HomeMy WebLinkAbout977853File No.: ATEC 238624
Byron Errol Hoopes Mary Lou Hoopes nka Mary Lou Hoopes Hannon, Laurel Warren Hoopes, Carolya
Sue Hoopes nka Carolya Sue Hoopes Bolinder, Sally Anita Hoopes nka Sally Anita Hoopes Matesen,
Richard Clarence Hoopes, Reynold T. Hoopes, Randal Victor Hoopes, Melody Byrene Hoopes nka i4Wel''Ela
Byrene Hoopes Yurasek and Celeste Luella Hoopes nka Celeste Luella Hoopes Jacobson and Mary Lou
Hoopes and Laurel Warren Hoopes and Carolya Sue Hoopes and Sally Anita Hoopes and Richard
Clarence Hoopes and Reynold T. Hoopes and Randall Victor Hoopes and Melody Byrene Hoopes and
Celeste Luella Hoopes
grantor(s) of Afton, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
grantee(s), whose address is: P.O. Box 418, Thayne W1' 83127 the following described real
estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
IUdtdg,h &Id'j3/df e/D'o> it'e /otl a'is/v%'ekl, kohl/ 414W/1/Wilg! ddttiit4
CAil('Vsb# dcbSM /WHOi g AXy 3 P/q Fvb q
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Witness my /our hand(s) this day of
Byron Errol Hoopes
Mary Lou Hoopes nka Mary Lou Hoopes Harmon
Laurel Warren Hoopes
Carolya Sue Hoopes nka Carolya Sue Hoopes Bolinder by Melissa Beck as her attorney in fact
Sally Anita Hoopes nka Sally Anita Hoopes Mateson
Richard Clarence Hoopes
Reynold T. Hoopes,
Laurel Warren Hoopes Richard Clarence Hoopes and Reynold T Hoopes
Randall Victor Hoopes
File No n Rev. 6130/2014
Melody Byrene Hoopes nka Melody Byrene Hoopes Yurasek
Celeste Luella Hoopes nka Celeste Luella Hoopes Jacobson
977853 8/4/2014 4:07 PM
BOOK: 837 PAGE: 320 DEED, WD
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SFeof I
Co ty of
On this da of 2014, before me, a
Notary P blic in and r said state, personally appeared Melissa Beck as Power of Attorney for Carolya Sue
Hoopes Caroly. Sue Hoopes Bolinder, known or identified to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are
subscribed t, the 'thin Instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed same.
IN WITNES REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this
certificate t abo written.
No Public for the State
R iding at:
C mmission Expires:
State of
C ty of
CO File No a Rev. 6/30/2014
On du day of 2014, before me, a
Notary P is in and for sat state, personally appeared Sally Anita Hoopes nka Sally Anita Hoopes Mateson
known or id v, tified to me be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within Instrument and
acknowledged me tha a /she /they executed same.
IN WITNESS W t. OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this
first ab written.
Not ublic for the State of
Res' .''gat:
mmission Expires:
State of U-1- ss
County of e a.cAN e,
On this 1,5 day of 2014, before me, G� q (1 e671�Eh a
Notary Public in and for said state, pe na11y appeared Randall Victor Hoopes Ibriown or identified to me to be
the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they
executed same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this
certi cate first above written.
Notary Pu'1ic for the State of (i.\ -c h
Residing at: Li* c e-) fl %Q 0
Commission Expires: I r C4 1 7.a 2,01c
Notary Public State of Utah
Commission 653885
My Commission Expires
March 20.2018
Lots 5 and 7 of the Townsite of Fairview, according to that plat recorded in the County Clerk's
Office of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 9, 1989 as Plat No. 293 and Lot 13 of the
Townsite of Fairview, Block 4 Third Filing, according to that plat recorded in the County Clerk's
Office of Lincoln County, Wyoming on July 7, 2003, as Plat No. 221 -C