HomeMy WebLinkAbout87756009/1.9/'2001. 1.0: 43 FAX 307 886 ,~787 LOWER VALLEY F. NERGY ~] 005
Member # 1302143
Section II, T33N, RIISW
That WE, ~e~ undersized, STONEBROOK ~ ESTATE, IN
("~r~tor"), fbr a good ~d valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do
hereby ~t, convey ~d w~t unto Lower Valley Energy, a Cooperative Co~oration, oration
~d Jackson, Wyoming ~d to its successors ~d assi~s, ("Orantees"), a pe~etual ease~nent ~d
fight of way for the construction and continued maintenance, repair, alteration ~d replacement of
the electric distribution circuits, lines ~d equipment of the ~tee to be constructed ~d m~nta~ed
trader, upon and across the premises of~tor in LINCOLN County, State of ~OMING along
a line deschbed as follows, to wit:
g~I'NG a portion of the NWl/4 fiWl/4 of fieetlon 11, T3]~ Rll 8W of the 6t~ ~.~.~ in Lincoln
Count, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point 660 ft. East t~om the SW corner of said NWl/4 SW1/4;
Thence ruraning S 86~ E, 164 ft. to a transformer location.
EASEMENT to include a strip of land 20 ft. in width running parallel with South bounda~ of
Together with all necess~ m~d re~onable ~ghts ofin~ess ~d e~ess and to excavate m~d refill
di(ches ~d ~ench for the location ~d repair of s~d facilities ~d to cut, ~im, or remove trees,
shrubbe~, ~dergr~wth or other obs~ctions interfering with the repair and mainten~ce of the
facilities. The Grantor ac~owlcdges that Elect~c ~d ma~etic Ficlds (EMF) ~e hat.ally
occ~ng ~ the dis~budon ofclcctrici~, ~d the Gr~tee has here notified Gr~tor ~hat EMF tcst~g
~d information is available upon request ~o~ the Gr~tee. The ~dersi~ed a~ees that all wires
~d other facilities, instal]ed on the above desc~bed lands at the Gr~tee's expense shall remain ~e
prope~y of the Grantee. removable at the option of thc Gr~tee. We hereby release ~d waive ali
ri ghts Under and by vi~ue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the said Sta~e.
W.ITNESS the h~d Of the Grantor. this /~ ~ Y~,4
day of ~ ~ _. 2001.
.BY: ~~
STAXe ov )
COUNTY OF ~ ~&~ )
The . ~oregoing instrument was ac~owledged before me by Robert Spicer
Y~ ¢*'~ ~ ~ of s'rONEBROOK ~AL ESTATE, INC.
{th~~ day of~ta~~~ 2001
I ,,~&~ Stacie k Har~s -"1 ' '
I [~& '. ~,~1 My Commission Expires [
~'~i~'"' A ri124. 2004
(~otaz Public)
My Con'missi°n Expires: M ~¢` 2001