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Work Order fit 53273 -- .
Secti°n 7, T34N, RII8W ~ 7 7 ~ r~ 6 i.i i ~.~' :~.
E A S E i~ E N T '.~/:.: d"' ....
That WE, the undersigned, EUGENE A. ROOT & VE~ B. ROOT, husbaud & wife,
("Grantor"), for a good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do
hereby grant, convey and warrant unto Lower Valley Power & Light, Inc., a Cooperative
Corporation, of A~on and Jackson, Wyoming and t° its successors and assigns, ("~antees"), a
perpetual easement and right of way for the construction and continued maintenance, repair,
alteration and replacement of the electric distribution circuits, lines and equipment of the ~antee to
be constructed and maintained under, upon and across the premises of Grantor in LINCOLN
County, State of WYOM~G, along a line described as follows, to wit:
]~ING that part of Lot 3 (NWl/4 SW1/4), Section 7, Tb4N, ~ll~W, Lincoln Coimty,
Wyoming, identical with the North 1/2 of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of
Lincoln County ia Book 214 of photostatic records on page 313, more particularly described
as follows:
gEG~G at a 5/8" x .12" ~teel spike, South, the base bearing for tbi~ ~u~ey, 24.0 feet, from
the West one-quarter corner of ~aid Section 7, a~ described in the Certified Land 6orner
~ecordation Certificate of Eecord in the said O~ce;
Thence continuing Sonth, 145.2 feet, to ~ 5/8" x 12" steel spike;
Thellce S 90°-00'~, 30.0 feet, to ~ point on the East night-of-Way of Muddy String County
Road No. 12-117 and trne point of beginning.
Thence N 55° E~ 48 feet to a point and transformer lotation,
Thence N 3° E, 48 feet to a point,
Thence N 86° E, 14 feet to a point and meter location.
~nSEM~NT to include 10 feet on each ~ide of described li~e.
Together with all necessa~ and reasonable rights of ingress and egress and ta'~,excavate and refill
ditches and trenches Cor the location and repair of said facilities and to cut, trim, Or remove trees,
shrubbe~} undergro~h Or other obstructions interfering with the repair and maintenance of the
facilities. The Grantor ac~owledges that Electric and magnetic Fields (E~) are naturally occurring
in the distribution of electricity, and the Grantee has here notified Grantor that E~ testing and
information is available upon request from the Grantee. The undersigned agrees that all wires and
other facilities, installed on the above described lands at the ~antee's expense shall remain the
prope~y of the ~antee, removable at the option of the Grantee. We hereby release and waive all
rights under and by vi~ue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the said State.
WI SS the hand ofthe Grantor, this E~ day of ~d/pJer , 1997.
Euge~. Root
Vera Bo Root
STATE OF ~ F~ ~.//A) ~-~ )
COUNTY OF J-./~ (2~/.,~ )
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by:
this ~-~ day of ~~er7' , 1997.
:~ Co..,v of ~([~tt~ s,~t~ of ~ (Notary Public)
My Commission E×pires: