HomeMy WebLinkAbout978252DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR WILLOW CREEK RANCH 978252 9/4/2014 9:38 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $75.00 PAGE 1 OF 22 BOOK: 839 PAGE: 15 CCR'S JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 1111111 1M II III III 1 III I I III 11111 Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions regulating and controlling the use and development of real property, made "Declaration in connection with the Willow Creek Ranch located in the N1/2NE1/4, S1/2NE1/4, SE1 /4NW1/4 and Lot 2 of Section 18, in the SW1 /4SE1/4 of Section 7, and the N1/2SW1/4 of Section 17, all in T33N, R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, as depicted on the attached map which is incorporated herein by this reference "the Ranch The Ranch consists of 15 Tots all of which are at least 35 acres in size. Therefore, the Ranch is not a subdivision as defined by the laws of the State of VVyoming and the land use planning regulations of Lincoln County, Wyoming. This Declaration is made by and between the following named owners of the Ranch "Declarants Owners of Lots 2 8 9 1 0 1 1 12, 13, 14, and 15 Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner, Trustees of the Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated January 8, 2004, Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner, Trustees of the Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated May 16, 1997, F T Investments Limited Partnership, a Utah Limited Partnership, and L &V Investments Limited Partnership, a Utah Limited Partnership. Owner of Lot 1 Terry R. Clegg Owner of a portion of Lot 4 also known as Lot 2 of Willow Creek Ranch 2 Equitable interest pursuant to Real Estate Contract recorded in Book 817, page 579. Wiliam Edwin Bunnett Owners of Lot 3 John Lotshaw and Dawn Lotshaw, husband and wife. Owner of a portion of Lot 4 also known as Lot 1 of Willow Creek Ranch 2 Tyson Deon Heiner and Kayla Heiner, husband and wife. 1 Owner of Lot 5 Dee W. CaII Living Trust Owner of Lot 6 Fred Charlie Thielepape and Linda Ann Thielepape, husband and wife. Owner of Lot 7 Thunder Canyon Ranch LLC, a Utah limited liability company. Leonard R. Elfervig and M'Recia Elfervig 1. Purpose: Declarants are the Owners of certain real property, the Willow Creek Ranch as more particularly described above, all of which is sometimes referred to hereinafter as "the Property Declarants are adopting the following Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to preserve and maintain the natural character and value of the Property for the benefit of all Owners of the Property or any part there of. 2. Declaration: Declarant hereby declares that the Property shall be owned, sold, conveyed, encumbered, leased, used, occupied and developed subject to the following Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, which are sometimes referred to hereinafter as the "Covenants The Covenants shall run with the Property and any lot or portion thereof, and shall be binding upon all parties having or acquiring any legal or equitable interest of any part of the Property, tog et h e r w i t h their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. 3. Definitions: The following terms and phrases used in these documents shall be defined as: A. Owners: the owners are those parties set forth above. B. Common Services shall mean the roadway maintenance, snow removal services, fees and maintenance for on site or off site fire protection, utility maintenance and repair services for the Common Road and Shared Access Road and the utility lines located in the rights -of -way of such roads. Utility lines shall include all electric, telephone, irrigation, and any other utilities, asthey become available. 2 C. Committee shall mean the Management Committee responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. The Committee shall have at least 3 members. D. Declarants shall mean those owners as set forth above. E. Design Group shall mean the committee to consider and act upon such proposals for plans submitted to it from time to time. F. Development shall mean any alteration of the natural land surface, and all buildings, structures or other site improvements placed on the land to accommodate the use of a lot. Lot shall mean and refer to any plot of land designated as such on the map of the Willow Creek Ranch, with the exceptions of common area. G. Owner -shall mean those parties designated above as owners. H. Principal Residence shall mean the single family residential structure, constructed on any lot or portion of the Property, which is the principal use of such lot, and to which other authorized structures on such lot may be necessary or desired. 1. Common Area shall include the common road and shared access road of the Property. J. Single Family residential structure shall mean one residence, no multi families dwelling in one structure. 4. Association Membership: Every Owner of a lot or any portion of the Property (hereinafter referred to as "lot shall be a member of the association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any lot which is subject to assessment. 5. Voting Rights: The association shall have one class of voting membership. Members shall be all owners and shall be entitled to one vote for each lot owned. When more than one person owns an interest in a lot, all such persons shall be members. The vote for such lot shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect any lot. 6. Meetings: The committee shall call and conduct an annual meeting of lot owners, and shall meet from time to time as necessary to administer and enforce these Covenants. Written notice of any meeting shall be sent 3 to all members not less than 30 days or more than 60 days in advance of the meeting. The presence of members or the proxies entitled to cast sixty percent of all votes shall constitute a quorum. A quorum must be present to continue any meeting. The owners through the purchase of their lots agree to serve on the committee. The committee shall adopt such rules for the conduct of its business as are appropriate, including designation of officers and procedure of annual meetings of lot owners, Design Group and Committee. 