HomeMy WebLinkAbout977919AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: Peck Hadfield Baxter Moore, LLC 399 North Main Street, Suite 300 977919 8/11/2014 1:59 PM Logan, Utah 84321 LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $33.00 PAGE 1 OF 8 BOOK: 837 PAGE: 549 DEED, WD MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY LERK Heath Lawrence Johnson 9540 North Manhead Rd 111111111111111113111011111111111111111111111111111111111111101 P.O. Box 248 Randolph, Utah 84064 L N JOHNSON PROPERTIES, LLC, a Utah limited liability company, Grantor of Randolph, County of Rich, State of Utah, hereby CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to JOHNSON FARM AND RANCH, LLC, a Utah limited liability company, Grantee of 9540 North Manhead Rd, P.O. Box 248, Randolph, Utah 84064, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the following described tracts of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: TOGETHER WITH all ground and surface water rights associated with described tracts of land DATED this t e day of 2014 WARRANTY DEED SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED NOTARY PUBLIC 1 HEATHER BROWN Gonimission No. 659113 1 Commission Expires 1 SEPTEMBER 5, _2016 STATE OF UTAH I L N JOHNSON PROPERTIES, LLC -:ceL c ).61,,„, Heath L. Johnson, Member STATE OF UTAH GA/- ss. County of A4re On the ir of „left 2014, personally appeared before me HEATH L. JOHNSON who acknowledges that he is executing this instrument on behalf of L N JOHNSON PROPERTIES, LLC, in his capacity as Member to bind said Company. Notary Public AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: Peck Hadfield Baxter Moore, LLC 399 North Main Street, Suite 300 Logan, Utah 84321 MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: Heath Lawrence Johnson 9540 North Manhead Rd P.O. Box 248 Randolph, Utah 84064 Parcel 1: EXHIBIT "A" The following described land in T22N, R120W, Lincoln County, Wyoming: Lot 9 and the South Half of Lot 8 of Section 33; Lot 17 and the South Half of Lot 16 of Section 34; AND The Larry D. Johnson Exchange Parcel described as follows: That part of Tract 37, T21N and T22N, R120W, and Tract 38, T22N, R120W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Section 33, T13N, R8E, Rich County, Utah, on the Wyoming/Utah State Line and on a fence around a double rotating sprinkler system; Thence South 89°34'18" East, 733.97 feet, along said fence to a point; Thence South 85 °24'27" East, 419.64 feet, along said fence to a point; Thence North 38 °08'82" East, 1292.36 feet, to a point on a fence around a single sprinkler system; Thence North 14 °16'42" East, 594.67 feet, to a point along said fence to a point; Thence North 25 °52'33" East, 718.29 feet, to a point at the intersection of said fence and a fence bearing northwesterly; AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: Peck Hadfield Baxter Moore, LLC 399 North Main Street, Suite 300 Logan, Utah 84321 MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: Heath Lawrence Johnson 9540 North Manhead Rd P.O. Box 248 Randolph, Utah 84064 Thence North 73°41'13" West, 1132.26 feet, along said fence to the West line of said Tract 38 identical with the east line of said Lot 17; Thence South 00°20'19" West, 171.61 feet, along said west line to corner No. 5 of said Tract 38 on the north line of said Tract 37; Thence North 89 °58' 17" West, 1321.08 feet, along said north line to Corner No. 8 of said Tract 37 on the Wyoming/Utah State Line; Thence South 00 °02'25" East, 2347.18 feet, along said State Line to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; Each "corner" marked as described in a Corner Record on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WY PLS 164" and appropriate details; the BASIS of BEARING is the line between the southwest corner of Section 28, T22N, R120W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and the southeast comer of Section 4, T12N, R8E, Rich County, Utah and equals N00 °02'25 "E; All in accordance with the plat to be filed in said Office titled "PLAT OF SURVEY FOR JOHNSON RANCHES OF LAND WITHIN TRACTS 37, 38, 39, 41, 42 AND SECTIONS 27, 28, 33, 34 T22N R120W TRACT 37 AND SECTIONS 3, 4, 9, 10, 15 T21N R120W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AND SECTION33 T13N R8E RICH COUNTY, UTAH dated 12 Mar 1999 as revised. Parcel 2: Johnson Ranch of Larry's East Parcel Part of GLO Tract Nos. 38, 39, 41 and 42, T22N, R120W, and part of GLO Tract No. 37, T21N, R120W, also within Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35, T22N, R120W, and within Section 3, T21N, R120W, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on Line 2 -3 of said Tract No. 37 identical with the most easterly point of the Big Sprinkler Parcel of record in said Office in said AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: Peck Hadfield Baxter Moore, LLC 399 North Main Street, Suite 300 Logan, Utah 84321 MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: Heath Lawrence Johnson 9540 North Manhead Rd P.O. Box 248 Randolph, Utah 84064 Book 753 on said pages 543, N89 °59'31" E, 278.90 feet, of Corner No. 3 of said Tract No. 37; Thence coursing the northeasterly and northerly boundary of said Big Sprinkler Parcel as follows: North 30 °48'00" West, 1322.69 feet, to a point; North 58 °19'59" West, 926.45 feet, to apoint; South 88 °22'48" West, 948.87 feet, to a point; South 59 °58'24" West, 842.00 feet, to the northeast point of that parcel of record in said Office in Book 447 of Photostatic Records on page 138, and leave said Big Sprinkler Tract; Thence North 73 °38'56" West, 1132.46 feet, along the northeast line of said Parcel in Book 447 to a point on Line 5 -6 of said Tract 38; Thence North 00 °33'26" East, 163.62 feet, along said Line5 -6 to a point; Thence North 89°21'18" East, 2037.49 feet, to a point on the fence line running northeasterly and southwesterly; Thence coursing said fence line as follows: North 15 °11'26" East, 3688.30 feet, to apoint; North 60 °00'43" West, 156.68 feet, across the Bear River to a point; North 28 °05'33" East, 2370.92 feet, to a point on a fence line running northwesterly and southeasterly that is accepted as the property