HomeMy WebLinkAbout975785When Recorded, Return to: Kleinsmith Associates 6035 Erin. Park Dr. #203 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 800 842 -8417 .0, A Lt, Bell A WQ-1 Wyoming Notice of Default Note Well: The bold print words and phrases herein are defined on Schedules 1, 2 and 3 attached hereto. The persons and things to which those words and phrases apply to herein are also stated on Schedules 1, 2 and 3 attached hereto. (1) Purposes. The Foreclosing Party's purpose is to sell The Collateral, and to use its proceeds to partially or fully pay The Debt and extinguish and foreclose The Interested Parties' claims thereto. Another purpose is to give the Interested Parties an opportunity to Cure and Payoff Rights (No. 6 below) and avoid this foreclosure. (2) Not a Payment Demand /Deficiency. This is not a demand that any person make any payment on The Debt or an assertion that any person has personal Liability on The Debt. If the successful bid at the foreclosure sale is not sufficient to pay The Debt in full, a lawsuit to collect the unpaid balance or deficiency is permitted. (3) Defaults. The Defaults have occurred on The Debt. (4) Election to Sell. Because of The Defaults, The Foreclosing Party has elected to sell and intends to sell or cause to be sold The Collateral at a public foreclosure sale for cash in U.S. currency. You have a right to attend and bid at that sale to protect your interest in The Collateral and /or become its owner by being the highest and best bidder by a deed without warranties and guarantees. The Collateral may be subject to other hens and encumbrances that may not be extinguished by this sale. Before bidding, it is your legal duty to research the status of title. (5) Foreclosure Sale: The foreclosure sale shall be held: Date: July 15 2014. Time: 10:00 a.m. 975785 4/2/2014 2:47 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $36.00 PAGE 1 OF 9 BOOK: 829 PAGE: 863 NOTICE JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 Place: Lincoln County Courthouse, 2 Floor 925 Sage Ave Kemmerer, WY 83101 1111 1111 This sale date can be changed. The same sale date or a new sale date will be stated in a separate Notice of Sale given to you. (6) Cure Right/Payoff Right. You may have a right to pay The Defaults (i.e., a Cure Right) or payoff all amounts owed on The Debt (i.e. Payoff Right), if paid before the Foreclosure Sale. The Trustee will provide those amounts to you if you request them. A Cure will nullify this Notice and its foreclosure sale. No Cure or Payoff in the next 30 days will cause additional costs (recording, transmitting, publication, etc.) to be incurred, cause publication of The Defaults and advertise The Collateral's Foreclosure Sale. (7) Redemption Right/Redemption Period. Redemption, i.e., the right to pay the successful bid at the foreclosure sale for a period of time after the sale, is permitted. The Owner(s) /Presumed Possessors of the Collateral have three (3) months after the sale to redeem. Other Interested Parties have 30 days after that three (3) months period to redeem. When there is an IRS Lien, IRS has 120 days after the sale to redeem. (8) Court Right. This foreclosure will not involve any judge or court. You have a right to ask a court to be involved in this foreclosure by filing a lawsuit asking for a court's involvement. (9) Military Service. None of The Interested Parties are in the Military Service of the United States of America as evidenced by the attached Military Status Reports. (10) Stay Order. No Stay Order prohibits this foreclosure. Philip M. I(1 msmith State of Colorado County of El Paso On March 27, 2014, before me personally appeared Philip M. Kleinsmith as said attorney and/or trustee, personally known to me. Under oath and penalty of perjury, he stated that this Notice and its attachments are true to the best of his knowledge. The Foreclosing Party has actual or construction possession of The Debt, and authority to exercise the power of sale in The Lien. The Trustee has the power to foreclosure pursuant to the Foreclosing Party's instructions. Witless my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 10/29/2017 Name and Address of Notary: Name: Jessica Chidester 6035 Erin Park Dr., 203 Colorado Springs,CO 80918 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. (SEAL) Attorney for the Foreclosing Party and/or Present Trustee Atty. Reg. No. #5 -2952 6035 Erin Park Dr., #203 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Phone: 1- 800 842 -8417 Fax: 1-719-593-2193 E -mail: klein@Ideinsmithlaw.com tâ–  ,-Lek_ JESSICA A. CHIDESTER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 20134066918 My Commission Expires 10 -29 -2017 Mailing Notes: This Notice with attached Schedules 1, 2, and 3 and Military Status Reports were mailed on the date stated below: (a) The original was mailed by certified mail to be recorded; (b) Copies were mailed by regular and certified mail, retum receipt requested, to the Interested Parties at each of their addresses on Schedule 3. (c)When the IRS and /or an Wyoming government agency is /are an Interested:Party its /their copy (copies) were mailed with, in addition, a copy of its /their recorded liens. Dated: _March 28, 2014. 