7. Committee: The Committee, until fifty percent of the lots are sold, shall consist of Quinn R. Heiner, Deon F. Heiner, Frank Redd and Lance Redd. Upon the sale of fifty percent of the lots, the owners shall hold a special meeting to elect a group as their committee. The then existing committee shall function until a new committee is voted in and assumes its duties. Upon the creation of a new committee staggered terms shall also be started. One term shall be for one year, one term for two years and one for three years. Vacancies in the committee caused by death, resignation or inability to act shall be filled by the committee members for the remaining term. All Committee members shall be owners of lots within the Willow Creek Ranch. The committee shall consist of three members. The Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the owners of the lots within the property. After the initial term of office the standard term shall be three years. 8. Design Group: The Design Group shall be appointed by the Committee and consist of three persons at least one of whom shall be an architect, designer, contractor or developer. The initial Design Group shall have staggered terms of one, two, and three years. Thereafter, any person appointed by the committee shall hold office for three years unless vacated earlier. 9. Building Permit: No building, fence or other improvement, shall be constructed, erected, or maintained on any lot or tract, nor shall any addition thereto, or alteration therein be made until the ideas, plans, specifications and such other information relating to such improvements as the Design Group my require, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Design Group. In reviewing such plans and specifications, the Design Group shall consider the suitability of the improvements, the materials of which it is 4 being constructed, the colors to be used, the site upon which it is being constructed, the nature of the adjacent and neighboring improvements, the quality of the material to be used in any proposed improvements and the effect of any proposed improvement. It shall be the objective of the Design Group that no improvement is so similar or dissimilar to any other in the vicinity that values, monetary or esthetic, will be impaired. Material shall consist of wood, stone, glass or concrete. No vinyl siding or masonite products may be used. A. The Design Group shall review the plans and specifications within fourteen (14) days from the submission thereof, and determine if the proposed use or development conforms to the requirements of these Covenants. The Design Group may approve plans and specifications subject to any conditions or modifications, which the Design Group determines to be necessary in order to ensure the conformity with the requirements of these Covenants. The Design Group shall retain one set of plEns and specifications it reviews. 10. Development and Land Use Restrictions: All development and use shall conform to the following requirements: A. Each lot may only be divided one time with one house and Guesthouse on each half maximum Conformity with any and all applicable land use regulations of Lincoln County shall be required, in addition to the requirements of these Covenants. In case of any conflict, the more stringent requirements shall govern. B. Residential Use All lots and tracts are hereby restricted in use for residential purposes only, and neither the premises, nor any improvements thereon, shall be used for any commercial, industrial, public, illegal or immoral purposes and no nuisance shall be maintained or permitted to exist thereon. Home offices are allowed if they do not create any amount of traffic that would be considered burdensome by a reasonable and prudent neighbor. No parking shall be allowed at any time on the common roads within the Ranch due to fire protection 5 and snow removal. A parking spot by each bridge will be provided for fishing purposes. c. Authorized structures No building or structure shall be constructed or maintained on any lot except a single family owned residence, garage facilities, associated outbuildings, stable and corral facilities, not to exceed a total of four buildings or structures on any one lot. All structures shall be similar in design and materials. D. Construction Only new construction shall be permitted. All buildings shall be fashioned in character, design and architecture. No non approved used materials, no prefabricated and no modular structures of any kind shall be permitted. All main residential buildings must be built on site. No A -frame or Yurtec structures shall be allowed unless otherwise permitted by the Design Group. No garage, stable, corral or other outbuildings shall be prefabricated or constructed from used materials. The roofs of all structures shall be constructed of shake, asphalt shingles, non reflecting metallic roof coverings, or such materials as may be approved by the Design Group. Exterior colors shall be subdued and in the earth tone range. Color samples or pieces of all exterior materials and roofing materials to be used, shall be submitted to the Design Group for approval. All exterior construction on the primary residence shall be completed within two years