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Emily Joan Andrews, Trustee, or their successors in trust, under the Andrews Living Trust
dated January 29, 1991, and as restated on July 26, 1991, and any amendments thereto.
grantor(s) of Sun City West, State of Arizona, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and
Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Stacey G. Heiner and Tammy C. Heiner, Trustees of the
Stacey G. and Tammy C. Heiner Family Trust dated March 15, 2004
grantee(s), whose address is: 1255 Lincoln County Rd #120 Thayne, WY 83127 the following described real
estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
Parcel 1:
A portion of Parcel 1 and a portion of Parcel 2, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 632 P.R., on Page 883,
with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
(SW% SW of Section 8, Township 34 North, Range 118 West, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the
metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of the Flud property, as referred to in the deed recorded in Book 554 P.R., on
Page 865, said Point of Beginning being 248.95 feet South 89 °39'34" East, along the North line of the Northwest
Quarter (NW'/) of Section 17, of said Township 34 North, Range 118 West, from the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698,
1971 location for the Northwest Comer of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 00 °41'14" East, along the East
line of said Flud property, 417.40 feet, to the Northeast comer thereof; thence South 89 °39'34" East, parallel with
said North line, to and along the South line of the Heiner property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 564
P.R., on Page 632, with said Office, 209.60 feet; thence South 00 °50'37" West 417.41 feet, to a Point in said North
line; thence North 89 °39'34" West, along said North line, 208.46 feet, to the Point of Beginning.
Parcel 2:
A portion of Parcel 1 and a portion of Parcel 2, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 632 P.R., on Page 883,
with the Office of the clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
(SW% SW'/) of Section 8, township 34 North, Range 118 West, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the
metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a Point in the North line of the Northwest Quarter (NW of Section 17, of said Township 34
North, Range 118 West, said Point of Beginning, being 457.41 feet South 89 °39'34" East, along said North line,
from the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1971 location for the Northwest Corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence
North 00 °50'37" East 417.41 feet, to a Point in the Boundary line of the Heiner property, as referred to in the Deed
recorded in Book 564 P.R., on Page 632, with said Office; thence South 89 °39'34" East, along said Boundary line,
209.60 feet; thence South 01 °00'00" West, continuing along said Boundary line, 417.42 feet, to a Point in said
North line; thence North 89 °39'34" West, along said North line, 208.46 feet, to the Point of Beginning.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Witness my /our hand(s) this 151' day of A/10{0. 2014
The Andrews Living Trust dated January 29, 1991
Emily Jo: f'drews, Trustee
Fil° No 0 Rev. 11/252013
975793 4/3/2014 11:25 AM
State of i, }ss.
County of (Vattto
On this S 1 s "L AWOL day of OL 2014, before me, VC <:``L� 41 NetYt a Notary
Public in and for said state, personally appeared Emily Joan Andrews, TrusteeTcnown or identifita to me to be the
person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as trustee of the Andrews Living Trust, and
acknowledged to me that he/she /they executed the same as Trustee.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this
certificate first above written.
Notary Pnirfi? for the State of etf l
Residing at: Si ,vi C i,. t)Lr
7/9 f
Commission Expires:
File NoO Rev. 11/25/2013
Notary Public Arizona
Maricopa County
My Comm. Expires Jul 29, 2016