HomeMy WebLinkAbout978723978723 10/7/2014 5:00 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $96.00 PAGE 1 OF 29 BOOK: 840 PAGE: 885 AGREEMENT JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 111111111111111111111111111111 iii III 111 1111111 I II AGREEMENT TO AMEND AND REALIGN THE EASEMENT FOR THE UPPER NORTH SPRAGUE CREEK DRIVE This Agreement made and entered into by and between the Kennington Family Trust, dated 24, February 1993 (326 PR 151, 454 PR 584, 484 PR 219), Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust, dated 15 September 2003 (730 PR 349) as Grantors, and the Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February 1993 (326 PR 151, 441 PR 597, 454 PR 584, 484 PR 219), Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust, dated 15 September 2003 (730 PR 349), Fred Rainey and Marilyn K. Rainey (730 PR 346), Larry L. and Luana Kennington Family Trust, dated 27 August 1998 (422 PR 57), A.R. and Ruth Kennington (134 PR 666), Carolyn Sweeney Trust, dated 26 September 1997 and Janet K. Draney (400 PR 303), Kevan Kennington and Kathy Kennington, Kara Kennington, Kandice Anderson, Kallee Cook and Clayton Cook, Karlie Philpott and Garth Philpott, Kamron Kennington and Heidi Kennington, Kody Kennington and Malinda Kennington (731 PR 686), Justin P. Wilhite and Ashlee Wilhite (726 PR 221), Douglas Baldwin (716 PR 229), Jason W. Horsley Staci D. Horsley (724 PR 53), Cynthia Allred and Timothy Allred (708 PR 704), Sangam, LC (613 PR 802), the Robert and Lisa Family Trust, dated 3 July 2007 (693 PR 572), Kraig C. Dearden and Dee L. Harris (708 PR 770), Rolene Kennedy and EIdin Kennedy (613 PR 800), SB Star Valley, LLC (745 PR 413), Albert 0 Bendure and Jayne M Bendure (620 PR 55) and C.A. Fullmer Family, LLC (665 PR 681) as Grantees; do hereby agree as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the Grantors and Grantees agree as follows: 1. The above described Grantors are the owners of property more fully described on Exhibit "A", a copy of which is attached hereto and by this referenced made a part hereof: 2. The above referred to Grantees are the present property owners of property benefitting from that certain Easement/North Sprague Creek Drive as recorded in Book 441 PR 570 recorded in the Lincoln County Cler's Office on February 16, 2000, said easement being referred to herein after as the "Easement/North Sprague Creek Drive." 3. The Grantors and Grantees are desirous to amend the location of the roadway as describe in the "Easement/North Sprague Creek Drive" and to reestablish a new alignment for said easement. 4. The Grantees do hereby relinquish their right of ingress, egress and utilities over the road alignment as described in that certain Easement/North Sprague Creek Drive" as recorded on February 16, 2000 in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk at Book 441 PR 570. 5. That in exchange for the Grantees relinquishing their right of ingress, egress and utilities over the above described road alignment as set forth in the "Easement/North Sprague Creek Drive" the Grantors do hereby grant and convey to the Grantees an easement for the right of ingress, egress and utilities over the property as described on Exhibit "A", a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 6. The Grantors and Grantees acknowledge that portion of the road being relinquished is "all of that easement of revord in Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 570 lying and being situate within GLO Lot 3; SW1/4NE1 /4; S1/2NW1 /4 and NW1 /4SW1 /4 of Section 22, T31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming. This is the land from the red gate by the Dunn property westerly to the entrance of the Ridges at Star Valley." 7. The Grantos and Grantees acknowledge that all other provisions of the easement as set forth in the "Easement/North Sprague Creed Drive" as recorded on February 16, 2000 at 441 PR 570 are to remain in full force and effect and the only amendment to said easement is the realignment of the roadway with the relinquishment of their right of ingress, egress and utilities over the old road alignment and the establishment of the new road alignment as specified in Exhibit "A" hereto. 8. The parties acknowledge that this agreement shall be effective as of June 1, 2012, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereto set our hands as of the day of 2012 of Ingress, egress and utilities over the property as described on Exhibit "A a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 6. The Grantors and Grantees acknowledge that portion of the road being relinquished is "all of that easement of record in Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 570 Lying and being situate within GLO Lot 3; SW%NWA; SANW% and NWV,SW' of Section 22, T31N RI19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming. This is the land from the red gate by the Dunn property westerly to the entrance of the Ridges at Star Valley." 