HomeMy WebLinkAbout978737Alter Recording Return to: Alliance TMte& Esca+ow Corp., 350 S. Washington, P. 0. Boa 1561, Afton 83110 For Further Delivery To: 'Kendall G. Brough and Currie H. Brough 187 E. 2nd North, Weston, ID 83286 Customer Reference No: ATEC Refisence No. 243564 Shumway Dated: 7 Kendall G. Brough 978737 10 /E :18 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES. 'L4.UU PAGE 1OF 5 BOOK: 841 PAGE: 40 MISC. PARTIAL RELEASE LAND RECORDS JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 1 IIIIIII IIIIII lhI 1111111111111 II I III IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IUII 11111111111111 ALLIANCE /MAI ESCROW CORD. PARTIAL SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Know all men, that the undersigned hereby certifies that a certain Mortgage executed by Joseph B. Shumway, Arit Shumway, Jody W. Shumway and RaNell Shumway, and recorded on August 29, 2014 as Instrument No. 978187, Book 838, Page 603, records of Lincoln County, WY, togethek with the debt thereby secured is satisfied and discharged AS TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, but remains in full force and effect as to all other property described in said mortgage. The lien of the undersigned AS TO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY is hereby released. See Exhibit A State of A. tin 1 r1 ss County of On this yi day of eWL,b..r 2014, before me, ki e42± jci \4 'r a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Kendall G. Brough, known or idefitedto me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public for the State of Residing at: Ni Commission Expires: I tI -1 Notary Public for the State of Residing at: Ac-to Commission Expires: la -1 1t. J State of ss w �1 -1rY1 W OFI Canty of f vi c o 1 v. On this 4 0,_ day of 1r' 2014, before me, eo, be a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Corrie H. Brough, known or identified to me t be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknovedged to me that he/she/they executed same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year inithis certificate first above written. 11. l� 1m Imo' HEATHER WARREN NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires December 15, 2014 HEATHER WARREN NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires December 15, 2014 italratalsonormas wu l.srama ry.oar.w wsaradrao labAblitsbola NCO w,aawowALcr MOM 9NERza I, 106111033 Rall jrasmn MOJAVE A. MOM Witt acasfeelli GIVOIROgoitalb at.ovpiesto>d. amore.= brow ScbsdAtIO. Atas.w v w,a mawIwf►uro It„mao.uao DESCRIPTION FOR JOSEPH B. SHUMWAY AND AR1T SHUMWAY AND JODY W. SHUMWAY AND RANELL SHUMWAY PARCEL F -2 ADJUSTED To -wit: That pan of the SE'/.SEY. of Section 14, T31N 11119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming. being pan of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 838 of Photostatic Records on page 600, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast comer of said SEKSE thence N00°-04'-22"E, 330.00 feet, along the cast line of said SE' /,SE%. to a point; thence S89 38' -44 "W, 365.00 feet, along a line parallel with the south line of said SE'/.SE' to a point; thence S00 04' -22 "W, 330.00 feet, along a line parallel with said east line, to a point on said south line; thence N89 38' -44 "E, 365.00 feet. along said south line, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 2.77 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the north Tine of the NW% of Section 14. T3IN RI 19W, being S89 43' -00 "W; TOGETHER WITH a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land. thirty (30) feet in width, with the easterly line described as follows: BEGINNING at the nonhcast cortex of the above described tram; thence N00 04' -22 "E, 358.94 feet. along the east line of said SE' %SE' to a point; the west line of the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create a continuous easement with a minimum width of thirty (30) feet to meet the north line of the above described tract; AND TOGETHER WITH the right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under and across the south thirty -two (32) Feet of the SW% of said Section 14. lying and being situate easterly of the Bitter Creek County Road No. 12 -140. of record in the said Office in Book 397 of Photostatic Records on page 750; AND TOGETHER WITH the right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under and across a strip of land thirty -two (32) feet in width, with the southerly line described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the SE% of Section 14; thence N89°-3W-44"E, 2295.98 feet, along the south line of said SE'% of Section 14. to the west line of the above described tract; the northerly and southerly right -of- -way lines of the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create a continuous and contiguous easement with a tninirmmt width of thirty -two (32) feet; wadi/cat' wadi/cation In any way of the foregoing des dptlon terminates K dlfyf'c8kri it f ''m°°" DESCRIPTION FOR JOSEPH B. SHUMWAY AND RIT SHUMWAY ANDSODY w. SHUMWAY AND RANELL SHUMWAY PARCEL F -2 ADJUSTED PAGE TWO each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office ol'the Clerk ot' Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT FOR JOSEPH B. SHUMWAY AND ARIT SlIUMWAY AND JODY W. SHUMWAY AND RANELL SHUMWAY WITHIN hE Sy4SWS4 SECTION 13 E54SE% SECTION 14 T3IN R1 19W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING dated 20 August 2014, as revised. 28 August 2014 h um" 'Meditation in any way of the foregoing desaiptlon terminates iligllti" 8fit1?hi1 ajo"goansits xci a ik ajitsw i ff m t s iz zv icri spam,Xf SWAM OVirUMMNIV Ma air4e0=0/ arldaraaMti I 4,4 aatteallitCAIl n-t2 itttra40 ardANIF 7 6 GMT arcxermetart29 4. 2 :1 PPYI 10 WI is I3� 4400321u u glsa71: mouvairomni i LMELY9,3 001 I .77P25 .5eSLaESILMtt .0 •unoto gaimitip 010 inn 0 w1 PalifP ,I011 404 SEPP4 Pial WIPP CM le ums wil VOI 614110.9 .raIndisioa polounrino 0 sunwano ui stri 01 una MPH 110 101 010 1011