HomeMy WebLinkAbout978321The Living Trust Agreement of Joel Neuenschwander and the Julia T. Haderlie Family Revocable Trust, P.O. Box 1445, Afton, Wyoming, 83110, GRANTOR, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, remise and quitclaim to the Nield String Irrigation Company, c/o Alvin Robinson, Secretary, P.O. Box 677, Afton, Wyoming, 83110, GRANTEE, it successors and assigns, a perpetual easement to lay, construct, and maintain irrigation utilities with the usual services, connections, accessories, and appurtenances for the purpose of transmitting water in, through, and across GRANTOR's property described in Exhibit 'A'. The route of the easement shall be 33 feet in width for the utility easement, as described in Exhibit 'A'. This remise and quitclaim includes the right of the GRANTEE, its successors, permittees, licensees and assigns and its and their agents and employees, to enter at all times upon the above described land by using existing roads or trails or otherwise by a route causing the least damage and inconvenience to the GRANTOR in order to survey and establish the route and location of the easement and the pipeline and to: (1) Construct, operate, patrol, repair, substitute, remove, enlarge, replace, and maintain the utility /access, services, connections, accessories and appurtenances; The GRANTEE agrees: UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT (1) That, in connection with the construction, operating, patrolling, repairing, substituting, removing, enlarging, replacing, and maintaining of said utility line, it will repair or replace, at its sole expense, or pay to GRANTOR the reasonable value of any damages to existing fences, ditches, and other appurtenances of said land that may be disturbed by its operation. (2) That, during operations involving excavation, trenching, or other ground disturbance, it will remove the topsoil from the trenched area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil, whichever is Tess, and stockpile said topsoil for replacement over the trench. It will remove from the site any large rocks or surplus excavating material or any debris that may have been exposed by the excavation and remains after backfilling is completed. And, it will leave the finished surface in substantially the same or better condition as existed prior to the beginning of operations except that the surface or backfilled areas may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the formation of depressions after final settlement has taken place. 0 0 w 9 Q a w J Q U F W Z o W 0 0 N B Z o *A- J o U C W Z J W Z Q W a Z N z w M 0 Z zo Q 01 The GRANTOR agrees: (1) That at no time will they build, construct, erect, or maintain any permanent structure within the boundaries of said easement without the prior notice to and written consent of GRANTEE. (2) That at no time will they modify the finished grade of the land over the utility by removal of existing soils or by placement of fill material within the boundaries of said easement without the prior written consent of the GRANTEE. The terms, covenants and provisions of this easement and agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. See Exhibit `A' and `B' attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. DATED this day of Jc..07 2014 GRANTOR: STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was subscribed, _sworn, and acknowledged before me by ReaM1,21 ore s dated this q day of 7 2014. WITNESS my hand and official seal. HEATHER WARREN NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln r Wyoming My Commission Expires ember 15, 2014 My Commission Expires: i9 15_ Living Trust'. Agreement` •of Joel Neuenschwander BY:.. .17 4(e 40"--ku, NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF lk f l [57/0 f V7 y SS. COUNTY OF 1,i ridO The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn, and pknowledged before me by gee -hei,- 1.0h,,4,,i'v1 dated this day of 2014. WITNESS my hand and official seal. County of Lincoln HEATHER WARREN NOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming My Commission Expires December 15, 2014 ~1. My Commission Expires: p )5 Julia T. Haderlie. Family Revocable Trust, i" BY:\ NOTARY PUBLIC The undersigned, Joe Nield, Chairman, on behalf of Nield String Irrigation, hereby accepts the utility and access agreement granted above. This Acceptance was executed this day of 5� 2014. NIELIL STRING IRRIGATION BY: Meld, Presid STATE OF LU COUNTY OF 1 orA 41. The foregoing instrument was subscribed, sworn, and cknowledged before me by j o�►�ei c dated this subscribed, day of 2014. My Commission Expires: "'L gO 7 ACCEPTANCE SS. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NO ARY PUBLIC LISA HOKANSON NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires August 16, 2017 Located in the NE1 /4NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 36, T32N, R119W of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being depicted on Exhibit "B and on Construction Drawing Documents on file at the Afton Lincoln County Airport, more particularly described as follows: Utility and Access Easement "EXHIBIT A" Legal Description Commencing at a point 25.78 feet east and along the south property line from the Southwest corner of the 3.69 acre parcel described in Warranty Deed dated July 9, 2014, Book 836, Page 49, Lincoln County, Wyoming and the True Point of Beginning: Thence east along the south property line of the parcel 46.65 feet; Thence northwest at a 45 degree angle with the south property line of the parcel a distance of 102.14 feet to a point on the west property line of the parcel; Thence south along the western boundary of the parcel 46.54 feet; Thence southeast at a 45 degree angle with the south property line of the parcel a distance of 36.36 feet to the end of said utility and access easement, being a constant 33' in width and centered on the irrigation main. Said easement contains 0.05 acres, more or Tess. TO TW'A8' T O EXHIBIT "B" UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN SEC. 36, T32N, R119W, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING EXISTING IRRIGATION 7 MAIN TO BE ABANDONED MORRISON Surveyors Emblem Sdentlafa al MAIERLE, INC. Planners An Hmployee-Owned Company EX EXISTING DOUBLE CANTILEVER GATE Phone: (406) 587 -0721 Fax: (406) 922-6702 2880 Technology Blvd. W. Bozeman MT 59718 .0 4. t qr. COPYRIGHT o MORaISxNMAIERLE. INC, 2014 d' DRAWN BY: CJF CHK'D. BY: TJE APPR. BY: TJE DATE: 08/2014 F *t !49710111Acad\Exhibits\EXHIBIT A- IRR UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT.dwg Plotted by cody farley an Aug/29/2014 0 0. OI •2 r.. LIVING TRUDT AGREEMENT OF JOEL NEUENSCHWANDER AND JULIA T. HADERLIE REVOCABLE TRUST R iN Lri S,,\ rr N F. R\ n n 29.51' }l 46.65' EXHIBIT "B" LEGEND EXISTING AIRPORT ANIMAL CONTROL FENCE TYPES EASEMENT BOUNDARY AIRPORT BOUNDARY IR PXW R PROPOSE D IRRIGATION MAIN EXISTING IRRIGATION MAIN AFTON- LINCOLN COUNTY AIRPORT AVIAT TAXIWAY TO AFTON AIRPARK 0 30 (IN FEET) S5 NIELD STRING IRRIGATION UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT AFTON WYOMING PROJECT NO. 2497.011 FIGURE NUMBER 1