7. The Grantors and Grantees acknowledge that all other provisions of the easement as set forth in the "Easement/North Sprague Creek Drive" as recorded on February 16, 2000 at 441 PR 570 are to remain in full force and effect and the only amendment to said easement is the realignment of the roadway with the relinquishment of their right of ingress, egress and utilities over the old road alignment and the establishment of the new road alignment as specified in Exhibit "A" hereto. 8. The parties acknowledge that this agreement shall be effective as alma 1, 2012. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereto set our hands as of the $(D day of .7 IKi ,291211014 Grantors: Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February 1993 1 By: A.R. Kennington, -fah r Tru Ruth M. Kennington, rustee t STATE OF U I COUNTY OF PA, Vl S j SS. C Ba Itetiningion PDIO The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by A.R. Kennington, Jr. an Ruth M. Kennington, Trustees of the Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February 1993, this day of ,214 Witness my hand and official seal. Fred J Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust dated 15 September 2003 (730 PR 349) STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF By: Fred J. Fagergren, .Trustee Donne L. Fagcrgren, Trustee STATE OF UTAH NOTARY PUBLIC JESSICA RITCH COMMISSION #681785 j MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: a 12.17.2018 of ingress, egress and utilities over the property as described on Exhibit "A a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof 6. The Grantors and Grantees acknowledge that portion of the road being relinquished is "all of that easement of record in Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 570 lying and being situate within QLO Lot 3; SW' /.NB'/.; S%NW' and NW'SW'A of Section 22, T31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming. This is the land from the red gate by the Dann property westerly to the entrance of the Ridges at Star Valley." 7. The Grantors and Grantees acknowledge that all other provisions of the easement as set forth in the "Easement/North Sprague Creek Drive" as recorded on February 16, 2000 at 441 PR 570 are to remain in 8211 force and effect and the only amendment to said easement is the realignment of the roadway with the relinquishment of their right of ingress, egress and utilities over the old road alignment and the establishment of the new road alignment as specified in Exhibit "A" hereto. 8. The parties acknowledge that this agreement shall be effective as of lone 1, 2012. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereto set our hands as of the day of 2012. Grantors: Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February 1993 A.R. Karmington,.Tr. Trustee Ruth M. Kennington, Trustee STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by A.R. Kennington, Jr. and Ruth M. Kennington, Trustees of the Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February 1993, this day of 2012. Witness my band and official seal. Fred J Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust dated I5 S tember2003 (730 PR 349) I Fred Fag. STATE OF UII(JVf COUNTY OF SS. Notary Public L i/4Z_ O' Donna L. Fagecgren,'irustee 2 1400 an fvtlolmny �a9�, :n 1•1 NOTARY Brandon H u 583612 My Commission WWI I 07,21/2014 STATE OF UTAH Grantees: By The foregoing instnnnent was acknowledged before tae by Fred J. Fagergren and Donna 'Baste e s9' the Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L Fagergren Trust, dated 15, day of Kennington Family Must, dated 24 Febmary 1993 my hand and official A.R. Kennington, Jr: Trustee Rath M. Kennington, Trustee The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before ma by A.R. Kennington, Jr. and Ruth M. Kennington, Trustees oldie Kennington Family bast, dated 24 February 1993, this day of ,2012. Witness my hand and official seal Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust dated 15 September 2003 (730 PR 349) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Fred J Fagergren and Donna L. Fag r2 Trustees of the Fred J. p and Donna L Trust, dated 15, September r 200 03, Wi y of p NOTARY PUBLIq Brandon Howard Es my hand and official seal 583612 My Commission Expires 07/21,2014 STATE OF UTAH Fred Rainey STATE OF WYOMING )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN Witness my hand and official seal. 3 Notary Public Marilyn K. Rainey The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Fred Rainey this r day of 2012. