HomeMy WebLinkAbout978721i 978721 10/7/2014 4:58 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $21.00 PAGE 1 OF 4 BOOK: 840 PAGE: 871 AGREEMENT JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 11111111 111111 IIII II I I I 11 111111 1111111111111111111 11 1111 1111111 1111111 FOREST ACCESS EASEMENT SB Star Valley, LLC, Grantor. of Lincoln County. Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration. in hand paid. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GRANT AND CONVEY•to the present and future owners of lots in The Ridges at Star Valley, a subdivision located in Lincoln County. Wyoming as said lots are laid out and described on the official plat of said subdivision in the Office of. the Lincoln County Clerk, Grantees, the following described non exclusive perpetual right -of -way and access easement for the following purposes: 1. PURPOSE OF EASEMENT. This easement is granted for the sole purpose of providing access across the hereinafter described easement to the national forest property located adjacent to said easement, including the right of ingress and egress over and across said easement. 2. CONDITIONS OF THIS EASEMENT. Thc conditions of this easement arc: a. Grantees may use the described easement for the sole purpose of access to the national forest properties located adjacent thereto. b. This easement is a non exclusive perpetual easement and the Grantors reserve the right to gram additional easements over the same described property, provided however, any additional casements shall not interfere with the rights granted to Grantees in this easement. c. Grantors reserve the right to use this easement for any and all uses that do not interfere with the rights granted herein. d. The forest access easement shall include the right to construct, maintain. improve, and repair trails or other related improvements necessary to effectuate said access and the Grantees shall be responsible for restoring the easement by receding any disturbed areas not actually used for the purpose of providing access. e. The within easement grant is intended to be an casement running with the land which it serves and shall be perpetual so long as it is used for forest access purposes. f. This easement is limited to the Grantees above described and is not intended to create any easement to the public or any governmental entity and is intended for the sole and exclusive use of providing forest access easement to the Grantees. 3. PROPERTY BENEFITTED BY EASEMENT. This easement is for the benefit of the following described property of Grantees in Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: All Tots located within The Ridges at Star Valley,, subdivision as said lots are laid out and described on the official plat of said subdivision located in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk 4. DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT. The easement is described as follows: That parcel of property as more fully described on Exhibits "A -1 and A -2 a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a pan hereof. 5. BINDING EFFECT. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the heirs, successors in interest, and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. provided however, that this easement is limited to the property as described in Paragraph 3 hereof. Grantor, SB By: Timothy Allred, Operating Man STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Timothy Allred, Operating Manager, SB Star Valley, LLC. this 5 day of_TUN 20I/ Witness my hand and official seal. STEPHANIE BARRUS NOTARY PUBLIC County of 3 State of Uncotn Wyoming N My Commisson Expires August 3, 2015 WHE EOF, 1 have set my hand as of this 3 day of 20I Valley, LLC ge nolmiscLILDN3uoapn R12231.30022 813. ReDDNIcrs122. 155 um nprRio,w 1572 unaanw s� 11.222a72mcmw to» SC0173.MODEL 1119 Rt°miam 15/15 YaRn =Na 37781 OftR,°,nNn3D ari5 =DM A =REEL R191No0mNo 6150 NAM F.SC/0ASE1 Sta. Pacha aalraa naW Na°R m11a 1Io. 17143 CFEDS Na 1117 xhibi} A I DESCRIPTION FOR S li STAR V.