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This Indenture, made on the t-g day of Vuav 20It by and between
the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, an Officer of the United ates of America, whose
address is Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Ave. N.W., Washington, DC
20420, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN
DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid to Grantor
herein by Benjamin E. Shaw and Pamela R. Shaw, husband and wife, Grantees, whose
address is 52 Aztec Drive, Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming, 83127, receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged and confessed, does hereby GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unto Grantees
all of the following real property, described as follows:
Lot 74 of Prater Canyon Estates Unit No. 4, Lincoln County, Wyoming
as described on the official plat filed on July 6, 1970 as Instrument
No. 423838 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk
With an address of 52 Aztec Dr, Star Valley Ranch, WY 83127
This Conveyance is made by Grantor subject to the following exceptions:
(a) discrepancies, conflict in boundary lines, shortage in area and
encroachments which would be disclosed through a correct and proper
survey or physical inspection of the Property;
(b) any and all covenants, conditions, easements, reservations, rights -of -way
and restrictions affecting the property as evidenced by Instruments filed in
the public records;
(c) any water rights, claims or title to water in, on or under the land, or ditches
or ditch rights, water share, water stock, whether shown by the public
records or otherwise;
(d) any interest in oil, coal and other minerals or mineral rights, whether express
or implied, associated with, or incidental to the ownership of the property,
or the exercise of rights under any oil, gas, coal or mineral reservation, grant
or lease, and all rights, privileges and easements with respect thereto, or
assignments thereof, of interests therein; and
(e) real property taxes, general assessments, and special assessments on the
Property being conveyed hereby becoming due and payable after the date
of this deed.
Special Warranty Deed, Page 1 of 3
Grantees, by acceptance of this Deed, acknowledge that Grantor or its
predecessor in interest acquired title to the property through foreclosure, deed -in -lieu of
foreclosure, or other means of enforcement of a lien in favor of Grantor or its predecessor
in interest.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the herein described property, together with all in
singular the rights and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the said Grantees,
Grantees' heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns forever. Grantor does
hereby bind itself and its successors and assigns to WARRANT AND FOREVER
DEFEND the property described herein, unto the said Grantees and Grantees' heirs, legal
representatives, successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully
claiming the same or any part thereof, by, through and under Grantor, but not otherwise.
[Signature Page Follows.]
Special Warranty Deed, Page 2 of 3
Effective as of the X day of 4iiitcd71 20 (7
An Officer of the United States of America
By the Secretary's duly authorized property
Management contractor, Vendor Resource Management,
pursuant to a delegation of authority found at 38 C.F.R. 36.4345(f)
Printed Name: Loo c/e5J` /4
On this date, before me personally appeared vc%s 1`94 d
pursuant to a delegation of authority contained in 38 C.F.R. 36.4345(f), to me known to
be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the Secretary of
Veterans Affairs, and acknowledged that he executed the same as the free act and deed
of said Secretary.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the State
of c s' aforesaid, this 2 i day of Y 20 1 y.
.��<Pa: ".�e� SHANE E. HUR LEY
Notary Public ;t1 Notary Public, State of Texas
My Commission Expires
My term expires: r ^oF'bFS�s� April 15, 2017
This deed was prepared by attorney Julie M. Wickett, WSB 6 -3178, (without benefit of title review), who certifies that it is in a form that is in
accordance with applicable local, state and federal law. The preparer has not had any contact with the Grantor or Grantee(s), and did not
provide legal advice to any party. Information contained in this deed was provided to the preparer by Grantor's agent. The preparer is not
responsible for the closing, the execution of this document, the validity of any power of attorney used in conjunction with the closing, the
collection of taxes, or the recording of this deed. The preparer is not responsible for any typed or hand written additions made to this deed after
its preparation.
Special Warranty Deed, Page 3 of 3