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Fred J Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trustees of the Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust, dated 15, September 2003, this day of 2012. Grantees: Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February 1993 By: A.R. Kennington, Jr. TrtTee uth M. Kennington, tee gatrn n FOR The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by A. Kennin r. and M lien/Linton, Trustees of the Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February 1993, this 2 %J t7 fi O. r Out. o nfIlificPURIFilaliviTatusue 11; JESSICA RITCH s COMMISSION 691765 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 12.17.2016 1 ary Public e Witness my hand and official seal. Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust dated 15 September 2003 (730 PR 349) By: Witness my hand and official seal. Fred Rainey 3 Notary Public Fred J. Fagergren, Trustee Donna L. Fagergren, Trustee STATE OF )SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trustees of the Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust, dated 15, September 2003, this day of 2012. Notary Public Marilyn K. Rainey STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Fred Rainey this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L Fagergren Trustees of the Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust, dated 15, September 2003, this day of 2012. Grantees: Witness my hand and official seal. Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February 1993 By: A.R. Kennington, Jr. Trustee Ruth M. Kennington, Trustee The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by A.R. Kennington, Jr. and Ruth M. Kennington, Trustees of the Kennington Family Trust, dated 24 February. 1993, this day of 2012. F Witness my hand and official seal. Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trust dated 15 September 2003 (730 PR 349) By: Fred J. Fagergren, Trustee Donna L Fagergren, Trustee STATE OF COUNTY OF Ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L. Fagergren Trustees of the Fred J. Fagergren and Donna L Fagergren Trust, dated 15, September 2003, this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN 3 Notary Public Notary Public Thpforeegoing instrument was aclarowledged before me by Fred Rainey this day of Witness m y hand and o7liciai seal. Notawg on{nllowirlg 1V. 7ERRECE =DOWN NOTARY FU8l1C County of ?1''': State of ltncoln Wyiom!no MyComm It stun Expires July 2Z 2018 STATE OF O fn'alf 9" COUNTY OF Li AMY The fares.oin instrument was acknowledged day of ttSL 2010aD1u Lany L. and Luana T. Kennington Family T dated27August 1998 By: Larry L. Kennington, Trustee STATE OFWYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN before me by Marilyn K. Rainey this a Luana T. Kennington, Trustee The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Lany L. Kennington .and Luana T. Kennington, Trustees of the Lany L. and Luana T. Kennington Family 'bust dated 27 August, 1998. this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public A.R. Kennington, Jr. Ruth Kennington Carolyn Sweeney Trust dated 26 September 1997 By: Janet K. Draney Carolyn K. Sweeney, Trustee STATE OF COUNTY OF )SS. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Janet K. Draney, this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. STATE OF )SS. 4 Notary Public STATE OF )SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Marilyn K. Rainey this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Lamy G and'Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated 27 August 1998 STATE OF WYOMING )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me by Larry L Kennington and Luang T. Keaningto Trustees of the Larry L. and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated 27 August, 19 's of !I 2015.1 Wi r STEPHANIE BARRUS NOTARY PUBLIC essmy band and o County of fi�r State of Lincoln uy W My Commisson Expfr.3s August 3, 2 r jt,� A.R. Kennington, Jr. Carolyn Sweeney Trust dated 26 September 1997 By Janet K. Draney Carolyn K. Sweeney, Trustee STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Janet K. Draney, this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. STATE OF )SS. 4 Notary Public Notary Public Public Ruth Kennington Notary Public STATE OF )SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Marilyn K. Rainey this day of ,2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Larry L. and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated27August 1998 By: Larry L. Kennington, Trustee Luana T. Kennington, Trustee STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington, Trustees of the Larry L. and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated 27 August, 1998, this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. A.R. Kennington, Jr. Ruth Kennington Carolyn Sweeney Trust dated 26 September 1997 By: Janet K. Draney STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Janet K. Draney, this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. STATE OF )SS. Notary Public Notary Public Notary Public O i tiet e Carolyn K. Sween Trustee Notary Public 4 NofiGlAJ pntlUwlnl fa4e/ COUNTY OFc \nt..1,, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Carolyn K. Sweeney, Trustee of the Carolyn Sweeney Trust, dated 26 September 1997, this 5 day of 1/42A-A 2012. 