HomeMy WebLinkAbout87756600/11/200! 1§.'03 FAX 307 888 5787 LOWER VALLEY ENERGy 1~]003
Member #
'WO~ 15163 & 151 64
Section 22, T35N, Rll9W ~, [:...~
That WE, the undersized, TA~ M. MATKO, ("~antor"), for a
consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby ~ant,
convey and
unto Lower Valley Energy, a Cooperative Co~orafion, ofA~on ~d Jac~on, Wyoming ~d to its
successors ~d assi~, ("Grantees"), a p~e~al easement and ~t of way for the cons~ction ~d
cont~ued m.~nten~ce, repair, alteration and replacement of the elect~c dis~butioncircuits, lines
m~d eq~pment of~e Gmtee to be constructed ~d maintained ~der, upon ~d across the pre~ses
of Grantor ~ LINCOLN Co~, State of ~O~NG along a line described as follows, to wit:
BEING a portion of ~e SE1/48Wl/4'of Section 22, T35N, R119W, Lincoln C0un~, Wyoming
more particularly described as follows:
COMMENCING at a point being the SE corner of the SE1/4SW1/4 of said',Seetion 22
Thence N 00~1.2'39,, E, 263 ~. to true point of beginning. }-,},/~'/,] ~ g~ ix:, ;;/ .-....r '
Thence N 00012'39" E, 221 ft. to a point. ". ~
EASEME~' to ~elude a strip of land 20 ft. in width running parallel with East line of the
SE1/4SWl/4 of said Section 22.
Together with all necess~ ~d re.enable fights of in.ess ~ad e~ess and to 'excavate and refill
ditches ~d ~ench for the location and rep~r of s~d facilities and to cut, thru, or remove trees,
s~bbex~, ~dergro~th or other obs~ctions inteffe~ng with ~e repair and maintenance of the
f~ilities. The Grantor ac~owledges that Elec~c ~d malefic Fields (EMF) are naturally
occt~ng in the distHbution ofel~ci~, ~d the ~tec has here notified Grantor ~at E~ testing
/ ~d information is available upon r~uest ~om the ~r~tee. The undersigned a~ees that all wires
~d other facilities, ~talled on ~e above deschbed 1~ at the ~tee's expose shall remain the
prop~ of the Grantee, removable at the option of~e' Gr~tee. We hereby rele~e and waive all
_ h~ts ~der ~d by ~aue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of ~e said State.
~TNESS the h~d of the Grater, this 1 lth day of S~tmb~, 2001.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Tan~ny
this~) day of ~¥/ ,2001.
Witness my h~d ~d official seal