HomeMy WebLinkAbout977360c cogvongo I, Mel Hollabaugh, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date of June 30, 1993, for valuable consideration, Battlefield, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on June 3o, 1993, in Book 331PR, Page 429, conveyed to Mel Betty Hollabaugh, the following described land, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to -wit: Lot 70, Unit C -2, Commissary Ranch Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Mel Betty Hollabaugh, husband and wife, became the owners of said real property, and the title thereto vested in them continuously from the date of said conveyance, to the date of death of Betty Hollabaugh, also known as Betty Mae Marie Hollabaugh, on the 25th day of November, 2013. That by reason of and upon the death of Betty Hollabaugh, also known as Betty Mae Marie Hollabaugh, title in the above described real property vested in Mel Hollabaugh. Affiant avers and certifies that Betty Hollabaugh, also known as Betty Mae Marie Hollabaugh, is the identical party named with Mel Hollabaugh in the aforementioned deed, whose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto, and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. 4 oo a00000000 ;y_ Dated this 8 day of State of I Qp .t! County of U� 1D Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Mel Hollabaugh this 13 day of WITNESS my hand and official seal. Affidavit of Survivorship ss. sion Expires• tFP___ 1 977360 7/8/2014 11:16 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 835 PAGE: 751 AFFIDAVIT JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 111111111 101 IIII II II I I II 11 11111111111 2014. 1 Hollabaugh Notary Public 1101 IIIIIIIII itiDEQEDENTISIEgAUdNAkig(FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) ''''kl,(1_1 _..t. I'd 1!,•.ETTY,-,,MAEMARIEHOLLABAUGH I S 2. AKA'S (IF ANY) 1 t') 3 )PATE, OPPENTM 4SEX,''''' FEMALES 5. SOCIAL SECURITY NUM,BER: 6. DATEOF BIRTH 07/23/1948 7. AGE 6 UNDER:1YEAR, DER 1 DAY-1. 8. MONTHS 9: D/y1S,!Vi','"' 10. 111VINLITES:.' 12:PA lEliINFATiE -HOSPITAL: E:R:/OUTPATIENT OblEADOKI ARRIVAL.... 13. PLACE OF DEATH -OTHER THAN 'NURSING HOME OR 1--J. :b LONG TERM CARE' FACILITY OSPITAL:' l,, tH,...' LJ nESIDENCE HOSPICE Ft‘CILIT T: L_Ju IER 14i IF NoTAFAD0J -..:::::,fit-frp.e.-...,..;-::::'..,...-J. NUMAREGIONAL MED L CENTER 15. CITY, TOWN& ZIP CODE ORLOCATION.OFDEA TH: NUMA85364 16.CRUTDEAT H, ..11,0,191 (cAry..,.i■No., 09 FOREIGN COUNTRY) t,. 1tiMCd bicifNEL.4AS. -kf 18. MARITAL STAT DEATH:- MAkRIED i v.\ i 3 AT TIME OF 19. NAME OF SURVIVING SPOUSE (MAIDENMAMErIFWI E .1'..,1-'11.-"'' fli■';■:i.' MELVIN' HOLLABAUGH.7:)1V2;• A0:112c1:15NIPS,U,p,#y,13PIRENCE STREET ADDRESS: 12556',435TH•i0b; •'•1 1 21. CITY AND COUNTY: YUMA, YUMA 22. STATE ARIZONA,.... 2.; 2S,21pCOOE: '1, 24.EVER 25MASDEDEDENTtor HISPANIC ORIGIN? rEEV;NO170ANISR1-IPPANIC OR LATINO jj11AEXICAAL MEXICAN AMERICAN, CHICANO =0") ;11: -Y:E r k,"Cd-BANg FIICAN EiOffikik(SBECI 26. DECEDENT'S RACE(S):r BLACKAgRICAF.F 181 WHITE 0 bt-IER ASIAN (SPEC (SPEC F. 0 AMERICAN--,------, 27.v:AMERICAN INDIAN OWALMNA NATly: .SFECIFY_UP TO 41:F1113ESI''...4 '..I.::.j. 2k ..,:-17•FIIMA....R,9.;3„..N:,.4.,,..;„°C..,it.