'Zc-Wti Nancy Jo Nielson STATE OF COUNTY OF )SS. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Nancy Jo Nielson this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Justin P. Wilhite Ashlee Wilhite STATE OF COUNTY OF Douglas Baldwin )SS. Notary Public The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Justin P. Wilhite and Ashlee Wilhite this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. By: STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN 5 Notary Public The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Alan Lance Allred, Trustee of the Alan Lance Allred Revocable Trust dated 10 November 2003, this day of 2012. STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Marilyn K. Rainey this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Larry L. and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated 27 August 1998 Larry L. Kennington, Trustee Luana T. Kennington, Trustee STATE OF WYOMING )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington, Trustees of the Larry L. and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated 27 August,1998, this day of 2012. STATE OF Witness my hand and official seal. A.R. Kennington, Jr. Ruth Kennington Carolyn Sweeney Trust dated 26 September 1997 STATE OF Ild, top!'' COUNTY OF /.rife/q The foregoing inshumeat was acknowledged before me by Janet K. Draney, this 1! lett 4 Notary Public Notary Public Notary Public Carolyn K. Sweeney, Trustee Kevan Kennington Kathy Kennington BY: Kevan Kennington STATE OF COUNTY OF CI nccii x.■ Kara Kennington Witness my hand and official seal. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kevan Kennington and Kathy Kennington this /5 day of S,e 2014. Witness my hand and offic ce ial STEPHANIE BARRUS NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln f• Wyoming n Notary Public My Commis ;�gg� 3.2015 Y By: Kara Kennington STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kara Kennington this day of 2014. Notary Public Kevan Kennington Kathy Kennington Kevan Kennington STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kevan Kennington and Kathy Kennington this day of 2014. Witness my band and official seal. Kara Kennington STATE OF U-64\ COUNTY OF ci L Kathy Kennington Notary Public 6011 Notary Public State of Utah Comm. No. 654265 My Comm. Expos Mat 30.2016 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kara Kennington this 7_ day of 2014. Witness my hand and official seal. Kandice Anderson Kandice Anderson STATE OF Q COUNTY OF 011C,k The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kandice Anderson this /5 day of 2014. Witness my hand and official seal. Kallee Cook Clayton Cook By Kallee Cook Clayton Cook STATE OF COUNTY OF Witness my hand and official seal. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kallee Cook and Clayton Cook this day of 2014. Notary Public Kandice Anderson By: Kandice Anderson STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kandice Anderson this day of 2014. Witness my hand and official seal. Kallee Cook Clayton Cook B Kallee Cook STATE OF 1 0 COUNTY 04 /ra The foregoing I/5 day of Witness my hand and official seal. Clayton Cook Notary Public was acknowledged before me by Kallee Cook and Clayton Cook this C 2014. Notary Publi Karlie Philpott Garth Philpott STATE OF (1{ COUNTY OF r1Ct Garth Philpott The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Karlie Philpott and Garth Philpott this aq day of �`1.. 2014. Witness my hand and official seal. STEPHANIE BARRUS NOTARY PU t 111 .14.1i. 4 County of z State lo Lincoln Y wya Notary Public My Comm1Q! Expires Augast 3, 2015 Kamron Kennington Heidi Kennington BY: STATE OF Witne Kody Kennington Melinda Kennington 114-.h COUNTY OF V4141 d and official seal. ELIZABETH BEAN uonRr uc •sm1EOFUWw COMMISSION6 662353 COMM. EXP. 01-09-2017 STATE OF COUNTY OF Witness my hand and official seal. