HomeMy WebLinkAbout976245Well Number Name: 65009 FONT FED UNIT 11 -24, ET AL For: BARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR County, State: (City)' Name of Affiant D 1. How long and how well were you acquainted with the decedent? 2. If related to decedent, state in what way. 3. When and where did decedent die? iII LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING (State) 5. How many times was decedent married? 6. Name and address of surviving spouse (if any). residing at 976245 4/21/2014 3:47 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $108.00 PAGE 1 OF 26 BOOK: 830 PAGE: 770 AFFIDAVIT JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 1111111111111111 (Deceased) Legal Description: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. apt.° RA Dv 1 I II II it I 1 II0 I Iil I0 I IIII I II Ilil AFFIDAVIT OF HEIRSHIP 4. Where was decedent's permanent residence at the time of his /her death? II III residing at 2, ,S TO 0 t) T .5 T (Address) being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that the answers and other statements hereinafter set out are true and correct. /19 NL'g5)). Nom E Sits s. I4T fs Vapid 1 01 o5 5u 1 XTO ENERGY INC. OWNER 125709 3.18.2014 fi t*' &C )c-to t f Ly /A EYE: Date of Marriage Name of Spouse Marriage Terminated by Death or Divorce Date of Termination Address if Living If dead, did such spouse leave a Will £l 1 L' 7 g J 3 IIq rI r r' 1)(1-roll A Uhl `r f`jL /11 LTviw t Name of Child Name of Child's Other Parent Birth Date Address Living or Dead If Dead, Give Date of Death £l 1 L' C 25 g J 3 IIq rI r r' 1)(1-roll A Uhl `r f`jL /11 LTviw t 7. If decedent was ever married, list in the following table each such marriage, indicating in each instance the date of marriage, the name of spouse, whether such marriage was terminated by death or divorce, the date of termination of the marriage, the address of each spouse now living, and if dead) whether or not such spouse left a will: 8. (a) When was the property described at the beginning of the affidavit acquired by decedent? 2.002. (b) Was it acquired by gift, devise, inheritance or purchase? (State which) 1M RCA. Tog f- (c) If by purchase give the following information: (1) Where did decedent reside (the State in which decedent had his /her permanent residence will suffice) when property was acquired? (2) Was the decedent married when such property was acquired? If so, give the name of decedents husband or wife. If such husband or wife is now deceased, did such party leave a Will? 9. Did Decedent leave a Will? n) (a) If yes, was the Will probated? 10. If decedent did not leave a Will, was any administration had on decedent's estate? 2 No (b) If the will has not been probated, does the executor or administrator intend to probate the will? If so, name the counties and states in which administration was had and give the name and address of the administrator. 11. To your knowledge are there any debts or Federal estate or state inheritance taxes still owing by decedent's estate? If so, will decedents personal estate be sufficient, in your opinion, to pay such debts and taxes? What is the estimated net value of the entire estate? 12. List in the following table the name of all children born to or adopted by decedent, whether living or dead, giving all other information called for in the table below. Any adopted children should be designated as such if decedent had no children, so state. *If the will was admitted to probate, please provide copies of all probate documents. yL s .k1.09.- or Dim &CYO LT, f Oiuly Name of Deceased Child Descendants Birth Date Address Living or Dead If Dead, Give Date of Death /Jo Pe,504,001 rS r5 Paternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother Name of Deceased Brother or Sister Descendants Address Age Living or Dead If Dead, Give Date of Death 110 Sts 1 1 6 1 04 11) r5 Paternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother Name of Deceased Brother or Sister Descendants Address Age Living or Dead If Dead, Give Date of Death i .10 Nl E Paternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother 13. Give information called for in the following table concerning descendants of any deceased child of decedent Descendants of deceased child of decedent. If none, so state. 14. If decedent left no surviving child or descendant of a child, then list names of decedents parents and brothers and sisters and give information called for in the following tables. If half brother or sisters, state whether maternal or parental. Name Father Mother Brother Brother Sister Sister whether natural or adopted). If no descendants, so state. Address Descendants of deceased brothers and sister. If none so state. 15. If decedent left no children or their descendants, or father or mother, or brothers or sisters or their descendants, then give the information called for in the following tables: Living or If Dead, Give Dead Date of Death 3 Name Address Living or Dead If Dead, Give Date of Death Paternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother 13. Give information called for in the following table concerning descendants of any deceased child of decedent Descendants of deceased child of decedent. If none, so state. 14. If decedent left no surviving child or descendant of a child, then list names of decedents parents and brothers and sisters and give information called for in the following tables. If half brother or sisters, state whether maternal or parental. Name Father Mother Brother Brother Sister Sister whether natural or adopted). If no descendants, so state. Address Descendants of deceased brothers and sister. If none so state. 