HomeMy WebLinkAbout978537STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF DAVIS I, Max D. Woolverton being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law upon my oath and depose and state: 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of Mountain Home, Idaho, and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the Office of the Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 319PR, Page 548 is recorded a Warranty Deed dated October 22, 1992, which conveys unto Max D. Woolverton and Gladys I. Woolverton, joint tenants, the following property more particularly described, to -wit: Commission Expires: Lot 4 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 15, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed as Instrument No. 514466 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. 3. That said Gladys I. Woolverton died on the 17th day of June, 2014, and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to an a true and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A 4. That by reason of death of said Gladys I. Woolverton and by reason of state statutes, the decedents interest and title in said property has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Max D. Woolverton continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. ss. Witnessed my hand and official seal. AFFIDAVIT The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to before me by Max D. Woolverton this 21) day of September, 2014. 2.0/S,2di 978537 9/25/2014 10:49 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 840 PAGE: 173 AFFIDAVIT JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK IIIIIII IttII IIII IIIIII !IIII II II 1 III IIIII 1111! IIIII IHII HH IIII II 1 III (II! IIII Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC LOSE 1 I E COLE 659899 COMMISSION EXPIRES NOVEMBER 9, 2016 STATE OF UTAH ry CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 201401353 STATE OALBNUMBBA:::::::::;. QFPPE�tth rar, "91111111ffik A-Tit WOOLVERTON." 3b:•CITY, TOWttOR LOCATION:ig.::DEATq Elko White 90: OF BIRTH:IIf flot fyailf 13SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBE:f 45ei RSIDEN9E:STATE 18a. INFORMANT- NAME (Type or Print) Patty LOVELAND ALNREMATION:MOVAL. OTFIERISPegy), re:Met :20a.T.LINEME DIApTO:SIGNATURE JASON SIGNATURE TRADEpALL -NAME AND ADDRESS 21a. TOlhe bEiatt:Of.:dfy knowledge4eathoccurred *the tpe, date encl. placcrand 1 3 5 Iwe tiftlife cause(s) qate):1,' 211;CDATE•:.SIONEO(MO/Oay/yry7 21c. HOLIR.:OF:DEATH r--21d. NAME OF ATTENDING 'PHYSICIAN IF OTHER•THAN CERTIFIER- 17k-ion (Type or Print) 24altEGISTNNR:pignatuta) NIPOLEfSH Si ONAT.URg AUTHENTIPATEPW. 81:6•ACC., SUICIDE. OR PENDINO 28e, INJURY. ATMORK (Specify oa either, glya:street: nf number) 1811 CanYon:Drive:-..• 6. Hispanic Origin? Specify No Non-Hispanic 911C1TIZEN9F WHAT COUNTRY 14USUAVOCQIJPATION of,i1.1y.brk.DPne Ddring Mat: of Workinglife,'Even If RetIred)„ Homemaker i. couNTY gsk,..DA78.•.giNJ9:ty: 19:PDPP1 12 7a. AGE birthday (Years) 83 15c. CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION 2. DATE OF DEATH (Mo/Day/Year) 17, 204 7b. UNDBR YEAR MOS' I DAYS) 11.MARRIEO; MARRIED,MIDOWED, 112. SURVIVING SPOUSE (if wife, give DIVORCED-ppally) Married: .maidennarile). Max WOOLVERTON 17;:MOT.HER/pARENT•NAIME (First-Middle Last Suffix) Cleve IIAPER 18b.MAILING ADDRESS: State; #3:Eike:;-NeVada:t§8cd:::::: 19b. ,CEMETERY OR'CREMATORYi, NAME, Sunset Crematory 20b.FUNERAL' DIREPPRPPENSE .gee: 28f. PLACE OF INJURY- At home, farm, street, factory office:: building, etc. (Specify) 39..:IftIOSp., Or lat.:: indiCata Ini*fengsPecb it.:::: ::::Home 7c..:UNDER 1 DAY HOURS 14b. KINO.:OF:t3DSINESS ORMQUST 15d. STREET 1811 Canyon Drive 206::::NAMEANO.ADORESS 'OFFACILITY P 0 BOX Elke:AW":4980t: '22a .0filhesbasIs oteXaminat(On:and/orlfivestigatIon in my opiplcirP.tleath:acurr3ittiat:::.:.: •ci 0 the tiritd, date and place and due to the!cause s) gated. SIGNATURE AUTHENTICATED :W 22D. 0 z .1: August 25:;' AND ApPRESS 06120Ai■OPV0f1:COIVI■IPF) TI;j(Piioi(pelbt) Willtam RO Silver Street E 2.3i NA. 24b.,DATE RECEIVEWREOISTA2ARg• (Mo/Day/Yr) August 25 2014 w.41FicANT.:10N.P.9:101■10:DociditiPn.".sqntributfogte:death:butnotreetilting Inlhe undeflying cause given in Part 1. 3a. COUNTY OF DEATH Elko 4/:SEX Female g:DATE:OF BIRTHSMOIDay/Yr) •••••:dunetI:1031 Ever in 1.)$Arfrie Forces?::: 15e. INSIDE:01y LIMITS (SPeelly*Yes or No) 19C ori•TPwrig:::Atqt Elko Nei 89803 HOUR OFDEATFL 22 1 23b. :24c. TO COMMUNICABLE DISEASE YES' W..: NQ 25. IMMEDIATE CAUSE ONLY CAUSE :PER:LINE:F01 (c).) PAR1I Lou h 9 "iDiseade r DU.S•TO, OR AS.:8 coNsE9ws.N12F:,.::-. DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: (d) TO, OR AS.A:SONSE011ENSE (c) Interval onset and:treatV erval betuyee6•OnS4t and death Af Interval CetweartonseLand death. 26. AUTOPSY (Specify Yes c( 27. Viiii§tASE REFERRED TO CORONER (Specify Yes or No) Yes o66ORIBE•tiOw iwuRroCCuRR 26g. LOCATION sT5g§:.r OR •:::,ITY:OR TOWN LACK IECEDENT ::.10 fOURREfii'ilt. OSTITUTRSN'' iE.HANDBOOK REGARDING ''y )MPLETION -46.-FATHER/BARENT.: NAME (Ftypt...."..Middlt.:::Last.: PAR SHIS h T UCKER 3POSIT[ON (ADE CALL CE REIITER ;EGISTRO CAUSE: OF ANY-WHinik simaoiATE:: r-cAuss ;1:ATING.TRE q LJ A:Ti •s•Vrime:74 illiGa1219 A Th. N iiii IIP .0.0-,t -4:-.---,,A w 9PTCiffilileATio: firiffeliiiiiik' N. fr' g.::.'',14'14"74'•!:=L:::`,”:.":V•444'4' "tr.' 441 STATE REGISTRAR C CQ VITA Th)S:ig:true and exa'otteproduction of document officially registered and gacedititti:fildM.The'hfficeifilthe State Oegistfg::anO Vffel;I3ecords.: i:- l..sER 2914 S.141.T.ERGISTF3AR PA7PSSUE This copy is not valid unless prepared on engraved border disnfaying date sdal and signature of Registrar e VRS-Rev-20120523a 0• 0 114 61 4 (A