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kamron Kennington and Heidi Kennington this 2 day of Sip -rm64✓ 2014. Notary bl By: Kody Kennington Melinda Kennington The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kody Kennington and Melinda Kennington this day of 2014. Notary Public 4. Kamron Kennington Heidi Kennington By Kamron Kennington STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kamron Kennington and Heidi Kennington this day of 2014. Witness my hand and official seal. Kody Kennington Malinda Kennington STATE OF u1 COUNTY OF IN Witness my hand and official seal. Heidi Kennington Notary Public k \ktad1/4&.,AL I V:AA Malinda Kennington The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kody Kennington and Malinda Kennington this r day of f lf)t r, 2014. ASHLEY WOOLSEY Notary Public. Stateoflltah Commission 673837 COMM. EXP. 02.15.2018 E.1► }C Let otary lic COUNTY OF Nancy Jo Nielson The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Carolyn K. Sweeney, Trustee of the Carolyn Sweeney Trust, dated 26 September 1997, this day of 2012. STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Nancy Jo Nielson this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Jus Wilhite STA OF to 74 COUNTY OF DA V,f SS. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Justin P. Wilhite and Ashlee Wilhite this, day of 374 6" Witness m Douglas Baldwin ha [dal seal. Notay Public Francis Weah 605549 Commissio February 2, 201 Stets 'of Utah .Notary Public Ashice Wilhite STATE OF WYOMING )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Alan Lance Allred, Trustee of the Alan Lance Allred Revocable Trust dated 10 November 2003, this day of 2012. 5 COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Carolyn K. Sweeney, Trustee of' the Carolyn Sweeney Trust, dated 26 September 1997, this day of 2012. Allen Lee Nielson STATE OF COUNTY OF SS. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Allen Lee Nielson this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Justin P. Wilhite Ashlee Wilhite STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Justin P. Wilhite and Ashlee Wilhite this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Douglas Baldwin STATE OF WYOMING )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN Notary Public Notary Public The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ust�.of this ‘7), day of 2012. Nlniil►M nn hliifiAnntA Witness my hand and official seal. Jason W Staci D Horsley BY STATE OF )SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing inshument was acknowledged before me by United States ofAmedca, this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal.. Cynthia Allwa STATE OF WYOMING )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN Th oing in ment was acknowledged before me by Cynthia Allred and Timothy STEPHANIE BARRUS NOTARY PUBLIC Witness official seal. County of f State of Lincoln ~K:� Wyoming My Commisson Expires August 3, 2016 0 Allred Sangam, LC, a Utah limited liability company Witness my band and ofcial seal. The Robert and Lisa Family'Trust dated 3 July 2007 6 STEPHANIE BARRUS NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commisson Expires August 3, 2015 Notary Public fr.-4" Timothy Allred By: Operating Manager STATE OF )SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Operating Manager of Sangam, LC, a Utah limited liability company, this day of 2012. Notary Public Witness my hand and official seal. Jason W Staci D orsley STATE OF (e X..( )SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by United States ofAmerica, this day of 20k2. ditiffiaNSIE Comfy of r4g State of MY Commincul Expires August 3, 2015 Cynthia Allred STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Cynthia Allred and Timothy Allred this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Sangam, LC, a Utah limited liability company By: Operating Manager STATE OF )SS. COUNTY OF Notary Public Timothy Allred Notary Public Witness my hand and official seal. Jason W Steel D Horsley By: STATE OF COUNTY OF SS. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by United States ofAmerica, this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Cynthia Allred Timothy Allred STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Cynthia Allred and Timothy Allred this day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. Sangam, LC, a Utah limited liability company Operating Manager STATE OF Ct 1 SS. COUNTY OFL�nagl e) company, this The Robert and Lisa Family Trust dated 3 July 2007 6 Notary Public Notary Public Notary Public T he foreg In; instrument was acknowledged before me by Operating Manager f Sangam, LC, a Utah limited liability da STEPHANIE BABA S NOTAR P LIC s m hand and o r�� State of County of Uncoln Wyoming Commissof Expires August 3, Pub tc belt Reed Hammond, Trustee 'STATE OF SS. CouNTY o,l_ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Robert Reed Hammond and Lr' Mary Weiss Hammond Trustees of the Robert and Lisa Family Trust dated 3 July 2007, this 1 da of-N. 2 .ac,IJ{ COUNTY OF 1 1 info The forgoing msnment was acknowledged before me by Kraig C. Dearden and Dee L. Harris this Ji day of,* ht. 2012. Rolene Kennedy Eldin Kennedy STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF U i/110- The foregoing instrument was aciatowledged before me by Rolene Kennedy and Eldin Kennedy this et,ay of 'skw� 29}22 uVei MYCOI N EXPIRES JANUARrf 10, 2017 SB SiarValtey, EG a Utah limited liability Company STATE OF i 0(f 1 11 )SS. COUNTY OF l ,1 MI N) N bDfollowihq py.