from the commencement date of construction unless the Design Group and Committee approve an extension for good cause. All construction and alteration shall comply with current Lincoln County and State of Wyoming building and safety codes. E. Setbacks, Floor Area Requirements All structures shall be set back at least thirty feet from the front lot line and 30 feet from the 80 foot WI law Creek fishing right d-way reserved herein. The main residence shall not consist of less than 2,500 square feet m the ground level exdusive of garage. F. Utilities Electrical and telephone line have been installed underground to each lot. Connections within the property to underground utility line shall be completed at the lot owner's expense and shall be underground. G. Temporary Structures Prohibited No temporary structures such as trailers tents, shacks or other similar buildings shall be permitted on any lot, except during construction as authorized by the Design Group H. Maintenance Each lot and all improvements there on shall be maintained in clean, safe and attractive condition. Noxious weeds must be kept 6 under control at all times Failure of any lot owner to control weeds on his lot or to properly contain garbage, shall result in the committee correcting the situation and assessing the lot owner for the expense incurred by the committee. Water System Each structure designed for occupancy or use by human beings, shall be connected to a private water supply system at the owner's expense. Such water system including wells shall conform to the standards applicable for the area, including, without being limited, those of the Wyoming State Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Wildlife Resources. J. Fishing and Willow Creek Right of Way All fishing in the Willow Creek Ranch must be done with a valid Wyoming fishing license and can only be fished in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department Only lot owners and immediate family are allowed to fish. Only two fish per day per lot are allowed to be kept. All else is catch and released. An 80 -foot fish i n g right- of -way (40 foot o n each side from center of Willow Creek) is hereby reserved on each lot through which Willow Creek flows so that all lot owners may fish the entire Willow Creek inside the Ranch. Parking places by each of the 4 bridges are also hereby reserved for parking for all lot owners desiring to fish Willow Creek. K. Waste Disposal Each structure designed for occupancy or used by human beings, shall be connected to a private, individual waste disposal system at the owner's expense Such waste disposal system shall conform to the standards applicable for the area, including without being limited to, the regulations promulgated by Lincoln County, Wyoming. No outdoor toilets shall be permitted, except during construction and must be of storage type and be serviced and cleaned on as needed basis. L. Excavation and Mining No excavation of stone, sand, gravel earth, shall be made on any lot, except for such excavation as may be necessary in the connection with the erection of an approved improvement thereon. No oil drilling, oil development operation, quarrying, or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted on any lot. Ponds may be built with approval of the committee. M. Hunting will be allowed on each lot by owner, archery o n l y— Owners may hunt on their own lots by archery only but permission 7 must be obtained from the landowner to hunt on someone else's lot or lots. No firearms may be discharged anywhere on the Ranch. N. Snowmobiles and Motorcycles In no way shall motorcycles, snowmobiles, or other all terrain vehicles be used in such a manner as to infringe on the rights of others within the Ranch. It is the right of the Committee to review and adjust this rule as problems arise. Snow machining and motorcycling on personal Tots is allowed as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of other lot owners. No snow machining or motorcycling or horseback riding is allowed on any one else's lot without permission of the property owner 0. Easements The easements have been reserved for access and utilities for such other purposes incidental to the development of the property. P. Water Rights Some lots m a y have irrigation water rights issued by the State of Wyoming and use of any such rights is subject to regulation by the State. N o owner may use water o r more water than the applicable water right adjudication allows for that owner's lot. No damming, blocking, or diverting water from Willow Creek is allowed. Only that water allowed for use on a n y lot by the State of Wyoming pursuant to properly adjudicated water rights out of the Hardman and Anderson Ditches may be used. Q. Private Ponds —Water in private ponds may be used by the Fire Department in case of a fire. R. Maintenance of the 80 -foot Willow Creek F i s h i n g Right- of -Way shall be performed by the Committee, the expense of which shall be a part of the annual budget. 