HomeMy WebLinkAbout977029 tiKk— i and Titie 9 77029 2:45 PM L INCOLN COUNTY FEES: 6/13/2014 $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 834 PAGE: 116 DEED, WD Company JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK SINCE 1904 J 1IIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIII Pill 1IIIIIH 111 IIIIIII11I1111IIII I IIIIIIIIIII WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that EDWIN G. McNEEL and FLORENCE M. McNEEL, TRUSTEES of the McNEEL FAMILY TRUST u /t/a dated March 22, 1995, P.O. Box 3031, Alpine, Wyoming 83128, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to TIMOTHY W. HABERBERGER and CYNTHIA L. HABERBERGER, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, P.O. Box 3051, Alpine, Wyoming 83128, GRANTEES, and their heirs and assigns, the following described property situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: That real property described in Exhibit "A attached hereto. Together with all improvements, and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise pertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all easements, reservations, covenants, restrictions, and rights -of -way of record, of sight, or in use. Reserving unto Edwin G. McNeel and Florence M. McNeel life :.states for their use and enjoyment of the house on the property and the yard surrounding the house, and for ingress and egress from U.S. Highway 89 to the house and the yard. Edwin G. McNeel and Florence M. McNeel shall maintain the house in proper repair and keep the house insured during said life estate. WITNESS my hand this day of L, 2014. ip_. x. J.4,,,_11---,-„, &2.4,....e_ EDWIN I'. McNEE USTEE FLORENCE M. McNEEL, TR STEE of the•Mc EL FAMILY TRUST of the McNEEL FAMILY TRUST u/t/a dated March 22, 1995 u/t /a dated March 22, 1995 STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 5 day of ,,,inn 2014, by EDWIN G. McNEEL and FLORENCE M. McNEEL, TRUSTEES of the McNEEL FAMILY TRUST u/t/a dated March 22, 1995. WITNESS my hand and official seal. VICKIE MUNSON NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lir-coir, r' Wyoming l La- l i''Oc'`— MY_COMMISSION EXPIRES 26 Dec 2016 NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: 1 a: 'aG a011. EXHIBIT "A" That part of the NE /4 SW /4 and that part of the SE /4 SW /4 of Section 3, T36N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe part of that tract of record in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 303 of Photo, Page 15, as follows: Beginning at a point on the East l ine of said SE /4 SW /4 N00 °19.2'W, 316.13 feet from the Southeast corner of said SE /4 SW /4; thence continuing NO0 °1 ?.2'W, 1024.06 feet, along said East line to the Northeast corner of said SE /4 SW /4; thence N00 °17.6'W, 46: .83 ::eat to a rebar; thence S89 °41.2'W, 695.11 feet to a rebar; thence N15°15.6' W, 108.20 feet to a point; thenc S89 '01.2'W, 47.83 feet to a rebar; thence continuing 889 °01.2'W, 210.78 feet to a point; thence S09 °57.4'E, 41i ••.86 'eet to a rebar; thence S12 °36.0'E, 340.75 feet to a rebar; thence S80 °00.7'W, 138.71 feet to a pipe on the East right -of -way Iine of U.S. Highway 89; thence S10 °02.2'E, 113.67 feet, along said right -of -way line, to a point; thence N81 °01.6'E, 117.05 feet to apoint; thence S80 °42.3'E, 132.42 feet to a point; thence S55 °22.0'E, 179.19 to a point; thence S33 °53.8'E, 181.38 feet to a point; thence S07 °28.5'E, 136.21 feet to a point; thence S38°21. 'W, 73.53 feet to a point; thence S24 °40.5'E, 33 8.00 feet to a point; thence N32 °00.4'E, 356.41 feet to the point :)f beginning. Less and Excepting: A parcel of land located in the Northeast 'A of the Southwest'' of Sectic n 3, Township 36 North, Range 119 West of the 6 Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being a pot :on of that property recorded in Book 303PR, Page 15, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8 inch diameter by 16 inch long steel reinforcing bar with aluminum Sury -Kap inscribed, NELSON ENGR PE/LS 578 which bears North 21 degrees 24 minutes 56 seconds West 1931.95 feet from the South t/a corner of Section 3, (BLM type brass cap). Thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 53 seconds West 56.44 feet to an existing elk fence corner; thence North 10 degrees 37 minutes 47 seconds West along said elk fence 105.57 feet to the Southeast corner of the Calhoun Property (a 5/8 inch diameter by 16 inch long steel reinforcing bar with aluminum Sur v -kap inscribed, "NELSON ENGR PE/LS 578"; Thence North 88 degrees 23 Minutes 47 Seconds East 47.69 feet to a 5/8 inch diameter by 16 inch long steel reinforcing bar with aluminum Sury -Kap inscribed `iI;LSON ENGR PE/LS 578"; Thence South 15 degrees 05 Minutes 16 seconds East 108.51 feet to the point of beginning. Land Title Company Underwriter Stewart Title Guaranty Company Commitment Schedule A