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SINCE 1.904
See attached Exhibit A
Tax Roll No. 1221161230000200
977095 6/19/2014 4:00 PM
1 111 11 111 11 1111 1 111 11 111 11 1111 1 111 11 111 111 111 1 111 1 111 11 111 1 1111 1 11111111 1 1111
For good and valuable consideration in hand received, M D Capital, LLC does hereby
sibordinate that certain Mortgage recorded in Book 823 at Page 860 as Receiving No
974092. of the Official Records of the Lincoln County Recorder of Lincoln County, State of
Wyoming, covering land described as (SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BELOW), to that certain
Construction Mortgage between I(en rer Building, L7 4 and Cache Valley. Bank d�a e Jtme
18, 2014 and Recorded in Book Vy at Page 414 as Receiving No. c1110aI-1
in the office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming in the sum of $1,000,000.00.
Dated i%rvV_ t 4e i ?_6 k4.
County of aNi S
On the lea
LatAcc v 13zeok
who, being by me duly sworn, did say tha 40.he/theydtare the mt.s3'r 42
respectively of M D Capital, LLC and that the said instrument was signed in behalf of said
corporation by authority of a resolution of its board of directors and the aforesaid officers
acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same.
Commission expires: 3 1 h is
Residing in: h S G
day of June A.D. 2014 personally appeared before me
4 w 436JAI N 14,3;
iaB m__
Notary Public
Commission Number 607641
My Commission Expires
March 26, 2015
State of Utah
A parcel of land located in a portion of. Tracts 62 and 71 also being a portion of the. Southwest Quarter
(SW of Section 12, all of the resurvey. of. Township 21 North, Range 11,6 West, 6 P.M., Lincoln
County, City of Kemmerer, Wyoming. Said parcel being bounded on the Westerly side by the Easterly
right of way of Wyoming State Highway 233, and Being bounded on the North by a City of Kemmerer
parcel, described and recorded in Book 237 P.R., on Page 263 and being bounded on the South by a
particular parcel conveyed to the State Highway Commission of Wyoming, described and recorded in
Book 179 P.R., on Page 224. The previously noted documents are on file at the Lincoln County
Courthouse. This parcel of land being described more particularly as follows: COMMENCING at
corner number 11 of Tract 62, of the resurvey of Township 21 North, Range 116 West 6 P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, where is found a brass cap; Thence North 89 °45'22" West, 1,321.57 feet, to comer
number 4 of said Tract 62; Thence South 11 °33'41" East; 576.83 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING of
this description. Said Point of Beginning, being a point on the Westerly right of way of US Highway 189
and on the Southerly boundary of a particular parcel of land conveyed to the City of Kemmerer,
described and recorded in Book 237 P.R., on Page 263, on file at the Lincoln County Courthouse; where
is found a 2" aluminum cap; Thence South 68 °13'21" West, along the Southerly boundary of said City of
Kemmerer Parcel, 258.73 feet, to a point where is found a 2" alu rainum cap; Thence North 84 °20'33"
West, 161.60 feet, to the Southwest corner of said City of Kemmerer Parcel. Said Southwest comer also
being the Southeast corner of a particular parcel of land conveyed to the city of Kemmerer, hereinafter
know as Kemmerer #2 Parcel, described and recorded in Book 313 P.R., on Page 209, on file at the
Lincoln County Courthouse, where is found a 2" aluminum cap; Thence North 84 °20'33" West, along the
Southerly boundary of said Kemmerer #2 Parcel, 54.43 feet, to the Southwest comer of said Kemmerer
#2 Parcel and a point on the Easterly boundary of Wyoming State Highway 233, where is found a 2"
aluminum cap. Said point being a point on a circular curve to the Right, the Radius point of said curve
bears South 77 °20'54 1,48239 feet; Thence Southerly, 440.22 feet, along the are of said curve to the
Right and along the Easterly right of way of Wyoming State Highway 233, through a Central Angel of
17 °00'53 to the P.T. of said curve to the Right, where is found a standard highway right of way marker;
Thence South 04 °20'44" West, 293.41 feet, to a point where is found a standard highway right of way
