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BANK OF JACKSON HOLE, which is organized and existing under the laws of THE STATE OF
WYOMING and holder of that certain Mortgage made and executed by WJW Holdings, a
Wyoming Limited Liablitiy Company, as Mortgagor, whose address is P.O.. Box 3309 Alpine,
WY 83128 and BANK OF JACKSON HOLE as Mortgagee on September 9, 2012, certifies that the
Mortgage has been fully paid, satisfied or otherwise discharged. The Mortgage was recorded on
September 28, 2012, in the Land Records for Lincoln County, Wyoming and is indexed as
Document 967124, Book 795 Page 138. The Mortgage having been complied with, the
undersigned releases the Mortgage and all of its right, title and interest in the Property commonly
known as Salt River Ranch, County Road 104, South of Alpine and Alpine Airpark Runway,
Alpine, WY 83128 and legally described as: See Attached Exhibit "A
(Lender Acknowledgement)
This instrument was acknowledged before me this 3 day of ilf✓?anf
My commission expires:
975564 3/7/2014 10:20 AM
1111111 IllIII 1111 I!IIII II III II it I III IIll I IIII IIIii 1111111111 I I II I III II II I I II
(Notary Public)
as VID
Land Title Company
Underwriter Stewart Title Guaranty Company
Commitment Schedule A
Lot 3 of FOREST RIVER RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE I, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as shown on the
official plat thereof filed December 3, 2008, as Receiving No. 943952, in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
County, Wyoming, as Plat No. 943952.
PARCEL 1: The tract of land in Lots 2, 3, 4, the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW 1 /4 NE 1/4),
and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1 /4) of Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6 P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, described in the Warranty Deed recorded in Book 184 PR, Page 538, in the Office of the Clerk of
Lincoln County, Wyoming, and redescribed as follows, based on a 1991 field survey: BEGINNING at a 2"
diameter iron pipe with brass cap marking the Southwest corner of said Section 9; Thence North 00 °43'57" West,
2,951.08 feet along the Wyoming -Idaho State line to an 2" diameter aluminum pipe with cap marking an Idaho
closing corner; Thence continuing along said State line North 00°46'57" East, 139.28 feet to a point; Thence North
83 °30'00" East, 344.92 feet along the South line of Lot 15, Alpine Retreat Subdivision No. 1 (recorded as Plat No.
102 in said Clerk's Office) to a point marking the Southeast corner of said Lot 15; Thence Southeasterly, 492.36
feet, along the right -of -way line of Alpine Meadow Loop, coincident with the Southwesterly line of said Alpine
Retreat Subdivision No. 1, following a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a Radius of 260.00 feet, and
subtended by a Chord of South 60 °45'00" East, 422.02 feet, to a point of reverse curve; Thence continuing along
the South right -of -way line of said Alpine Meadow Loop, coincident with a Southerly line of the Amended Alpine
Retreat Subdivision No. 2 (recorded as plat No. 104 in said Clerk's Office), Easterly, 225.61 feet, following a
curve, concave to the South, having a Radius of 349.37 feet, and subtended by a Chord of North 83 °30'00" East,
221.71 feet to a point; Thence continuing along said right -of -way line and Southerly subdivision line, South
78°00'00" East, 8.40 feet to a point of curvature; Thence continuing along said right -of -way line and subdivision
line, Southeasterly, 34.86 feet, following a curve concave to the Southwest, having a Radius of 25.00 feet and
subtended by a Chord of South 38 °03'07" East, 32.10 feet to a point of reverse curve in the West right -of -way line
of Forest Drive; Thence along the West right -of -way line of said Forest Drive, coincident with the West line of
said Alpine Retreat Subdivision No. 2, Southerly, 88.02 feet, following a curve concave to the East having a
Radius of 260.00 feet and being subtended by a Chord of South 07 °48'07" East, 87.60 feet; Thence continuing
