HomeMy WebLinkAbout977781Michael J Pearce, #7 -4838 SilvermanBorenstein, PLLC 100 W. 17 Street Cheyenne, WY 82001 Attorneys for Plaintiff STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN UNIFUND CCR Partners, v. Plaintiff, LENORE A WRIGHT Defendants. DATED this a5-- day of STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LARAMIE )ss Signed or attested before me on 977781 7/30/2014 9:20 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 837 PAGE: 70 LIEN STATEMENT JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK III III IIIIII II I lillll 111 III 11! IIll lI I I1111111111III IIII 1 1 III IIII IIII AFFIDAVIT FOR LIEN IN THE DISTRICT COURT Circuit Docket: CV- 2014 -18 I, MICHAEL J. PEARCE, after having been duly sworn upon my oath, depose and state as follows: I am the attorney of record for Plaintiff UNIFUND CCR Partners in the above referenced matter. The Defendant is LENORE A WRIGHT. 1. On March 18, 2014 the Lincoln County Circuit Court entered judgment against the named Defendant in the amount of $20,499.95 plus 10% post judgment interest. A certified copy of said judgment is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein. 2. Plaintiff files this affidavit and certified judgment to file a lien against the named defendant as well as the real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming at: CORSI RCHET L 06 T36 R119 S22 an addition to the City of ETNA, Lincoln County, Wyoming Address: 111900 N US HIGHWAY 89, ETNA, WY 83118 J I( 2014 p /1> day of THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT MICR EL J. PEARCE Attorney for Plaintiff 1 Votar i�blic Y 2014 by Michael J. Pearce. My Commission Expires: March 14, 2016 COUNTY OF LINC I SANDRA L H COURT WITHI STATE AFORE GOING T SI 411 a lma Pearce 1120.M: 7 -1419 SIlvecmmNereawin. PLLC IDD W. 17th 81. cheleeeq WY 12001 Teo an 314 -0710 PR: (s07) sit Unifund CCR Farmers vs, LENORE WRIGHT Plaintif. Defendant. LENORE A WRIGHT 111900 N US HIGHWAY 89 Lincoln THE STATE OF WYOMIN 'IA WY 83118 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING DOCKET NO: CV- 2014 -18 DEFAULT JUDGMENT CIRCUIT URT JUDGE RECEOVIED MAR 21. 2014 MAR 1 L 2014 SANDRA L HAWKES CLERK R LINCOON COUNT( S O W YOMING THIS MATTER, having come before the Court upon the Plaintiffk MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANT, including an affidavit from Plaintiff; AND FOR GOOD CAUSE SHOWN; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Judgment is granted in favor of Plaintiff, Unifund CCR Partners and against Defendant, LENORE WRIGHT in the following amounts: Principal $18,600.46, Prejudgment Interest of $2,050.63, and Costs $85.00, mums the payment of S236.J4 that has already been made, for a total judgment of $20,499.95. Post judgment interest to cc ntinue to accrue at IO DATED THIS j^' day of //!?/L4 dot f CERTIFICATE OE SERVICE I do hereby certify that a true and correct cop f the foregoing DEFAULT JUDGMEN was placed in the regular United States Mail, postage prepaid, this 1 day of 1f a ZE11(,, i 7 ;add ressed as follows, Silverman/ Borenstein PLLC 100 W. 17 2 Clteyenn A ttot