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Melissa Bonneville
Liberty Title Escrow Company
275 W. Natick Rd.
Warwick, RI 02886
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977342 7/7/2014 2:32 PM
BOOK: 835 PAGE: 656 DEED, WD PAGE 1 OF 2
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THIS DEED, made this a day of June, 2014, by and between James S.
Roberts and Leslie Ann Roberts, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor party of the first
part; and James C. Roberts and Sharri L. Roberts, Husband and Wife, hereinafter
referred to as "Grantee party of the second part.
That for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Seventy Two
Thousand and 00 /100 Dollars ($172,000.00), the consideration received therefore by the
Grantor for the conveyance made hereby, and other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor, subject to the matters
described herein, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the Grantee, in fee
simple, and with WARRANTY OF TITLE, all that certain lot or parcel of land, together
with the improvements thereon and appurtenances thereunto, as described below. Said
property being situated in the City of Etna, having an address of 109099 Highway 89, and
being more particularly described as follows, to -wit:
Beginning 1390 feet South of the Northeast Corner, Section 3, Township 35 North,
Range 119 West and running thence South 150 Feet, thence West 726 feet, thence North
150 feet, thence East 727 feet to point of beginning, said tract being part of the
SE1 /4NE1/4, said Section 3, Township 35 North, Range 119 West.
Property Address: 109099 Highway 89 Etna, WY 83118
Tax ID 3519- 031 -00- 161 -00
Witness the following Signatures and Seals,
State of WYOMING
County of LINCOLN
es S. Roberts
Witness Leslie Ann Roberts
I hereby certify that on this I$ day of June, 2014, before me, the subscriber, Notary
Public of the State aforesaid, personally appeared James S. Roberts and Leslie Ann
Roberts, whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged the
foregoing deed to be their act under authority of the Grantor and the free act and deed of
the Grantors, and also certify, under penalties of perjury, that the consideration recited
herein is true and correct.
Grantees Address: 109099 Highway 89 Etna, WY 83118
Notary Public:
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