HomeMy WebLinkAbout975479NTL -66936 When recorded mail to: Lisa Alberston 722 Oakwood Drive Heber City, UT 84032 JULIE C. GILES Notary Public State of Utah Commission Expires 09. 27-20 COMMISSION NO. 601163 975479 2/28/2014 2:45 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 828 PAGE: 642 AFFIDAVIT JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK I IIIIIII IIII I IIII IIIII IIIII II II III Ill IIIII II II IIIII IIIII IIII II I III IIII IIII AFFIDAVIT AND ACCEPTANCE OF TRUSTEESHIP Comes now the undersigned Lisa Albertson, and being on oath first duly deposes and says: 1. That I am a citizen of the United States of legal age and capacity, and competent to make this affidavit. 2. That I was personally acquainted with the deceased, Orris E. Albertson 3. That said deceased is one in the same person as Orris E. Albertson listed in that certain document as recorded on October 2, 2002 at Entry No. 884506in Book No. 500 at Page No. 603 in the office of the Lincoln County recorder, State of WY. 4. That the purpose of this affidavit is for Lisa Albertson to accept the Trusteeship of the Orris E. Albertson Trust dated March 12, 2001 and hereby agree to act as Trustee of said Trust on all the terms, provisions and conditions specified in said Trust 5. That a certified death certificate of the deceased is hereby attached. Legal description: ALL OF LOT 32 OF THE VIOLA SUBDIVISION, PHASE 1, LOCATED IN LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, FILED JULY 8,. 1983 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 600082 IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. Previous order #64256 Liar Lisa Albertson State of UT County of (!t')Chct{z{ ss: On F..e .-b. 24,, 2.01 L f personally appeared before me Lisa Albertson, and the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that They executed the same. CEDENT::tNFORMATION :Date of Death April 22,; 2011 City of Death: Heber Age; 78 P lace of Birth Aberdeen Washington .Mined :Services_: No.:::::. Spous Name:` Industry/B:asiness_ Residence: Mother's Nae m, Facility or Address ?.ate Registered :May 3, 2011. gate Issued February 27, 2014 Rev.:603 Wastewater Treatment Heber, Utah Margaret. McNamara :722:Eas Driive antce L. Houston;: State Registrar. QF: DEATH tate``F'i >011PQ1985r':= rI FQRMAN:T.iNFORMATION; Name: Lisa Hilievi:Albertson y Relationship; Malting Address: 722 East Oakwood Drive, Heber, Utah :84032 i Orris Earl Albertson Time kbeath: County of Death: Date of Birth Sex: Marital Status. Usual Occupation: : Education Father's Name Facility Type. SPOSITION INFORMATION> ethod oft ispnsitidr: Donation Place of disposition: University of Utah Body Donor Program; Salt Lake City, Utah Date of Disposition: April 22, 2011 I :N:ERAL HOME °INFORMATION Funeral Hobe Unrversity of: Utah Body;Donor Pro Address 20.North_ 1900 East,:$aft Lake City, Utah 84132 Funeral Director Kerry Dort :Peterson MEDICAL CERTIFICATION Medical Prgfesstonel;:; S McDonald MD; 35 South 500: East, Heber (Wasatch CAUSE OF: :DEATH» Acute M Leukemia [Onset: 3 Months] Due to (ores a consequence of): Myelofibrosis [Onset 6 Years] Tobacco Use Unknown if User Medical Examrner. co ntacted No ;;:Autopsy Pe formed, N M anner of peath: Natural 22:08 Wasatch March:5; ;:Male` :Divorced:' Engineer Master's Degree Irvin:Earl Albertson Horne Randall K. Probst Director /Health Officer County /Dlsti t:I1ealth Department This is an exact reproduction of the facts registered •n theUfah state of Vtal fiecords and Statistics �yi�, Security features ofthis pffictat ncl document Iude Intaglio Border; V &R images in top cyclotds, and intaglw migrotext =if e F Xj� p T att, is documend t isplays the date seal and signature of the Utah State Registrar and the Couniy/DistricttHeaklf:Offioer. i yr k Y, I18 /41" y l- .r