1 1 Duties of Committee: A. The Committee shall contract for snow removal and periodic maintenance services on the Common Road, shared access road, and Willow fishing right -of -way, and shall contract and pay for services required to enforce these Covenants. The committee shall prepare an annual budget estimate for membership approval and submit annual statements to each lot owner based upon its estimate. Billings shall be paid by lot 8 owners within thirty days from the billing date. Each lot owner will be responsible for and billed for their respective .share of the cost of the contract services as previously listed in the paragraph herein. Costs will be divided equally per lot regardless of the lot location and regardless of the location of the common services to be provided. In the event that the estimate of the committee is Tess than the actual expenses incurred by the committee any additional billings shall be paid by lot owners within thirty days of the billing date. Any assessment not paid with thirty days after the due date shall bear interest from the due date at the rate of ten percent per annum. The Committee may bring an action at law against the owner personally obligated to pay the same, and /or place a lien on the lot in order to enforce payment after ninety days from the billing date. The lien imposed herein shall have the same effect as real estate mortgages with power of sale in Wyoming and may be foreclosed pursuant to W.S. 34-4-101 et seq., and any successor or replacement statute thereto. The lien of assessment provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage. Sale or transfer of any lot shall not affect the validity of the assessment lien. B Special Assessments On the approval of two thirds of the lot owners the Committee shall have authority to establish special assessments to meet emergency or unusual conditions that have arisen. Special assessments shall be payable within thirty days of the billing date. Any assessment not paid with thirty days after the due date shall bear interest from the due date at the rate of ten percent per annum. Costs will be divided equally per lot regardless of the lot location and regardless of the location of the emergency or unusual conditions. The Committee may bring an action at law against the owner personally obligated to pay the same, and /or place a lien on the lot in order to enforce payment after ninety days from the billing date. The lien imposed herein shall have the same effect as real estate mortgages with power of sale in Wyoming 9 and may be foreclosed pursuant to W.S. 34 -4 -101 et seq., and any successor or replacement statute thereto. The lien of assessment provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage. Sale or transfer of any lot shall not affect the validity of the assessment lien. C. Limitation of Liability Neither the Committee nor any member thereof nor the Design Group nor any member thereof shall be liable to any party for any action or inaction with respect to the performance of their duties pursuant to these Covenants, provided that they acted in good faith. 12. Violations; Enforcements; Liens; Costs: The provisions of these covenants may be enforced by the Committee or any owner of a lot within the Property; or its successor in interest as owner of the real property. Every owner of a lot within the property hereby consents to the entry of an injunction against him or her or his or her tenants or guests, to terminate and restrain any violation of these covenants. Any lot owner who uses or allows his or her lot to be used or developed in violation of these covenants further agrees to pay all costs incurred by the committee or other lot owners in enforcing these covenants, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. The Committee shall have a lien against each lot and the improvements thereon to secure the payment of any billing for common services, special assessments, or penalty due to the committee from the owner of such property which is not paid within the time provided by these covenants, plus interest due from the date of demand for the payment at the rate of ten percent per annum. 13. Filing of Liens: The Committee is authorized to record a notice of lien in the office of County Clerk of Lincoln County Wyoming which shall include a description of the property and the name of the owner thereof and the basis for the amount of the lien. The Committee shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred in the collection of any unpaid assessment, and the establishment or enforcement of any lien, including filing costs, reasonable attorney's fees, costs of foreclosure, and court costs. 14. Amendment: These Covenants may be amended by the written 10 consent of 75% of lot owners within the property. 15. Duration of the Covenants: All of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions set forth herein shall continue and remain in full force and effect at all times against the Property and the owners and purchasers or any portions thereof, subject to the right of amendment as set forth in Article 14 hereof. If required by law, these Covenants shall be deemed to automatically renew themselves at twenty -year intervals, unless 75% of the lot owners agree otherwise in writing. 16. Severability: Any decision by a Court of competent jurisdiction invalidating any part or paragraph of these Covenants shall be limited to the part or paragraph affected by the decision of the Court, and the remainder of the Declaration and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions therein shall remain in full force and effect. 17. Acceptance of Covenants: Every owner or purchaser of a lot within the Property shall be bound by and subject to all of the provisions of this Declaration, and every lot owner or purchaser through his or her purchase or ownership expressly accepts and consents to the operation and enforcement of all of the provisions of this Declaration. 18. Subdividing of lots: Lots may only be divided one time. 19. Agricultural Rights: All potential lot owners are put on notice that there are existing agricultural operations within the neighboring area. 20. Existing airstrip: All potential lot owners are put on notice that there is an existing airstrip located at the east end of the Ranch with an existing hangar on Lot 12. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the following Declarants have executed this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Willow Creek Ranch as of the day of 2014. 