HomeMy WebLinkAbout9785125. Joseph B. Bluemel Bluemel Law Office 510 Sapphire Street P.O. Box 47 Kemmerer, WY 83101 (307) 877- 9091/(307) 877 -9092 Probate \Kirkwood\Decree 978512 9/23/2014 3:46 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $18.00 PAGE BOOK: 840 PAGE: 82 DECREE JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 11111111111111 1111111111 1111111111111111111111111 !111111111111 111 11111111 IN THE MATTER OF DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP OF ROBERT J. KIRKWOOD, Deceased Name Mary R. Kirkwood Sheri Kirkwood Kari Kirkwood Robert Shaun Kirkwood County, Wyoming, to -wit: Relationship Spouse Daughter Daughter Son BY_ 1OF 3 FILED IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING SEP 2 2 2.014 KENNETH D. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT LINCOLN 3rd STDISTRICT T WYOMING PR- 2014 -37 -DC DECREE ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY The above entitled matter came on regularly for hearing this 4 //61 day of September, 2014, before the Honorable David B. Park, District Court Judge on the application ofPetition and Affidavit for Distribution of Estate or Decree Establishing Right and Title to Real Property, as heretofore filed by the Petitioners, and the Court, having reviewed the file of record and being duly advised in the premises, finds as follows: 1. That the aforesaid petition and affidavit or application dated the 20 day of August, 2014, filed with this Court on the 22' day of August, 2014 in accord with §2 -1 -205 W.S. (1997) applied to this Court for an order authorizing a summary procedure for distribution of certain real property described in full hereafter, is sufficient, complete and in accordance with law. 2. That due and proper notice of this hearing has been given; and that there is on file in the record herein, an Affidavit of Publication showing compliance with §2- 1- 205(c) (Lexis 2001). 3. That the above named Decedent died on the 28t day of October, 1996, in Cheyenne, Laramie County, Wyoming. 4. That the Decedent died intestate leaving surviving his heirs at law, the following persons: That the Decedent died seized of an undivided one -fourth interest in land located in Lincoln The westerly one -half (W /2) of Lot Numbered Twenty (20) and the westerly one -half of the northerly one -half (W %2NI /2) of Lot Numbered Nineteen (19) in Block Numbered Two (2) in the Fairview Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as surveyed, platted and recorded and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of said Lot Numbered Twenty (20) and running thence easterly along the northerlyboundary of said Block Two (2) a distance of seventy (70) feet; thence southerly at right angles a distance of sixty (60) feet; thence westerly at right angles a distance of seventy (70) feet; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Block Two (2) a distance of sixty (60) feet to the point or place of beginning TOGETHER with all buildings and improvements thereto. TOGETHER with all easements and restrictions of record. 6. That no application for the appointment of a personal representative for the Decedent's estate is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 7. That the value of the entire estate of said Decedent, wherever located does not exceed two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). 8. That more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the date of death of the Decedent. 9. That pursuant to the Petition and Affidavit for Distribution of Estate, the share of the right, title and interest of Decedent to said real property vested upon his death in said heirs in the following manner: Name Share of Decedent's Estate Mary R. Kirkwood 1/8 Sheri Kirkwood 1/24 Kari Kirkwood 1/24 Robert Shaun Kirkwood 1/24 10. That no objections, written or oral, have been filed with the Court by any party whomsoever, as to the above captioned matter. Based upon the aforesaid, the Court makes the following: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. That the Court has full and complete jurisdiction over the subject matter and all interested Parties in this cause. 2. That the file of record herein is complete and meets• all the requirements of §2 -1 -205 (1997) for relief prayed for in the application. Probate \Kirkwood \Decree -2- Probate\Kirkwood \Decree IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that at the aforesaid date of death of the Decedent, the distributees entitled to this estate are: Name Share of Decedent's Estate Mary R. Kirkwood 1/8 Sheri Kirkwood 1/24 Kari Kirkwood 1/24 Robert Shaun Kirkwood 1/24 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Mary R. Kirkwood, Sheri Kirkwood, Kari Kirkwood and Robert Shaun Kirkwood are the present owners of their share of interest in the below described real property, thereby vesting in said Mary R. Kirkwood, Sheri Kirkwood, Kari Kirkwood and Robert Shaun Kirkwood their share of the interest in the following described real estate situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming The westerly one -half (W %z) of Lot Numbered Twenty (20) and the westerly one -half of the northerly one -half (W %2NY2) of Lot Numbered Nineteen (19) in Block Numbered Two (2) in the Fairview Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as surveyed, platted and recorded and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of said Lot Numbered Twenty (20) and running thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said Block Two (2) a distance of seventy (70) feet; thence southerly at right angles a distance of sixty (60) feet; thence westerly at right angles a distance of seventy (70) feet; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Block Two (2) a distance of sixty (60) feet to the point or place of beginning TOGETHER with all buildings and improvements thereto. TOGETHER with all easements and restrictions of record. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that a certified copy of this decree shall be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk; and thereafter the decree and record thereof shall be presumptive evidence of title to the property herein described. DONE IN OPEN COURT this J./ day of September, 2014. -3- DAVID B. PARK District Court Judge Ito yer s J 4 T OA. is 1-‘4 5 r t7 fih4ti� icy, ti! }1>X ,AeCV4044S gg, 1 ^,F 4�,;�I����5 4�5��[tiz��s a 4�tU1pA SiiPTA5E nu, e 0 �i