TOGETHER with the right of ingress and egress at all times for the purpose of
operating and developing said lands for oil, gas, and other minerals, and marketing the
same therefrom with the right to remove from said lands all of Grantee's property and
improvements, including the release and waiver of homestead.
THIS DEED is made this day of L.Milnl Cr 20 /2
between GENE LOUISE GRANT, a /k /a Gene L. Grant ("Grantor"), and THE GENE L.
GRANT REVOCABLE TRUST, RESTATED, under instrument dated January 24, 2012,
whose address is 7127 Woodrow Drive, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 "Grantee
WITNESS, that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars
($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these
presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, and its
3 successors and assigns forever, all of Grantor's interest in and to all of the oil, gas,
minerals, and royalty interest in and under and that may be produced from the lands
situated in Big Horn, Weston and Lincoln Counties, all in Wyoming and described as
This conveyance is made subject to any rights now existing to any lessee or
assigns under any valid and subsisting oil and gas lease of record heretofore executed; it
being understood and agreed that said Grantee shall have, receive, and enjoy the herein
granted interest in and to all bonuses, rents, royalties and other benefits which may accrue
under the terms of said lease insofar as it covers the above described land from and after
the date hereof, precisely as if the Grantee herein has been at the date of the making of
said lease the owners of a similar undivided interest in and to the lands described and the
Grantee the lessors therein.
1111 1111
See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part here of for legal description of the
11111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111 1048132 0 0873
Grantor agrees to execute such further assurances as may be requisite for all full
and complete enjoyment of the rights herein granted and likewise agrees that Grantee
herein shall have the right at any time to redeem for said Grantor by payment, any
mortgage, taxes, or other liens on the above described land, upon default in payment by
Grantor, and be subrogated to the rights of the holder thereof.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said described property and easement above
bargained and described, with the rights, privileges and appurtenances, unto the Grantee,
its successors and assigns forever. The Grantor, for herself, her heirs and assigns, does
hereby covenant and agree that the Grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER
DEFEND the above bargained premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns,
against all and every person, or persons claiming whole or any part thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this Deed on the date set
forth above.
State of Colorado
my Comm issian ExpIrta. March 15.2015
Book SD120 Page11507 1/13/201
Book of 5
Big Horn County Clerk
GE LOUD E GRANT, a Gene L. Grant
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires: j 6.d00
Notary Public
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of
8 7 5
I. Producing Otl and45as l:,eeses:
A. East Fiddler Creek Unit,, Weston County
Amax Petroleum Corporation. 'Operator
Archer B. Jessee; Lessor
T. 48 N. R. 65 W., 6th P. M.
Sec. 22: E /2 (320 acres)
Overriding royalty interest L'%
Marian Gilmer; et vim., lessors
T. 46 N., R. 65 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 16: Si2NWf4 (76.40 acres,
Overriding royalty interest .5%
(only the S /2SW /4NW /4 committed to unit)
13. West Fiddler Creek Unit, Weston County
Amax Petroleum Corporation, Operator
State of Wyoming Lease 0-4313
T. 46 N. R. 65 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 22: SW /4
Sec. 27: NW /4 (320 acres)
Overriding royalty interest I%
C. East Fiddler Creek Unit, Weston County
Big Horn Powder River Corporation, Operator
Albert W. Witzel, et ux. Leese
T. 46 N. R. 64 W. 5th P. M.
Sec. 19: Lots 3, 4, E /2SW/4 (154.72 acres)
Overriding royalty interest .25%
Ida Boatman 'Lease
T. 46 N. R. 64 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 19: Lots 1, 2, 'E /2NW /4 (153.78 acres)
Overriding royalty interest .5%
Unit participation of tract 6.04633%
Helen. C. O'Brien, et al.. lease
T. 46 N., R. ''65 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 24: E/2 (320 acres)
Overriding royalty interest .5%
Clara M. Larson Lease
T. 46 N., R. 65 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 24: SW /4 (160 'acres)
Overriding royaltyy►. interest 5f0
Unit participation. of. trs t. 3.05100%
ent 1048132 1/13/2014
D120 Page 1508 Page 3 of E
"Big Horn County Clerk
T. 46.
Sec. V& Lb*
(492. 'tit Cares)
Overriding royalty interest .5%
E. Big Horn Powder litiVer GOrporation, Operator
Helen C. &Brien, a al. lease, WetotonVountY
T. 46 N„ R. 65 W. 6th P. M.
sec. 25: Ni2N42 (160 acres)
Overriding royalty interest 5%
F. Mammoth Producing Corporation, Operator
Clarence Thompson, et ux. lease, Weston Count,
T. 46 N.. R. 65 W. 6th P. M.
See. 13: N/2NW/.4
Overriding royalty interest .5%
G. Mundell Brothers, Operator
Clarence Thompson, et ux. lease
T. 46 N. R. 65 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 14: NE/4N2/4
Overriding royalty interest .5%
I. Texaco Inc., lessee
Rittheler lease
T. 46 N., R. 64 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 20: N/2 (320 acres)
Overriding royalty
2. Northern Pump Company, lessee
Archer B. Jeasee Lease
T. 46 N. R. 65 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 14: N/2NW/4 (80 acres)
rridig royalty it 6%
3. Bruno Moategna, lessee
DeLos Boatman lease
T. 46 N., R. 44 W. 6th P. 111.
Sec. '29: NW/4 (160 acres)
T. 46 N. R. 65 W. 6th P. M.
Sec. 30: E/2NE/4 (80 acres)
Overriding royalty interest .5%
4. Brinkerhoff DrIlltnt
Archer D. Sesoelv
T. 46 N. R.
Sec. 14; NW4 tiltilatra9)
Overridibg royalty interee*
•Document 1048132 1/13/2014
Book SD120 Page 1509 Page 4 of 5
Big Horn County Clerk
II. Non-producing Oil and Gas leases of doubtful value
A. Weston County, Wyoming
T. 44 R. 6t1
Sec. 12 NW
Sec. 26; NViri4NW
NW /4suri 3
Sec. 27: AD
Overriding royalty intere.st uncertain
B. Big Horn County, W yon g g
Husky Refining Company, Operator
U. S. Lease 8ufgalo 041342
T. 49 N., R. 93 W., 6th P. M.
Sec. 17: SE /4S*'
Sec. 18: Lots 3, 4, E /2SW /4, SE /4
Sec. 19: All
Sec. 20: F.. /2SW /4, W /2SE /4SE /4
Sec. 29: All
Sec. 33: NW /4 (1998.44 acres)
Overriding royalty interest 5%
III. Producing Mineral Interest and /or
royalty interest.
A. Lincoln County, Wyoming
T.26 N., R. 113 W., 6th P.M.
Sec 10: S /2NE /4
Sec 15: S /2N/2
Containing 240 acres more or less
All in Lincoln County, Wyoming
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Big Horn County Clerk