along said right -of-way line and subdivision line, South 17 °30'00" East, 753.17 feet to a point; Thence North
72 °30'00" East, 50.00 feet along the Southern right -of -way line of said Forest Drive, coincident with a Southerly
boundary of said Alpine Retreat Subdivision No. 2, to a point; Thence North 17 °30'00" West, 78:16 feet along the
East right -of -way line of said Forest Drive, coincident with an Easterly boundary of said Alpine Retreat
Subdivision No. 2, to a point marking the Southwest corner of Lot 14 of said .Alpine Retreat Subdivision No. 2;
Thence North 73 °30'00" East, 290.06 feet to a point marking the corner between Lots 14 and 28 of said
subdivision; Thence North 75 East, 285.58 feet to a point marking the Southeast corner of said Lot 28;
Thence South 00'03'04" East, 965.08 feet to a point; Thence South 89 °30'53" East, 734.96 feet to an intersection
with the West line of the parcel excluded from said Warranty Deed recorded in Book 184 PR, Page 538; Thence
South 01 °30'01" East, 124.45 feet along the West line of said excluded parcel to the point of curvature; Thence
continuing along said West line, Southerly, 63.63 feet along a curve concave to the West having a Radius of
810:00 feet and being subtended by a Chord of South 00 °45'00" West, 63.61 feet to a point from which the East
Quarter (E' /4) corner of said Section 9 is 1,470.62 feet North and 836.61 feet East; Thence South 85 °30'01" East,
250.98 feet along the South line of said excluded parcel; Thence North 25 °55'51" East, 227.64 feet along the East
line of said excluded parcel; Thence South 89 °30'53" East, 306.72 feet to a point approximately 50 feet East of the
Eat bank of the Salt River; Thence parallel with, and 40 feet East of the meander of the East Bank of the Salt
River, secondarily described by the following eight (8) courses: South 26 °05' 19" West, 385.84 feet; Thence South
18 °47'55" West, 98.23 feet; Thence South37 °19'46" West, 255.65 feet; Thence South,28 °07'34" West, 192.54
feet; Thence South 64°50'10" West, 124.60 feet; Thence South 27 °07'34" West, 152,40 feet; Thence South
16 °08'22" East, 292.14 feet; Thence South 55 °59'02" West, 165.09 feet to a point on the South line of said
Section 9; Thence South 89 °46'38" West, 1,780.01 feet along said South line to an iron pipe with brass cap
marking the South Quarter (S 1/4) corner of said Section 9; Thence continuing along the South line of said Section 0
South 89 °44'49" West, the base bearing for this description, 669 -79 feet to the Point Of Beginning.
PARCEL 2: A part of Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6 th Princ Meridian, Wyoming;
BEGINNING at a point on the West right -of -way line of Kibbie Parkway which point lies South 1,275.69 feet and
West 889.03 feet from the East Quarter (E' /4) corner of said Section 9, and running thence West 415.88 feet to a
point on a curve on Lot 38; Thence along said curve Northerly and to the Left on a Radius of 225.00 feet a distance
of 196.49 feet; Thence North 51 °00'00" East, 246.97 feet; Thence South. 39 °00'00" East, 74.23 feet; Thence along
a 225 foot Radius curve to the Eastward and to the Left a distance of 194.39 feet; Thence South 89 °30'00" East, 15
feet; Thence Southward on a 25 foot Radius curve to the right a distance of 39.27 feet; Thence South 01 °30'00"
West, 176.89 feet to the Point Of Beginning.
PARCEL 3: A Sixty (60) foot right -of-way (Kibbie Parkway) being located Thirty (30) feet each side of the
following described Centerline: BEGINNING at a point (Radial bearing South 18 °30'00" East) on the West end of
the Salt River Bridge, which lies South 295.73 feet and West 844.51 feet from the East Quarter (E 'A) corner of
Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, Sixth P.M., Wyoming and running thence Southwesterly along a
180.00 foot Radius curve to the Left 304.73 feat to a point of tangency; Thence South 25 °30'00" East, 175.00 feet
to a point of curve; Thence Southeasterly along a 280.00 foot Radius curve to the Right 131.95 feet to a point of
tangency; Thence South 01°30'00" West, 446.89 feet to the End of the Sixty foot right-of-way.