15. If decedent left no children or their descendants, or father or mother, or brothers or sisters or their descendants, then give the information called for in the following tables: Living or If Dead, Give Dead Date of Death 3 Name Uncle or Aunt Age Paternal or Maternal Address Living Or Dead If Dead Give Date of Death Name of Deceased Uncle or Aunt Descendants Age Address Living or Dead If Dead Give Date of Death THE STATE OF COUNTY OF Signature of Affia The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me on this the 7_5' day of MetAri4, 20 by D 4 Notary u ic, T Stat My Commission Expires: Printed Name of Notary: .9`N/‘ DAVID J COLE Notary Public State of Colorado TM IS" 5� �T,1F 1DyCOPY�0'F TH O ;�DO��F J`ITH C R•FORHA,LT CO H ST�uTISTICS C�E�RI'FJEi� ;PIE S �b U T HA�V T H.E O F ERTIFICATE\WUMBERa;2014- 002 <GIVpN %NAMES:- BARBARA ANN LAST NAME: AOLNAR COUNTY' DEATH DATE SF DEATH: HOUR OF DEATH: AGE: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER HISPIC ORYG AN N: NO, MOT HISPANIC :RACE: 'WHITE CAUSE°,OF'DEATH PROGRESS IVE DEBILITY INTERVAL: "QNE MONTH B.17EMENTIA: OF' TH ALZHEIMER'S TYPE INTERVAL: ONt YEAR G INTERVAL: PIERCE. FEBRUARY 04,2014 12:30. A.M. FEMALE 13' YEARS BIRTNDA:TE APR3L, "11'x:1.940" BIRTHPLACE :'RO,CK SPRINGS, WVOMING MARITAL STATL{s? DIVORCED SPOUSE: OCC�IPAT16,N LEGAL SECRETARY; I N15usTRV: CLERICAL EDUCATION. S0ME,.COLLEGE CREDIT ,:BUT NO DEGREE u$ ARMED FORCES? NO' 'IN F,.ORA N REINA M0LNAR ;RELATIONSHIP :DAUGHTER` &PDRESS ':923 >1'NTH ST: S., TACOMA,: WA 98444 INTERVAL O.THER•,CONDIT.IONS CONTRIBUTING TO DEATH: DATEOF INJURY: f10tIR 'O.F,.IN J�IRY INJURV,.A7`WORK2., :1PLACE•`OF INJURY: 1.00TTON OF INIURV:: CITV, .,STATE, COUNTY 'DESCRIBE 'HOIU INJUR'/ OCCURRED:: STATUS OF DECEDENT.,, IF A TRANSPORT. TION;'INJURY; NOT APPLICABLE 'ITEM(S)%'AMENDED »NONtr;' NUMBERS) "NONE", ;DATE(S) ;N,0NE ;V TE„IssuED: 02%f0/2A14 FEE NU14BERi 0000002141 PLACE O.F "DEATH NURSING HOME LQNG TERMCARE FACILITY 'f'ACILITY;. OR ADDRESS "PARK ROSE•,.CARE' ENTj<R ,CITY,.STATE, ZI'P� TACOMA,'WAS�IINGT0$ 98405, RESIVENCESTREET 3919 S 19TH ST CiTV., SrnrE, ZIP ;TACOMA,`WASHIi.JGTON 98,405 .INSIDE CITY ;LIMITS? YES" COUNTY. PIERCE TRLBAL RESERVATI0N:'-■OT, APPLICABLE 'LENGT`H OF' TIME AT RESIDENCE': 5 S!'EARS FATHER:., 1.OU1S,:PASTOR Q MOTHER: IRENE.:SQHAJDA METHOD OF DISPOSITION: CREMATION PLACE OF 1 )1SP 01'00N: FIRST, CREMATIONSERVIC €S' C ITY,, STATE::..,.KENT,,WA DISPOSI Fp3R0RY•.07 a0i4 FAC,'L TUELL -MCKEE F ,HOME ADDRESS: :815 SIXTH AVE CiTy, STATE, TIP; TACOMA'WA 9403 FUNERAL DIRECTOR': ,CAR01 YN. YOUNG MCKEE MANNER O "F' DEATH: ;.NATURAL AUTOPS N0` 'AVAItABLE' -.T.O ,,COMPLETE; THE CAUSE OF,'VEA.T'H? VIV, TQBACCG USE CGNTRIBUTE TQ;VEATH? NO PREGNANCY STATUS, I,F FEMALE NOT. APPLICABLE GERTIFIER'NAME :SABRINA A BENJAMIN, MV TI TLE PHYSICIAN` LOCAL'•'DEPI�TY REGISTRAR :.a• wENDY''WHITE °'c, VATS R IVED FEBRUARY V11,2014 CERTIFIER i ADDRESS":' PO` BOX 8339, CITY,STA #E,IP LACEY WA -98509 DATE SIGNED: FEBRUARY 05•,2014; CS. REFERRED T0, ME NA yts$ FIE NUMBER NOT`APPLTCABLE AT :NOT IA PLICABLE C(OH 014003 (1113); f k`iai7 0 w EXHIBIT WELL# /NAME: 65009 FONT FED UNIT 11 -24 SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65011 FONT FED UNIT 11 -36 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65012 FONT FED UNIT 11 -04D SECTION 04 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65015 FONT FED UNIT 12 -01 SECTION 1 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65017 FONT FED UNIT 12 -11 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65018 FONT FED UNIT 12 -19 SECTION 19 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65019 FONT FED UNIT 12 -03 SECTION 03 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65020 FONT FED UNIT 12 -31 SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING kThe well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral id /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ztended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. kRBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIB., A" WELL# /NAME: 65021 FONT FED UNIT 12 -33 SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65022 FONT FED UNIT 12 -06 SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST 1985' FNL 624'FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65023 FONT FED UNIT 12 -07 SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65024 FONT FED UNIT 13 -10 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65025 FONT FED UNIT 13 -11 (INA) SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65026 FONT FED UNIT 13 -13 SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65027 FONT FED UNIT 13 -24 (FR) SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65028 FONT FED UNIT 13 -34 SECTION 34 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL /NAME: 65031 FONT FED UNIT 14 -01 SECTION 01 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65032 FONT FED UNIT 14 -02 SECTION 02 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65033 FONT FED UNIT 14 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65036. FONT FED UNIT 14 -27 SECTION 27 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65037 FONT FED UNIT 14 -03 SECTION 03 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65038 FONT FED UNIT 14 -30 SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65039 