\ 1.I. EY. 1.LC KOREs r ACCESS E ASI:1I NT To -wit: An irregular strip of land over and across the S11'! 4SW!:1 of Section 28. T31 N RI I9W. Lincoln County. Wyoming. described as Ii+lloos: BEGINNING at a point on the south Tine of said SW! ISW!_. 889•- 181'- 26"1:. -197.96 feet. from the southwest corner therein: thence S89 00' -26 "E, 159.70 feet, along said south line, to an intersection with the south right-of-way line of Stonegatc Drive, the beginning of n non tangent circular curve to the right, whose radius bears N00 01' -44 "W: thence nonh%resterly. 238.19 feet. along the are of said cure. through a central angle of 97°- 2S' -‘17 with a radius or 1-1 (1.00 loci. and a chord bearing N4 1 2111.48 beet. tt) u point and teary said right ay line: thence S07 3T -14 "W, 156.77 feet. to the POINT OF BEGINNING: the BASE BEARING for this survey is the south line of the WA of Section 28, T3I R 1 19W. being S89 00' -26i '1:: RESERVING unto the Grantors. their heirs. successors and assigns a perpetual right of ingress and egress and utilities over. under. and across the above described Forest Access Easement: each "corner" found as described in the Comer Record tiled or to be tiled in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County: each "point" and "intersection" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCH1.RBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 or 11810". with appropriate details: all in accordance with the attached exhibit titled "EN111I31T TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR SI3 STAR VALLEY, LLC FOREST ACCESS EASEMENT WITHIN TI SECTION 28 T31N RI19W LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMIN 7s1a.,'•' as revised. 6 May 204 4 'rOMIt4O "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" CURVE" CENCIH DELTA RADIUS CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 269.04' 140118'07` 110.00' N82381914 206.82' C2 195.62' 140106 80.00' N62'39'19"4I 150.40' 03 157.04' 5179'02` 174.20' S2128'136"• 151.78' C4 129.99' 51'39'02" 144.20' S2128'0614 125.64' C5 102.95' 5r39'02' 114.20' 52128'06'W 99.50' C6 177.18' 74'35'54" 136.08' 532'56'32"W 164.93' C7 216.24' 74'35'54' 166.08' S3216'32'• 201.29' C8 255.30' 74'35'54' 196.08' 532'56'32"W 237.64' C9 153.57' 1613 482.86' 96823'06 W 152.92' C10 162.27' 20'31'50' 452.86' 56713'50 'W 161.41' C11 171.55' 231440 422.66' S65'52'25'W 170.38' C12 238.19' 9728'47 140.00' N41172114 210.48' C13 104.28' 42'40'38` 140.00' 668'37'56'W 101.89' 51/1 CURVE TABLE f41 0.41E 6W1 w! MAWAAIED 67:40-hr ev5A' c4 E 3 r 7. P J C01011117? I E• eftlf tgetlsaor__ SW1 /4SW1 /4 SB Star Valley, LLC 745 PR 413 Forest Access Easement gi S89130 26 PXhibit A- 2- S07'37'I4'W-f 756.77' S14'35'45W 109.51' LEGEND lndleate. a Comer Record find In the Waco of tho Clerk of Lincoln County. Indicates a 3/8' steel spike. found or of record. Indicates o 5/8" k 24' sleet reinforcing rod with 2' otumk um cap lne rib 'SURVEYOR cI4ERBEL LID P!S 5388 AF7DN 1YY, ed found or of r ecord. S Q Indicates a 5/8' x 24' steel refnforcfr gg rod with 2" aluminum SURVEYOR St 4D18F1 L10 PIS 11610 AFTON IVY, bet tht. survey. X Indleatos o catastotad position, no monument found or sot. tndfoatee a right --of -goy Una. indicates a centerline. Indicate. an easement. The Baal. of Soaring far Ulla survey U the south lino of the SWI /4 of Section 28, T3IN R119W, being S89 Na21 ,J 44.73' NOW )4( s lee STONEGA7EDRIVE Sixty (60) foot access and utility easement 8304' Ii7729'45E 81.14' 79.24' ali cl' 658.87' 1316.54' 5W1 /16 36.45 35.43 WI /16 EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR SB STAR VALLEY, LLC FOREST ACCESS EASEMENT WITHIN THE 5117/4SW1/4 SECTION 28 BMW LINCOLN LN COUNTY, WYOMING SCALE 1' 2OO' Copylghl 2913 by Surveyor Schabd L14 AO rights rammed SYJR f/BY4t7R LTA A QWL 1469 SWIMS BIDr H 5- p1L rrr J9L2 -1W' 8im mAf/gy 8? 122. CB�A 21 1 ALR'NE 8? es -12JI .Gal 5547 rr 122J FSYrir 7mv17 tae �n J2Le77 2 6 1.