marker; Thence continuing the following five (5) courses along the Easterly right of way of Wyoming
State Highway 233; Thence South 88 °48'35" East, 14.49 feet, to a point where is found a standard
highway right of way marker; Thence South 04°18'15" West, 347.16 feet, to a point where is found a
standard highway right of way marker; Thence South 85 °37'20" West, 24.80 feet, to a point where is
found a standard highway right of way marker; Thence South 04°17'13" West, 243.82 feet, to a point
where is found a standard highway right of way marker; Thence South 04 °17'13" West, 71.13 feet to a
point on the Easterly right of way of Wyoming State Highway 233 and the Northwesterly corner of a
particular parcel of land conveyed to the State Highway Commission of Wyoming, described and
recorded in Book 179 P.R., on Page 224, on filed at the Lincoln County Courthouse, where is found a 2"
aluminum cap; Thence South 63 °07'49" East, along the Northerly boundary of said State Highway
Commission of Wyoming Parcel, 84.97 feet, to a point where is found a standard highway right of way
marker; Thence continuing South 63 °07'49" East, 47.00 feet, to a point common to the Easterly right of
way of Wyoming State Highway 233 and the Westerly right of way of U.S. Flighway 189, offset 87.50
feet of the Centerline of U.S. Highway 189, as defined by Wyoming Highway Department Project DP-
RRS-F 011-3(4), where is found a 2" aluminum cap; Thence North 27 °14'56" East, along the Westerly
File Number: 64034
Hickman Land Title Company of Wyoming
Attached Legal Description
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File Number: 64034
Hickman Land Title Company of Wyoming
Attached Legal Description
Page 2 of
right of way of said U.S, Highway 189, 177.23 feet, to a point where is found a 2" aluminum cap; Thence
North 60 °32'09" West, 1.92 feet, to a point where is found a 2" aluminum cap. Said point being.. a point
on the Westerly right of way of U.S. Highway 189, as defined by Instrument Number 893358 on file at
the Lincoln. County Courthouse, where Th °fotlnd L 2" aluminum cep; Thence continuing the following six
(6) courses, along the Westerly right of way of U.S. Highway 189,, as defined by said Instrument
X8393358; Thence North 28 °52'47'? East,1;0.62 feet, to a point where is found a standard highway right of
way market. Said point being the point of Tangent to Spiral (TS) of a spiral curve to the Left: Thence
Centerline point of TS bears, South 61°07'13" East, 89.89 feet. The Westerly right of U :S:
Highway 189, being defined as a line of offset 89.89 feet or 109.91 feet and parallel the of
said U.S. Highway 189, as defined by the following. Thence Centerline data for said spiral curve being:
Total Delta 34 °39'52 Delta Spiral 04 °46'29 Total Tangent Length 779.05 feet, Radius
1968.50 feet, Spiral Length 328.08 feet, Circular Length 862.89 feet; Thence Northerly from said TS,
along the Westerly right of way, offset 89.89 feet, to the Left (West) of said Centerline, through the. spiral
portion of the spiral curve to the point of Spiral to Curve (SC), where is found a standard highway right
of way marker. The Chord from the TS to the SC bears North 27 °21'22" East, 331.11 feet; Thence
North 65 °53'11" West, along a radial line, 20.01 feet, to. the SC of the Spiral Curve, offset from the
Centerline 109.91 feet, where is found a standard highway right of way marker; Thence continuing along
the 109.91 foot offset and parallel line to said Centerline of said highway the following three (3) courses;
Thence 814.69 feet along the arc of the circular portion of the spiral curve to the point of Curve to Spiral
(CS), where is found'a standard highway right of way marker. The Chord from the SC to the CS, along
the Westerly right of way, bears North 11°32'46" East, 808.19 feet; Thence Northerly along the spiral
portion of the spiral curve to the point of Spiral to Tangent (ST), where is found a standard highway right
of way marker. The Chord from the CS to the ST, along the Westerly right of way, bears North
04 °13'02" West, 318.83 feet; Thence North 05 °47'09" West, 56.25 feet, to the Point of Beginning.