PARCEL 4: ALSO a Fifty (50) foot right -of -way (Caribou Forest Drive) being located Twenty -Five (25) feet
each side of the following described Centerline: BEGINNING at a point (the intersection of Kibbie Parkway and
Caribou Forest Drive) which lies South 1,049.67 feet and West 853.10 feet from the East Quarter (E 1 /4) corner of
Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6 P.M., Wyoming and running thence North 88°30'00" West,
70.00 feet to a point of curve; Thence Northwesterly along a 200.00 foot Radius curve to the Right 172.79 feet to a
point of tangency; Thence North 39 °00'00" West, 74.23 feet to the End of the Fifty (50) foot right-of-way.
PARCEL 5: BEGINNING at the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot 28 of Alpine Retreat Subdivision No. 2 a part of
the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E' /2 SE' /4) of Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, Sixth
Principal Meridian, Wyoming and running thence Northwesterly along a 645 foot Radius curve to the Right a
distance of 31.84 feet; Thence North 78 °00'00" East, 50 feet; Thence North 12 °00'00" West, 80 feet; Thence
North 78 °00'00" East, 240 feet; Thence South 12 °00'00" East, 80 feet;
Thence South 23 °24'00 "f East, 250 feat; Thence North 87 °30'00" East, 203.27 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a
210 foot Radius curve to the Right 97.67 feet, along a 60 foot road right -of -way line; Thence North 54 °44'41"
West, 210.62 feet; Thence North 37 °27'00" East, 186 feet; Thence South 52 °33'00" East, 195 feet; Thence South
07 °00'00" East, 73.28 feet to a 60 foot wide access road right-of.way line; Thence East along the North right -of-
way line of an existing county road 140 feet, more or less, to a point 50 feet East of the East bank of the Salt River;
Thence Southerly, 1320 feet, more or less, along a line parallel to and 50 feet East from the East bank meander line
of said river; Thence West, 1320 feet, more or less; Thence North, 970 feet, more or less, to the Point Of
LESS AND EXCEPTING the following described property:
BEGINNING at a point which lies West 995.02 feat and South 438.00 feet, more or less, from the East Quarter (E
1/4) corner of Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, said point being
on the West right -of -way of Kibbie Parkway, and running thence Southerly along a 210.00 foot Radius curve to the
Left a distance of 125.01 feet; Thence South 25 °30'00" East, 96.42 feet; Thence West, 262.68 feet; Thence North,
200.00 feet; Thence North 87 °30'00" East, 203.27 feet, to the Point Of Beginning,
ALSO LESS AND EXCEPTING the following described property:
A part of Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 8th Principal Meridian, Wyoming; BEGINNING at a
point on the West right-of-way line of Kibbie Parkway whioh point lies South 1,275.69 feet and West 889.03 feet
from the East Quarter (E' /4) corner of said Section 9, and running thence West 415.88 feet to a point on a curve on
Lot 38; Thenoe along said curve Northerly and to the Left on a Radius of 225.00 feet a distance of 196.49 feet;
Thence North 51 °00'00" East, 246.97 feet; Thence South 39 °00'00" East, 74.23 feet; Thence along a 225 foot
Radius curve to the Eastward and to the Left a distance of 194.39 feet; Thence South 89 °30'00" East, 15 feet;
Th ence Southward on a 25 foot Radius curve to the right a distance of 39.27 feet; Thence South 01 °30'00" West,
176.89 feet to the Point Of Beginning,
Land Title Company
Underwriter Stewart Title Guaranty Company
Commitment Schedule A
ALSO LESS AND EXCEPTING the following described property:
A Sixty (60) foot right -of -way (Kibbie Parkway) being located Thirty (30) feet each side of the following
described Centerline: BEGINNING at a point (Radial bearing South 18 °30'00" East) on the West end of the Salt
River Bridge, which lies South 295.73 feet and West 844.51 feet from the East Quarter (E 1/4) corner of Section 9,
Township 36 North, Range 119 West, Sixth P.M., Wyoming and running thence Southwesterly along a 180.00 foot
Radius curve to the Left 304.73 feet to a point of tangency; Thence South 25 °30'00" East, 175,00 feet to a point of
curve; Thence Southeasterly along a 280.00 foot Radius curve to the Right 131.95 feet to a point of tangency;
Thence South 01 °30'00" West, 446.89 feet to the End of the Sixty foot right -of= -way.
