HomeMy WebLinkAbout978743STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ss, 978743 10/9/2014 11:30 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $24.00 PAGE 1 OF 5 BOOK: 841 PAGE: 52 AFFIDAVIT JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 1111111 1111111 111111111111111111 III 11111D111111111111111111111 II II AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP I, ELLEN TIMMRECK, being first duly sworn, on oath depose and state that I make this Affidavit pursuant to W.S. 2 -9 -102, on behalf of myself, as a distributee, as hereinafter set forth, that I make the following statements in connection therewith: 1. I am the Affiant herein and am of adult age. 2. On May 25, 2004, ARCHIE CARL TIMMRECK passed away in Sandy, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, as is evidenced by the Certificate of Death attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. Decedent left Thomas Carl Timmreck as his surviving child. 4. At the time of Archie Carl Timmreck's death, he and his son, Thomas Carl Timmreck, jointly owned certain real property located at 260 East Main Street, Cokeville, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as evidenced by a Warranty Deed recorded on August 9, 1976 in Book 129PR Page 439, as No. 482328, and more particularly described as follows: The lots numbered sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty of the block numbered one in the Town of Cokeville, as the same appears of record on the maps and plats on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Ex- officio Register of Deeds in and for said County of Lincoln in the State of Wyoming. 5. At the time of Archie Carl Timmreck's death, said property passed to his son, Thomas Carl Timmreck. 6. On November 5, 2013, Thomas Carl Timmreck passed away in Pomona, Los Angeles County, California, as is evidenced by the Certificate of Death attached hereto as "Exhibit B" and incorporated herein by this reference. 7. Decedent left Ellen Timmreck as surviving spouse. By reason of the death of said Thomas Carl Timmreck, and by reason of W.S. 2 -9 -102, his interest and title in Affidavit of Survivorship (Timmreck) 1 of 2 said Warranty Deed has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested in Ellen Timmreck. 8. That an executed copy of this Affidavit is being presented to the transfer agent for the above listed assets in compliance with W.S. 2 -9 -102. DATED this 30 day of Sii(, -xdad 2014. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notarial Officer, by$I A tffEE DAW 1 &AR this day of 2014. My Commission Expires: J cO I g gee_ 0. j esteki oJ tr ss. ELLEN TIMMRECK r i ll NOTA Y PUBLIC Odcetev3 14 Affidavit of Survivorship (Timmreck) 2 of 2 APA01 /2008 ALL PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 State of California County of On k 3O ..e)/ L4 before me, DATE personally appeared c I P f uS hJntht_ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person S. D. MARQUEZ COMM. N 2063373 t YF M?r NO PUBLIC•CALIFORNIA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY .i or Mr Comm. Exr. APR. 28, 201Y TITLE(S) SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) KI INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER PARTNER(S) ATTORNEY -IN -FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN /CONSERVATOR OTHER: SS. whose name( 0aat subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatXfe /(i 'tliy executed the same in Iffs thei authorized capacity(i and that by Ws /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(4 acted, executed the instrument. 