„947FI.,:,l,„,,17:7?ft V 0 NATIVE HAWAIIAN 0 ASIAN1NDIAN 0 OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER (SPEOIFY) ApoitiolveanitiE:4'!.-7- JAP,ANESE NIAN OR 'CHAMORRO OTHER (SPECIFY) 't ADDITIONAL TFile 17‘ UNKNOWN: 941 g81)C ,N,e`A, ,.:16 .1 ■:0, s,:.,. OMEMAKER%. 0 VIETNAMESE ii' SAMOAN 4 i'- ci, AMERICAN INDIAN'OTALASKAI_N,ATIVE A Ag.14■■ t'AW 1,1' p ii00. NI WFATEFESINAME;(FIRSX,r.MID.OLE, LAST) ..-1 ,1 ,),7 0MPTHER'eNAKEOT,ISTi,MIDDLE, LASTNAME PRIOR TO Fipa 0 ,f-...r L ORNA SEARI_E?.c' ,,.1.nild,h 1.; •y11...... Irfol:ngsNane. '15, W tw Li,; 2:•3Eira•TioNstilt viRit7,:::: 'SPOUSE1255635T14101ii:•Y,UMAARIZONAS5387 p3viiniFoRror■i.rsmmLiqp if M ii,N G.. ,:•7'..-..T,,., ,'Si f 34f FACILITY: ORTUARY8,CREMATORY551W 6TH STREETqYUMA,AZ•>-` l' 1! r■ --zzV',:$'....s!,,; R R N,, 3S,FPNEWDF,IEOTOWd'.`,.P.;`," 41,, bARRENSMTTICE FUNERAL.DIRECTOR'/,': 36 -7 3nmETnoD(s)OF,DISPOSITION:... "kg..01%': t14EMAT 38.1\1MEAND LOCATION OF Ist DITOSITIONfACIpTIJA ._'Y .'..''sX -.1'.,,, :e,V YUMA MOK tUARY'& CREMATORY, YUMA;'tAFFIZON )y 3 NAMANDIAOCATIONOF2ndIS17031TIONFACIL11 NONE-..; .1 -.-t. i.117414::14,0,N*Mo.,,,56VOrg..,i,,4, "''"'"Ir'5• iMMEDlaE00 1. :F.:, 7!.E2.:.. 0 u. .P1'.1.• ..,,,,,F1 11 ,1 CA' 'FR1:VO I RATORY.ARREST e'V ..0, iS 1 AP P 1 9X V1. AT ....tir5 1 7$L 1 UNk0Vilt■F 1 pourobwAs CONSEWENCEOF::. 42.'(30.'',',:' ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTIbw._ 43. APpROXIMATEINT#IVM;%:, UNKNOWNP PUEiT0-013AS2k- coNsEpugNpE•OF:! z A44..T-.L. „i• 4,:f:',-..=_3--: 44. q.,,,.. 45.. AEFFIOXIMATE)NTEtty/11::.„'” 'i%;,'.. DUKOrOfrASK-Y OONSEOUENCEVE: 46::-D '1 47APPROXIMAT,E3NTERVAVI 12 VcAtliE 450,pEATI-1iii;i■ N;1S.y,NpEFILmtNc GIVEN ABCVE: s "1 1' 11 ,1',r 49: INJURY? NO 50:INJURYATWORK17 y- NO 51.MANNEI1, OF DEA, TH '"ae .jtriN N1,1k,11;',V'''r NATURAL 57 411T'-`14 I qr;160 53. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFOPMED? NO s. 54. WEREAUTORSYFINDINGSAVAILABLET017, 1 -t.".!": 4 1 ...::•.•;i 4,:':;01•;.'.;•..;. '!»'.5;: VS NO,M AmoNlyi;'::' 1 ter Assistant To the best of my -know [edge, the cause(s) and manner stated. 17,1*(6416iintiierifiibal L Authority On the basis of examination, ,aldfor MI/Opinion; death occurred at the time date and place, and duelothelcause(s)andmanner 55. NAME OF PERSON COMpLETINGcAusEofoE,,,, TH, MALLAPPA NEELAPPA, M.D. 50;DATEc03T/FIED;p f1 39MATiREGISTEREDa '..-12/15kbi3' 1 -.:9', 57ACE1FrrIFIEITS:A1 -1,: 2275 YUMA, AZ 85364-6258 58". NAME OF REGISTRAR: ANA P TRIGUEROS Ai.M. ,.::r• 0 A ri zo n De partmept of 1H ea Ith Services CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE VOIDS THIS DOCUMENT :STATE OF ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE OF VITAL RECORDS. CERTIFICATE OF DEATH This is a true certification of the on file with the OFFICE OF VITAL RECORDS, ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES, PHOENIX, ARIZONA R6ised 12/2012. This copy not valid unless,p1 on a form displaying the State Seal and impressed AIM SISTANT/STATE