HomeMy WebLinkAbout979439STATE OF ARIZONA COUNTY OF Or Brenda A. Braswell, being of lawful age and being first duly sworn according to law, on oath deposes and states: 1. J.D. Braswell and Brenda A. Braswell created the Braswell Living Trust dated November 20, 2006. Said Trust appointed J.D. Braswell and Brenda A. Braswell as the initial trustees of the Trust. 2. By Quitclaim Deed dated December 12, 2006, J.D. Braswell and Brenda A. Braswell, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the Braswell Living Trust, dated November 20, 2006, became the owners of certain real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: Said Quitclaim deed was recorded in Book 645, at page 323 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk, Kemmerer, Wyoming, on January 3, 2007. 3. J.D. Braswell died on August 25, 2013, at Pima County, Arizona. Attached hereto is a certified copy of the Death Certificate of J.D. Braswell. 4. Pursuant to Article Three, Section 4. of the Braswell Living Trust dated November 20, 2006, Brenda A. Braswell, became the sole trustee of the Braswell Living Trust dated November 20, 2006, upon the death of J.D. Braswell. 5. This Affidavit is made pursuant to Wyoming Statute §34 -2 -123 for the purpose of establishing that, following the death of J.D. Braswell, Brenda A. Braswell is lawfully serving as the sole trustee of the Braswell Living Trust dated November 20, 2006, with the power to convey and distribute the property of the Trust according to its terms. 1 i Brenda A. Braswell The above and foregoing Affidavit CccesOon was subscribed and sworn to before me by Brenda A. Braswell this Z day of 2014. My Commission expires: i0- 20 15 ss. Witness my hand and official seal. 979439 11/21/2014 12:53 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 843 PAGE: 765 AFFIDAVIT JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 1IIIIIII HIII II I IIIIII IIII II II1III IIII IIIII II ll IIIII 11111 IIII II1III IIII III AFFIDAVIT OF SUCCESSION OF TRUSTEE Lot 107 in Star Valley Ranch Plat Eighteen (18) as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Notary Pu OFFICIAL SEAL SUSAN M. KELLNER NOTARY PUBLIC-ARIZONA PIMA COUNTY My Comm. Exp. Aug. 10, 2015 CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD u';. 'STA E OF ARIZONA OF HEALTH•SERVICES OFFICE OF- RECORD CERTIFICATE OF DEATH _State FIIe�IN� 01✓DECEDPN17SMEOAL NAMEjFIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) y, q ilt J BRASWELL.JR SOCIAL"SECURITY.NUMBER:'<' ;.12 PLACE OF DEATkf HOSPITAL INPAZIENT 0 E R /OUTPATIENT DEAD, ON ARRIVAL" 25 WAS; :DECEDENTOF HISPANIC 'ORIGIN? NO NOT •SPANISH. HISPANIC OR LATINO -fl YES, MEXICAN MEXICAN AMERICAN, CHICANO YES PUERTO RICAN -0 YES CUBAN YES OTHER (SPECIFY) •DUE TO OR'AS`A''`- CONSEOUENCE-OF:'. 6.DATEOFBIRTH 07/20/1921 13. P„ CE OF DEATH OTHER THAN HOSPITAL: 0 CARE LOT E OR LONG TERM. RESIDENCE 0 HOSPICE FACILITY 14: •FACILITYNAME(OR-STREETADDRESS IF NOT A FACILITY): 26600 HWY 831 15 CITY TOWN -ZIP CODE,OR LOCATION OF DEATH: OREATERVILLE 85637 29 FATHERS NC1�E'(FIRST IMID J.D BRASWELL 31 INFORMANT S NAME BRENDA ANIJ BRASW 18. MARITAL STATUS -AT TIME OF? DEATH: MARRIED 21. CITY AND COUNTY: GREATERVILLE, PIMA 26; DECEDENT'S RACE(S) WHITE, ❑'BLACK, AFRICAN AMERICAN NATIVE HAWAIIAN ❑!'ASIAN INDIAN CHINESE FILIPINO f JAFANl E SE GUAMANIAN OR' CHORRO k OREAN 1 1/IETNAMESE SAMOAN rs e ❑-4MERICAN_INDIAN900SI NAfI OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER 3b'MOTHER'S NAME>(WRST'MIP COLLEYEnMARY EVANS qLE LAST NAME PRIOR TO FIRST MARRIAGE 34 NAMEANDADDRESS OE FUNERA HATFIELD FUNERAL HOME 830 SOUTH,FtGHWAY IS E RA�;V UNDERAIYEAR id 8. MONT 23 ZIRrCODE 1456 MOM m iT:� wry- 37 METHOD(S) OF DISPOSITION CREMATION' i; l ;il;U' 38; NAME AND ,LOcATION;OF 1st DISp„ SITION` VISTA MOUNTAIN.CREMATOR `SIERRA: A I i i iJ I I r t ESPIRATORY ARREST 39 ;NAME AND'LOCATION 2nd DISPOSITION FACILIT METASTATIC PROSTATE CANCER DUE .TO,OR:ASA 46:D CONSEQUENCE OF: 481 OTHER• SIGNIFICANTCONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO DEATH BUT NOT RESULTING SIN THE If DERgING C'A1) ES,OWEN ABOVE I DIABETES, CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Egi urse Practitioner /Physician's Assistant To the best of my knowledge death Dgcurred due_to the.cause(s) and manner stated. o Medical _Examinel law Enforcement Authonty ,'On the basis!of examination and/or investigationi•in my opinion death•occurred at,th9 date and place; ani due to :the cause(s)`and manner stated: Meaexuaropiromt,gatio ,NDMANNERIO ,i 49INJURY 50 INJURY NO NO 53 WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFOPMED7 55. OF PERSON; OF pEATH: IM P. MARTINEZ,:M.D. tV) Io, k,VrlfiVfkitlli 524reg. p ATF{ 14 da Ja ii 9 4 P :rl�rlill'L'oI Sp.MANNE OFj'pE/ i,4 r yh l r NATURAL'IOEATFI''`.'I �g20 IJ!f 54 WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE,. �s,: 57 CERTIFIER S ADDRESS R =�j 6236 E'PIMA ST TUCSON, AZ 85712 -3020 8: NAME.OF REGISTRAR: AUDREY ROGERS' UNDER.I.DAY' ADDtTIONAt 27 IF AMERICAN INDIAN'OR AIASKA SPECIFY.UP704TR1.11E$ PRIMARY,01 ENROLLED CRIBS OaMA T S' MAILI G gQP,Fs SONOITA,'ARIZONA 85 45APPROXIMATE INTERVAL This'is a true certihcation'ofthe fact on file with the OF OF VITAL RECORDS :1 i KHALEEL I jl1SSAINI ARIZON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES, PHOENIX, ARIZONA A SISTANTISTATE REGISTRA Re vi t ed 12/2012" This copy not valid unless, prepared on a form displaying the State Seal and impressed with the raised seal of the Issuing agerie ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE VOIDS THIS DOCUMENT Arizona Department of Health Services