HomeMy WebLinkAbout9775697-1- 6'6/_47 NORTHERN TITLE CO. PO BOX 856 THAYNE, WY 83127 State of Nevada County of Clark s Wayne T. Wells, being first duly sworn upon His oath, deposes and states as follows: 1.On the January 12, 2013, Janet Lee Smart- Wells passed away, as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. At the time of death Janet Lee Smart- Wells jointly owned certain real property with me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: ALL OF LOT 46 OF STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT 15, LOCATED IN LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL MAP AND PLAT THEREOF FILED SEPTEMBER 27, 1978 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 514466 IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. 3. Said real property was originally conveyed to WAYNE T. WELLS AND JANET SMART WELLS, husband and wife as tenants by the entireties, by WAYNE T. WELLS, dated 9/27/2004, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds on 9/30/2004, in Book 568 at Page 732 4. That the purpose of this Affidavit is to Terminate the Joint Tenancy interest held by Janet Lee Smart- Wells, at the time of her death, and vest the property solely in the name of Wayne T. Wells. ''11 Dated this <o 1 020 t L Subscribed and Sworn to and acknowledged before me this ret l L by Wayne T. Wells. Witness my hand and official seal. Katie Schumacher Notary Public State of Nevada My Commission Expires: 04-25-16 Certificate No: 08- 7614 -1 Affidavit of Survivorship (,),a Wayne T ells Notary Public 977569 7/18/2014 10:20 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 BOOK: 836 PAGE: 307 AFFIDAVIT PAGE JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 111111111 /111/ 1111 1 /II /1 III /11/ /1 /11 /111111111 /1111 1 /1 /111 /111 /1111 /1! /III /III 1OF 2 „1.0"trtmum,„,. s..oisrffizi:410 :;;;;77.Rmovetvalliswe .474.4mwmatp grifinallInt:5'1141F '1:94113„L'ity7257,477:1777.7744":7- vlavr•trik,rat,-7P;-,;0, CERTIFICATION AL RECORD COLORADO D ERA RTI111 ENT4IFT WILIC MEAl.:TH.. AND ENVI RONM.EINIT i• .1• .1710L1) LIGHT VIE*MATE71114AFt STATE OF COLORADO 2013000808 C EFITI CATF 0 Ft EATH STATE FILE NUMBER 1. DECEDENTS NAME (F4s Le WiLLS Temal 4. spate.. SECURITY NUMBER Sa. AGE 5b. UNDER 1 YEAR Sc: UNDERlDAY 6. DAZ Day year BIRTH. (Years) Mos Daya Hes Minn 60 n 1I;:. "I; Y. Jui.y 10 1952 ESE;{ 3. DATE OF DEATH,(MonINDay,:year) B. WAS:DECEDENT:EVER*. 9ePLACE OPDEATH (Check only orie) IN U.Si.ARIAED FD13CES2 OTHER: 0 Acetated Livi.giNuYalrigHiano' ID Reinke 0 Dedidant's Haeldenaa •0 Ys 51140. tnmellent EFI)Outpatlent El DOA 11:10therlebecify) 9b. FACILITY NAME (It not Institution.: glue street and number) 86. CITY;TOWN, CR LOCATION OF DEATH 9d. COUNTY OF DEATH :i St .11a 's •:::HOs ital Medical Canter ..'.:Grand Ji.inctiori: bMisa.::: 10i:4...DECEDENTS USUAL:OCCUPATION (Give kind of Work 10 4. BUSIN NDUST 1 MARFIAL STA11JS 12 SPOUSE Ir wil, 9 ive e 'd rl dOne duinost of Working Ma:De use reti tiFig ree) ."...,r El 1. Meni.d 1 :•'1: Never 'Married Ina/ en ame)., 1 Registered Nurse Nursing DVn 19.e. RESIDENCE -STATE 12b. COUNTY 1136.Cfr117,1N, OF99 /MON ri...sTREETANDNYNIBR Wyoming 'EV:aX1StI0LI: 48 :East- Ispcn. CrOVe,..Diftye.:• 4:( se. INSIDE CITY IJMITS? 13t. ZIP, CODE 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC 15. FIAC American' Ineban,' White, etc. 16. EDUCATION: (Spei: te hestgerte &Yes% epece Other, Mesican, Puerto Ri Semen (Q-12) 11 .1 533 Ye ON° a2930 sp White 16 AFATHER- NAIVE (Fuet. fispcIlk INFORMANT NAME and telatle to dpeaased• Carter Bruce SMART Helen MAULER SMART Brother 20a. METHOD OF DISPOSMON Poiaaation 20b. PLACE OF D151 (Name of calletety cmtnatory, or other 2Bc. LOCATION aty arrow. State 110ThOtspec6) Martin:::.Crematory Grand. Junction, Qo ore o 0 ect 2a. SIGNATUFIE 1 ....DIRECTO OR AC11NC 4991.1 CH 2 NAM EANOADDRESS OF Fe.plyTY ••.Martin':Mortnery 550 North Avenue 224.4 q^!.4 23. 16.15 OF DEATH 55 El AM 1:3 PIA El Milt' TO BE OMPLETEO 13Y SIGMNG PHYSICIAN 266.Terte teel of rry'ynowiete, ddath occurred at the limaidate pace, end die to Causr(s)and er as state& Stenatur0 a Q:;:.k. 236::NAME;ANDA2JLING ADDRESS 0 )E1NE PHYSICIAN .'.:1tsome„ •A. A.1■14:1st; A;Nrq to Immediate 24. DATE ANDTIME PPM Month January uyegse DUE °RASA CONSEOUENc2 OR Part 2. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS -Ccrlditions coninbutIng to death but not related b cause In Part 1 Grind Jurict.an; 'Italorado 81501 111. 8 I o MetunT ,171 Accident ElSoicids 1:3 Homicide 0 Pandingtrwestigaion OUndeterrelned. 12 2013 1:55 •Y IDTOI3ACCO USE CONTRIBUTETO DEATH Yes 01 No OProbably Unknown ;20?3 DITEISSI1ED THIS IS A TRUE"CERTIFIdATION'OP AND FACTSAS RECORDED IN THIS OFFICE. Do not accept unless prepared on security paper Avith engraved border.display.ing: the Co1orado state seal and of the RegiStrar. PENALTY BY LAW, Section 25 'ColOrado gevised Statuts, 1982, if a peison"alters, uses, attempts la.. use or furnishes to another for deceptive use any vital statistics record. NOTYALID IF PHOTOCOPIED. 22b; FILED (Mon11,•pay,yetu) MIL 4". Janu 2013 7.BIRTHPLACE (City and State or Foreign County) P .Ipr sp 15) 25. WAS COSONEFI NOTIFIED? A' Yes 17,(" don death OCLUired 26. NANIE OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN IF OTHER THAN SIGNING PHYSICIAN. 31IF FEMA4E; in Not preprint within Iasi yflar CI Not pregnanl. but ofegnant 43 days to 1 OPisonsof at lime oi &et year before death rjNol pregnant WI pregnant ivithln 42 days of death rjUoknows If pregnant within the p308 5000. .A2c:I HE HOVV114.11.1 05C EA AI4- [7:1 PfX: El mili i 7 N 'P. c)iL;;. viXi.l....e. gwe ne 11 R HYMAN STATE FiEGISTFiAW Interval betweett coat:tend death Interval between °neat and death interval beImo/Ionset and deadt z I:II 34 AUTOPSY Ir ;iigg;K",7,1"dr"s .5d`gglie'" "I :Is" 1 I 6 1 6 3 1 1 1 rPV, '2 ••"-d1 .iff? 10 kit., 1 11, 4