line between the Cornia and Johnson properties, and leave said fence line; Thence South 72 °08'43" East, 2818.70 feet, along said property line fence to a point; AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: Peck Hadfield Baxter Moore, LLC 399 North Main Street, Suite 300 Logan, Utah 84321 MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: Heath Lawrence Johnson 9540 North Manhead Rd P.O. Box 248 Randolph, Utah 84064 Thence continuing South 72 °08'43" East, 18 feet, more or less, to the west bank of the Bear River; Thence southerly, 1655 feet, more or less, along said west bank to an intersection with the northwesterly prolongation of a fence line running South 69 °44' 14" East and accepted as the property line between the Johnson and Willis properties on the east side of said River; Thence continuing southerly, 120 feet, more or less, along said west bank to an intersection with a line parallel with the above described fence line running South 69°44'14" East and offset southerly therefrom a distance of 86.61 feet; Thence South 69°44'14" East, 150 feet, more or less, along said parallel line to a point on a fence line running southeasterly and southwesterly; Thence coursing said fence line as follows: South 16°16'18" East, 192.39 feet, to a point; South 27 °20'56" West, 307.89 feet, to a point; South 38 °24'54" West, 502.53 feet, to a point; South 27 °59'27" West, 741.16 feet, to a point; South 41 °42'03" West, 921.53 feet, to a point; South 25 °38'57" West, 2933.48 feet, to a point on said Line 2 -3 of Tract No. 37, and leave said fence line; Thence South 89 °59'31" West, 73.52 feet, along said Line 2 -3 to the PONIT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 491.94 acres, more or less; AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: Peck Hadfield Baxter Moore, LLC 399 North Main Street, Suite 300 Logan, Utah 84321 MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: Heath Lawrence Johnson 9540 North Manhead Rd P.O. Box 248 Randolph, Utah 84064 That the called -for monuments and not the referenced fences determine the actual boundary lines of the above described tract; each "corner" found as described in a Corner Record on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with an aluminum cap inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WYO PLS 3889 or PLS 164" and other appropriate details, set this survey. Each intersection being a calculated position with no monument found or set; All in accordance with the map prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled: "MAP OF SURVEY FOR JOHNSON RANCH OF LAND WITHIN TRACTS 37, 38, 39, 41, 42 AND SECTIONS 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35 T22N R120W TRACT 37 AND SECTIONS 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 15 T21N R120W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 13 July 2012, as revised. Parcel 3: Johnson Ranch of Larry's South Parcel Part of GLO Tract No. 37 within Sections 3 and 4, all of GLO Lots 9 and 10 and part of GLO Lot 11 and part of the NW1 /4 of Section 10, all in T21N, R120W, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of said NW1 /4 of Section 10; Thence South 00°05'11" East, 2596.45 feet, along the east line of said NW 1/4 to a point; Thence North 54°08'17" West, 2572.89 feet, to a point on the easterly boundary of the Double Sprinkler Parcel of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 753 of Photostatic Records on pages 543 -545; Thence coursing said easterly boundary as follows: North 21 °46'39" East, 845.84 feet, to a point; North 07 °18'40" East, 1013.37 feet, to a point; AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: Peck Hadfield Baxter Moore, LLC 399 North Main Street, Suite 300 Logan, Utah 84321 MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: Heath Lawrence Johnson 9540 North Manhead Rd P.O. Box 248 Randolph, Utah 84064 North 07 °56'05" West, 1879.19 feet, to a point; North 36 °02' 12" West, 1060.72 feet, to a point; North 62 °58'44" West, 341.81 feet, to the south point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 447 of Photostatic Records on page 138, and leave said boundary; Thence North 38 °08'02" East, 1292.36 feet, along a southeast line of said tract in Book 447 to a point on the westerly boundary of the Big Sprinkler Parcel of record in said Office in said Book 753 on said pages 543 -545; Thence coursing the southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly boundary of said Big Sprinkler Tract as follows: South 14 °11'56" East, 751.99 feet, to a point; South 37 °03'33" East, 695.04 feet, to a point; South 60 °48'31" East, 581.15 feet, to a point; South 78 °35'26" East, 546.86 feet, to a point; North 81 °00'25" East, 1315.46 feet, to a point at a fence corner and leave said boundary; Thence South 26 °30'29" West, 381.59 feet, along a fence line to a point; Thence South 25 °40'28" West, 864.29 feet, along said fence line to a point on Line 4 -5 of said Tract No. 37; Thence North 89°53'19" West, 382.75 feet, along said Line 4 -5 to the northeast point of said Lot 9; Thence South 00 °17'00" East, 2002.83 feet, along the east lines of said Lot 9 and said Lot 10 to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETURN TO: Peck Hadfield Baxter Moore, LLC 399 North Main Street, Suite 300 Logan, Utah 84321 MAIL TAX NOTICES TO: Heath Lawrence Johnson 9540 North Manhead Rd P.O. Box 248 Randolph, Utah 84064 ENCOMPASSING an area of acres, more of less; Each "corner" found as described in a Corner Record on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; Each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with an aluminum cap inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WYO PLS3889 or PLS 164" and other appropriate details, found or set this survey. All in accordance with the map prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled: "MAP OF SURVEY FOR JOHNSON RANCH OF LAND WITHIN TRACTS 37, 38, 39, 41, 42 AND SECTIONS 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35 T22N R120W TRACT 37 AND SECTIONS 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 15 T21N R120W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 13 July 2012, as revised.