HomeMy WebLinkAbout875122MORTGAGE ASSIGNMENT, ASSUMPTION AND MODIFICATION AGREEMENT WITH SUBSTITUTION OF LIABILITY This Agreement is made this /5 71 day of a 2001, between Boyd W. Wilkes and Ione R. Wilkes, as Trustees of the Boyd W. Wilkes and Ione R. Wilkes Revocable Trust U /T /D March 30th, 1994, herein referred to as "SELLER Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, as Trustees of The Green Hills Revocable Living Trust, f /b /o Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, dated June 30th, 1989, herein referred to as "MORTGAGEE and Valley Market, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, herein referred to as t "PURCHASER r7 r The parties recite and declare that: LO rr co 1. Seller is obligated and liable for the payment to Mortgagee of the debt evidenced by a promissory note in the original principal amount of SIXTY SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED N]NTEY TWO DOLLARS ($67,792.00), 1 :---T;9. dated August 15`,1997, and executed by Seller, which promissory note is secured by a Mortgage Assignment and Modification Agreement dated July 1st, 1999, that was recorded on May 11, 2000, in Book 445 of Photo, page 503, in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and Mortgagee now owns and holds such promissory note and mortgage. 2. Seller has sold and conveyed or is about to sell and convey to Purchaser all of the real property described in such mortgage, and both Seller and Purchaser have requested Mortgagee to release Seller from further liability under or on account of such promissory note and /or such mortgage. For the reasons set forth above, and in consideration of the mutual conveyance and promises of the parties hereto, Seller, Mortgagee and Purchaser covenant and agree as follows: SECTION ONE UNPAID BALANCE OF SECURED OBLIGATION All monthly installments of principal and interest provided by such promissory note to be paid on and after the 1S day of Sep i vII-er 2001, are unpaid. SECTION TWO RELEASE FROM LIABILITY Seller is hereby released from further liability under or on account of such promissory note and /or such mortgage. SECTION THREE ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY Purchaser agrees to pay such promissory note in installments at the times, in ,the manner, and in all other respects as provided in such promissory note; to perform all of the obligations provided in such mortgage and promissory note to be performed by Seller at the time, in the manner, and in all respects as therein provided; and to be bound by all of the terms of such mortgage and promissory Page 1 of 3 BOOK 4' °l'TZ PAGE 1 6 'f SECTION FIVE INTERPRETATION 0875122 note; all as though such promissory note and mortgage, and each of them, had originally been made, executed and delivered by Purchaser. SECTION FOUR NO IMPAIRMENT OF LIEN All of the real property described in such mortgage shall remain subject to the lien, charge or encumbrance of such mortgage, and nothing herein contained or done pursuant hereto shall affect or be construed to affect the lien, charge or encumbrance of the mortgage or the priority thereof over other liens, charges or encumbrances, or, except as herein otherwise expressly provided, to release or affect the liability of any party or parties whomsoever would now or may hereafter be liable under or on account of such promissory note and /or mortgage. In this agreement, the singular number includes the plural and the plural number includes the singular. If this agreement is executed by more than one person, firm, corporation or other entity as Purchaser, the obligations of each such person, firm, corporation or other entity hereunder shall be joint and several. This agreement applies to, inures to the benefit of, and binds all parties hereto and their respective heirs, legatees, devisees and administrators, executors, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement at Jackson, Wyoming, the day and year first above written. SECTION SIX LIMITATIONS The right to plead any statute of limitations as a defense to any obligations and demands secured by or mentioned in such mortgage is hereby waived by Purchaser to the full extent permissible by law. SECTION SEVEN APPLICATION OF AGREEMENT ELLER: est, Trustee Page 2 of 3 Boyd W. Wilkes, Trustee Ione R. Wilkes, Trustee MORTGAGEE: /L a Marie Soest, Trustee 16 8 STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF NGc /1/ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Boyd