& flr Mary Weiss Hammond, Trustee DeeL D .14 ifizlicwo tA;1°1_ j\c A SZLNIeK Notary Public The fo instrument was acknowledged before me by Operating Manager of SB Star Paley, LLC, a Utah 7 limited liability co Witness m Albert Jayne M Bendure By: STATE OF SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Operating Manager of Custom Construction, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, this of 2012. Witness my band and official seal. C.A. Fulhner Family, LLC a Utah T liabil MEWS NOTARY PUBL C County of Slate of Lincoln My Commisson Expires A jd pang Fa prating Mena h d and officio seal. 8 Notary Public Public 2et2.aO/4 STATE OF L,11.( )SS. COUNTY OFJ The f opgoi @g instrument ackmowledged before e by (4'\ S }L) Operati was Manager of C,A. Fulimer Family, LL me a Utah limited Lability company, this day of ;A k1e... 1-20122014 STEPHANIE BARRUS NOTARY PUBUO County of State of Uncoln ::'r Wyom!ng My Commisson Expires August 3, 2015 Albert Bend Jayne M Bendure B• _.._._V.�•.� ayne M Bendure STATE OF Ng_ A/i. ,t&r) SS. COUNTY OF R420(1 1 Ip The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Albert Bendure and Jayne M Bendure this 11 day of Sep 204. Witness my hand and official seal. M9 Digress OFFICIAL SEAL Theresa S. M. Hindman NOTARY PUBLIC STATE or EW M CO Iktsetcl a ttiteRtgeanta lea MI useo Itegusto rrett exawem°a° a�a Regaftsib. aa RsetarOm Ma RegillatePla om ran wraaxe miaow. xrataaa.sa w w exam.a DESCRIPTION FOR NORTH SPRAGUE CREEK DRIVE —REVISED (2) To -wit: coPY A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width across the SW'.SW'A of Section 14, the SE %SE'/. of Section 15, and GLO Lots 3 and 4 of Section 22, T3 IN, RI19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being thirty (30) feet each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a point on the centerline of Bitter Creek County Road No. 12-140, S67°- 32 -I1"E, 490.62 feet front the northwest corner of said SW'SWI/,; thence S68 -43' -35"W, 30.00 feet to a point on the westerly right -of -way line of Bitter Creek County Road No. 12 -140 and the beginning of a circular curve to the right; thence northwesterly 58.76 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 71 32'-13", having a radius of47.06 feet, to a point; thence N39 44' -12 "W, 142.37 feet, along said centerline, to a point at the beginning of a circular curve to the left; thence northwesterly 101.71 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 50°- 40' 33 having a radius of 115.00 feet, to a point; thence S89 35' -15 "W, I91.83 feet to a point; thence N89°- 49' -22 "W, 226.17 feet to the point of beginning of a circular curve to the left; thence westerly and southerly, 226.12 feet, along said curve, through a central angle of 106 57'31 having a radius of 121.13 feet, to a point; thence S16 46' -53"B, 385.72 feet to the point of beginning of a circular curve to the right; thence southerly and westerly, 939.99 feet, along said curve, through a central angle of 71 °48'37 having a radius 0( 750.00 feet, to a point; thence S55 -01' -44"W, 488.60 feet to the point of beginning of a circular curve to the left; thence southwesterly, 121.20 feet, along said curve, through a central angle of 34 °43'21 having a radius of 200.00 feet, to a point; thence S20°-18'-23"W, 261.08 fat to the point of beginning of a circular curve to the right; thence southwesterly, 184.69 feet, along said curve, through a central angle of 35 °16'22 having a radius of 300.00 feet, to a point; thence S55 34'- 45"W, feet to a point; thence S63°-04'-39"W, 108.04 feet to a point on the east line ofsaid GLO Lot 3; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the SB'''h of Section 15, T31N, R119W, being N00°-41'-34"E; each "point" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBBL LTD AFTON WY PIS 5368 with appropriate details on each side line of said strip; each "comer" marked as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; WNW him `Modification In any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" Pal It Weld rao.RtgtirsaOmPh p4 WORN Ib IVO Nshatiopakalb. ft= Mau Pabskalb.114= fmARdfaba Inoktitr40o4.35E1 rei 1 DESCRIPTION FOR NORTH SPRAGUE CREEK DRIVE REVISED(2) PAGE TWO ail in accordance with that plat of record In the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, 'PLAT OF NORTH SPRAGUE CREEK DRIVE (AMENDED) WITHIN SECTIONS 14, 15, AND 22 T31N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated 13 October 1999 and revised 30 October 20 0 16 November 2010 Revised 9 October 2000 Revised 28 December 1999 Revised 11 October 1999 Modification M any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor