HomeMy WebLinkAbout979371Ord 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111011111 II 1 11111111111 979371 11/19/2014 10:56 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 843 PAGE: 575 MTG, RELEASE OF JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE *Stephen W. Hofheimer and Judith I. Hofheimer, Trustees of rNo.:239740 the Stephen and Judith Hofheimer 1996 Trust Kn s w all men, that the undersigned hereby certifies that a certain Mortgage executed by W! and recorded on as Instrument No *records of Lin. oln County, WY, together with the debt thereby secured is fully paid, satisfied and disc arged. *August 28, 2014 *978156 The lien of the undersigned as to the following described property is hereby released. The Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter of Section 30 and the Northeast Quarter Northwest Qu. er, Northwest Quarter Northeast Quarter and portions of the Southeast Quarter Northwest Qu, er, the Southwest Quarter Northeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter Northeast Quarter of Sec n on 31, Township 34 North, Range 118 West, 6th P.M., located West of Bedford, Lincoln Cou ty, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: BE INNING at the Northeast corner of said Section 31, being a BLM type monument found Ioca ed at or near the Southeast corner of the Bedford Cemetery; thence running South 0°13' We along the East line of said Section 31, 741.81 feet to its intersection with the centerline of the trawberry Creek County Road No. 12 -126, said intersection being in a non tangent 2 Degree cu to the right having a radius of 2864.789 feet, a tangent to said curve at said point bearing Sou 27 °19'11" West; thence running Southwesterly, along said curve and said centerline thro gh a central angle of 14°16'13" an arc distance of 713.514 feet to the South line of said No 1 east Quarter Northeast Quarter, a tangent to said curve at said point bearing South 41° 5'24" West; thence North 89 °51'22" West 915.73 feet to the Northeast 1/16 corner of said Sect on 31; thence South 0 °02'34" West 709.76 feet to the centerline of said County Road 12- 126, also located on a non tangent 2 Degree curve to the left, having a radius of 2864.789 feet, a tangent to said curve at said point bearing South 62 °00'29" West; thence running Southwesterly, alon: last said curve through a central angle of 9 °28'34" an arc distance of 473.806 feet to its poin of tangency with a line; thence South 52°3 P55" West, along last said line, 145.46 feet to a tangent 19 Degree curve to the right having a radius of 301.557 feet; thence running Westerly alon said curve and said centerline through a central angle of 63 °43'00" an arc distance of 335. 1 feet to a tangent line; thence North 63 °45'55" West, along last said fine, 202.64 feet to a tang nt 3 Degree curve to the left having a radius of 1909.859 feet; thence running Westerly alon last said curve through a central angle of 20 °26'00" an arc distance of 681.111 feet to a tang nt line; thence North 84 °11'05" West, along last said curve, 107.32 feet to a tangent 4 De y ee curve to the left having a radius of 1432.394 feet; thence running Westerly along last said cury through a central angle of 1 °54'12" an arc distance of 47.583 feet to a point in said curve and aid centerline; thence leaving said curve and said centerline and running North 3 °55'06" We 29.68 feet to an Iron Pipe found marking the Southeast corner of a 4.923 acre tract of land desc ibed as the EXCEPTION from Deed No. 585174 and more particularly surveyed, described and e corners marked by Iron Pipes near to existing fence lines by Lloyd B. Baker in 1983; then e Northerly, Westerly and Southerly along the existing marked boundary of last said tract the i!lowing courses and distances: North 3 °22'36" West 198.56 feet; North 62 °59'19" West 322. 6 feet, South 64 °30'48" West 329.88 feet, North 87 °10'34" West 170.35 feet; thence running Nort 0 °35'12" East along a fence line, 559.72 feet to the South line of the Northeast Quarter Nort west Quarter of said Section 31; thence North 89 °50'36" West along last said South line Dat 36. 0 feet to the Northwest 1/16 corner of said Section 31; thence continuing, North 0 °08'30" Eas along the West line of the Northeast Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 31, 1321.50 feet o the Southwest corner of first said Southeast Quarter Southwest quarter of Section 30; the e running North 0 °07'01" West, along the West line of last said Southeast Quarter Sou hwest Quarter, 1315.32 feet to the Southwest 1/16 corner of said Section 30; thence running No h 89 °53'50" East, along the North line of last said Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter, 129 .485 feet, more or less, to the Center South 1/16 corner of said Section 30; thence running Sou h 0 °0427" West along the East line of last said Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter, 131 .796 feet to the Quarter Corner common to said Sections 30 and 31; thence running South 89° 8'42 East, along the line common to said Sections 30 and 31, 1319.67 feet; thence South 89° 8'42" East, continuing along last said common line, 1320.17 feet to the Point of Beginning. d: q Hw2 State of d -kli,l wa.. ss Cou my of 3aL In On this v. day of e labc f 2014, before me, 7 C a Nc tary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Margaret Menge Winston, known or identified to me to be the Manager in the Limited Liability Company known as WIN 4, LLC who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in said LLC name. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. t C (Ida Jen v,& -ei Notary Public for the State of W 4,t'3tAvt(t. Residing at: 5017 lA5 Corr mission Expires: 'M .p iq JENNIFER C. REID i\IOTARY PUBLIC Transylvania County, North Carolina My Commission Expires November 2, 2014 111