1 1 certify under PENALTY OF PERU ':Y under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is trace and correct WITNESS my hand and official seal. PLACE NOTARY SEAL IN ABOVE SPACE OPTIONAL INFORMATION The information below is optional. However, it may prove valuable and could prevent fraudulent attachment of this form to an unauthorized document. DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT sa dio c 7 r t 1•� TITLE OR TY RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER MBE OF DOCUMENT 3 OTHER F PAGES D A L 7 TE OF DOCUMENT III. 411►4111•• f 41111■ 41111. 411.-4111* e ttte.,c rialzvitz 4 i 1 0 i 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 0 1 1 1 NOTARY BONDS, SUPPLIES AND FORMS AT HTTP //WWW.VALLEY SIERRA.COM 02005 -2008 VALLEY SIERRA INSURANCE WW:DATE OF (acQber, YL) CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD ,EL7 1 41g IT" 177 'STATE 0 rf l 797703wxyArierrPAVP•wg.MISiftir7.7**v.ii43-••.*—.”,4-4•.•. .1' COUNTY OF LOS ANGE 20;f.AN'647 01'3'4:8.0146654 :a1cA;ACSO ISNowN A$- Tiiclede,Tu110A lFIRO.TrMJRREF, 4. DATE OF BIRTH m 06/15/•1 sy FoGN:boUiifiii :4u soCIi1L SECURITY NUM9E)i 13 :EDUCATION- Highasl le•ag0egme 10/15. WAS' OSCEDENTHISPANIC AATIFIOIFJ /SPANISH7. blkshuel:ydSpek)' kshaelon back) sea wo, :DOCTORATE �s N0 :1�i.11SNFl:b000PATION- :lype:aI worlc/nrmeal EL1ile; 00 NOT USE RETIRED PROFESSOR DECESFNT'S RESIDEN&E(SI,�a:9t: @Ad nliSlbdi, or IoG611Qh) .f;2214 F COUR:: 2jC0UNT%/P.9WINCE:: SAN BERNARDINO ::G.S: INFOjIMANT'S. NAME.RELATIONSHIP ;:ELLEN ?TIIVI.IVJR K, WIFE• DI. NAME OF FATHE8l0AB3NT -FIRST 'ARCHIE 3Fn:NAME OF.MOTHER/PAREN7 -FIRST JANON:E•" :Sigoe 7ea a 1 5 1 Ent U$ISO V Enter UAUSELYING 'CAUSE (disease or Nary that Imllal try events I% es0111F'g'Indealh)LAST 11 C:I CERD FY THAT TO THE GEST OF MY IINOIYLEDGE DEA1H OCCURRED AT T HE HOUR GATE, AND PLACE STATED FR0M THE CAUSES STATED. Alld(tded Since.... Decadent Last Sean Alio 00. NAME OF FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT :DICKEY MO.RTUARY2 '•10). PIpCE•AF DEATH d.: POMGNA VI TA CARE CENT ER'::. OD9 COUNTY. 1 1 05: F LocAlloNWHERI LOS:ANGELES,' 1651 N MAIN$TREEl. 107 CAUSE OF DEATH r Enter the CI oM I le d1 ee .kQud 5 a 9 RI aPB as canfec en 119393114 rest fed 11 le iA}M rA 1'Q L .EDFATE CAUSE N PICKS DEMENTIA._,. 1i5.{•CEnittillY MYVPINIDNDFATo ccunnEDAnii: Fl0UKD AlEffignACEgTATEDFROh mcAUSES:STATEO i bdmg nal C'o ba MANNER Of DEA7H Nalual� AccMenl Ham• ar5uklde, •.Invesligali o. ❑•deleiMdadr :1AST (F@M9v) TIMMREOK` Mtld /cagy 5. AGE Yrs. I lUNDER ONE YFTIT'� 67 Months I Days ;•I2,,),IARiTAI<STATUSr511DP' (el,Timael Duly MARRIED 1B. KIND OF BUSINESS OR NDUSTRY Ie.g., gmcerystore ,idad.cbnsWCtlon :eTnploj'1INhl ageriry:921!0.) PUBLIC EDUCATION LAG of :FINA CEMETERY BOX 9 206. CQ KEUILLE WY 83114'x:. 12t:INFORMANWANUNG1(013FIESSIBVsitil and410iiaOldfAliou a number, cIN:or,{civ''slato eriiLal' 2214 LAKE FOREST OURT;'S BERNARD NO, 01 ;9 r y atis �ra: Ilan: Ihel 4l h tau l s dda Ih DONDY I rI mlisal evaril ?suc I,. lOmnsho 101113l gy pO NDYABBREIMYE t.;.,Y., 147 wAS OIT.ERATION:BEAFORMEOFOR ANYCONDITION IN REM 107,.OF !IYFd nsrhflaic) ipara)N 01000 002466967 :1g :Iil- HOJ IF OTHER 'Hospital., SpE01PY,ONS. •irY. sDlw �I NumI DacedMilb H Home/LTC Home 109. BIOPSY PERFORME07 El YES N 0 L10:.AUTOFSY,.NERFDAMED7, 72_:OTHER StGNIFlCAF. MONDITIONS COKRIELLTIblEL.TO DEATH GUTNtir_RESULT IN :111 118. TYPE ATTENDING) PHYSICIAN'S NAME MAILING ADDRESS, ZIP CODE TIMOTHY. DAUWALDER D WEST 1ST STREET, #270, CLAREMONT, CA 91711 122.11OUA'. 24 Hours) 020, DESCRIBE 1)PY)N,IVHY OCV.VRRED)ENenlawhlch restyled In lAJuly) !•)gs.a IN.IWgr.(SIHel:md numser.P..r 000)Idncand city, and TI rc,Y,O',(4409?' 9 3C'id$P:: 0 0: 0 f 0Y y4'ifditC7A •A1 WY IMYSLT(4'YT,OISOU6`p )ISF 4