1 1 [[nam snl I ward fe9 'B P =Es. son MS( 6101— 1 101 69000r ti retie 9.G.., t r .l t 1, J// 1 i 4" o 1 '''N i.::,_,, N. \'.-1 t, i ooe, In •l aceul 310[ 11 [S[S 9...11.699 swot 300 s[ Z 1 0 1 COS punol 001309 3j lasaaw03 uopaaS T punojJewoyepan° ►1 l0 Slaw0.3/41e170 punopepau u0 deo wnuyenly ∎nol luawnuopy adfi W78 las lu0100 e: 0211 W19 'rd awl uo deo wnuwn/y ■0 .Id 001700 deo wnulwnly ,o }ulad1.1.1=1.3 punejaepay punol edfd 90,1 0 las adld uoll puny) asIdS 7as 0449 3 Pu lesN'N'd laspeN)fd ON3931 86997/?df Marl P.7ap Pw 06pal++oi07.0u 10 flap 0 47 a PO /n0 pm ono am uw0lnso9 /.avn9 a471ry1 poo uv.04s 3139010 'aay ow:1000w 0 w4M+ 70/0/0/0/.0 ,91P Pa+f3100 9 02 9 0 310 4P00rns0PPoe mays Au90 oo;npa(wasaneylIota 4 R4ala4'l 0 P( 0 17 31n01iu833 S.210.l3hanS e oos STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN SS. Quinn R. Heiner, Trustee Hyesoon H. Heiner, Trustee On this /6 day of 3 C-e i 2014, before me personally appeared Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn and put upon their oath, did say that they are the trustees of the Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated January 8, 2004, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said trust; that said trustees had the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustees acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate. CLAUDIA ANDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC County ot Uncoln State ot Wyoming My Commission Expires Ma 26, 209t3 My commission expires: J S ')r 1 g 12 g 1 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN s My commission expires: 13 Deon F. /Heiner, Trustee Cheryl V. Heiner, Trustee On this day of 0 t A V,A., 2014, before me personally appeared Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner, to me personally known, ho, being by me duly sworn and put upon their oaths, did say that they are the trustees of the Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated May 16, 1997, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said trust; that said trustees had the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustees acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate. F k (l. NOTARY 6JBLIC Orr STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF S Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ss. F T Investments Limited Partnership By The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before roe by K. Frank Redd as general partner of F T Investments, a Utah limited partnership, this day oAJ(j 2014. 14 K. Frank Redd, General Partner BECKY M. MACKENZIE s NOTARY p STATE of UTAH er COMM. O o. 651601 SIGN EXP. Q1.16 -2016 r My commission expires: SS. Witness my hand and official seal. L V Investments Limited Partnership STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OFS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before m Lan by e H. Redd as general partner of L V Investments, a Utah limited partnership, this day of 2014. .Pq �P \nac <A/,g �h� PUBLIC I1Q 15 Lance H. Redd, General Partner BECKY M. MACKENZIE f NOTARY PUBLIC STATE of UTAH i ce: lC; i 't COMMISSION NO. 651601 COMM. EXP. 01 -16 -2016 STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Leonard R. Elfervig and M'Recia Elfervig, this G day of �l. 2014. Witness my hand and official seal. s. AMY WINN Notary Public, State of Utah Commission #610209 My Commission Expires Dec. 30, 2015 My commission expires: y t 16 Leonard R. M'Recia Elfe ¶ig 1 Y PUBLIC STATE OF UTAH My commission expires: Thunder Canyon Ranch LLC Leonard Elfervig, ar�ager By 17 cz M'Recia Elfervig, ,fGl pager ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE 6 On this 11' day of t iL- r'L( 2014, before me personally appeared Leonard R. Elfervig and M'Recia Elfervig, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are the Managers of Thunder Canyon Ranch LLC, a Utah limited liability company, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said limited liability company by authority of its members. Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate. —At _—.414b of sed IC T a AMY WINN�� Rlotery Public State of 1 C o O missi o n Utah My Commission f Doe, 39. 201 1 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ss. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 3 tt t T,zo/ 18 KG sorriSeon Heiner Kayla Heiner The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Tyson Deon Heiner and Kayla Heiner, husband and wife, this 10 day of _\.q L/ 2014. NOTARY PUB IC LANCE .P. ROBINSON NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OP LINCOLN \I WYOMING MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 18, 2016 STATE OF U-4-ob COUNTY OF 1, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Terry R. Clegg, this day of 2014. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ss. c. uasa. uosl_. NOTARY PUBLIC 20 Terry R. Clegg I THERESA DAVIES I I Notary Public 0 I State of Utah Comm. No. 649393 0 I y My Comm. Expires Nov 15, 2015 STATE OF lj 1uolivC-TJi(J COUNTY OFT c_r) t J ss. Witness my hand and official seal. WHITNEY BUICKLEY NOTARY POEM coUPrrY of ,a r STATE OF LINCOLN C4 4 WYOMING MY CONMI.SIGN EXPIRES JULY 9.3, j 21 My commission expires: :=1 13, 21) 1 8 /John Lotshaw DawraiLot The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by John Lotshaw and Dawn Lotshaw, husband and wife, this day of /-k- l ",�(l 5 2014. STATE OF 0 \i--\\x‘ -06 COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by William Edwin Bunnett, this day of t 2014. Witness my hand and official seal. L•j tf;1�i .e'u'1! 6'rE.',_,. iARY PUB; I TM OF WYONNG ON '1 JUNE n, 201.6 COUNTY 4NT OF LINCOLN ss. My commission expires: 0 t�\,■-e_ 23 William Edwin Bunnett