ALSO LESS AND EXCEPTING the following described property:
ALSO a Fifty (50) foot right -of -way (Caribou Forest Drive) being located Twenty -Five (25) feet each side of the
following described Centerline: BEGINNING at a point (the intersection of Kibbie Parkway and Caribou Forest
Drive) which lies South 1,049.67 feet and West 853.10 feet from the East Quarter (E 1/4) corner of Section 9,
Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6 P.M., Wyorning'and running thence North 88 °30 °00" West, 70.00 feet to
a point of curve; Thence Northwesterly along a 200,00 foot Radius curve to the Right 172.79 feet to a point of
tangency; Thence North 39°00'00" West, 74.23 feet to the End of the Fifty (50) foot right -of -way.
Lots 1 and 2 of FOREST RIVER RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE I, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as shown on
the official plat thereof filed December 3, 2008, as Receiving No. 943952, in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
County, Wyoming, as Plat No. 943952.
Lot 4 of FOREST RIVER RESERVE 2 FILING, Linooln County, Wyoming, as shown on the official plat
thereof filed November 20, 2009, as Receiving No. 950693, in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County,
Wyoming, as Plat No, 950693.
County, Wyoming, as shown on the official plat thereof filed December 3, 2008, as Receiving No, 943952, in the
Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Plat No. 943952.
ALSO LESS AND EXCEPTING the property described in that certain Partial Release of Mortgage filed as
Receiving No. 955377, in Book 753 PR, on. Page 342, described as follows: That part of the Southeast Quarter of
the Southeast Quarter (SE 1 /4 SE 1/4) of Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 474 of Photostatic Records
on Page 624 and part of that tract of record in said Office in Book 558 of Photostatic Records on Page 408,
described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Kibbie Parkway, North
40 °49'05" West, 1,282.72 feet, from the Southeast corner of said Section 9, at the beginning of a non tangent
circular curve to the Right, whose Radius bears North 84 °00'04" West; Thence Northeasterly, 63.62 feet, along the
arc of said curve and along said right of-way line, through a central angle of 4 °30' 00 with a Radius of 810.00
feet, and a chord bearing North 03°44'56" East, 63.60 feet; Thence North 01 °29'56" East, 195,00 feet, along said
right -of -way line, to a point; Thence South 88 °30'04" East, 452.26 feet, to a position on the thread of the Salt
Thence South 27 °38'12" West, 315.68 feet, along said thread, to a position; Thence North 84 °00'05" West, 316.67
feet, to the Point Of Beginning.
The Base Bearing for this survey is the East line of the SE 1/4 of Section 9, Township 36 North, Range 119 West,
being South 00 °04'42" West.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO that right of ingress and egress of record in said Office in Book 189 of
Photostatic Records on Page 599 and revised in Book 190 of Photostatic Records on Page 569; AND
TOGETHER WITfi th right n f ingress and egress of record in said Office in .Rook 387 of Photostatic Reoords
on Page 412; AND
Land Title Company
Underwriter Stewart Title Guaranty Company
Commitment Schedule A
TOGETHER WITH that right of ingress and egress and utilities of record in said Office in Book 388 of
Photostatic Records on Page 601;
SUBJECT TO that easement of record in said Office in Book 110 of Photostatic Records on Page 653
Wyoming, as shown on the official plat thereof filed December 3, 2008, as Receiving No. 943952, in the Office of
the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Plat No. 943952.
Lot 92, Alpine Village Subdivision No. 1, Plat 2 Amended, 10 Filing Amended, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
according to that plat recorded in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming.
Land Title Company
Underwriter Stewart Title Guaranty Company
Commitment Sohedule A