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Pursuant to W.S. 34 -2 -123
Lael H. Hoopes, of Lexington, Lexington County, South Carolina, t4pon his oath deposes
and says:
1. That he makes this affidavit as his recorded statement, duly *rifled, pursuant to the
provisions of W.S. 34 -2 -123 and in connection with the following described real property located in
Lincoln County, Wyoming:
That part of the NW'/4SE /4 of Section 3, T31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the centerline of the Bitter Creek County Road No. 12 -140,
N0 °21.5'E, 1784.00 feet from the South one quarter corner of said Section 3 as
described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate of record in the Office
of the Clerk of Lincoln County;
thence continuing N0 °21.5'E, 369.15 feet along said centerline of saic road to a
thence S89 °38.5'E, 30.0 feet to a corner on the east right -of -way line bf said road;
thence continuing S89 °38.5'E, 118.0 feet to a corner;
thence S0 °21.5'W, 369.15 feet parallel to said centerline to a corner;
thence N89 °38.5'W, 118.0 feet parallel to the north line of the foregoing tract to a
corner on the said east right -of -way line;
thence continuing N89 °38.5'W, 30.0 feet to the point of beginning.
West Hills Property
Beginning at the SE Corner of NW1 /4SW1/4 of Section 28, T32N, R 19W of the 6th
P.M., Wyoming, thence North 146 rods, thence West 2 rods, thenc South 9 rods,
Il i
thence West 24 rods, thence North 9 rods, thence in a Southwe terly direction
meandering parallel with the roadway, 64 rods, more or less, to a poi t on the West
Section boundary of said Section 28, which is 112 rods North from the Southwest
Corner of NW1 /4SW1/4 of said Section, thence South along said est boundary
line 112 rods to said SW corner, thence East 80 rods to the point of eginning, said
tract being the NW1 /4SW1/4 and part of the SW1 /4NW1/4 of said Section 28,
containing 67.15 acres of land.
AND ALSO: The South portion of the SW1 /4NW1/4 of Section 28, 1F32N, R119W,
6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being all of that property lying', South of that
certain line being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM: The North portion of the SW1 /4NW1 /4of Section 28,
T32N, R119W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying North of that certain line as
more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached.
TOGETHER WITH a 60 -foot wide easement for ingress and egress o'rer a portion of
the SW1 /4NW1/4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming,
the southerly line of said easement described in that certain Easement dated the
14 day of December, 1991, and recorded January 3, 1992, in Book 1 305 P.R., page
562 in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk, being more particularly described on
Exhibit "C" attached.
AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH: An easement for ingress and egress and
underground public utilities over a 60 -foot wide strip of land through the
SW1 /4NE1/4 and the SE1 /4NW1 /4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6 P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, described in that certain Easement dated December 14, 1991,
and recorded January 3, 1992, in Book 305 P.R., page 547 in the office of the
Lincoln County Clerk, as more particularly described on Exhibit "D" attached.
2. That the names of the grantees in that certain Quitclaim Deed dated June 22, 2000,
and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on June 28, 2000, in Book 447 PR, page
806, Recording No. 866710, conveying the above described real property is hereby stated to be as
follows: Vearl W. Hoopes, Dona Lucille Hoopes and Lael H. Hoopes, Co- Trustees of the Vearl W.
Hoopes Family Revocable Trust dated September 16, 1997.
3. That he is a Co- Trustee and a beneficiary of the trust referred to.
4. That his name and address is Lael H. Hoopes, 315 Steepl Court, Lexington, SC
5. That he is a son of Vearl W. Hoopes and Dona Lucille Hoo p s, a Co- Trustee and a
beneficiary of the trust referred to, that Dona Lucille Hoopes became dece sed on September 8,
2003, that Vearl W. Hoopes became deceased on November 15, 2009, t at upon the death of
Vearl W. Hoopes, he became the sole Trustee of the Vearl W. Hoopes F mily Revocable Trust
dated September 16, 1997.
6. That as of November 15, 2009, the date of death of Vearl W. Hoopes, Lael H.
Hoopes became the sole Trustee of the Vearl W. Hoopes Family Rvocable Trust dated
September 16, 1997, including its ownership of the real property described above, and that he is
currently lawfully serving in that capacity.
7. That he hereby verifies that the information contained in this Statement of Trust and
Identity of Successor Trustee is true and correct according to his information land belief.
DATED as of the day of June, 2014.
Lael H. Hoopes
Subscribed and sworn to by Lael H. Hoopes before me this q trt. d'y of June, 2014.
Witness my hand and official seal.
id j,.