FONT FED UNIT 14 -31A SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65043 FONT FED UNIT 14 -04 SECTION 04 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING kThe well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral ad /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ztended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. kRBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIE- A" WELL /NAME: 65044 FONT FED UNIT 14 -06 SECTION 06 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65045 FONT FED UNIT 21 -01 SECTION 01 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65046 FONT FED UNIT 21 -10 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65049 FONT FED UNIT 21 -31 SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65053 FONT FED UNIT 22 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 2136' FNL 1825' FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65054 FONT FED UNIT 22 -24D (FR) SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65055 FONT FED UNIT 22 -25 SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65056 FONT FED UNIT 22 -36 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL /NAME: 65057 FONT FED UNIT 22 -04 SECTION 04 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65060 FONT FED UNIT 23 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65061 FONT FED UNIT 23 -25 SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65062 FONT FED UNIT 23 -03 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65063 FONT FED UNIT 23 -31PUD (65521) SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65064 FONT FED UNIT 23 -33 SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65066 FONT FED UNIT 23 -04D SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65069 FONT FED UNIT 23 -07F SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral ad/or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not tended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. kRBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIE 1 A" WELL /NAME: 65074 FONT FED UNIT 31 -11 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65075 FONT FED UNIT 31 -12 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65076 FONT FED UNIT 31 -13 SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65078 FONT FED UNIT 31 -04 SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65079 FONT FED UNIT 31 -05 SECTION 5 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65080 FONT FED UNIT 31 -06F SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65081 FONT FED UNIT 31 -07 SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65083 FONT FED UNIT 31 -09 SECTION 9 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL /NAME: 65085 FONT FED UNIT 32 -10 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65088 FONT FED UNIT 23 -24D (FR) SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST SUR: 1902' FSL &2252'FEL,B1950'FSL &1900'FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65090 FONT FED UNIT 32 -36 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65093 FONT FED UNIT 33 -01 SECTION 01 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65094 FONT FED UNIT 33 -12 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65095 FONT FED UNIT 33 -13 SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65097 FONT FED UNIT 33 -24 SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65098 FONT FED UNIT 33 -04E SECTION 04 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral id /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not itended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. JRBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIL— A" WELL /NAME: 65099 FONT FED UNIT 33 -06 SECTION 06 TOWNSHIP 2'5; °`NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65102 FONT FED UNIT 34 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65103 FONT FED UNIT 34 -25 SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65104 FONT FED UNIT 34 -28 SECTION 28 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 3355' FWL 660' FSL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65105 FONT FED UNIT 34 -03 SECTION 03 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65106 FONT FED UNIT 34 -33 SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65108 FONT FED UNIT 34 -09 SECTION 09 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65109 FONT FED UNIT 41 -01 SECTION 01 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL /NAME: 65110 FONT FED UNIT 41 -10 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65112 FONT FED UNIT 41 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65113 FONT FED UNIT 41 -24E SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65114 FONT FED UNIT 41 -26 SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL#/NAME: 65116 SWD -FONT FED UNIT 41 -35 SECTION 35 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL#/NAME: 65117 FONT FED UNIT 41 -36 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65119 FONT FED UNIT 41 -09 SECTION 09 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65121 FONT FED UNIT 42 -24 (FR) SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral id /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not itended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. URBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIB-, A" WELL /NAME: 65124 FONT UNIT STATE 34 -36 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65127 FONT FED UNIT 43 -22 