W. Wilkes and Ione R. Wilkes, Trustees of the Boyd W. Wilkes and, Ione R. Wilkes Revocable Trust U /T /D March 30th, 1994 this /SI' day of 2001. Witnew i,Ilyliand and n ficial seal. GERALD L GOULDING Notary Public, Moto of Wyoming Lincoln County, Wyoming Commission Expires Nay 2, 20 My Commission Expires: STATE OF GL} /orn COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, as Trustees of The Green Hills Revocable Living Trust, f /b /o Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, dated June 30th, 1989, this 1-x- day of (2 f &c s 7 2001. Witness my hand and official seal. DEBORAH A. MEAGHER NOTARY PUBLIC County of -c�• State of Teton :`.si` Wyoming My Commteston Ire, Nov 10, 2001 /a STATE OF ai ss. COUNTY OF Z!/VC-694A/ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kip Wilkes, as resident of Valley Market, Inc., a Wyoming corporation this /$7" day of Ur 7 2001. icial seal. Notary Public -State of Wyoming Lincoln County, Wyoming <<sl Commission Expires May 2, 2003 My Commission Expires: r� ss. B tary Public Notary Public Page 3 of 3 Notary Public PURCHASER: Valley Market, Inc., a Wyoming corporation EXHIBIT "A" A portion of the NW1 /4 SE1 /4 of Section 23, T34N, R119W, 6th P.M., located in the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Easterly line of that certain parcel of land described in Deed No. 815012 from Franklin and McGinnis properties, a partnership, to Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest, Trustees filed Feb. 2, 1996 in Book 379 PR at Page 643, said point being 879.67 feet East and 635.97 feet S7 °28'21 "E from the Knowlton's monument marking the Center Quarter Corner of said Section 23; thence S7 °22'07 "E 65.01 feet; thence S7 °25'45 "E 191.65 feet; thence S83 °38'54 "W 422.805 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the Victor W. Arychuk and Waldtraut Arychuk, husband and wife, property conveyed by Deed No. 831491 filed in Book 392 PR at Page 540; thence North, along the West line of said Arychuk property, 172.08 feet to the Beginning of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 160 feet; thence running along said curve through an arc distance of 187.037 feet; thence running N85 °24'05 "E 249.17 FEET to the Point of Beginning. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO and reserving unto Grantor, a non- exclusive easement for Ingress, Egress and Utilities, 30 -feet wide, lying 15 feet Northerly and Southerly of the North line of the above described property said line specifically described as N85 °24'05 "E 249.17 feet. TOGETHER WITH and reserving unto Grantor, a non- exclusive easement and right -of -way known as the Thayne Village Center Right -of -Way (Village Parkway): A 60 -foot wide Right -of -Way, 30 feet on each side of the following described centerline and is a portion of the NW1 /4 SE1 /4 of Section 23, T34N, R119W, 6th P.M., located in the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a Point on the East R/W line of U.S. 89 at Station 1407 +43.24 as shown on sheet #5 of the Wyoming Hwy. Project 010 -3(62) 010 -(67), which is 704.89 feet S25 °22'12 "E (equals S23 °59'06.4 "E bearing shown on Hwy Plans) from a Highway R/W Monument found at Station PC 1412 +48.58 in said R/W line; said Point also being 864.91 feet S28 °30'22 "E from a B.L.M. type Monument found marking Coon, King and Knowlton's location for the Center Quarter Corner of said Section 23; thence N64 °37'48 "E 24.13 feet to the PC of a 130 -foot radius curve to the right (A =20 °38'28 T= 23.67 LC= 46.58'); thence 46.833 feet along said curve to the PT; thence N85 °16'16 "E 93.54 feet to the PC of a 130 -foot radius curve to the left (A =85 °16'16 T= 119.69', LC= 176.11'); thence 193.474 feet along said curve to the PT; thence North 560.33 feet to a Point on the South R/W line of Dana Street, said point being located 40 feet South and 691.84 feet East from the aforementioned Center of Section 23 monument, and further reserving unto the Grantor the right to convey the property subject to this easement by gift or otherwise for the purpose of having said right -of -way established as a publicly dedicated street, and excluding and reserving unto Grantor the right to connect or allow the connection of or prohibit the connection to utilities found within the said Thayne Village Center right -of -way to mains or lines which may provide utility services to the property which is the subject of this deed. 5 0 ,7 0S751.22 17