HomeMy WebLinkAbout976759REV101512 Return to: Rocky Mountain Power Lisa Louder /Randy Privett 1407 West North Temple Ste. 110 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Project Name: Lincoln School Stadium Tract No.: WO 5797721 RW Legal Description: See exhibits A and B 111 I 1 1 1100 I 1II 111111 UNDERGROUND RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT Assessor Parcel No. (Insert Parcel No. Here) Page 1 of 2 976759 5/23/2014 2:11 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $21.00 PAGE 1 OF 4 BOOK: 833 PAGE: 8 EASEMENT JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK For value received, City Of Kemmerer "Grantor hereby grants to PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporation, d/b /a Rocky Mountain Power its successors and assigns, "Grantee an easement for a right of way 30 feet in width and 458 feet in length, more or less, for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, enlargement, and removal of underground electric power transmission, distribution and communication lines and all necessary or desirable accessories and appurtenances thereto, including without limitation: wires, fibers, cables and other conductors and conduits therefor; and pads, transformers, switches, cabinets, and vaults on, across, or under the surface of the real property of Grantor inLncoln County, State of Wyoming more particularly described as follows and as more particularly described and/or shown on Exhibit(s) A and B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: Together with the right of access to the right of way from adjacent lands of Grantor for all activities in connection with the purposes for which this easement has been granted; and together with the present and (without payment therefor) the future right to keep the right of way clear of all brush, trees, timber, structures, buildings and other hazards which might endanger Grantee's facilities or impede Grantee's activities. At no time shall Grantor place or store any flammable materials (other than agricultural crops), or light any fires, on or within the boundaries of the right of way. Subject to the foregoing limitations, the surface of the right of way may be used for agricultural crops and other purposes not inconsistent, as determined by Grantee, with the purposes for which this easement has been granted. The rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be binding upon and shall benefit their respective heirs, successors and assigns. To the fullest extent permitted by law, each of the parties hereto waives any right it may have to a trial by jury in respect of litigation directly or indirectly arising out of, under or in connection with this agreement. Each party further waives any right to consolidate any action in which a jury trial has been waived with any other action in which a jury trial cannot be or has not been waived. Repr entative Representative Blue .Notary Public Kelly state of County of Lincoln Wyoming ;2�''f t(i Gommissien Ex; res: STATE OF ri ss. County of Dated this 1 day of GRANTOR GRANTOR year in this certificate first above written. Page 2 of 2 2014. Kelly Blue Notary Public County of Wyoming My Commission Ex.ires:, LJ jL Acknowledgment by Trustee, or Other Official or Representative Capacity: On this Li day of Vi\ 20 I y before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared c.�.�. �^-J c (representative's name), known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed as r (title /capacity in which instrument is executed) of and acknowledged to me that (he %he /they) executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and (notary signature) NOTARY PUBLIC FOR Vi y 4 V 1 G (state) Residing at: r VJ y (city, state) My Commission Expires: 12 117 (d /m/y) S 00'00'31" E 154.51' REC CENTER PARCEL CRY OF KEMMERER BK 211 PG 801 BK 216 PG 253 CENTERLINE OF 30' WIDE POWER LINE EASEMENT S 89'58'06 E S 89'58'06" E 197.48' 5 00 W 81.48' N 66'47'38" E 45.07' P.O.TERM. CITY OF KEMMERER EASEMENT P.O.B. LCSD #1 EASEMENT Crry OF KEMMERER BK 712 PG 220 r.� Q FOUND PROP. CORNER REBAR W/ AL. CAP N 89'59'29 15. S 00'00'31" E 5.00' N 00'00'31 187 S 18'02'31" E 60.97' 441 APPROX. LOC. EXIST. BURIED POWER LINE P.O.B. CITY OF KEM. EASEMENT S 05'55'12" E 7.26' N 66'47'38" E 41.17' N 88'16'45" E 86.10' LCSD #1 BK 693 PG 207 5 05'55'12 E 508.42' 5 00 W 68.98' SEC. 23 OF THE RESURVEY OF T. 21 N., R. 116 W., 6TH P.M., CITY OF KEMMERER, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING PL MAP OF POWER LINE EASEMENTS CITY OF KEMMERER UNCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 SEC. 23 OF THE RESURVEY OF T. 21 N., R. 116 W., 61H P.M., CITY OF KEMMERER, UNCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING N. 0 25 50 100 SCALE 1' =100' LCSD #1 BK 693 PG 596 N81' '13 "E EXIST. TRANSFORMER PAD l N 47'51'10" E 155.04' SHEET 1 OF 1 Legal Descriptions for Power Line Easement on City of Kemmerer To Rocky Mountain Power An Unplatted Portion of the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming A power line easement through an unplatted portion of the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming, and being part of Tract 53, Section 23, of the Resurvey of T.21 N., R. 116W., of the 6 P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being part of that particular parcel of land conveyed to the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming as described and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Book 211PR on Page 801 and in Book 216PR on Page 253; and, also, being part of that parcel of land as described in Book 712PR on Page 220. Said easement being 30.0 feet wide being bound by lines parallel and offset a distance of 15.0 feet each side when measured perpendicularly, or at right angles, to the following described centerline. Said parallel and offset bounding lines being extended to, or truncated by, the easterly boundary of said City of Kemmerer parcel. Commencing at the southwest corner that particular parcel of land conveyed to the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming as described and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Book 211 PR on Page 801 and in Book 216PR on page 253 (hereinafter referred to as the Rec Center Parcel); thence N 00 °00'31." W, 187.45 feet, along the westerly boundary of said Rec Center Parcel to a point; thence N 89 °59'29" E, 15.0 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description, said point being 15.0 feet easterly when measured at right angles or perpendicularly from the westerly boundary of said Rec Center Parcel; thence S 00 °00'31" E, along a line parallel to and offset 15.0 feet easterly, when measured at right angles or perpendicularly, from said westerly boundary a distance of 154.51 feet to a point; .thence S 18 °02'31" E, 60.97 feet, to a point located 25 feet southerly, when measured at right angles or perpendicularly from the northerly boundary of that parcel of land conveyed to the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming, as described in the Special Warranty Deed filed in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Book 712PR on page 220 (hereinafter referred to as the South Rec Center Parcel; thence S 89 °58'06" E, along a line parallel to and offset 25.0 feet southerly when measured at right angles or perpendicularly from said northerly boundary of said South Rec Center Parcel, a distance of 197.48 feet to a point; thence N 66 °47'38" E, 45.07 feet to the point of terminus of this description from which the northeasterly corner of said South Rec Center Parcel bears N 05°55'12" W a distance of 7.26 feet. Said easement being 458 feet in length and containing 13,745 square feet, more or less. Y: \4725 Hogan -Power Line to Sports Ficld \Legal Descriptions \Easement City of Kemmerer