HomeMy WebLinkAbout975643Hickman LanditleCo SINCE 1904 STATE OF WYOMING County of LINCOLN SS M KEVIN VOYLES NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming M Commission Expires: Jul 16, 2015 975643 3/18/2014 9:59 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 829 PAGE: 293 DEED, QCD JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 1 1111111 111111 IIII 1 I II 1 QUIT CLAIM DEED G Grantor(s) of the State of Wyoming, hereby QUIT CLAIMS to Grantee(s) of P.O. BOX 764, THAYNE, WYOMING 83127 for the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in LINCOLN County, State of Utah. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE ATTACHED EXZII}3TT A grantor(s), thisiii,day of March A.D. 2014. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT IIIit II I III IIII III IIIIII JOHN FERRIS AND MARTHA E. FERRIS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, JOHN FERRIS AND M.E. FERRIS, TRUSTEES OF THE JOHN M.E. FERRIS FAMILY TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 22, 2014, P.O. BOX 764, THAYNE, WYOMING 83127, GRANTEES, AND THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, On the 1 day of March A.D. 2014 personally appeared before me, JOHN FERRIS AND MARTHA E. FERRIS, the signer(s) of the within instrument, who my acknpwledged to me that he /she /they executed the same. Commission expires: Residing in: "njrly/Y6, WydrnING otary P blic SS EXHIBIT "A" Thai part of the S%, Section 15, T36N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly described that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 335 of Photostatic Records on page 5S2, as follows; Beginning at a point on a circular curve to the right whose radius point bears N89 °31'47 "W, 5779.55 feet, on the Easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89, N88 59'29 "W, 273.58 feet from a brass cap marking the SW corner of the Brokem Wheel Ranch Subdivision of record in said Office as Plat No. 117, said point of beginning also being S88 °59'29 "E, 2450.92 feet, from the West comer of said Section 15; thence Southerly 198,61 feet, along the are of said curve tlunugh a central angle of 01 °58'08" With a radius of 5779,55 feet, to Station PC 2126 +57.22 50 feet RT; thence S02°26'20"W, 451.62 feet, along said right -of- -way line to a point; thence S89 °01'02 "E, 610.00 feet to a point; thence NO2 °08'20 "E, 650.00 feet to a point on the South line of said Subdivision; thence N89 °00'18 "W, 336.42 feet, along said South line, to the SW Corner of said Subdivision; thence N88 °59'29 "W, 27353 feet to the Point of Beginning; Encompassing an area of 9.08 acres, more or less; the base bearing for this survey is the North line of the Dell Creek Ranches, a Subdivision of record in said office as Plat No. 338, being S87 °17'40"E; each "point" and "station" marked by a 5/8 "X24" steel reinforcing rod with. a 2" aluminium cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "brass cap" marked by a 2" galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed "NELSON ENGINEERING PE RLS 578" with appropriate details found; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "DOYLE R. VAUGHAN AND DIANA K. VAUGHAN PLAT OF TRACT WITHIN TILE S SECTION 15, T36N, R119W, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 22 October 1999.