SECTION 22 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65128 FONT FED UNIT 43 -25 SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65129 FONT FED UNIT 43 -32 SECTION 32 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65130 FONT FED UNIT 43 -36 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65131 FONT FED UNIT 43 -05 SECTION 05 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65132 FONT FED UNIT 44 -13 SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65193 FONT FED UNIT 43 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST SE /4 LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. EXHIBIT "A" WELL# /NAME: 65194 FONT FED UNIT 32 -04 SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65196 FONT FED UNIT 22 -35 SECTION 35 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65197 FONT FED UNIT 24 -02D SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65198 FONT FED UNIT 12 -10 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65199 FONT FED UNIT 22 -09D SECTION 9 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65200 FONT FED UNIT 24 -33D SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65201 FONT FED UNIT 41 -08 SECTION 8 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65207 FONT FED UNIT 44 -03 SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral id /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not 'tended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. URBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIL A" WELL /NAME: 65208 FONT FED UNIT 24 -11 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65210 FONT FED UNIT 32 -01 SECTION 1 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY., WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65211 FONT FED UNIT 41 -11 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65212 FONT FED UNIT 23 -01 SECTION 1 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65214 FONT FED UNIT 42 -13 SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65215 FONT FED UNIT 21 -09R SECTION 9 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 428' FNL 1522' FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65216 FONT FED UNIT 41 -04D SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65217 FONT FED UNIT 44 -04D SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL#/NAME: 65220 FONT FED'UNIT 24 -13 SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65222 FONT FED UNIT 11 -12 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65223 FONT FED UNIT 23 -06 SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65224 FONT FED UNIT 44 -01 SECTION 1 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65225 FONT UNIT STATE 42 -36 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65226 FONT FED UNIT 34 -02 SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65227 FONT FED UNIT 14- 25D(USE65248) SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65229 FONT FED UNIT 32 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING 'The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral id /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not tended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. URBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIE 1 A" WELL /NAME: 65230 FONT FED UNIT 21 -07 SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65232 FONT FED UNIT 22 -12 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65233 FONT FED 44 -07 SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65239 FONT FED UNIT 44 -02D SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST SW SE LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65240 FONT UNIT STATE 33 -36 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65243 FONT FED UNIT 14 -13 SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65244 FONT FED UNIT 42 -10 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65245 FONT FED UNIT 32 -11 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL /NAME: 65248 SWD -FONT FED UNIT 14 -25D SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65249 FONT FED UNIT 11 -23B (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65253 FONT FED UNIT 21 -26DX (BX /FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST SHL: SW SE; BHL: NE NW LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65258 FONT FED UNIT 24 -24D SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65262 FONT FED UNIT 32 -03 SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65263 FONT FED 44 -24 SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65266 FONT FED UNIT 12 -12 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65272 FONT FED UNIT 22 -11 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral id /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not itended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. URBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIB, A" WELL /NAME: 65276 FONT FED UNIT 34 -06 SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65278 FONT FED UNIT 13 -07 SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65280 FONT FED UNIT 21 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST NE NW LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65281 FONT FED UNIT 42 -22 (FR) SECTION 22 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65282 FONT FED UNIT 13 -31 SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65285 FONT FED UNIT 12 -24D (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST BHL: 1600'FNL 100'FWL