P U3�' r I NOT PUBIJC -Q-17 S O��r}'''C'''' My Commission res I
ii „ioN6 commission expires: May 8, 2018
The South portion of the SW1 /4 NW1 /4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W,
6th P. M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being all of that property
lying South of the following described line:
BEGINNING at a point in the West line of said SW1 4 NW1 /4, said
point being 528 teet N0o01'07 "W from the Southwest orner of said
SW1 /4 NW1 /4; thence•running 564003'51 "E 91.27 fee to a fence
corner; thence N88o24'35 "E, along an old fence line and the
Easterly^ prolongation thereof 187.74 feet; t ence running
N47o27'07 "E 244.38 feet to a point 10 feet Nort westerly from
said old fence; thence N51o40'41 "E, approximately arallel with
said old fence and the Northeasterly prolongation thereof a
distance of 556.79 feet; thence S0o39'49 "E 53.46 ,feet; thence
N89o20'42 "E 342.98 feet; thence N0005'35 "W 162.62 feet, more or
less, to a point in the Southeasterly line of a 60 feet wide
easement for Ingress and Egress; thence running N79036'E, along
last said Southeasterly line, 89.83 feet to a point in the East
line of said SW1 /4 NW1 /4; said point being 127.26 feet
N0o01'03 "W from the Southeast corner of said W1/4 NW1 /4.
Containing 23.309 acres of land.
The North portion of the SW1 /4 NW1 /4 of Section 28} T32N, R119W,
6th P. M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying North of I the following
described line:
BEGINNING at a point in the West line of said SW1 4 NW1 /4, said
Point being 528 feet N0o01'07 "W from the Southwest orner of said
SW1 /4 NW1 /4; thence running 564003'51 "E 91.2, feet to a fence
corner;, thence N88o24'35 "E, along an old fence line and the
Easterly prolongation thereof 187.74 feet; th nce running
N47027'07 "E 244.38 feet to a point 10 feet North esterly from
said old fence; thence N51o40'41 "E, approximately arallel with
said old fence and the Northeasterly prolongatio thereof a
distance of 556.7 feet; thence 50039'49 "E 53.46 feet; thence
N89o20'42 "E 342.98 feet; thence N0o05'35 "W 162.62 feet, more or
less, to a point in the Southeasterly line of a
60 feet wide
easement for Ingress and Egress; thence running N79 36'E, along
last said Southeasterly line, 89.83 feet to a point in the East
line of said SW1 /4 NW1 /4; said point being 1127.26 feet
N0o01'03 "W from the Southeast corner of said S 1/4 NW1 /4.
Containing 16.276 acres of land
A 60 -foot wide easement for Ingress and Egress ove a portion of
the SW1 /4 NW1 /4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6th P M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, the southerly line of said e= sement being
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the East line of said SW1 4 NW1 /4, said
point being 1127.26 feet N0o01'03 "W from the south =ast corner of
said SW1 /4 NW1 /4, said point being also a northeast corner of the
Hoopes 'property; thence running S79o36'W, along he northerly
line of the Hopes property, 89.83 feet; thence running
S71o46'07 "W 361.46 feet to another corner of the Hoo -es property;
thence continuing 551o40'4i "W, along a northwesterly line of the
Hoopes property, 556.79 Ieet to a point southwes erly from a
point where a road branches southwesterly from said orthwesterly
line of the Hoopes property.
An easement for Egress and Public Utilities over a 60 -foot wide
strip of land through the SW1 /4 of the NE1 /4 and the SE1 /4 of the
NW1 /4 of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6th P.M.', Lin oln County,
Wyoming, said easement lying 30 feet on each ids of the
following described centerline:
BEGINNING at a point 3851.93 North from 84M type mo ument found
marking the E 1/16 corner between Sections 28 and 33 of said
Township and Ranee, said point lying within the Righ -of -Way of
Road 2381 thence running Westerly through said SW1/ NE1 /4 and
SE1 /4 NW1 /4 of Seotion 28 the following courses and d standees
8 86030' W 827.26 feet to P.I. #1, 581028'39'W 522 28 feet to
P.Y. 112, N70o21'46 "W 197.31 feet to P.I. #3, $71o1$ 14'W 219.43
feet to P.Y. #4, N73022'25'W 160.43 feet to P.I. M5, S82o39
180.60 feet to P.Z. N6, N72033'58 "W 108.25 feet t- P.S. 07,
588015'15'W 461.66 feet, more or less, to the East line of the
SW1 /4 NW1 /4 of said Section 28 of said Township and R :nge.
The basis of bearings for this description (North) le taken as a
line from the East 1/16 Corner between Sections 28 and 33 to the
East 1/16 Corner between Sections 21 and 28 of said To nehip and