3 Signal e of M: er. Schedule A: Cure and Payoff Amounts 1 Cure Amount i e The amount required to bring The Debt current and stop collection activity) as of December 27 2013 (a) Payments due 30,160.27 (b) Late Charges 397.04 (c) Other Charges Other 45.00 Corp Advance 1268.00 (c) Attorney's Fees and Trustee's Fees (Will be added when permitted by law) -0- (e) Attorney's and Trustee's Expenses: -0- (f) Total and Cure Amount $31,870.31 THESE AMOUNTS CHANGE DAILY. DO NOT PAY THIS TOTAL WITHOUT CONFIRMING THE CORRECT TOTAL BY CALLING THE TRUSTEE AND /OR THE ATTORNEY. 2. Other Defaults: Non Performance of Other Obligations: None 3. Payoff Amount i e The amount required to payoff The Debt) as of December 27, 2013. (a) Principal $146,986.06 (b) Interest $10,957.23 (c) Late Charges: $45.00 (d) Other Charges: Escrow Advance $397.04 Other $57.00 Unpaid other Fees $1,268.00 (e) Attorney's Fees and /or Trustee's Fees (Will be added when permitted by law) -0- (f) Attorney's and Trustee's Expenses: -0- (g) Total and Payoff Amount 163,228.45 THESE AMOUNTS CHANGE DAILY. DO NOT PAY THIS TOTAL WITHOUT CONFIRMING THE CORRECT TOTAL BY CALLING THE TRUSTEE AND /OR ATTORNEY. In these definitions, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The person or things they apply to herein are stated on the right side hereof. 1. The Auctioneer: The person who will conduct the sale of The Collateral 2 The Collateral: The property given to pay The Debt when The Debt is not paid. 3. Cure Amount The amount required to bring The Debt payments current and stop collection activity. 4. The Debt: The written paper agreeing to pay money. 5. The Debtors: The person(s) who are now obligated to pay The Debt 6. The Defaults: The Debtor's monetary or other duties not timely performed under The Debt and The Lien. 7. The Foreclosing Party/ Creditor: The person who now owns The Debt and The Lien. Schedule 1: Definitions (p.1) 1. The Sheriff or Constable or their agent or The Present Trustee or his agent The Foreclosing Party or his agent. 2. See p.3 of Schedule 1 3. See Schedule A No. 1(f) 4. (a) Dated: 11/22/2010 (b) Titled: Note (c) Original Principal Amount: $156,000.00 5. Name(s) Only (For addresses see Schedule 2): Dustin R, Snively Tiffany J. Snively 6. See Schedule A Nos. 1 and /or 2 7. (a) Name: U.S. Bank National Association Its single point of contact (i.e. person with Authority to modify The Debt) 8. Foreclosing Party's/ Creditor's Servicer: The person who manages delinquent debts for The Foreclosing Party /Creditor 9. The Interested Parties: The person(s), other than The Foreclosing Party/ Creditor who claim or may claim an interest in The Collateral. 10. The Lien: The written paper by which The Collateral was made such for The Debt e g a Mortgage, Deed of Trust, Trust Indenture, Homeowners Association Lien, Security Agreement /Financing Statement). Schedule 1: Definitions (p.2) 11. The Mortgagor (s) /Grantor (s) The person(s) who originally gave The Collateral as collateral (b) Name: Latanya Oneil (c) Address: 4801 Frederica Owensboro, KY 42301 (d) Phone: 855 698 -7627 (e) Fax: Unknown (f) Email: latanya.oneil @usbank.com 8. (a) Name: N/A (b) Address: N/A 9. See Schedule 2, attached. 10. (a) Titled: Mortgage (b) Dated: 11/22/2010 (c) (d) (e) Date Recorded /Filed: 11/30/2010 Recording Data: 000097 Original Lienholder Name Address):Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. as Nominee for U.S. Bank National Association 11. "X" (a) or (b) (a) X Same as #5 (b) (Name(s) Only): Different than #5: 12. The Original and Subsequent Lienholders: The person (s) who originally or subsequently owned The Debt and The Lien. 13. Original Trustee: The person so appointed in The Lien. 14. The Owner (s) /Presumed Possessor (s) The person (s) who own and presumably possess The Collateral. 15. Payoff Amount: The amount required to payoff The Debt totally, release The Lien, and stop any collection activity, including this foreclosure. 16. Present Trustee and /or Attorney: the person now appointed by The Foreclosing Party /Creditor to conduct the foreclosure. 17. Value of The Collateral 18. The Collateral: (a) Real Property Collateral: Schedule 1: Definitions (p.3) (1) Common Description: 321 Cedar Street LaBarge, WY 83123 12. (a) Original Lienholder: See Schedule 1 (p.2) No. 10 (e) (b) 1st Assignee (Name Address): U.S. Bank National Association 13. (c) Recording /Filing Date: 9/24/12 (d) Recording Data: Bk 749PR, Page 666 Name(s) Only: N/A 14. See Schedule 2 15. See Schedule A, No. 3(g) 16. See Notice to which this Schedule is attached or Complaint to which it is attached. 17. Unknown, but, more than $5,000.00 Schedule 1: Definitions (p.4) (2) Legal Description: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 1, Alleman Second Addition to the town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described in the official plat filed on November 29, 1989 as Instrument No. 711017 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk (3) Assessor's Parcel No.: 2612- 06 -4 -18- 221.00 (b) Personal Property Collateral: (1) Common Description: None known (2) Legal Description: None known Schedule 2: Interested Parties (p.1) Names and Type of Document Evidencing type Addresses Interested of Interest (If Recorded/ Party Filed, state Recording/ Filing date and data. (1) Dustin R. Snively Owner/ (a) 321 Cedar Street Presumed LaBarge, WY 83123 Possessor (b) PO Box 157 LaBarge, WY 83123 (2) Tiffany J. Snively ibid ibid (a) 321 Cedar Street LaBarge, WY 83123 (b) PO Box 157 LaBarge, WY 83123 ci Deed Unknown (3) Occupant(s) Unknown Unknown 321 Cedar Street LaBarge, WY 83123