OF SEC 24(SW NW) LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65286 FONT FED UNIT 13 -23 (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65287 FONT FED UNIT 33 -02 SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL /NAME: 65292 FONT FED UNIT 24 -06 SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65294 FONT FED UNIT 44 -06 SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65295 FONT FED UNIT 32 -22 (FR) SECTION 22 TOWNSHIP 25 SOUTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65298 FONT FED UNIT 13 -03 SECTION 003 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST SPOT SW NW SW LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL## /NAME: 65299 FONT FED UNIT 41 -12 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65303 FONT FED UNIT 12 -24DX (FR) SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST BHL: 1600'FNL 100'FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65306 FONT FED UNIT 44 -23D (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST S: 2224' FSL &1251'FEL,B:1100'FSL &400'FEL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65308 FONT FED UNIT 34 -05 SECTION 5 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 300'FSL 1800'FEL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral id /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not itended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. URBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIb�J. A" WELL /NAME: 65311 FONT FED UNIT 12 -09D SECTION 9 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65313 FONT FED UNIT 33 -07D SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65314 FONT FED UNIT 33 -23D (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65316 FONT FED UNIT 24 -34 SECTION 34 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 678'FSL 2057'FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65317 FONT FED UNIT 21 -06D SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL## /NAME: 65318 FONT FED UNIT 42 -35 SECTION 35 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65321 FONT FED UNIT 43 -03D SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65335 FONT FED UNIT 44 -22 (UNDRLD) SECTION 22 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd/or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL /NAME: 65336 FONT FED UNIT 22 -07 SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST 2241'FNL 1970'FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65337 FONT FED UNIT 43 -10 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65338 FONT FED 12 -02 SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65344 FONT FED UNIT 24 -01D SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65346 FONT FED UNIT 43 -02 SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST S: 1090' FSL &1949'FEL,B:1700'FSL &400'FEL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65347 FONT FED 31 -31 (FR) SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65367 FONT FED UNIT 22 -03 (INA) SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST SURFACE: 1500'FSL 500'FWL (NW SW) SURF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65368 FONT FED UNIT 13 -04 SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 2422'FSL 891'FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING kThe well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral ad /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not atended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. kRBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIL— A" WELL# /NAME: 65369 FONT FED UNIT 41 -22 (FR) SECTION 22 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 735'FNL 1'FEL (NE NE) LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65370 FONT FED UNIT 23 -10 SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 1675'FSL 2249'FWL LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65371 FONT FED UNIT 42 -09 SECTION 9 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST 2462'FNL 749'FEL (SE /4 NE /4) LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65413 FONT FED UNIT 22 -03DX SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65519 FONT FED 42 -06D SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65521 FONT FED UNIT 23 -31 (FR) SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65523 FONT FED UNIT 24 -23D (FR) SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST SW SE LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL# /NAME: 65525 FONT FED UNIT 11 -01D SECTION 1 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST NE NW LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral nd/or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not ntended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate. ,ARBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 kRBARA PASTOR MOLNAR 125709 EXHIBIT "A" WELL# /NAME: 65526 FONT FED UNIT 14 -07D SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 111 WEST NW SW LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65527 FONT FED UNIT 34 -12D SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST NW SE LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING WELL /NAME: 65528 FONT FED UNIT 21 -11D SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING *The well description(s) shown on the Exhibit "A" cover this owner's mineral ad /or royalty interest according to the records of XTO Energy, Inc. It is not -itended to represent this owner's entire mineral and /or royalty estate.