HomeMy WebLinkAbout978406Quitclaim Deed KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Vincent Guinta, in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remised, released, conveyed and quitclaimed and by these presents does remis, release and forever quitclaim to Larry K. Kominsky and Gina M. Kominsky, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, whose address is 428 Lower Sunset, Kemmerer, WY 83101, all right, title and interest in the following described real property in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln: Lot 4 of Block 34 in its entirety and part of Lots 3, 5 and 6 of Block 34 in the First Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, which are more particularly U CO ti 43 z 0 n 01 described as follows: A D 03 o al Part of Lot 3, Block 34: n 0 m n z Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Lot Numbered Three in r n n Block Numbered 34 in the First Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, as z L+ m surveyed, platted and recorded and running thence in a southerly direction o w along the Eastern boundary of Lot 3, 46 -2/3 feet; thence in a Westerly t" N direction 4o feet; thence in a Southeasterly direction a line running parallel o v o t• 10 feet from the Westerly boundary of said Lot 3, a distance of 93 -1/3 feet to z ,p the Southerly boundary of Lo 3; thence Westerly along the said Southerly G :1. boundary 10 feet to the Westerly boundary of Lot 3; thence Northwesterly m 3 along the Westerly boundary of Lot 3, 140 feet to the Northwesterly corner 7, D of Lot 3, thence Easterly along the Northerly boundary of Lot 3, 50 feet to m the point of beginning Pat of Lots 5 and 6 of Block 34: 0 T Commencing at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 6 in said Block 34; thence along the Southerly boundary of said Lot 6 North 63 °26'E, 17.5 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 15 °11'E, 124.2 feet; thence South 26 °34'E, 92.6 feet; thence South 63 °26'W, 82.7 feet to the point of beginning TOGETHER with all improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto; subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights -of -way of record or in sight or use. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my signature this day of Seri— 2014. U,r�n ceA21 l�— Vincent Guinta 1 State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Vincent Guinta, this i Dill day of .S.tfth.y FYt.I .ir 2014. Witnesitnel&P T�fficial seal. 4. 'ti):,-!°1131:. B 7 w a m �1 CJ ro� Notary Public My CorfP s AMID 1+ ,ii LI) a) i s ss. it6iw,_,,z aii„,,,L,J 2