HomeMy WebLinkAbout978898S ff lor NOTA .'1.7:UBLI WITN BOO �c I PR 1- A67, t- o I Claim No. (F12) NOTICE OF LOCATION NOTICE 1S HEREBY 01VEN, that the undersigned located and now claims Fifteen Hundred (1500) feet in length along this vein or lode containing, valuable minerals, together with Three Hundred (300) feet in width on each side of the middle of said vein at the surface, and all veins, lodes, mineral and surface ground within the lines of this claim, the general course of said vein or lode nn ring 250 Feet Northerly and 1250 feet Southerly from the discovery monument on which this claim is posted. This claim is in the Hobble Creek Mining District, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming situated on the South side of Ferney Gulch in the North end of Sec. 12, T27 N. R. 117 '/2 W. located by Wesley Ward and is marked on the ground as follows: Beginning 250 feet North of the discovery monument, at the North end center monument, and running thence West 500 300 feet to Northwest corner monument No. I; thence South 1500 feet to Southwest corner monument No. 2; thence East 500 300 feet and parallel to the North end line to the South end center monument; thence East 100 300 feet and parallel to said end line to Southeast Corner monument No. 3; thence North 1500 feet to Northeast Corner monument No. 4; thence West 100 300 feet to place of beginning including all dips, spurs, angles and variations. The North border line of this claim no. (F 12) joins parallel with the east border line of claim no. (F10). THE ABOVE DESCRIBED MINING CLAIM IS NAMED "FERNEY" LOCATED THIS 11-IL DAY OF OCTOBER, 2014 STATE OF WYOMING SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME BY WESLEY WARD, JALENE WARD, TORY BERGER THIS 17th day of October, 2014 HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL CHRISTY MISPLAY NOTARY PUBLIC (-5: State of County of Lincoln My Commission Expires Wyoming 11 11 NAME OF LOCATORS 978898 10/17/2014 5:08 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: 512.00 PAGE 1 OF 1 BOOK: 841 PAGE: 608 LOCATION NOTICE JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 11 111 I 11