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UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS A. NAME PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER (optional) Phone: (800) 331 -3282 Fax: (818) 662 -4141 B. E -MAIL CONTACT AT FILER (optional) CLS- CTLS_Glendale_Customer Service ©wolterskluwer.com C. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) 10370 BANK OF CT Lien Solutions 43054775 1 P.O. Box 29071 Glendale, CA 91209 -9071 WYOM FIXTURE L File with: Lincoln, WY 1 a. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE NUMBER 904057 Book 0570 Page 0659 10/25/2004 CC WY Lincoln 2. TERMINATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above is terminated with respect to the security interest(s) of Secured Party authorizing this Termination Statement 3. ASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Provide name of Assignee in item 7a or 7b, and address of Assignee in item 7c and name of Assignor in item 9 For partial assignment, complete items 7 and 9 and also indicate affected collateral in item 8 4. CONTINUATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above with respect to the security interest(s) of Secured Party authorizing this Continuation Statement is continued for the additional period provided by applicable law 5. PARTY INFORMATION CHANGE: Check one of these two boxes: This Change affects Debtor or Secured Party of record 6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: Complete for Party Information Change provide only one name (6a or 6b) 6a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Donald B. Anderson, Ltd. 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S SURNAME FIRST PERSONAL NAME ADDITIONAL NAME(S) /INITIAL(S) OR OR OR 7a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 7b. INDIVIDUAL'S SURNAME INDIVIDUAL'S FIRST PERSONAL NAME INDIVIDUAL'S ADDITIONAL NAMES) /INITIAL(S) 7c. MAILING ADDRESS AND Check one of these three boxes to: CHANGE name and /or address: Complete ADD name: Complete item item 6a or 6b; and Rem 7a or 7b and item 7c 7a or 7b, and item 7c 7. CHANGED OR ADDED INFORMATION: Complete for Assignment or Party Information Change provide only one name (7a or 7b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtors name) CITY FILING OFFICE COPY 11CC FINANCING STATFMFNT AMFNDMFNT (Fnrm lf(:C:S) (Rev ()4/70/1 976350 4/29/2014 4:25 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $24.00 PAGE 1 OF 5 BOOK: 831 PAGE: 321 FINANCE AMENDED LAND JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK If this is an Amendment authorized by a DEBTOR. check here and provide name of authorizing Debtor 10. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA: Debtor Name: Donald B. Anderson, Ltd. 43054775 04217 1 1 111111 111111 IIII II I III 111 IIII III 1 11 11 111111111 THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1b. ZThis FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT is to be filed [for record] (or recorded) in the REAL ESTATE RECORDS Filer: attach Amendment Addendum (Form UCC3Ad) and provide Debtors name in item 13 STATE POSTAL CODE 1111111111 DELETE name: Give record name to be deleted in item 6a or 6b 8. COLLATERAL CHANGE: Also check one of these four boxes: ADD collateral DELETE collateral RESTATE covered collateral ASSIGN collateral Indicate collateral: 9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT: Provide only one name (9a or 9b) (name of Assignor, if this is an Assignment) 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S SURNAME FIRST PERSONAL NAME ADDITIONAL NAME(S)/INITIAL(S) 1022602/1111111 SUFFIX SUFFIX COUNTRY SUFFIX Prepared by CT Lien Solutions, P.O. Box 29071, Glendale, CA 91209 -9071 Tel (800) 331 -3282 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS 11.1 904 12. NITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE NUMBER: Same as item la on Amendment form 057 Book 0570 Page 0659 10/25/2004 CC WY Lincoln NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT: Same as item 9 on Amendment form 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. 12b. INDIVIDUAL'S SURNAME FIRST PERSONAL NAME ADDITIONAL NAME(S)/INITIAL(S) SUFFIX OR THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 13. Name of DEBTOR on related financing statement (Name of a current Debtor of record requi ed for indexing purposes only in some filing offices see Instruction item 13): Provide only one Debtor name (13a or 13b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor's name); see Instructions if name does not fit OR 13a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Donald B. Anderson, Ltd. 13b. INDIVIDUAL'S SURNAME FIRST PERSONAL NAME ADDITIONAL NAME(S)/INITIAL(S) 14. ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR ITEM 8 (Collateral): Debtor Name and Address: Donald B. Anderson, Ltd. AL Secured Party Name and Address: Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. P.O. Box 22117 Tulsa, OK 74121 -2117 15. This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT: 0 covers timber to be cut covers as- extracted collateral 0 is filed as a fixture filing 16. Name and address of a RECORD OWNER of real estate described in item 17 (if Debtor does not have a record interest): 18. MISCELLANEOUS: 43054775 -WY -23 10370 BANK OF OKLAHOMA Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. 17. Description of real estate: See Attached Exhibit A File with: Lincoln, WY 04217 1022602 1111111 SUFFIX Prepared by CT Lien Solutions, P.O. Box 29071, FII IN( (FFIr F (:nPY I IC:f: FINANf.IN(; STATFMFNT AMPNIIMFNT AlflFNlll IM /Fnrm I I(.0 Arll /Rav nd /2n /111 Glendale, CA 91209 -9071 Tel (800) 331 -3282 0;1040&? 067,, .11MM:tr.:Ms T.OE 'W :tsiditi descriptions •:10eho14 ,:intesrestt Revenue Intrests ari4 W.Ctir)411g.: •Interst:'coritsginect 131.4 txhibit! !,shail: not ba 44*ODO."..g csovered.:41ex-Opy "Reference is made to the 1d itj c To the exthnt siOla't4Ilys',:* t in Land descrptions cotafteU in the leases Or ther icloetiluiertee: *atat.dea a deeOribea. in Exhibit ‘1 are 4tmOtPiitaiedliareinbyihlexestaterme.. provicled :other,44 all Itecordifig:•: Okl are tt the "d1 ra1 pr rO the county or in wiuch the Lnterests are 1oatea and in which records such docents ae or in the past have ben customarily recorded, whether Deed Records, O1 Gas Aedt:ird6 OU and Gas Lea Reeords ar other 4„ •poiss the tWorking Vq1414 and 4, 14 *tfOeYtT4YX 11tbrestM descried n '.04:44#" "A! are expresse4 .n :decimal Gquivaients 1.00 10petce,nt., 09040:71:7' Lease Number 60101.-u-9,10o-00 Lesspt Name:- W..55624-USA/13124 Lessee Varrici :Anderson,,,josepri C Gross,Acrek 649'22 Dile: 11/1/1976 R.ecording;, Book Page-326 Descrindont TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE111 WEST,6th.P.1VI. Section. IS: tots 5„. 6, 7, kw) El2W/2 13/2 INSOFAR AND ONLYINSOFtlaAS,,,said leaseGIY‘TTS, thowellbore„of the And the NW/4. ofSection, .1.8;,:T2W, R 111 W and thc,production therefrom and limited. friM 12,160 feet or* the stratigraphieequivalent of the the Lottde ih' 1 1 d in the Severr.Mile GitIch 104 AVell„,,, County/State: Lincoln at* Sorcovat6'.totintip&lAryonilng. 06109,4.0 LCM LTD, 16000 11;111991 327/0 TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RA1.rGE:112 WEST See:494'4: SE14. LNSOFARANDONLx:iNT SOF...R.:AS' said. Tee coves .the'vvellbpre ot the Anderson 443.:weli,, located in the f Septiot4;T20kR11.2w and the production therefrom, city/Sat e! Lincoln 'countyWyOrning Lease-M.013er: 00109-142000 LessotNairte: WY Lessee. Name: Donald 13. Anderson. Ltd. dross .Acres: 80,00 Date; 10/1/199:. 7 Recording::: 327/58 Deseription:. TOWNSHIP.20 NORTH RANGE 11.1. WEST, 6th Section 4 S/2NE14 INSOFAR, AND ONLY INSOFAR AS sad )eat. covers :tile weilbort of theAnderson.414'well, located, iii the SE/4. See:lion 4 VON, and theproduction thcrefrott, Liticoin County, l tVymitilii Lease :4esot Gross' Atres;,' Date: County/State: tincnIdeounty, Wyorting :A.SOP Nun11)er: '0010.1 '$evettMile:Qttleh W48 Operator; &:.cas Corporation APT: 49-023= .0.4 NRI. .0,324 1..ocatiOn ToivnsItiO'21 North, Range .11 1 West, ati.Plyl, Stietion :liincoltiCountt,W'yorning A.00 Nttrnber: 00109 Well 14aine: Anderson 4-3 'Operator: Cabot 0i1 Gas Corporation as 49-023-21128 Yrrl: 0 24 517 4 34 NR1: 0.20226884 Location: Townshi2 20 North, Range 112 West, :&h P.M, Section 4; SE/4 Lincoln Comty, Wyoming Exhibit "B" Litioaln Connv:Wyotning -0676